13.11.2001. -
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1995. - 1998.
Poslijediplomski studij iz Kliničke imunologije
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1983. - 1991.
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Radno iskustvo
07.03.2017. -
redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
21.02.2012. - 06.03.2017.
redoviti profesor
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2006. - 2012.
izvanredni profesor
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2003. - 2006.
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2002. - 2003.
viši asistent
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1999. - 2002.
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1997. - 1999.
stručni suradnik
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1995. - 1997.
znanstveni novak
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1992. - 1993.
Dom zdravlja Rijeka
Nagrade i priznanja
Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za ak. god. 2010./2011. u kategoriji znanstvenik, područje biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Godišnja državna nagrada za značajno znanstveno otkriće
Nagrada Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci najboljem mladom znanstveniku
2010. -
Hrvatsko Imunološko Društvo (član Malog vijeća)
2008. -
Povjerenstvo za znanstveno-istraživačku djelatnost Medicinskog fakulteta
2007. - 2014.
Fond „Jedinstvo uz pomoć znanja“ (član Povjerenstva za upravljanje)
2002. -
Hrvatsko Društvo za Laboratorijske Životinje (član)
2000. -
Hrvatsko Imunološko Društvo (član)
Nastavna djelatnost
2020. -
Urođena imunost
Doktorska škola „Biomedicina i zdravstvo“ – studijski program „Biomedicina“
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2020. -
Patogeneza virusa I
Doktorska škola „Biomedicina i zdravstvo“ – studijski program „Biomedicina“
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2020. -
Patogeneza virusa II
Doktorska škola „Biomedicina i zdravstvo“ – studijski program „Biomedicina“
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2006. -
Imunost na viruse
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2006. -
Kongenitalne virusne infekcije
Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski studij Medicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2006. -
Kultura stanica
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2003. - 2006.
Kongenitalne virusne infekcije
Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski studij Medicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1998. - 2006.
Kultura stanica
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1996. -
Histologija s embriologijom
Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski studij Dentalna Medicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1996. -
Histologija i embriologija
Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski studij Medicina
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
1995. - 1996.
Fiziologija, Patofiziologija, Imunologija
Medicina i Stomatologija
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Mentor u završnim radovima
2013. -
Detekcija mišjeg citomegalovirusa u organima inficiranih miševa metodom virusnih čistina
Ivana Špehar
Medicinsko-laboratorijska dijagnostika
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2011. -
Proizvodnja i karakterizacija delecijske mutante MC96.54 mišjeg citomegalovirusa
Dijana Rumora
Medicinsko-laboratorijska dijagnostika
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Osobni razvoj
1998. -
John Humphrey Course “Effector Functions of Immune Cells”
1996. -
International Summer School on “Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease”
2007. -
„Monoklonska protutijela” u „Metode u molekularnoj biologiji”
Financiranje: Institut Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb
Znanstvena djelatnost
Znanstveni radovi
Perinatal murine cytomegalovirus infection reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells
Rožmanić, Carmen; Lisnić, Berislav; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Mihalić, Andrea; Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Indenbirken, Daniela; Viduka, Ina; Šantić, Marina; Adler, Barbara; Yokoyama, Wayne M; Krmpotić, Astrid; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Nature Communications - 14 6412
Two murine cytomegalovirus microRNAs target the major viral immediate early 3 gene
Herb, Stefanie; Zeleznjak, Jelena; Hennig, Thomas; L'Hernault, Anne; Lodha, Manivel; Jürges, Christopher; Trsan, Tihana; Juranic Lisnic, Vanda; Jonjic, Stipan; Erhard, Florian; Krmpotic, Astrid; Dölken, Lars
Journal of General Virology - 103
ChAdOx1-S adenoviral vector vaccine applied intranasally elicits superior mucosal immunity compared to the intramuscular route of vaccination
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Materljan, Jelena; Šustić, Marko; Ravlić, Sanda; Ružić, Tina; Lisnić, Berislav; Miklić, Karmela; Brizić, Ilija; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Halassy, Beata; Rončević, Dobrica; Knežević, Zdravka; Štefan, Leo; Bertoglio, Federico; Schubert, Maren; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Markotić, Alemka; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
European Journal of Immunology
MCMV-based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination
Kim, Yeonsu; Zheng, Xiaoyan; Eschke, Kathrin; Chaudhry, M Zeeshan; Bertoglio, Federico; Tomić, Adriana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hoffmann, Markus; Bar-On, Yotam; Boehme, Julia;
Cellular and Molecular Immunology - 19 234-244
CD8 T Cell Vaccines and a Cytomegalovirus-Based Vector Approach.
Šustić, Marko; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Life (Basel) - 11 1097
Memory CD8 T cells generated by cytomegalovirus vaccine vector expressing NKG2D ligand have effector-like phenotype and distinct functional features
Šustić, Marko; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Lisnić, Berislav; Materljan, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Rožmanić, Carmen; Indenbirken, Daniela; Hiršl, Lea; Busch, Dirk; Brizić, Ilija; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Frontiers in Immunology - 12 681380
Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility
Tomac, Jelena; Mazor, Marija; Lisnić, Berislav; Golemac, Mijo; Kveštak, Daria; Bralić, Marina;, Bilić Zulle, Lidija; Brinkmann, Melanie; Dölken, Lars; Reinert, Line; Paludan, Soren; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda
Immunity - 54 1478-1493.e6
NK/ILC1 cells mediate neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection.
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić B, Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Brizić, Ilija; Indenbirken, Daniela; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Bernardini, Giovanni; Krstanović, Fran; Rožmanić, Carmen; Grundhoff, Adam; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 218 e20201503
Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on antigen presenting cells disabling T cell co-stimulation and contributing to immune evasion
Angulo, Guillem; Zeleznjak, Jelena; Martínez-Vicente, Pablo; Puñet-Ortiz, Joan; Hengel, Hartmut; Messerle, Martin; Oxenius, Annette; Jonjic, Stipan; Krmpotic, Astrid; Engel, Pablo; Angulo, Ana
Elife - e59350
Cytomegalovirus protein m154 perturbs the adaptor protein-1 compartment mediating broad-spectrum immune evasion
Geljic, Ivana Strazic; Brlic, Paola Kucan; Angulo, Guillem; Brizic, Ilija; Lisnic, Berislav; Jenus, Tina; Lisnic, Vanda Juranic; Pietri, Gian Pietro; Engel, Pablo; Kaynan, Noa;
Elife - 9
Mouse Cytomegalovirus m153 Protein Stabilizes Expression of the Inhibitory NKR-P1B Ligand Clr-b
Aguilar, Oscar A; Sampaio, Isabella S; Rahim, Mir Munir A; Samaniego, Jackeline D; Tilahun, Mulualem E; Krishnamoorthy, Mithunah; Popovic, Branka; Babic, Marina; Krmpotic, Astrid; Treanor, Bebhinn; Margulies, David H; Allan, David SJ; Makrigiannis, Andrew P; Jonjic, Stipan; Carlyle, James R.
Journal of Virology - 94
Mucosal CD8+ T cell responses induced by an MCMV based vaccine vector confer protection against influenza challenge
Zheng, Xiaoyan; Oduro, Jennifer D; Boehme, Julia D; Borkner, Lisa; Ebensen, Thomas; Heise, Ulrike; Gereke, Marcus; Pils, Marina C; Krmpotic, Astrid; Guzman, Carlos A; Bruder, Dunja; Cicin-Sain, Luka
PLOS Pathogens - 15 e1008036
The complex of MCMV proteins and MHC class I evades NK cell control and drives the evolution of virus-specific activating Ly49 receptors
Zeleznjak, Jelena; Lisnic Juranic, Vanda; Popovic, Branka; Lisnic, Berislav; Babic, Marina; Halenius, Anne; L'Hernault, Anne; Rovis Lenac, Tihana; Hengel, Hartmut; Erhard, Florian; Redwood, Alec J; Vidal, Silvia M; Doelken, Lars; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 216 1809-1827
CD4 T cells are required for maintenance of CD8 TRM cells and virus control in the brain of MCMV-infected newborn mice
Brizic, Ilija; Hirsl, Lea; Sustic, Marko; Golemac, Mijo; Britt, William J; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan
Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 208 487-494
Q2 Q3
Role of antibodies in confining cytomegalovirus after reactivation from latency: three decades' résumé
Krmpotic, Astrid; Podlech, Juergen; Reddehase, Matthias J; Britt, William J; Jonjic, Stipan
Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 208 415-429
Q2 Q3
The herpesviral antagonist m152 reveals differential activation of STING-dependent IRF and NF-?B signaling and STING's dual role during MCMV infection
Stempel, Markus; Chan, Baca; Lisnic Juranic, Vanda; Krmpotic, Astrid; Hartung, Josephine; Paludan, Soren R; Fuellbrunn, Nadia; Lemmermann, Niels A. W; Brinkmann, Melanie M.
