04.01.2010. - 15.05.2015.
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Radno iskustvo
11.02.2020. -
Odjel za Biotehnologiju
Znanstvena djelatnost
Znanstveni radovi
Non-invasive treatment with near-infrared light: a novel mechanisms-based strategy that evokes sustained reduction in brain injury after stroke
Strubakos, Christos D; Malik, Michelle; Wider, Joseph M; Lee, Icksoo; Reynolds, Christian A; Mitsias, Panayiotis; Przyklenk, Karin; Hüttemann, Maik; Sanderson, Thomas H;
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism - 40 833-844
Cardiolipin-induced activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase links mitochondrial lipid biosynthesis to TCA cycle function
Li, Yiran; Lou, Wenjia; Raja, Vaishnavi; Denis, Simone; Yu, Wenxi; Schmidtke, Michael W; Reynolds, Christian A; Schlame, Michael; Houtkooper, Riekelt H; Greenberg, Miriam L;
Journal of Biological Chemistry - 294 11568-11578
Development of a decerebrate model for investigating mechanisms mediating viscero-sympathetic reflexes in the spinalized rat
Reynolds, Christian A; O’Leary, Donal S; Ly, Cheng; Smith, Scott A; Minic, Zeljka;
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology - 316 H1332-H1340
Genetic re-engineering of polyunsaturated phospholipid profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae identifies a novel role for Cld1 in mitigating the effects of cardiolipin peroxidation
Lou, Wenjia; Ting, Hsiu-Chi; Reynolds, Christian A; Tyurina, Yulia Y; Tyurin, Vladimir A; Li, Yiran; Ji, Jiajia; Yu, Wenxi; Liang, Zhuqing; Stoyanovsky, Detcho A;
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids - 1863 1354-1368
Drosophila tafazzin mutants have impaired exercise capacity
Damschroder, Deena; Reynolds, Christian; Wessells, Robert;
Physiological reports - 6 e13604
Loss of tafazzin results in decreased myoblast differentiation in C2C12 cells: A myoblast model of Barth syndrome and cardiolipin deficiency
Lou, Wenjia; Reynolds, Christian A; Li, Yiran; Liu, Jenney; Hüttemann, Maik; Schlame, Michael; Stevenson, David; Strathdee, Douglas; Greenberg, Miriam L;
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids - 1863 857-865
Inhibitory modulation of cytochrome c oxidase activity with specific near-infrared light wavelengths attenuates brain ischemia/reperfusion injury
Sanderson, Thomas H; Wider, Joseph M; Lee, Icksoo; Reynolds, Christian A; Liu, Jenney; Lepore, Bradley; Tousignant, Reneé; Bukowski, Melissa J; Johnston, Hollie; Fite, Alemu;
Scientific reports - 8 1-12
TCA Cycle Defects in Barth Syndrome
Lou, Wenjia; Li, Yiran; Joshi, Amit S; DeLeeuw, Jessica L; Saadat, Nadia; Reynolds, Christian; Gupta, Smiti V; Trimpin, Sarah; Greenberg, Miriam L;
The FASEB Journal - 30 1100.7-1100.7
Mitochondrial dynamics following global cerebral ischemia
Kumar, Rita; Bukowski, Melissa J; Wider, Joseph M; Reynolds, Christian A; Calo, Lesley; Lepore, Bradley; Tousignant, Renee; Jones, Michelle; Przyklenk, Karin; Sanderson, Thomas H;
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience - 76 68-75
Matrix-assisted ionization on a portable mass spectrometer: analysis directly from biological and synthetic materials
Devereaux, Zachary J; Reynolds, Christian A; Fischer, Joshua L; Foley, Casey D; DeLeeuw, Jessica L; Wager-Miller, James; Narayan, Srinivas B; Mackie, Ken; Trimpin, Sarah;
Analytical chemistry - 88 10831-10836
Znanstvene knjige
Preclinical Evaluation Of Infrared Light Therapy In A Rat Model Of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Reynolds, Christian Andrew;
Pathophysiology, echocardiographic evaluation, biomarker findings, and prognostic implications of septic cardiomyopathy: a review of the literature
Barth syndrome: A life-threatening disorder caused by abnormal cardiolipin remodeling
Hypoxia-induced damage to the adult and immature brain: molecular mechanism of oxidative damage and the need for targeted therapeutic intervention
Molecular mechanisms of ischemia–reperfusion injury in brain: pivotal role of the mitochondrial membrane potential in reactive oxygen species generation
Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Eikosanoidi izvedeni iz dijete i fenotipi u sepsi
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Christian Andrew Reynolds
β-oksidacija i mitohondrijskog fosfolipida: potencijalni modifikatori zatajenja srca
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Eikosanoidi izvedeni iz dijete i fenotipi u sepsi
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Christian Andrew Reynolds
β-oksidacija masnih kiselina i sastav mitohondrijskog fosfolipida: potencijalni modifikatori zatajenja srca
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti
Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu
red. prof.Antonija Jurak Begonjadr. sc.
Identifikacija novih interakcijskih partnera Vps34 u megakariopoezi
Biomedicinske i biotehničke znanosti