EMBO Journal - 38 e100983
Myeloid Cells Restrict MCMV and Drive Stress-Induced Extramedullary Hematopoiesis through STAT1
Gawish, Riem; Bulat, Tanja; Biaggio, Mario; Lassnig, Caroline; Bago-Horvath, Zsuzsanna; Macho-Maschler, Sabine; Poelzl, Andrea; Simonovic, Natalija; Prchal-Murphy, Michaela; Rom, Rita; Amenitsch, Lena; Ferrarese, Luca; Kornhoff, Juliana; Lederer, Therese; Svinka, Jasmin; Eferl, Robert; Bosmann, Markus; Kalinke, Ulrich; Stoiber, Dagmar; Sexl, Veronika; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan; Mueller, Mathias; Strobl, Birgit
Cell Reports - 26 2394-2406.e5
Immune responses to congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Brizić, Ilija; Hiršl, Lea; Britt, William; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Microbes and Infection - 20 543-551
Brain-resident memory CD8+ T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation
Brizić, Ilija; Šušak, Božo; Arapović, Maja; Huszthy, Peter;, Hiršl, Lea; Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena; Oxenius, Annette; Britt, William; Arapović, Jurica; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
European Journal of Immunology - 48 950-964
Murine CMV Expressing the High Affinity NKG2D Ligand MULT-1: A Model for the Development of Cytomegalovirus-Based Vaccines
Hiršl, Lea; Brizić, Ilija; Jenuš, Tina; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Reichel, Johanna; Jurković, Slaven; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Frontiers in Immunology - 9 991
NCR1-deficiency diminishes the generation of protective murine cytomegalovirus antibodies by limiting follicular helper T-cell maturation.
Miletić, Antonija; Lenartić, Maja; Popović, Branka; Brizić, Ilija; Tršan, Tihana; Miklić, Karmela; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
European Journal of Immunology - 47 1443-1456
IL-33/ST2 pathway drives regulatory T cell dependent suppression of liver damage upon cytomegalovirus infection
Popovic, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Podlech, Juergen; Zeleznjak, Jelena; Bilic-Zulle, Lidija; Lukic, L. Miodrag; Cicin-Sain, Luka; Reddehase, J. Matthias; Sparwasser, Tim; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan
PLOS Pathogens - 13 e1006345
Mouse cytomegalovirus encoded immunoevasins and evolution of Ly49 receptors - sidekicks or enemies?
Zeleznjak, Jelena; Popovic, Branka; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan; Lisnic Juranic, Vanda
Immunology Letters - 189 40-47
A Viral Immunoevasin Controls Innate Immunity by Targeting the Prototypical Natural Killer Cell Receptor Family
Aguilar, A. Oscar; Berry, Richard; Rahim, A. Mir Munir; Reichel J. Johanna; Popović, Branka; Tanaka, Miho; Fu, Zhihui; Balaji, R. Gautham; Lau, N. Timothy; Tu, M. Megan; Kirkham, L. Christina; Mahmoud, B. Ahmad; Mesci, Aruz; Krmpotić, Astrid; Allan, SJ. David; Makrigiannis, P. Andrew; Jonjić, Stipan; Rossjohn, Jamie; Carlyle, R. James
Cell - 169 58-71
Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection Induces Susceptibility to EAE in Resistant BALB/c Mice
Milovanovic, Jelena; Popovic, Branka; Milovanovic, Marija; Kvestak, Daria; Arsenijevic, Aleksandar; Stojanovic, Bojana; Tanaskovic, Irena; Krmpotic, Astrid; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Jonjic, Stipan; Lukic, L. Miodrag
Frontiers in Immunology - 8 192
Activation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by a Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Strain Expressing an NKG2D Ligand
Tomić, Adriana; Varanasi, R. Pavankumar; Golemac, Mijo; Malić, Suzana; Riese, Peggy; Borst, Eva; Mischak-Weissinger, Eva; Guzmán A. Carlos; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Messerle, Martin
PLoS Pathogens - 12 e1006015
Inflammatory monocytes and NK cells play a crucial role in DNAM-1-dependent control of cytomegalovirus infection
Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Kučan Brlić, Paola; Kaynan, Noa; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Brizić, Ilija; Jordan, Stefan; Tomić, Adriana; Kveštak, Daria; Babić, Marina; Tsukerman, Pinas; Colonna, Marco; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Messerle, Martin; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 213 1835-50
Intrinsic Contribution of Perforin to NK-Cell Homeostasis during Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection
Arapović, Maja; Brizić, Ilija; Popović, Branka; Jurković, Slaven; Jordan, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Arapović, Jurica; Jonjić, Stipan
Frontiers in Immunology - 7 133
The specific NK cell response in concert with perforin prevents CD8+ T cell-mediated immunopathology after mouse cytomegalovirus infection
Arapović, Jurica; Arapović, Maja; Golemac, Mijo; Traven, Luka; Tomac, Jelena; Rumora, Dijana; Ražić, Edvard; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 204 335-344
Non-redundant and redundant roles of cytomegalovirus gH/gL complexes in host organ entry and intra-tissue spread
Lemmermann, Niels; Krmpotić, Astrid; Podlech, Jürgen; Brizic, Ilija; Prager, Adrian; Adler, Heiko; Karbach, Astrid; Wu, Yiquan; Jonjić, Stipan; Reddehase, Matthias J; Adler, Barbara
PLoS Pathogens - 11 e1004640
MCMV avoidance of recognition and control by NK cells
Brizić, Ilija; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Seminars in Immunopathology - 36 641-50
Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1?
Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Wensveen, Felix M; Lemmermann, Niels A; Arapović, Maja; Babić, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Golemac, Mijo; Brinkmann, Melanie M;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - 110 16550-16555
The evolutionary arms race between NK cells and viruses: Who gets the short end of the stick?
Miletić, Antonija; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
European Journal of Immunology - 43 867-877
Viral inhibition of BAK promotes murine cytomegalovirus dissemination to salivary glands
Handke, Wiebke; Luig, Christina; Popović, Branka; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Brune, Wolfram;
Journal of Virology - 87 3592-3596
Natural Killer Cells Are Required for Extramedullary Hematopoiesis following Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection
Jordan, Stefan; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Mitrović, Maja; Baranek, Thomas; Arapović, Jurica; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vivier, Eric; Dalod, Marc; Jonjić, Stipan; Dölken, Lars;
Cell Host & Microbe - 13 535-545
The NK cell response to mouse cytomegalovirus infection affects the level and kinetics of the early CD8+ T-cell response
Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Jordan, Stefan; Fodil-Cornu, Nassima; Ebert, Stefan; Vidal, Silvia M; Krmpotić, Astrid; Reddehase, Matthias J; Jonjić, Stipan;
Journal of Virology - 86 2165-2175
Innate immunity regulates adaptive immune response: lessons learned from studying the interplay between NK and CD8+ T cells during MCMV infection
Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Traven, Luka; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 201 487-495
Degradation of cellular mir-27 by a novel, highly abundant viral transcript is important for efficient virus replication in vivo
Marcinowski, Lisa; Tanguy, Mélanie; Krmpotic, Astrid; Rädle, Bernd; Lisnić, Vanda J; Tuddenham, Lee; Chane-Woon-Ming, Béatrice; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Erhard, Florian; Benkartek, Corinna;
PLoS Pathogens - 8 e1002510
CMV Late Phase-Induced mTOR Activation Is Essential for Efficient Virus Replication in Polarized Human Macrophages
Poglitsch, M; Weichhart, T; Hecking, M; Werzowa, J; Katholnig, K; Antlanger, M; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan; Hörl, WH; Zlabinger, GJ;
American Journal of Transplantation - 12 1458-1468
Manipulation of NKG2D ligands by cytomegaloviruses: impact on innate and adaptive immune response
Slavuljica, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Frontiers in immunology - 2 85
Distinct MHC class I–dependent NK cell–activating receptors control cytomegalovirus infection in different mouse strains
Pyzik, Michał; Charbonneau, Benoit; Gendron-Pontbriand, Eve-Marie; Babić, Marina; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Vidal, Silvia M;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 208 1105-1117
All is fair in virus–host interactions: NK cells and cytomegalovirus
Babić, Marina; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Trends in Molecular Medicine - 17 677-685
Cytomegalovirus immunoevasin reveals the physiological role of “missing self” recognition in natural killer cell dependent virus control in vivo
Babić, Marina; Pyzik, Michal; Zafirova, Biljana; Mitrović, Maja; Butorac, Višnja; Lanier, Lewis L; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjić, Stipan;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 207 2663-2673
Cytomegalovirus microRNAs facilitate persistent virus infection in salivary glands
Dölken, Lars; Krmpotic, Astrid; Kothe, Sheila; Tuddenham, Lee; Tanguy, Mélanie; Marcinowski, Lisa; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Elefant, Naama; Altuvia, Yael; Margalit, Hanah;
PLoS Pathogens - 6 e1001150
A spread-deficient cytomegalovirus for assessment of first-target cells in vaccination
Mohr, Christian Andreas; Arapovic, Jurica; Mühlbach, Hermine; Panzer, Marc; Weyn, Annelies; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotic, Astrid; Voehringer, David; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Koszinowski, Ulrich;
Journal of Virology - 84 7730-7742
Recombinant mouse cytomegalovirus expressing a ligand for the NKG2D receptor is attenuated and has improved vaccine properties
Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Mitrović, Maja; Gašparović, Iva; Cekinović, Đurđica; Car, Elitza Markova; Pugel, Ester Pernjak; Ciković, Ana; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić;
Journal of Clinical Investigation - 120 4532
Modulation of natural killer cell activity by viruses
Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Current Opinion in Microbiology - 13 530-539
Differential susceptibility of RAE-1 isoforms to mouse cytomegalovirus
Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Polić, Bojan; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Carayannopoulos, Leonidas N; Koszinowski, Ulrich H; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Journal of Virology - 83 8198-8207
Promiscuity of MCMV immunoevasin of NKG2D: m138/fcr-1 down-modulates RAE-1e in addition to MULT-1 and H60
Arapović, Jurica; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Reddy, Anil Butchi; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Molecular Immunology - 47 114-122
Ly49P recognition of cytomegalovirus-infected cells expressing H2-Dk and CMV-encoded m04 correlates with the NK cell antiviral response
Kielczewska, Agnieszka; Pyzik, Michal; Sun, Tianhe; Krmpotic, Astrid; Lodoen, Melissa B; Munks, Michael W; Babic, Marina; Hill, Ann B; Koszinowski, Ulrich H; Jonjic, Stipan;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 206 515-523
Altered NK cell development and enhanced NK cell-mediated resistance to mouse cytomegalovirus in NKG2D-deficient mice
Zafirova, Biljana; Mandarić, Sanja; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonsson, Helena; Yokoyama, Wayne M; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;
Immunity - 31 270-282
Viral inhibitors of NKG2D ligands: friends or foes of immune surveillance?
Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid;
European Journal of Immunology - 38 2952-2956
Murine cytomegalovirus regulation of NKG2D ligands
Lenac, Tihana; Arapović, Jurica; Traven, Luka; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 197 159-166
Immune evasion of natural killer cells by viruses
Jonjić, Stipan; Babić, Marina; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid;
Current Opinion in Immunology - 20 30-38
The herpesviral Fc receptor fcr-1 down-regulates the NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60
Lenac, Tihana; Budt, Matthias; Arapovic, Jurica; Hasan, Milena; Zimmermann, Albert; Simic, Hrvoje; Krmpotic, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 203 1843-1850
Selective down-regulation of the NKG2D ligand H60 by mouse cytomegalovirus m155 glycoprotein
Hasan, Milena; Krmpotic, Astrid; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Bubic, Ivan; Lenac, Tihana; Halenius, Anne; Loewendorf, Andrea; Messerle, Martin; Hengel, Hartmut; Jonjic, Stipan;
Journal of Virology - 79 2920-2930
NK cell activation through the NKG2D ligand MULT-1 is selectively prevented by the glycoprotein encoded by mouse cytomegalovirus gene m145
Krmpotic, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Loewendorf, Andrea; Saulig, Tanja; Halenius, Anne; Lenac, Tihana; Polic, Bojan; Bubic, Ivan; Kriegeskorte, Anja; Pernjak-Pugel, Ester;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 201 211-220
Gain of virulence caused by loss of a gene in murine cytomegalovirus
Bubić, Ivan; Wagner, Markus; Krmpotić, Astrid; Saulig, Tanja; Kim, Sungjin; Yokoyama, Wayne M; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Journal of Virology - 78 7536-7544
Pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus infection
Krmpotic, Astrid; Bubic, Ivan; Polic, Bojan; Lucin, Pero; Jonjic, Stipan;
Microbes and Infection - 5 1263-1277
MCMV glycoprotein gp40 confers virus resistance to CD8+ T cells and NK cells in vivo
Krmpotić, Astrid; Busch, Dirk H; Bubić, Ivan; Gebhardt, Friedemann; Hengel, Hartmut; Hasan, Milena; Scalzo, Anthony A; Koszinowski, Ulrich H; Jonjić, Stipan;
Nature Immunology - 3 529-535
Immune responses and cytokine induction in the development of severe hepatitis during acute infections with murine cytomegalovirus
Trgovcich, Joanne; Štimac, Davor; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Pernjak-Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena; Hasan, Milena; Wraber, Branka; Jonjić, Stipan;
Archives of Virology - 145 2601-2618
The immunoevasive function encoded by the mouse cytomegalovirus gene m152 protects the virus against T cell control in vivo
Krmpotic, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Crnkovic-Mertens, Irena; Polic, Bojan; Jonjic, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 190 1285-1296
Virus attenuation after deletion of the cytomegalovirus Fc receptor gene is not due to antibody control
Crnković-Mertens, Irena; Messerle, Martin; Milotić, Irena; Szepan, Uwe; Kučić, Natalija; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Journal of Virology - 72 1377-1382
Hierarchical and redundant lymphocyte subset control precludes cytomegalovirus replication during latent infection
Polić, Bojan; Hengel, Hartmut; Krmpotić, Astrid; Trgovcich, Joanne; Pavić, Ivica; Lučin, Pero; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Journal of Experimental Medicine - 188 1047-1054
Znanstvene knjige
Innate immunity to cytomegalovirus in the murine model
Autor poglavlja u knjizi
Vidal, Silvia; Krmpotić, Astrid; Pyzik, Michal; Jonjić, Stipan;
Cytomegaloviruses: From molecular pathogenesis to intervention
Reddehase MJ
Caister Academic Press Norfolk UK
Virus Interactions with NK Cell Receptors
Autor poglavlja u knjizi
Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Gašparović, Iva; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Natural Killer Cells
J. Zimmer
Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg
Innate Immunity to Mouse Cytomegalovirus
Autor poglavlja u knjizi
Cekinović, Djurdjica; Slavuljica, Irena; Lenac, Tihana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
V.St. Georgiev
Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ
Dissection of the antiviral NK cell response by MCMV mutants
Jonjic, Stipan; Krmpotic, Astrid; Arapovic, Jurica; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Methods in Molecular Biology: Innate Immunity
J. Ewbank i E. Vivier
Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ
Innate immunity to cytomegaloviruses
Autor poglavlja u knjizi
Jonjic, Stipan; Bubic, Ivan; Krmpotic, Astrid;
Cytomegaloviruses: Molecular Biology and Immunology.
MJ Reddehase
Caister Academic Press Wymondham, Norfolk, UK
Pozvana predavanja
Cytomegalovirus vaccine vectors against SARS-CoV-2 and comparison of different routes of immunization
A. Krmpotić
First 5 years of the CerVirVac: Symposium, RIjeka
Dizajniranje vektorskih cjepiva prilagođenih biologiji virusa te usporedba različitih puteva imunizacije
A. Krmpotić
Mini simpozij “Borba protiv bolesti COVID-19 istraživanjima”, Zagreb
Highly attenuated b-herpesvirus with potent immunomodulatory capacity as vaccine vector against SARS-CoV-2
A. Krmpotić
COVID-19 messages I “Advancement in virology research opportunity to improve international impact of the University of Rijeka”, Rijeka
Istraživanja na životinjskim modelima još su uvijek bitna za većinu značajnih medicinskih otkrića: neki problemi i pogled u budućnost
Krmpotić A.
16. simpozij “Istraživanja na modelima laboratorijskih životinja”, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za kliničku i transplantacijsku imunologiju i molekularnu medicinu u Rijeci, Rijeka, Hrvatska
Cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand provides long-lived memory CD8 T cells with outstanding protective capacity
10th Symposium “Vaccination and immunotherapy in defense against infectious diseases and tumors”, The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Department of Clinical and Transplantation Immunology and Molecular Medicine in Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Expression of NKG2D ligand improves vaccine and vector properties of recombinant MCMV
Colloquium “Natural killer cells: Do they provide potential for prognosis and treatment of chronic diseases?”, Medical University Innsbruck, Austrija
Immune evasion of NKG2D by murine cytomegalovirus
2008 Meeting of HHMI International Research Scholars, Lisabon, Portugal
The role of viral immunoevasins in the pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection
2006 Meeting of HHMI International Research Scholars, Ashburn, Virginia, USA
Modulation of NK cell response by mouse cytomegalovirus
EMBO/HHMI Central European Scientists Meeting, Cavtat, Hrvatska
Role of NK cell activating receptors and ligands in the control of murine cytomegalovirus infection
Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society,Trakošćan, Hrvatska
Kongresna priopćenja
Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 using cytomegalovirus as a vaccine vector
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Materljan, Jelena; Šustić, Marko; Ravlić, Sanda; Ružić, Tina; Lisnić, Berislav; Miklić, Karmela; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Halassy, Beata; Bertoglio, Federico; Schubert, Maren; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
10th European Seminar in Virology (EuSeV) Bertinoro, Italija
Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 using alternative routes
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Materljan, Jelena; Šustić, Marko; Ravlić, Sanda; Ružić, Tina; Lisnić, Berislav; Miklić, Karmela; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Halassy, Beata; Bertoglio, Federico; Schubert, Maren; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
10th European Seminar in Virology (EuSeV) Bertinoro, Italija
Immunobiology of cytomegalovirus expressing the NKG2D ligand H60a
Gaćina, Lydia; Slavuljica, Irena; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Materljan, Jelena; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2023 Brijuni, Hrvatska
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells
Rožmanić, Carmen; Lisnić, Berislav; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Mihalić, Andrea; Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Indenbirken, Daniela; Viduka, Ina; Šantić, Marina; Adler, Barbara; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2023 Brijuni, Hrvatska
Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 using alternative viral vector vaccines and alternative routes
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Materljan, Jelena; Šustić, Marko; Ravlić, Sanda; Ružić, Tina; Lisnić, Berislav; Miklić, Karmela; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Halassy, Beata; Bertoglio, Federico; Schubert, Maren; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2023 Brijuni, Hrvatska
Early life cytomegalovirus infection extensively reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells
Rožmanić, Carmen; Lisnić, Berislav; Hiršl, Lea; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
5th Meeting of the Middle European Societies of Immunology and Allergology (MESIA) Prag, Češka
Recombinant cytomegaloviruses expressing NKG2D ligands as candidates for T-cell based vaccines and vaccine vectors
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Gaćina, Lydia, Šustić, Marko; Materljan, Jelena; Hiršl, Lea; Welten, Suzanne; Slavuljica, Irena; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid
5th Meeting of the Middle European Societies of Immunology and Allergology (MESIA) Prag, Češka
IFN-γ is a major mediator of neuroinflammation, brain pathology and neurofunctional deficits following congenital CMV infection
Brizić, Ilija; Kveštak, Daria; Mihalić, Andrea; Krstanović, Fran; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Fiandrino, Giacomo; Grundhoff, Adan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
CMV-based vectors as candidates for CD8 T cell-based vaccines
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Gaćina, Lydia; Šustić, Marko; Železnjak, Jelena; Hiršl, Lea; Welten, Suzanne; Slavuljica, Irena; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
Immunization against SARS-COV-2 using different viral vectors
Materljan, Jelena; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Šustić, Marko; Ravlić, Sanda; Ružić, Tina; Lisnić, Berislav; Miklić, Karmela; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Halassy, Beata; Bertoglio, Federico; Schubert, Maren; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
Glial cell adaptation to latent virus infection in the CNS
Mihalić, Andrea; Kveštak, Daria; Sitnik, Katarzyna; Lisnić, Berislav; Krstanović, Fran; Rožmanić, Carmen; Krmpotić, Astrid; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
Cytomegalovirus and host interplay via Ly49 receptors – the story’s not over yet!
Zeleznjak, Jelena; Medved, Magdalena; Lisnic, Berislav; Cokaric Brdovcak, Maja; Mazor, Marija; Ruzic,Tina; Gacina, Lydia; Vidal, Silvia; Krmpotic, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjic, Stipan; Juranic Lisnic, Vanda
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
Early life cytomegalovirus infection extensively reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells
Rožmanić, Carmen; Lisnić, Berislav; Hiršl, Lea; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2022 Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska
CMV-based vectors as candidate for T cell based vaccine
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Gaćina,Lydia; Šustić, Marko; Železnjak, Jelena; Hiršl, Lea; Welten, Suzanne; Slavuljica, Irena; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid
15th Vaccine Congress online
Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility
Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Lisnić, Berislav; Golemac, Mijo; Kveštak, Daria; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Cytomegalovirus-based vectors as candidates for CD8 T cell-based vaccines
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Gaćina,Lydia; Šustić, Marko; Železnjak, Jelena; Hiršl, Lea; Welten, SUzanne; Slavuljica, Irena; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection extensively reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells
Rožmanić, Carmen; Lisnić, Berislav; Hiršl, Lea; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Glial cell adaptation to latent virus infection in the CNS
Mihalić, Andrea; Kveštak, Daria; Sitnik, Katarzyna; Lisnić, Berislav; Krstanović, Fran; Rožmanić, Carmen; Krmpotić, Astrid; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Jonjić, Stipan; Brizić, Ilija
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand generated superior CD8 T cell response with distinct phenotypical and functional features
Šustić, Marko; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Lisnić, Berislav; Materljan, Jelena; Indenbirken, Daniela; Brizić, Ilija; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 using cytomegalovirus as a vaccine vector
Materljan, Jelena; Šustić, Marko; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Ružić, Tina; Ravlić, Sanda; Lang Balija, Maja; Halassy, Beata; Forčić, Dubravko; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2021 Trogir, Hrvatska
Cytomegalovirus limits T cell activation and virus control via ICOS:ICOSL pathway by downregulation of ICOSL from the surface of antigen presenting cells
Angulo, GuillemM Zeleznjak, Jelena; Martínez-Vicente, Pablo; Puñet-Ortiz, Joan; Messerle, Martin; Oxenius, Annette; Jonjic, Stipan; Krmpotic, Astrid; Engel, Pablo; Angulo, Ana
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor
Rožmanić, Carmen; Brizić, Ilija;. Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
CD8 T cell response in mice vaccinated with recombinant MCMV vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ
Šustić, Marko; Brizić, Ilija; Cokarić-Brdovčak, Maja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
The role of costimulatory molecules in memory CD8 T cell inflation in the mouse cytomegalovirus infection model
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja;. Hiršl, Lea; Gaberšćik, Anita; Welten, Suzanne; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
Role of innate immunity in MCMV infection in ovaries
Vrbanović, Ana; Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena, Kveštak, Daria; Dolken, Lars, Brinkmann, Melanie; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić Vanda
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
Pathogenic role of NK cells in congenital CMV infection
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Brizić, Ilija; Indenbirken, Daniela; Grundhoff, Adam; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2020 online
Type I Interferon Signaling Plays a Prominent Role in follicluar resistance to MCMV infection in the ovaries
Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Kveštak, Daria; Lisnić, Berislav; Boneta, Jelena; Brinkmann Melanie; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
7th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (Cytokines 2019) Beč, Austrija
The complex of MCMV proteins and MHC class I evades NK cell control via missing-self and drives the evolution of virus-specific activating Ly49 receptors
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Halenius, Anne; L’Hernault, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Erhard, Florian; Redwood, Alec; Vidal, Silvia; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
17th International Congress of Immunology (IUIS) Peking
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor
Brizić, Ilija; Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Katja; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
17th International Congress of Immunology (IUIS) Peking
Novel mechanism of MHC I modulation by MCMV and its consequences on NK and T cell responses
Železnjak, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Halenius, Anne; L’Hernault, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Erhard, Florian; Redwood, Alec; Vidal, Silvia; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
Role of NK cells in the pathogenesis of CMV infection in the ovary
Vrbanović, Ana; Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Kveštak, Daria; Dölken, Lars; Brinkmann, Melanie; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by down-regulation of T-box transcription factor
Rožmanić, Carmen; Brizić, Ilija; Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Katja; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
The contribution of costimulatory molecules in memory CD8 T cell inflation in mice infected with nouse cytomegalovirus
Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Gaberšćik, Anita; Hiršl, Lea; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
Mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1? in tumor immunotherapy
Tršan, Tihana; Šustić, Marko; Vuković, Kristina; Filipović, Petra; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lemmermann, Niels; Schober, Kilian; Busch, Dirk; Britt, William; Messerle, Martin; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
NK cells are major players in neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital MCMV infection
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Brizić, Ilija; Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2019 Rovinj
The impact of cytomegalovirus infection on fertility and pregnancy maintenance
Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Vrbanović, Ana; Kveštak, Daria; Lisnić, Berislav; Boneta, Jelena; Brinkmann Melanie; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Ruggero Ceppellini advanced school of immunology, Microbes immunity and cancer Capri, Italija
Interferon gamma mediates microglia polarization and delay in cerebellar growth following congenital CMV infection
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Brizić, Ilija; Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop Birmingham, Alabama
Altered-self MHC I molecules in the complex with MCMV proteins evade NK cell killing and drive the evolution of virus-specific Ly49 receptors
Železnjak, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Halenius, Anne; L’Hernault, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Erhard, Florian; Redwood, Alec; Vidal, Silvia; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop Birmingham, Alabama
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of Tbox transcription factor
Brizić, Ilija; Hiršl, Lea; Park, Eugene; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Katja; Borovečki, Fran; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
7th International Workshop on CMV and Immunosenescence Associated with Chronic Infections Waldhause, Mainz
Cytomegalovirus-encoded PVR regulator m154 affects the largest known number of immunologically relevant targets and impairs MCMV-specific CD8 T cells
Stražić Geljić, Ivana; Kučan Brlić, Paola; Kaynan, Noa; Angulo, Ana; Engel, Pablo; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Miklić, Karmela; Frković Malić, Suzana; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in the ovaries
Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Kveštak, Daria; Lisnić, Berislav; Boneta, Jelena; Brinkmann, Melanie; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
NK cell-derived IFN-? contributes to the pathogenesis of MCMV associated altered cerebellar development
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Brizić, Ilija; Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
MCMV expressing high affinity NKG2D ligand MULT-1: a model vaccine for congenital CMV infection
Hiršl, Lea; Brizić, Ilija; Jenuš, Tina; Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
A complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and cytomegalovirus
Železnjak, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić, Marina; Cesarec, Mia; Halenius, Anne; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
Cytomegalovirus-encoded PVR regulator m154 affects the largest known number of immunologically relevant targets and impairs MCMV-specific CD8 T cells
Stražić Geljić, Ivana; Kučan Brlić, Paola; Kaynan, Noa; Angulo, Ana; Engel, Pablo; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Miklić, Karmela; Frković Malić, Suzana; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in the ovaries
Mazor, Marija; Tomac, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Kveštak, Daria; Lisnić, Berislav; Boneta, Jelena; Brinkmann, Melanie; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
A complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and cytomegalovirus
Železnjak, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Cesarec, Mia; Halenius, Anne; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
NK cell-derived IFN-? contributes to the pathogenesis of MCMV associated altered cerebellar development
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Brizić, Ilija; Tomac, Jelena; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
MCMV expressing high affinity NKG2D ligand MULT-1: a model vaccine for congenital CMV infection
Hiršl, Lea; Brizić, Ilija; Jenuš, Tina; Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2018 Zadar
Complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and murine cytomegalovirus
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Železnjak,Jelena; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić, Marina; Cesarec, Mia; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hertmut; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
5th European Congress of Immunology Amsterdam, Nizozemska
NK cells are essential for brain inflammation but their maturation is severely compromised in infected newborn mice
Brizić, Ilija; Kveštak, Daria; Park, Emily; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Britt, William; Yokoyama, Wayne; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
The 17th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity (NK2018) San Antonio, Teksas, SAD
Structure of the murine cytomegalovirus encoded m12 immunoevasin bound to the inhibitory NKR-P1B receptor provides a basis for decoy inhibition of NK cells
Berry, Richard; Aguilar, Oscar; Rahim, Mir; Reichel, Johanna; Popovic, Branka; Tanaka, Miho; Fu, Zhihui; Balaji, Gautham; Tu, Megan; Mahmoud, Ahmad; Krmpotic, Astrid; Makrigiannis, Andrew; Jonjic, Stipan; Rossjohn, Jamie; Carlyle, James
The 17th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity (NK2018) San Antonio, Teksas, SAD
MCMV expressing high affinity NKG2D ligand MULT-1: a model vaccine for cytomegalovirus infection
Hiršl, Lea; Kveštak, Daria; Brizić, Ilija; Jenuš, Tina; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
The 17th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity (NK2018) San Antonio, Teksas, SAD
The new kid on the block - A novel cytomegalovirus’ immunoevasin targets NK cells in order to escape “missing-self” recognition
Železnjak, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Trautwein, Niko; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2017 Annual Meeting with EFIS on Tour Zagreb
RAE-1??MAT – A potential novel MCMV vaccine vector
Jenuš, Tina; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2017 Annual Meeting with EFIS on Tour Zagreb
Cytomegalovirus-encoded protein m154 affects an immunologically relevant ligand CD155
Stražić Geljić, Ivana; Kučan Brlić, Paola; Kaynan, Noa; Angulo,Ana; Engel, Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Miklić, Karmela; Frković Malić, Suzana; Mandelboim, Ofer;. Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2017 Annual Meeting with EFIS on Tour Zagreb
NK cells-derived interferon ? mediate microglia polarization and delay in cerebellar growth during congenital CMV infection
Kveštak, Daria; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Brizić, Ilija; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Caragliano, Enrico; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2017 Annual Meeting with EFIS on Tour Zagreb
KLRG1+ CD8 T cells induced by cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1? ensure the outstanding protection against tumor challenge
Tršan, Tihana; Vuković, Kristina; Lemmermann, Niels; Schober, Kilian; Busch, Dirk; Messerle, Martin; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2017 Annual Meeting with EFIS on Tour Zagreb
Multiple Layers Of Protection Regulate Pathogenesis Of CMV In The Ovary
Juranic Lisnic, Vanda; Tomac, Jelena; Kvestak, Daria; Lisnic, Berislav; Trsan, Tihana; Bralic, Marina; Dolken, Lars; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan
42nd Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop Ghent, Belgija
A novel MCMV encoded immunoevasin in the intricate interplay between the virus and its host
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Trautwein, Nico; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
12th ENII Immunology Summer School 2017 Porto Cervo, Sardinija, Italija
KLRG1+ CD8 T cells induced by cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1? provide robust protection against tumor challenge
Tršan, Tihana; Vuković, Kristina; Lemmermann, Niels; Schober, Kilian; Busch, Dirk; Messerle, Martin; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
6th International Congenital CMV Conference / 16th International CMV/betaherpesvirus Workshop Noordwijkerhout, Nizozemska
Recombinant CMV vector expressing RAE-1? induces effector CD8 T cells with enhanced anti-tumor properties
Tršan, Tihana; Vuković, Kristina; Filipović, Petra; Messerle, Martin; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology Budimpešta, Mađarska
It takes two to evade missing-self: intricate interplay of MCMV encoded immunoevasins and Ly49 receptors
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Trautwein, Niko; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology Budimpešta, Mađarska
NCR1-deficiency affects the follicular helper T cells and diminishes generation of protective antiviral antibodies
Miletić, Antonija; Lenartić, Maja; Tršan, Tihana; Popović, Branka; Miklić, Karmela; Mandelboim, Ofer; Jonjić, Stipan; Krmpotić; Astrid
3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology Budimpešta, Mađarska
Novi MCMV protein u igri mačke i miša između Ly49 receptora i MCMV kodiranih imunosubverzivnih proteina
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Babić Čač, Marina; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Trautwein, Nico; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
Mehanizmi prirođene imunosti u razvoju upale visceralnog masnog tkiva i rezistencije na inzulin u debljini Rijeka, Hrvatska
Who wins the fight? A game of cat and mouse between Ly49 receptors and MCMV encoded immunoevasins.
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Babić Čač, Marina; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Trautwein, Nico; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2016 Annual Meeting Ogulin, Hrvatska
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor
Brizić, Ilija; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Katja; Borovečki, Fran; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2016 Annual Meeting Ogulin, Hrvatska
Intensive splicing in MCMV transcriptome and intriguing function of a novel MCMV protein encoded by the M116 region
Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Jenuš, Tina; Gotovac, Katja; Tomac, Jelena; Borovečki, Fran; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2016 Annual Meeting Ogulin, Hrvatska
NK cells persisting in the brain following MCMV infection induce polarization of microglia toward proinflammatory phenotype and delay in cerebellar growth via interferon ?
Kveštak, Daria; Golemac, Mijo; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2016 Annual Meeting Ogulin, Hrvatska
IL-33 drives regulatory T cell suppression of severe liver damage upon mouse cytomegalovirus infection
Popović, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Miodrag; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Sparwasser, Tim; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2016 Annual Meeting Ogulin, Hrvatska
It takes two to evade missing-self: a game of cat and mouse between Ly49 receptors and MCMV encoded immunoevasins
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina; Trautwein, Nico; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity (NK2016) Taormina, Sicilija, Italija
IL-33 promotes regulatory T cell suppression of severe hepatitis upon mouse cytomegalovirus infection
Popović, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Miodrag; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Sparwasser, Tim; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
IHW 2016 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor
Brizić, Ilija; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Katja; Borovečki, Fran; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
IHW 2016 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Multiple arms of the innate immunity unite to preserve fertility in MCMV infected ovary
Tomac, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Boneta, Jelena; Kveštak, Daria; Tršan, Tihana; Bralić, Marina; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
IHW 2016 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Most abundant transcript (MAT) of MCMV and its multiple immunoevasion mechanisms
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Babić Čač, Marina; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Trautwein, Nico; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
Translation of Basic Immunology and Neuroscience Tools to Therapies: Where Are We Now? Rijeka, Hrvatska
From transcriptomics to novel viral immune-evasion mechanisms
Juranić Lisnić, vanda; Popović, Branka; Lisnić, Berislav; Železnjak, Jelena; Lesac Brizić, Ana; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Kučan, Paola; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia
IL-33-dependent Treg suppression of liver damage during mouse cytomegalovirus infection
Popović, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Miodrag; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Sparwasser, Tim; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
11th ENII EFIS EJI Summer School on Advanced Immunology Porto Cervo, Italija
Most abundant transcript (MAT) of MCMV and its multiple immunoevasion mechanisms
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Babić Čač, Marina;, Trautwein, Niko; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dölken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
4th International Symposium of the Virtual Institute "Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion" VISTRIE Braunschweig, Njemačka
Perinatal mouse cytomegalovirus infection induces activation of brain resident microglial cells and recruitment of inflammatory cells into the brain
Kveštak, Daria; Arapović, Jurica; Arapović, Maja; Huszthy, Peter; Šušak, Božo; Golemac, Mijo; Pugel, Ester; Torti, Nicole; Oxenius, Annette; Krmpotić, Astrid; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan
ECCI - European Congenital Cytomegalovirus Initiative 2016 San Servolo, Venecija, Italija
Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Trautwein, Nico; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmunt; Stevanović, Stefan; Dölken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
VISTRIE PhD & Postdoc Retreat Punat, Hrvatska
Dramatic changes in NK cell phenotype and function following perinatal MCMV infection
Brizić, Ilija; Lesac, Ana;, Lisnić, Berislav; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Gotovac, Kristina; Borovečki, Fran; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
3rd International Symposium of the Virtual Institute "Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion" VISTRIE Braunschweig, Njemačka
Complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and MCMV
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Železnjak, Jelena; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
Natural Killer Cell Symposium NK2015 Gottingen, Njemačka
Viral downregulation of CD155 reveals strong effect of DNAM-1 in virus control by NK cells and macrophages
Lenac Rovis, Tihana; Kućan, Paola; Kaynan, Noa; Juranic Lisnic, Vanda; Brizic, Ilija; Jordan, Stefan; Tomic, Adriana; Babic, Marina; Tsukerman, Pinchas; Colonna, Marco; Messerle, Martin; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan
poster prezentacija
4th European Congress of Immunology Beč, Austrija
Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells
Železnjak, Jelena; Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Trautwein, Niko; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Stevanović, Stefan; Dolken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
poster prezentacija
4th European Congress of Immunology Beč, Austrija
MCMV encoded highly abundant transcript with several coding, non-coding and immune-evasive roles
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
114. 15th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Beta Herpes VIrus Workshop Brisbane, Australija
MCMV encoded highly abundant transcript with several coding, non-coding and immune-evasive roles
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan
oralna prezentacija
15th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Beta Herpes VIrus Workshop Brisbane, Australija
IL-33-dependent immunosuppressive Treg responses to liver damage during MCMV infection
Popović,Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Mijo; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
poster prezentacija
3rd International Symposium of the Virtual Institute "Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion" VISTRIE Braunschweig, Njemačka
IL-33-dependent immunosuppressive Treg responses to liver damage during MCMV infection
Popović, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Mijo; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
poster prezentacija
15th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Beta Herpes VIrus Workshop Brisbane, Australija
IL-33-dependent immunosuppressive Treg responses to liver damage during MCMV infection
Popović, Branka; Golemac, Mijo; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Lukić, Mijo; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
oralna prezentacija
3rd Belgrade EFIS symposium on immunoregulation, immunity, infection, autoimmunity and aging Beograd, Srbija
Dramatic changes in NK cell phenotype and function following perinatal MCMV infection
Brizić, Ilija; Lesac, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan
poster prezentacija
NK2015 – 15th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity Montebello, Québec, Canada
Identification of two MCMV immunoevasins that modulate NK cell recognition via the NKR-P1B:CLR-B axis
Aguilar, Oscar A; Samaniego, Jackeline; Sampaio, Isabella; Lau, Timothy; Rahim, Mir Munir A; Popović, Branka; Krmpotić, Astrid; Makrigiannis, Andrew; Jonjić, Stipan; Allan, David S.J; Carlyle, James R
poster prezentacija
NK2015 – 15th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity Montebello, Québec, Canada
Dramatic changes in NK cell phenotype and function following perinatal MCMV infection
Brizić, Ilija; Lesac, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
CroViWo Rijeka, Hrvatska
Single, highly abundant transcript of murine cytomegalovirus exhibits coding, non-coding and immune-evasive functions.
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
CroViWo Rijeka, Hrvatska
Deletion of CMV inhibitor of PVR (CD155) results in enhanced virus susceptibility to innate immune control and dramatic attenuation in vivo
Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Stanietsky, Noa; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Jordan, Stefan; Kučan, Paola; Tomić, Adriana; Babić, Marina; Tsukerman, Pinhas; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
NCR1-deficiency affects the CD4 T follicular helper cell formation and B cell maturation necessary for generation of highly protective antiviral antibodies
Miletić, Antonija; Tršan, Tihana; Miklić, Karmela; Šimić, Hrvoje; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
CMV expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1? employed as a highly immunogenic CD8 T cell vaccine-vector
Tršan, Tihana; Abram, Maja; Lemmermann, Niels; Del Val, Margarita; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
IL-33 is essential for immunosuppresive Treg cell responses in liver during herpesvirus infection
Popović, Branka; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Golemac, Mijo; Lukić, Mijo; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
Deletion of CMV inhibitor of PVR (CD155) results in enhanced virus susceptibility to innate immune control and dramatic attenuation in vivo
Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Stanietsky, Noa; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Jordan, Stefan; Tomić, Adriana; Babić, Marina; Tsukerman, Pinhas; Mandelboim, Ofer; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
39th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2014) Kobe, Japan
Enhancing the tumor-specific CD8 T cell response by a recombinant cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand
Lesac, Ana; Tršan, Tihana; Tomić, Adriana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
NKG2D ligand RAE-1? expressed by CMV vector promotes antigen presentation to CD8 T cells
Tršan, Tihana; Abram, Maja; Lemmermann, Niels; Del Val, Margarita; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;
39th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2014) Kobe, Japan
Complex recognition of MCMV infected cells by activating Ly49 receptors
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Redwood, Alec; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
pozvano predavanje
Croatian Immunological Society, HID2014 Annual Meeting Krk, Hrvatska
MAT: highly abundant MCMV transcript with coding, non-coding and immune evasion functions
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Popović, Branka; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
oralna prezentacija
39th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2014) Kobe, Japan
Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells
Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
oralna prezentacija
NK Cell Symposium 2014 Hannover, Njemačka
Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells
Popović, Branka; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; L’Hernault, Anne; Babić Čač, Marina; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Halenius, Anne; Hengel, Hartmut; Dolken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
poster prezentacija
2nd Waldthausen Castle Symposium, 60th Anniversary of Cytomegalovirus Isolation Waldthausen, Njemačka
RAE-1? ligand expression by MCMV vector promotes induction and maintenance of protective immune memory
Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Wensveen, Felix; Lemmermann, Niels; Arapović, Maja; Babić, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Golemac, Mijo; Brinkmann, Melanie; Jäger, Wiebke; Oxenius, Annette; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;
NK2013 - 14th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity Heidelberg, Njemačka
CMV regulation of mouse PVR
Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Stanietsky, Noa; Jordan, Stefan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Tomić, Adriana; Babić, Marina; Krmpotić, Astrid; Tsukerman, Pinas; Mandelboim, Ofer; Jonjić, Stipan;
15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013 Milano, Italija
CMV regulation of mouse PVR
Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Stanietsky, Noa; Jordan, Stefan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Tomić, Adriana; Babić, Marina; Krmpotić, Astrid; Tsukerman, Pinas; Mandelboim, Ofer; Jonjić; Stipan;
2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Hrvatska
RAE-1? ligand expression by MCMV vector promotes induction and maintenance of protective immune memory
Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Wensveen, Felix; Lemmermann, Niels; Arapović, Maja; Babić, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Golemac, Mijo; Brinkmann, Melanie; Jäger, Wiebke; Oxenius, Annette; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;
2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Hrvatska
Complex recognition of MCMV infected cells by activating Ly49 receptor
Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Babić Čač, Marina; Popović, Branka; L'Hernault, Anne; Lisnić, Berislav; Krmpotić, Astrid; Doelken, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan;
2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Hrvatska
Complex viral regulation of PVR by MCMV to avoid NK cell recognition
Rovis, Tihana Lenac; Stanietsky, Noa; Jordan, Stefan; Lisnic, Vanda Juranic; Tomic, Adriana; Babic, Marina; Krmpotic, Astrid; Tsukerman, Pinhas; Mandelboim, Ofer; Jonjic, Stipan;
The role of STAT1 in macrophages/neutrophils in the response to murine cytomegalovirus infection
Biaggio, Mario; Lassnig, Caroline; Reichart, Ursula; Rom, Rita; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjic, Stipan; Strobl, Birgit; Müller, Mathias;
Highly attenuated MCMV vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1 gamma provides long-lived memory CD8+ T cells with outstanding protective capacity
Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Golemac, Mijo; Lemmermann, Niels; Brinkmann, Melanie; Jäger, Wiebke; Abram, Maja; Krmpotić, Astrid;
MCMV transcriptome analysis and identification of a new, highly abundant transcript with multiple coding and non-coding functions
Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Čač, Marina Babić; Lisnić, Berislav; L’Hernault, Anne; Doelken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Trgovcich, Joanne; Jonjić, Stipan;
RAE-1? expressed by recombinant herpesvirus dramatically improves its vector capacity and promotes specific immune response
Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Babić Čač, Marina; Golemac, Mijo; Tomić, Adriana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;
Mouse cytomegalovirus restores host'self'to prevent'missing self'
Babić Čač, M; Zafirova, B; Mitrović, M; Tršan, T; Pyzik, M; Krmpotić, A; Vidal, S; Jonjić, S;
Mouse cytomegalovirus restores' self'to prevent'missing self'
Babić Čač, M; Pyzik, M; Zafirova, B; Mitrović, M; Krmpotić, A; Vidal, S; Jonjić, S;
NK cell recognition of the ‘missing-self’is relevant in the recognition and control of a viral pathogen in vivo
Babić, Marina; Zafirova, Biljana; Mitrović, Maja; Pyzik, Michal; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjić, Stipan;
Vaccine properties of a mouse CMV expressing ligand for the NKG2D receptor
Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Tršan, Tihana; Babić, Marina; Mitrović, Maja; Gašparović, Iva; Cekinović, Đurđica; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin;
Immunobiology of recombinant CMV Strain expressing ligand for NKG2D receptor-a dramatic attenuation in vivo does not prevent an efficient and long-lasting protective immune response
Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Mitrović, Maja; Gašparović, Iva; Cekinović, Đurđica; Markova Car, Elitza; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Ciković, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda;
Mouse cytomegalovirus compromises ‘missing-self’mediated activation of natural killer cells
Babić Čač, Marina; Zafirova, Biljana; Mitrović, Maja; Pyzik, Michal; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjić, Stipan;
Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Simić, Hrvoje; Boneta, Jelena; Tomac, Jelena; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Simić, Hrvoje; Boneta, Jelena; Tomac, Jelena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
A ligand for the NKG2D receptor expressed by mouse CMV attenuates the virus, changes virus distribution and improves vaccine properties.
Irena, Slavuljica; Andreas, Busche; Marina, Babic; Maja, Mitrovic; Iva, Gasparovic; Djurdjica, Cekinovic; Elitza, Markova Car; Ester, Pernjak Pugel; Ana, Cikovic; Vanda, Juranic Lisnic;
NKG2D as a major regulator of the development, homeostasis and effector functions of NK cells?
Zafirova, Biljana; Mandarić, Sanja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonsson, Helena; Yokoyama, M Wayne; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;
The Role of NKG2D Immunoevasion Genes during chronic Cytomegalovirus Infection
Slavuljica, Irena; Petkova, Elitza; Gašparović, Iva; Arapović, Jurica; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Mitrović, Maja; Cekinović, Đurđica; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
The importance of cytolytic mechanisms in NK-cell response to mouse cytomegalovirus infection
Arapović, Jurica; Mitrović, Maja; Šimić, Hrvoje; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Babic, Marina; Pyzik, Michal; Kielczewska, Agnieszka; Krmpotic, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjic, Stipan;
MCMV m04 functions as an NK cell response inhibitor
Krmpotić, Astrid; Babić, Marina; Jonjić, Stipan;
Impaired NK cell development and enhanced NK cell mediated resistance to MCMV in NKG2D ko mice
Zafirova, Biljana; Antulov, Ronald; Mandarić, Sanja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Yokoyama, Wayne; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;
The Role of NKG2D Immunoevasion Genes During Cronic MCMV Infection
Slavuljica, Irena; Markova-Car, Elitza Petkova; Gašparović, Iva; Arapović, Jurica; Cekinović, Đurđica; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Immunoevasion by TNF regulation-novel function for MCMV ie1 gene
Rodríguez-Martín, Sara; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Livingston, Andrew; Jonjić, Stipan; Messerle, Martin; Angulo, Ana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Ghazal, Peter;
MCMV m04 functions as an NK cell response activator and inhibitor. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society
Babic, Marina; Kielczewska, A; Pyzik, M; Krmpotic, Astrid; Vidal, S;
The development and analysis of NKG2D ko mouse
Zafirova, Biljana; Antulov, Ronald; Mandarić, Sanja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;
Cellular, structural and physiological characterization of MCMV m153
Mans, Janet; Natarajan, Kannan; Babić, Marina; Messerle, Martin; Šimić, Hrvoje; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Margulies, David;
Amino acid sequence motif plwy determines the susceptibility of RAE-1 to down-modulation by m152/gp40
Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;
Resistance of RAE-1d to down-modulation by MCMV
Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Babić, Marina; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;
Differential regulation of RAE-1 isoforms by MCMV
Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;
Arapović, Jurica; Antulov, Ronald; Lenac, Tihana; Hasan, Milena; Polic, Bojan; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Modulation of NK cell response by mouse cytomegalovirus”
Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Hasan, Milena; Arapović, Jurica; Jonjić, Stipan;
The role of viral immunoevasins in the pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection
Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Hasan, Milena; Arapović, Jurica; Jonjić, Stipan;
Arapović, Jurica; Antulov, Ronald; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Regulation of the expression of NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60 by MCMV
Lenac, Tihana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Bubić, Ivan; Halenius, Anne; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Arapović, Jurica; Hengel, Hartmut; Messerle, Martin; Koszinowski, Ulrich;
Butorac, Višnja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;
Deletion of MCMV m157 gene reveals the function of NKG2D silencing viral genes also in CMV1 positive mice
Hasan, Milena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Bubić, Ivan; Messerle, Martin; Ruszics, Zsolt; Koszinowski, Ulrich H; Jonjić, Stipan;
The role of NKG2D co-stimulation in MCMV control by CD8+ T lymphocytes
Hasan, Milena; Bubić, Ivan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Yokoyama, Wayne; Jonjić, Stipan;
The significance of MCMV m157 gene product in NK cell-medaited control of MCMV infection in vivo
Bubić, Ivan; Wagner, Markus; Krmpotić, Astrid; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;
The role of MCMV m157 gene product in NK cell-mediated control of MCMV infection in vivo
Bubić, Ivan; Wagner, Markus; Krmpotić, Astrid; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;
Efficacious avoidance of CD8+ and NK cells-mediated virus control by MCMV m152 gene product
Krmpotić, Astrid; Bubić, Ivan; Hengel, Hartmut; Busch, Dirk; Scalzo, Anthony; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;
Simultaneous avoidance of CD8+ and NK cell-mediated virus control by the MCMV m152 gene product
Krmpotić, Astrid; Bubić, Ivan; Hengel, Hartmut; Scalzo, Anthony; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;
The MCMV m152/gp40 glycoprotein achieves simulateous avoidance of CD8+ and NK cell-mediated immune control
Krmpotić, Astrid; Bubić, Ivan; Hengel, Hartmut; Scalzo, Anthony; Koszinowski, Ulrich;
The mouse cytomegalovirus m152 gene product mediates evasion from immune control through MHC class I restricted T lymphocytes in vivo
Krmpotic, Astrid;
The product of m152 gene enables murine cytomegalovirus to evade control by MHC class I restricted T lymphocytes in vivo
Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Crnković-Mertens, Irena; Barić, Jana; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Cytomegalovirus pathogenesis in neonatal mice
Trgovcich, Joanne; Astrid, Krmpotić; Komen, Helga; Ester, Pernjak Pugel; Tomac, Jelena; Lovrić, Arlena; Barić, Jana; Jonjić, Stipan;
In vivo potential of m152 gene of murine cytomegalovirus to evade control by MHC class I restricted T cells
Crnković, Irena; Milotić, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Polić, Bojan; Trgovcich, Joanne; Lučin, Pero; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich;
In vivo potential of m152 gene of murine cytomegalovirus to evade control by MHC class I restricted T cells
Cmković, I; Milotić, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Polić, Bojan; Trgovcich, Joanne; Lučin, Pero; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;
Conversion of latent to recurrent MCMV infection is primarily controlled by CD8+ T lymphocytes and NK cells
Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan; Zorica, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Pavić, Ivica; Lučin, Pero; Koszinowski, Ulrich;
Mentorstvo doktorandima
2018. - 2022.
Odgovor CD8 limfocita T u miševa cijepljenih rekombinantnim citomegalovirusnim vektorom koji izražava NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ
Marko Šustić Doktorat
Medicinski fakultet
Datum obrane: 2022.
2015. - 23.07.2019.
Karakterizacija imunoregulatorne uloge najviše izraženoga virusnog transkripta tijekom infekcije citomegalovirusom
Jelena Železnjak Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2019.
2014. - 2019.
Uloga NKG2D liganada različitog afiniteta u infekciji rekombinantnim mišjim citomegalovirusima i razvoju virusnih cjepiva
Lea Hiršl Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Medicinski fakultet
Datum obrane: 13.12.2019.
2007. - 2013.
Analiza transkriptoma mišjeg citomegalovirusa
Vanda Juranić Lisnić Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2013.
2009. - 2013.
Uloga NK-stanica u modulaciji specifičnog imunološkog odgovora na virus
Maja Arapović Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2013.
2005. - 2012.
Uloga NKG2D receptora u imunološkom nadzoru citomegalovirusne infekcije
Irena Slavuljica Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2012.
2006. - 2011.
Virusna regulacija aktivnosti NK-limfocita: uloga inhibicijskih Ly49 receptora
Marina Babić Čač Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2011.
2010. - 20.12.2016.
Uloga interleukina-33 u prirođenom i stečenom imunološkom odgovoru na infekciju mišjim citomegalovirusom
Branka Popović Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina
Datum obrane: 2016.
Znanstveni skupovi
Kick-off meeting CSRP Švicarsko-Hrvatskog projekta ''Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation''
Rijeka član organizacijskog odbora
Workshop on Congenital Infections, TransMedRi
Rijeka član organizacijskog odbora
12th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity, NK2010
Cavtat član organizacijskog odbora
HHMI-sponsored Advanced Laboratory Training Course „Viral Subversion of Immune Response“
Rijeka član organizacijskog odbora
Uredništva časopisa
2011. - 2017.
Croatian Medical Journal
2001. -
Znanstveni časopisi: Croatian Medical Journal, European Journal of Histochemistry, Mammalian Genome, Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, Virology Journal, Frontiers in Microbiology, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, PeerJ, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Administrativna djelatnost
Povjerenstva na sveučilištu
2014. - 2020.
Povjerenstvo za dobrobit životinja Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2009. -
Povjerenstvo za znanstveno-istraživačku djelatnost Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2008. - 2009.
Povjerenstvo za znanstveno-istraživačku djelatnost Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Povjerenstva izvan sveučilišta
2007. - 2014.
Fond „Jedinstvo uz pomoć znanja“, Povjerenstvo za upravljanje
Znanstveni projekti
08.07.2020. - 07.01.2022.
Atenuirani β-herpesvirus sa snažnim imunomodulatornim kapacitetom kao vektorsko cjepivo protiv SARS-CoV-2
voditelj projekta
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
01.02.2019. - 31.01.2022.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
glavni istraživač iz Hrvatske
Hrvatsko-švicarski program istraživanja (CSRP 2017-2023)
2019. - 31.12.2022.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
2017. - 2022.
Centre of Excellence for Research in Viral Immunology and the Development of New Vaccines (CERVirVac)
voditelj EP
European Regional Development Fund
2017. - 2022.
Inflammation and hearing loss following congenital CMV infection'
National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA
2014. - 2018.
Virus-specific Activating NK Cell Receptors and Their Viral Immunoevasion
voditelj projekta
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost 991.460 kn
2014. - 2018.
Centre of Excellence for Research in Viral Immunology and the Development of New Vaccines (CERVirVac)
Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske
2013. - 2018.
Strengthening adaptive immunity via innate immunity: enhancing the CD8 T cell response by using the NKG2D ligand expressed in a herpesvirus vector
European Commission - EU FP7 ERC-2012-AdG_20120314-Ideas
2013. - 2016.
Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation (PACINNO)
IPA Adriatic CBC Strategic project proposals
2011. - 2016.
Congenital CMV and CNS Infection Mechanisms of Protective Immunity
National Institutes of Health USA (NIH)
2011. - 2016.
Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion (VISTRIE)
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
2010. - 2013.
Congenital viral infections – facilitating clinical studies and pathogenesis - TransMedRi
voditelj WP3
European Commission - EU FP7-REGPOT-2010-5
2009. - 2013.
Viral evasion of NK cells
National Institutes of Health USA (NIH)
2007. - 2013.
Uloga imunosubverzivnih citomegalovirusnih gena u latenciji
Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske
2006. - 2010.
The role of viral immunoevasins in the pathogenesis of the cytomegalovirus infection
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2002. - 2006.
Uloga imunosubverzivnih gena citomegalovirusa u nadzoru latentne infekcije
Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske
1996. - 2001.
Delecijske mutante citomegalovirusa
Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske
Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Atenuirani β-herpesvirus sa snažnim imunomodulatornim kapacitetom kao cjepni vektor protiv SARS-CoV-2
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Izbjegavanje imunosnog nadzora posredovanog receptorom NCR1 od strane mišjeg citomegalovirusa
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
prof.dr.sc.Astrid Krmpotićdr. med.
Aktivacijski receptori stanica NK specifični za citomegalovirus i citomegalovirusni imunosubverzivni mehanizmi
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu
doc. dr. sc.Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
Uloga tkivno-rezidentnih CD4+ limfocita T u mozgu u mozgu kongenitalno inficiranih miševa
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti