PORTFELJ / izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Manganaro


izv. prof. dr. sc.

Marina Manganaro

Fakultet za fiziku

Zavod za teorijsku fiziku i astrofiziku





Doktorat iz nuklearne i subnuklearne fizike

Photoproduction of mesons at GRAAL

Sveučilište u Messini, Italija


Magistra fizike

Effects on products of heavy ions reactions, due to the nuclei structure and reaction dynamics

Sveučilište u Messini, Italija

Radno iskustvo



observations and data analysis with the MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes and CTA (Cherenkov Telescopes Array)

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Odjel za fiziku



observations and data analysis with the MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes and CTA (Cherenkov Telescopes Array)

IAC - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Španjolska



Growth and characterization of photonic devices, such as photodetectors, lasers and quantum wells for photon emission with MOVPE (MetalOrganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy)

Tyndall National Institute and University of Cork, Irska



Responsible of the target system for BGO-OD experiment at ELSA synchrotron (mesons photoproduction)

Physikalisches Institüt, Universität Bonn, Germany



Meson Photoproduction in the experiments at ELSA accelerator in Bonn

University of Messina, Italija

Nagrade i priznanja


Nagrada za najbolji znavstveni rad, Zavod za teorijsku fiziku i astrofiziku, Fakultet za Fiziku, Sveučilište u Rijeci. Naslov rada: "Multiwavelength study of the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 between 2016 and 2020" objavljen u časopisu Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


Florian Goebel Prize 2016–for the fundamental work which allowed MAGIC to expand the very-high-energy gamma-ray horizon beyond a redshift of 0.9– at Dortmund MAGIC collaboration meeting


2022. -

SWGO (Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory)

2021. -

NuGrid International Collaboration (Nuclear Astrophysics)

2018. -

LST (Large Size Telescope) International Collaboration

2015. -

CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) International Collaboration

2014. -

MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) International Collaboration

2010. - 2011.

MAMBO International Collaboration

2010. - 2011.

BGO-OD International Collaboration

2005. - 2011.

GRAAL International Collaboration

Nastavna djelatnost


2020. -

Suvremena opažanja u astrofizici

Diplomski studij Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku



Astrofizički praktikum

Diplomski studiji Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


2018. -

Fizikalna kozmologija

Diplomski studiji Fizika

Sveućilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


2018. -

Seminar iz fizike na engleskom jeziku

Diplomski studiji Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


2018. -

Nuklearna fizika

Diplomski studiji Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


Mentor u završnim radovima


Simulacije nukleosinteze u nuklearnoj astrofizici

Luka Božić

Preddiplomski studij Fizika; smjer Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Termonuklearne eksplozije novae: Studija o novi RS Ophiuchi sa NuGrid-om

Agata Vujić

Preddiplomski studij Fizika, smjer Informatika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


Proučavanje tamne materije u klasteru galaksija M15

Tibor Veselin

Preddiplomski studij Fizika; smjer Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za Fiziku


Proučavanje blazara OT081 u više frekvencijskih pojasa

Marko Pahljina

Preddiplomski studij Fizika; smjer Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Traženje korelacija između optičke polarizacije i emisije VHE gama zraka u blazaru S50716 + 714

Franjo Podobnik

Dimplomski studij Fizika, smjer Astrofizika i fizika elementarnih čestica

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Proučavanje anihilacije tamne materije u skupu galaksija Perzej pomoću gama-zraka vrlo visokih energija/ Study of Dark Matter annihilation in Perseus cluster with very-high-energy gamma rays

Nemanja Ivković

Diplomski studij Fizika, smjer Astrofizika i fizika elementarnih čestica

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Proučavanje potpisa aksionskih čestica u spektru aktivnih galaktičkih jezgri u području gama-zraka vrlo visokih energija/Study of axion-like particles signatures in the very-high-energy gamma-ray spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei

Ivana Batković

Diplomski studij Fizika, smjer Astrofizika i fizika elementarnih čestica

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Proučavanje spektralnog vrha na visokim energijama u ekstremnim objektima tipa BL Lac (Study of the high energy spectral peak of extreme BL Lac objects)

Marko Šegon

Diplomski studij Fizika, smjer Astrofizika i fizika elementarnih čestica

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Potraga za tau neutrinima teleskopima MAGIC (Search for tau neutrinos with MAGIC telescopes)

Leonora Kardum

Diplomski studij Fizika

Sveučilište u Rijeci

Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Multiwavelength study of the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357 between 2016 and 2020

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, Lucio Angelo; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 510


Combined searches for dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies observed with the MAGIC telescopes, including new data from Coma Berenices and Draco

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, Lucio Angelo; Engels, A Arbet; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; de Almeida, U Barres;

Physics of the Dark Universe - 35


Investigating the Blazar TXS 0506+ 056 through Sharp Multiwavelength Eyes During 2017–2019

Acciari, VA; Aniello, T; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A;

The Astrophysical Journal - 927


Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by gamma rays

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;

Nature Astronomy


Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation

Abdalla, Hassan; Abe, H; Acero, F; Acharyya, A; Adam, R; Agudo, I; Aguirre-Santaella, A; Alfaro, R; Alfaro, J; Alispach, C;

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics - 2021


Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre

Acharyya, Atreya; Adam, R; Adams, C; Agudo, I; Aguirre-Santaella, A; Alfaro, R; Alfaro, J; Alispach, C; Aloisio, R; Batista, R Alves;

Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics - 2021


HESS and MAGIC observations of a sudden cessation of a very-high-energy γ-ray flare in PKS 1510− 089 in May 2016

Abdalla, Hassan; Adam, R; Aharonian, F; Benkhali, F Ait; Angüner, EO; Arcaro, C; Armand, C; Armstrong, T; Ashkar, H; Backes, M;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 648


Probing extreme environments with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Boisson, C; Brown, AM; Burtovoi, A; Cerruti, M; Chernyakova, M; Hassan, T; Lenain, J-P; Manganaro, M; Romano, P; Sol, H;

arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05971


Axion-Like Particle Searches with IACTs

Batković, Ivana; De Angelis, Alessandro; Doro, Michele; Manganaro, Marina;

Universe - 7


Investigation of the correlation patterns and the Compton dominance variability of Mrk 421 in 2017

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Artero, M; Asano, K; Babić, A; Baquero, A; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 655


Observation of the Gamma-Ray Binary HESS J0632+ 057 with the HESS, MAGIC, and VERITAS Telescopes

Adams, CB; Benbow, W; Brill, A; Buckley, JH; Capasso, M; Chromey, AJ; Errando, M; Falcone, A; Farrell, KA; Feng, Q;

The Astrophysical Journal - 923


Search for Very High-Energy Emission from the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+ 4232

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, Lucio Angelo; Engels, A Arbet; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; de Almeida, U Barres;

The Astrophysical Journal - 922


Unraveling the Complex Behavior of Mrk 421 with Simultaneous X-Ray and VHE Observations during an Extreme Flaring Activity in 2013 April

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, Dominik; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, Biswajit; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, Juan A; González, J Becerra;

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series - 248


Early stages of InP nanostructure formation on AlInAs

Gocalinska, Agnieszka M; Mura, Enrica E; Manganaro, Marina; Juska, Gediminas; Dimastrodonato, Valeria; Thomas, Kevin; Zangwill, Andrew; Vvedensky, Dimitri D; Pelucchi, Emanuele;

Physical Review B - 101


MAGIC observations of the diffuse γ-ray emission in the vicinity of the Galactic center

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 642


An intermittent extreme BL Lac: MWL study of 1ES 2344+ 514 in an enhanced state

Acciari, MAGIC Collaboration: VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J; Bednarek, W;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 496


Studying the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1841− 055 with the MAGIC telescopes

MAGIC collaboration; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Baquero, A;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 497


Detection of the Geminga pulsar with MAGIC hints at a power-law tail emission beyond 15 GeV

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 643


Testing two-component models on very high-energy gamma-ray-emitting BL Lac objects

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; Gonzalez, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 640


The Great Markarian 421 Flare of 2010 February: Multiwavelength Variability and Correlation Studies

Abeysekara, AU; Benbow, W; Bird, R; Brill, A; Brose, R; Buchovecky, M; Buckley, JH; Christiansen, JL; Chromey, AJ; Daniel, MK;

The Astrophysical Journal - 890 97


MAGIC very large zenith angle observations of the Crab Nebula up to 100 TeV

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 635 A158


New hard-TeV extreme blazars detected with the MAGIC telescopes

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series - 247 16


The BGOOD experimental setup at ELSA

Alef, S; Bauer, P; Bayadilov, D; Beck, R; Becker, M; Bella, A; Bieling, J; Böse, S; Braghieri, A; Brinkmann, K-Th;

The European Physical Journal A - 56 1-27


Bounds on Lorentz invariance violation from MAGIC observation of GRB 190114C

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, Dominik; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, Juan A; González, J Becerra;

Physical review letters - 125


Study of the variable broadband emission of Markarian 501 during the most extreme Swift X-ray activity

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, Juan A; González, J Becerra; Bednarek, W; Bernardini, Elisa;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 637


MAGIC very large zenith angle observations of the Crab Nebula up to 100 TeV

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09566


Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 during a low emission state from 2012 to 2015 with MAGIC

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


Statistics of VHE ?-rays in temporal association with radio giant pulses from the Crab pulsar

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 634 A25


Teraelectronvolt emission from the ?-ray burst GRB 190114C

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, Lucio Angelo; Arbet Engels, A; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;


Testing emission models on the extreme blazar 2WHSP J073326. 7+ 515354 detected at very high energies with the MAGIC telescopes

External Collaborators: Asano K D’Ammando F Clavero R;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 490 2284-2299


Constraints on gamma-ray and neutrino emission from NGC 1068 with the MAGIC telescopes

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

The Astrophysical Journal - 883 135


Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout

Acharyya, A; Agudo, Iván; Angüner, EO; Alfaro, Ruben; Alfaro, J; Alispach, Cyril; Aloisio, Roberto; Batista, R Alves; Amans, J-P; Amati, Lorenzo;

Astroparticle physics - 111 35-53


Measurement of the extragalactic background light using MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of blazars up to z= 1

Acciari, Victor A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 486 4233-4251


Deep observations of the globular cluster M15 with the MAGIC telescopes

MAGIC Collaboration; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 484 2876-2885


MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 485 356-366


A fast, very-high-energy ?-ray flare from BL Lacertae during a period of multi-wavelength activity in June 2015

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 623 A175


Discovery of TeV ?-ray emission from the neighbourhood of the supernova remnant G24. 7+ 0.6 by MAGIC

MAGIC Collaboration; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 483 4578-4585


Testing emission models on the extreme blazar 2WHSP J073326. 7+ 515354 detected at very high energies with the MAGIC telescopes

External Collaborators: Asano K D’Ammando F Clavero R;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 490 2284-2299


Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout

Acharyya, A; Agudo, Iván; Angüner, EO; Alfaro, Ruben; Alfaro, J; Alispach, Cyril; Aloisio, Roberto; Batista, R Alves; Amans, J-P; Amati, Lorenzo;

Astroparticle physics - 111 35-53


Periastron Observations of TeV Gamma-Ray Emission from a Binary System with a 50-year Period

Abeysekara, AU; Benbow, W; Bird, R; Brill, A; Brose, R; Buckley, JH; Chromey, AJ; Daniel, MK; Falcone, A; Finley, JP;

The Astrophysical Journal Letters - 867 L19


Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Jean-pierre, Ernenwein;


Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A

Telescope, Liverpool; IceCube Collaboration;

Science - 361 eaat1378


Constraining very-high-energy and optical emission from FRB 121102 with the MAGIC telescopes

Magic Collaboration; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 481 2479-2486


Extreme HBL behavior of Markarian 501 during 2012

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Arcaro, Cornelia; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; Bangale, Priyadarshini; Almeida, U Barresde; Barrio, Juan A; BecerraGonzález, J;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 620 A181


The Blazar TXS 0506+ 056 Associated with a High-energy Neutrino: Insights into Extragalactic Jets and Cosmic-Ray Acceleration

Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Arcaro, C; Baack, Dominik; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, Biswajit; Bangale, Priyadarshini; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, Juan A; González, J Becerra;

The Astrophysical Journal Letters - 863 L10


The broad-band properties of the intermediate synchrotron peaked BL Lac S2 0109+ 22 from radio to VHE gamma-rays

MAGIC Collaboration; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 480 879-892


Multi-wavelength characterization of the blazar S5 0716+ 714 during an unprecedented outburst phase

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 619 A45


Constraining dark matter lifetime with a deep gamma-ray survey of the Perseus galaxy cluster with MAGIC

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres;

Physics of the Dark Universe - 22 38-47


Detection of persistent VHE gamma-ray emission from PKS 1510–089 by the MAGIC telescopes during low states between 2012 and 2017

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 619 A159


Gamma-ray flaring activity of NGC1275 in 2016–2017 measured by MAGIC

Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 617 A91


Limits on the flux of tau neutrinos from 1 PeV to 3 EeV with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astroparticle physics - 102 77-88


Constraints on particle acceleration in SS433/W50 from MAGIC and HESS observations

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 612 A14


Erratum: A cut-off in the TeV gamma-ray spectrum of the SNR Cassiopeia A

Ahnen, MAGIC Collaboration: ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 476 2874-2875


Detection of the blazar S4 0954+ 65 at very-high-energy with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 617 A30


Indirect dark matter searches in the dwarf satellite galaxy Ursa Major II with the MAGIC Telescopes

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics - 2018 009


Detection of the blazar S4 0954+ 65 at very-high-energy with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 617 A30


Constraints on particle acceleration in SS433/W50 from MAGIC and HESS observations

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 612 A14


Limits on the flux of tau neutrinos from 1 PeV to 3 EeV with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, Stefano; Antonelli, Lucio A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astroparticle Physics - 102 77-88


Gamma-ray flaring activity of NGC 1275 in 2016-2017 measured by MAGIC

Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.01559


Detection of persistent VHE gamma-ray emission from PKS 1510–089 by the MAGIC telescopes during low states between 2012 and 2017

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 619 A159


Constraining Dark Matter lifetime with a deep gamma-ray survey of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster with MAGIC

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, A Arbet; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres;

Physics of the Dark Universe - 22 38-47


Multi-wavelength characterization of the blazar S5 0716+ 714 during an unprecedented outburst phase

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 619 A45


Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 603 A31


MAGIC observations of the microquasar V404 Cygni during the 2015 outburst

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 471 1688-1693


MAGIC detection of very high energy ?-ray emission from the low-luminosity blazar 1ES 1741+ 196

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Arcaro, C; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 468 1534-1541


Search for very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-1 with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 472 3474-3485


Observations of Sagittarius A* during the pericenter passage of the G2 object with MAGIC

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Arcaro, C; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 601 A33


Performance of the MAGIC telescopes under moonlight

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astroparticle Physics - 94 29-41


First multi-wavelength campaign on the gamma-ray-loud active galaxy IC 310

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 603 A25


A cut-off in the TeV gamma-ray spectrum of the SNR Cassiopeia A

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 472 2956-2962


Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510- 089 in 2015

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; Bednarek, W;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 603 A29


Constraining Lorentz invariance violation using the Crab Pulsar emission observed up to TeV energies by MAGIC

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series - 232 9


Very-high-energy gamma-ray observations of the Type Ia Supernova SN 2014J with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Arcaro, C; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 602 A98


Observation of the black widow B1957+ 20 millisecond pulsar binary system with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 470 4608-4617


The Population of TeV Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the HESS Galactic Plane Survey

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;


Limits to dark matter annihilation cross-section from a combined analysis of MAGIC and Fermi-LAT observations of dwarf satellite galaxies

MAGIC collaboration;

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics - 2016 039


Multiwavelength study of quiescent states of MRK 421 with unprecedented hard x-ray coverage provided by NuSTAR in 2013

Baloković, M; Paneque, D; Madejski, G; Furniss, A; Chiang, J; Ajello, M; Alexander, DM; Barret, D; Blandford, RD; Boggs, SE;

The Astrophysical Journal - 819 156


Search for VHE gamma-ray emission from Geminga pulsar and nebula with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & astrophysics - 591 A138


Super-orbital variability of LS I+ 61° 303 at TeV energies

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 591 A76


MAGIC observations of the February 2014 flare of 1ES 1011+ 496 and ensuing constraint of the EBL density

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 590 A24


Long-term multi-wavelength variability and correlation study of Markarian 421 from 2007 to 2009

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & astrophysics - 593 A91


Unexpected aspects of strain relaxation and compensation in InGaAs metamorphic structures grown by MOVPE

Gocalinska, Agnieszka M; Manganaro, Marina; Pelucchi, Emanuele;

Crystal Growth & Design - 16 2363-2370


Investigating the peculiar emission from the new VHE gamma-ray source H1722+ 119

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; Barres de Almeida, U; Barrio, JA; Becerra González, J;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 459 3271-3281


Deep observation of the NGC 1275 region with MAGIC: search of diffuse ?-ray emission from cosmic rays in the Perseus cluster

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 589 A33


Detection of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357 with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Arcaro, C; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 595 A98


Multiwavelength observations of the blazar 1ES 1011+ 496 in Spring 2008

Ahnen, Max L; MAGIC Collaboration:; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - 459 2286-2298


Very high energy ?-rays from the universe’s middle age: Detection of the z= 0.940 Blazar PKS 1441+ 25 with MAGIC

Ahnen, Max Ludwig; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; De Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; Bednarek, W;

The Astrophysical Journal Letters - 815 L23


First NuSTAR observations of mrk 501 within a radio to tev multi-instrument campaign

Furniss, Amy; Noda, K; Boggs, S; Chiang, J; Christensen, F; Craig, W; Giommi, P; Hailey, C; Harisson, F; Madejski, G;

The Astrophysical Journal - 812 65


First Measurement of the $\Sigma $ Beam Asymmetry in $\eta^{\prime} $ Photoproduction off the Proton near Threshold

Sandri, P Levi; Mandaglio, G; De Leo, V; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Bocquet, J-P; Capogni, M; Curciarello, F; Didelez, J-P; D’Angelo, A;

The European Physical Journal A - 51 77


Disintegration of 12C nuclei by 700–1500 MeV photons

Nedorezov, V; D'Angelo, A; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Capogni, M; Casano, LE; Castoldi, M; Curciarello, F; De Leo, V; Didelez, J-P;

Nuclear Physics A - 940 264-278


Evaluation of defect density by top-view large scale AFM on metamorphic structures grown by MOVPE

Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Dimastrodonato, Valeria; Pelucchi, Emanuele;

Applied Surface Science - 349 849-854


Very high-energy ?-ray observations of novae and dwarf novae with the MAGIC telescopes

Ahnen, Max L; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;

Astronomy & Astrophysics - 582 A67


Measurement of the ? beam asymmetry for the ? photoproduction off the proton and the neutron at the GRAAL experiment

Vegna, V; d'Angelo, A; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Bocquet, J-P; Capogni, M; Casano, LE; Castoldi, M; Curciarello, F; De Leo, V;

Physical Review C - 91 065207


Unusual nanostructures of “lattice matched” InP on AlInAs

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, Marina; Juska, Gediminas; Dimastrodonato, Valeria; Thomas, K; Joyce, Bruce A; Zhang, Jing; Vvedensky, Dimitri D; Pelucchi, Emanuele;

Applied Physics Letters - 104 141606


InAlAs solar cell on a GaAs substrate employing a graded In (x) Ga (1-x) As-InP metamorphic buffer layer

Manganaro, Marina;

Applied physics letters - 102


InAlAs solar cell on a GaAs substrate employing a graded InxGa1- xAs–InP metamorphic buffer layer

Mathews, Ian; O'Mahony, Donagh; Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Schmidt, Michael; Morrison, Alan P; Corbett, Brian;

Applied Physics Letters - 102 033906


Suppression of threading defects formation during Sb-assisted metamorphic buffer growth in InAs/InGaAs/InP structure

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, Marina; Pelucchi, Emanuele;

Applied Physics Letters - 100 152112


SiNx-induced intermixing in AlInGaAs/InP quantum well through interdiffusion of group III atoms

Lee, Ko-Hsin; Thomas, Kevin; Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Peters, Frank H; Corbett, Brian;

Journal of Applied Physics - 112 093109


Surface organization of homoepitaxial InP films grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, Marina; Pelucchi, E; Vvedensky, DD;

Physical Review B - 86 165307


Quasi-fission and fusion-fission competition in {sup 32} S+{sup 184} W reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Liu, ZH; Yang, F; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Fusion-fission and quasifission competition in the {sup 32} S+{sup 184} W reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Search for light-speed anisotropies using Compton scattering of high-energy electrons

Rebreyend, Dominique; Bocquet, J-P; Moricciani, D; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Casano, L; DAngelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D;

CPT And Lorentz Symmetry - 35-39


Competition between fusion-fission and quasifission processes in the S 32+ W 184 reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Liu, ZH; Yang, F; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;

Physical Review C - 81 034611


Limits on light-speed anisotropies from Compton scattering of high-energy electrons

Bocquet, J-P; Moricciani, D; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Casano, L; D’Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, Gianpiero;

Physical review letters - 104 241601


Beam asymmetry ? measurements of ?- photoproduction on neutrons

Mandaglio, G; Mammoliti, F; Manganaro, Marina; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; D’Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D;

Physical Review C - 82 045209


Bremsstrahlung emission of high energy accompanying spontaneous fission of Cf 252

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Fazio, G; Giardina, G;

Physical Review C - 82 014602


The interaction between radiation and the Linen of Turin

Fazio, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina;

Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology - 165 337-342


Quasifission and difference in formation of evaporation residues in the 16O+ 184W and 19F+ 181Ta reactions

Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Muminov, AI; Fazio, G; Giardina, G;

Physics Letters B - 686 72-77


Radiation of bremsstrahlung accompanying the ?-decay of heavy nuclei

Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Giardina, G; Fazio, G; Saccá, C; Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Eremin, NV; Paskhalov, AA; Smirnov, DA;

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids - 164 283-286


F. Hanappe, S. Heinz and S. Hofmann, AI Muminov, W. Scheid

Nasirov, AK; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;

Phys. Rev. C - 79 024606


Bremsstrahlung emission accompanying ?-decay of deformed nuclei

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Giardina, G; Fazio, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;

Nuclear Physics A - 823 38-46


Vertex identification of events in photonuclear reactions by cylindrical multiwire proportional chambers

Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Giardina, G; Bellini, V; Giusa, A; Mammoliti, F; Randieri, C; Russo, G; Sperduto, ML; Sutera, C;

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids - 164 325-329


Role of the orientation angles of reacting nuclei in evaporation residue production

Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Saccá, C; Muminov, AI; Nasirov, AK;

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids - 164 287-290


Quasifission and fusion-fission in reactions with massive nuclei: Comparison of reactions leading to the Z= 120 element

Nasirov, AK; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Hanappe, Francis; Heinz, Sophie; Hofmann, Sigurd; Muminov, AI; Scheid, Werner;

Physical Review C - 79 024606


Investigation of the role of the projectile-target orientation angles on the evaporation residue production

Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Fazio, Giovanni; Giardina, Giorgio; Hanappe, Francis; Manganaro, Marina; Muminov, AI; Nasirov, AK; Sacca, C;

Physics of atomic nuclei - 72 1639-1650


Measurement of $\Sigma $ beam asymmetry in $\pi^{0} _ {} $ photoproduction off the neutron in the second and third resonances region?

Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Mandaglio, G; Mammoliti, F; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; D’angelo, A; Didelez, JP;

The European Physical Journal A - 42 151


Bremsstrahlung emission during ?-decay of 226 Ra

Giardina, Giorgio; Fazio, Giovanni; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Maydanyuk, Serghei P; Olkhovsky, Vladislav S; Eremin, Nikolay V; Paskhalov, Anton A; Smirnov, Dmitry A; Saccá, Carmelo;

Modern Physics Letters A - 23 2651-2663


Bremsstrahlung emission accompanying the ?-decay of 214 Po

Giardina, Giorgio; Fazio, Giovanni; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Saccá, C; Eremin, NV; Paskhalov, AA; Smirnov, DA; Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS;

The European Physical Journal A - 36 31-36


"*.* ScienceDirect TS SS

Bellini, V; Giusa, A; Mammoliti, F; Randieri, C; Russo, G; Sperduto, ML; Sutera, MC; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;

Nuclear Physics A - 805 84-86


First measurement of the ? beam asymmetry in ? photoproduction on the neutron

Fantini, A; Di Salvo, R; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; Castoldi, M; D'angelo, A; Franco, D; Gervino, Gianpiero;

Physical Review C - 78 015203


Role of the target orientation angle and orbital angular momentum in the evaporation residue production

Fazio, Giovanni; Giardina, Giorgio; Hanappe, Francis; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; I. Muminov, Akhtam; K. Nasirov, Avazbek; Sacca, Carmelo;

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan - 77 124201


Angular anisotropy of the fusion-fission and quasifission fragments

Nasirov, AK; Muminov, AI; Utamuratov, RK; Fazio, Giovanni; Giardina, Giorgio; Hanappe, Francis; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Scheid, Werner;

The European Physical Journal A - 34 325-339

Pozvana predavanja


The eye of a needle (Multimessenger Astrophysics)

Marina Manganaro

DFG Research Unit (Forschungsgruppe) FOR 5195 --online



Highlights of the MAGIC telescopes

Marina Manganaro

Međunarodna konferencija "LHC days" , Split



Grimoire of the MAGIC telescopes (Highlights from the MAGIC telescopes)

Marina Manganaro on behalf of the MAGIC Collaboration

Međunarodna konferencija "CRIS 2022", Napoli, Italija


05.09.2022. - 08.09.2022.

Multimessenger Astrophysics

Marina Manganaro

Fascia, Genova, Italija



MAGIC telescopes: the Gathering (Highlights from the MAGIC telescopes)

Marina Manganaro on behalf of the MAGIC Collaboration

Međunarodna konferencija "TeVPa 2021" Chengdu, China



Low energy neutrino phenomenology

Marina Manganaro

COST ACTION CA 18108 meeting (Barcelona, Spanjolska)


Constraining cosmological parameters with VHE astro-particle physics: beyond the Cosmic Gamma-ray Horizon

Marina Manganaro

CEEPUS meeting ASTRO.CE 2019 (Vipava, Slovenia)



Search for tau neutrinos with the MAGIC telescopes: the quest continues

Marina Manganaro

Međunarodna konferencija RICAP 2018 (Rim, Italija)


Kongresna priopćenja


Studying the Extreme Behaviour of 1ES 2344+ 51.4

Engels, A Arbet; Manganaro, M; Cerruti, M; Ramazani, V Fallah; Dorner, D; Sliusar, V; Filippenko, AV; Hovatta, T; Acosta-Pulido, JA; Raiteri, CM;


Broadband emission of blazar S5 0716+ 714 during impressive outbursts

Kajiwara, Yuki; Manganaro, M; Lindfors, E; Rani, B; Jorstad, SG; Larionov, VM; Marscher, A;


Studying the Extreme Behaviour of 1ES 2344+ 51.4

Arbet-Engels, A; Manganaro, M; Cerruti, M; Ramazani, VF; Dorner, D; Sliusar, V; Filippenko, AV; Hovatta, T; Larionov, V; Acosta-Pulido, JA;


Monte Carlo Studies of Combined MAGIC and LST1 Observations

Di Pierro, F; Arrabito, L; Larriva, A Baquero; Berti, A; Bregeon, J; Depaoli, D; Prester, D Dominis; Coto, R Lopez; Manganaro, M; Mićanović, S;


The first VHE detection of the blazar S4 0954+ 65 with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state

Pedaletti, G; Manganaro, M; Doert, M; Lindfors, E; Rosillo, M Nievas; Ramazani, V Fallah; MAGIC collaboration; Gonzalez, J Becerra; Tanaka, Y; Ojha, R;


Very-high-energy ?-rays from the universe middle age: Detection of B0218+ 357 and PKS1441+ 25 with the MAGIC telescopes

Rosillo, Mireia Nievas; González, Josefa Becerra; Buson, Sara; González, José Luis Contreras; Presler, Dijana Dominis; Manganaro, Marina; Sitarek, Julian; Tavecchio, Fabrizio; MAGIC collaboration; Fermi-LAT Collaboration;


MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes hunting for tau neutrinos

Gora, D; Bernardini, E; Manganaro, M; López, M; MAGIC Collaboration;


MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes hunting for neutrinos and their sources

Góra, D; Bernardini, E; Satalecka, K; Noda, K; Manganaro, M; López, M; MAGIC Collaboration;


Cherenkov Telescope Array Contributions to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017)

Acero, F; Acharya, BS; Portella, V Acín; Adams, C; Agudo, I; Aharonian, F; Samarai, I Al; Alberdi, A; Alcubierre, M; Alfaro, R;


Probing high-energy acceleration processes in S5 0716+ 714 using combined Fermi-LAT and MAGIC observations

Rani, B; Pedaletti, G; Lindfors, E; Manganaro, M; Fermi-Lat Collaboration; MAGIC Collaboration;


MAGIC Contributions to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017)

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;


Probing high-energy acceleration processes in S5 0716+ 714 using combined Fermi-LAT and MAGIC observations

Rani, B; Pedaletti, G; Lindfors, E; Manganaro, M; Fermi-Lat Collaboration; MAGIC Collaboration;


MAGIC Contributions to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017)

Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Babić, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, JA; González, J Becerra;


MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes hunting for neutrinos and their sources

Góra, D; Bernardini, E; Satalecka, K; Noda, K; Manganaro, M; López, M; MAGIC Collaboration;


MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes hunting for tau neutrinos

Góra, D; Bernardini, E; Manganaro, M; López, M; MAGIC Collaboration;


Very-high-energy ?-rays from the universe middle age: Detection of B0218+ 357 and PKS1441+ 25 with the MAGIC telescopes

Rosillo, Mireia Nievas; González, Josefa Becerra; Buson, Sara; González, José Luis Contreras; Presler, Dijana Dominis; Manganaro, Marina; Sitarek, Julian; Tavecchio, Fabrizio; MAGIC collaboration; Fermi-LAT Collaboration;


The first VHE detection of the blazar S4 0954+ 65 with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state

Pedaletti, G; Manganaro, M; Doert, M; Lindfors, E; Rosillo, M Nievas; Ramazani, V Fallah; MAGIC collaboration; Gonzalez, J Becerra; Tanaka, Y; Ojha, R;


Broad Band Observations Of Gravitationally Lensed Blazar QSO B0218+ 357 During A Gamma-Ray Outburst

Sitarek, Julian; González, Josefa Becerra; Buson, Sara; Prester, Dijana Dominis; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Nilsson, Kari; Nievas, Mireia; Stamerra, Antonio; Tavecchio, Fabrizio;


Contributions of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma 2016)

Abchiche, A; Yoshiike, S; Neto, JRT; Chernyakova, M; Stinzing, F; Ciocci, MA; Tenzer, C; Giommi, P; Lindemann, R; Sidz, M;


Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 at Very High Energy with MAGIC during a low emission state between 2012 and 2015

Arcaro, Cornelia; Bangale, Priyadarshini; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, D; Colin, P; Vovk, Ie; Mannheim, K; Hada, K; Jermak, HE; Madrid, JP;


MWL Picture Of The Blazar S5 0716+ 714 During Its Brightest Outburst

Manganaro, Marina; Pedaletti, Giovanna; Doert, Marlene; Bastieri, Denis; Ramazani, Vandad Fallah; Gasparrini, Dario; Lindfors, Elina; Lott, Benoit; Nievas, Mireia; Rani, Bindu;


Detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from the most distant and gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+ 35 using the MAGIC t

Sitarek, Julian; Becerra Gonzalez, Josefa; Buson, Sara; Dominis Prester, Dijana; Lindfors, Elina; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Nievas-Rosillo, Miguel; Stamerra, Antonio; Vovk, Ievgen;


Long term variability study for the radio galaxy M87 with MAGIC

Bangale, Priyadarshini; Manganaro, Marina; Schultz, Cornelia; Colin, Pierre; Mazin, Daniel;


Multiwavelength Picture of the Blazar S5 0716+ 714 during Its Brightest Outburst

Manganaro, Marina; Pedaletti, Giovanna; Doert, Marlene; Bastieri, Denis; Fallah Ramazani, Vandad; Gasparrini, Dario; Lindfors, Elina; Lott, Benoit; Nievas, Mireia; Rani, Bindu;


MAGIC detection of sub-TEV emission from gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357

Prester, D Dominis; Sitarek, J; Becerra, J; Buson, S; Lindfors, E; Manganaro, M; Mazin, D; Rosillo, M Nievas; Nilsson, K; Stamerra, A;


Latest MAGIC discoveries pushing redshift boundaries in VHE Astrophysics

Manganaro, Marina; Becerra, J; Nievas, M; Sitarek, J; Tavecchio, F; Buson, S; Dominis, D; Domínguez, A; Lindfors, E; Mazin, D;


Long-term studies of Markarian 421 from 2007 to 2009

Schroeder, Sonja; Overkemping, Ann-Kristin; Manganaro, Marina; Tescaro, Diego;


Broad Band Observations of Gravitationally Lensed Blazar during a Gamma-Ray Outburst

Sitarek, Julian; Becerra González, Josefa; Buson, Sara; Dominis Prester, Dijana; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Nilsson, Kari; Nievas, Mireia; Stamerra, Antonio; Tavecchio, Fabrizio;


Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 at Very High Energy with MAGIC during a low emission state between 2012 and 2015

Arcaro, Cornelia; Bangale, P; Manganaro, M; Mazin, D; Colin, P; Vovk, Ie; Mannheim, K; Hada, K; Jermak, HE; Madrid, JP;


MAGIC detection of the most distant AGN observed in VHE ?-rays, gravitationally lensed blazar B0218+ 357

Prester, D Dominis; Gonzalez, J Becerra; Buson, S; Lindfors, E; Manganaro, M; Mazin, D; Nievas, M; Sitarek, J;


Using UV-pass filters for bright Moon observations with MAGIC

Guberman, Daniel; Cortina, J; García, R; Herrera, J; Manganaro, M; Moralejo, A; Rico, J;


Detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from the most distant and gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357 using the MAGIC telescope system

Sitarek, Julian; González, J Becerra; Prester, Dijana Dominis; Lindfors, Elina; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Rosillo, Miguel Nievas; Stamerra, Antonio;


Detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from the most distant and gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357 using the MAGIC telescope system

Sitarek, Julian; González, J Becerra; Prester, Dijana Dominis; Lindfors, Elina; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Rosillo, Miguel Nievas; Stamerra, Antonio;


Long term variability study for the radio galaxy M87 with MAGIC

Bangale, Priyadarshini; Manganaro, Marina; Mazin, Daniel; Schultz, Cornelia; Colin, Pierre;


Detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from the most distant and gravitationally lensed blazar S3 0218+ 35 using the MAGIC t

Sitarek, J; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Buson, S; Dominis Prester, D; Lindfors, E; Manganaro, M; Mazin, D; Nievas-Rosillo, M; Stamerra, A; Vovk, I;


Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission From Gravitationally Lensed Blazar S3 0218+ 357 with the MAGIC Telescopes

Aleksić, Jelena; Babić, Ana; Godinović, Nikola; Hrupec, Dario; Lelas, Damir; Manganaro, Marina; Puljak, Ivica; Surić, Tihomir; Šnidarić, Iva; Terzić, Tomislav;


Analysis of the ?' photoproduction off the proton and preliminary beam asymmetry results at the GRAAL experiment

Mandaglio, G; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Capogni, M; Curciarello, F; D’Angelo, A; De Leo, V; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A;


Inp-alinas “strain free” early stages heteroepitaxy leading to nanostructure formation by MOVPE

Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Juska, Gediminas; Dimastrodonato, Valeria; Thomas, Kevin; Joyce, Bruce A; Zhang, Jing; Vvedensky, Dimitri D; Pelucchi, Emanuele;


Beam asymmetry ? in ?' photoproduction off the proton at the GRAAL experiment

Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Capogni, M; Curciarello, F; d'Angelo, A; De Leo, V; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A;


Beam asymmetry ? in ?' photoproduction off the proton at the GRAAL experiment

Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Capogni, M; Curciarello, F; D'Angelo, A; De Leo, V; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A;


Inp-alinas “strain free” early stages heteroepitaxy leading to nanostructure formation by MOVPE

Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Juska, Gediminas; Dimastrodonato, Valeria; Thomas, Kevin; Joyce, Bruce A; Zhang, Jing; Vvedensky, Dimitri D; Pelucchi, Emanuele;


Analysis of the ?' photoproduction off the proton and preliminary beam asymmetry results at the GRAAL experiment

Mandaglio, G; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Capogni, M; Curciarello, F; D’Angelo, A; De Leo, V; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A;


Surfactant role of (TM) Sb in MOVPE growth of metamorphic InGaAs graded buffers

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, M; Pelucchi, E;


Surfactant role of (TM) Sb in MOVPE growth of metamorphic InGaAs graded buffers

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, M; Pelucchi, E;


Quantum well intermixing in AlInGaAs QW structures through the interdiffusion of group III atoms

Lee, Ko-Hsin; Thomas, Kevin; Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Manganaro, Marina; Yang, Hua; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Peters, Frank H; Corbett, Brian;


A new limit on the light speed isotropy from the GRAAL experiment at ESRF

Gurzadyan, VG; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Bocquet, J-P; D’ANGELO, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, Gianpiero; Giardina, G;


Results from polarized experiments at LEGS and GRAAL

d'Angelo, A; Ardashev, K; Bade, C; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Blecher, M; Bocqueti, J-P; Capogni, M; Caracappa, A; Casano, LE;


High speed AlInGaAs/InGaAs quantum well waveguide photodiode for wavelengths around 2 microns

Yang, Hua; Ye, Nan; Manganaro, Marina; Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Thomas, Kevin; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Roycroft, Brendan; Peters, Frank H; Corbett, Brian;


High speed AlInGaAs/InGaAs quantum well waveguide photodiode for wavelengths around 2 microns

Yang, Hua; Ye, Nan; Manganaro, Marina; Gocalinska, Agnieszka; Thomas, Kevin; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Roycroft, Brendan; Peters, Frank H; Corbett, Brian;


Results from polarized experiments at LEGS and GRAAL

D'Angelo, A; Ardashev, K; Bade, C; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Blecher, M; Bocqueti, J-P; Capogni, M; Caracappa, A; Casano, LE;


A new limit on the light speed isotropy from the GRAAL experiment at ESRF

Gurzadyan, VG; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Bocquet, J-P; D’ANGELO, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G; Giardina, G;


Quasifission and Fusion-Fission Competition in 32S+ 184W Reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Liu, ZH; Yang, F; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Investigation of high energy ?-rays accompanying spontaneous fission of 252Cf in double and triple neutron-? coincidences

Eremin, NV; Markochev, SS; Paskhalov, AA; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Romaniuk, MV;


On the remarkable morphological organization of homoepitaxial MOVPE InP films

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, M; Pelucchi, E;


Complete Photo-production Experiments

D’Angelo, A; Ardashev, K; Bade, C; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Blecher, M; Bocquet, J-P; Capogni, M; Caracappa, A; Casano, LE;


Dynamics of dinuclear system formation and its decay in heavy ion collisions

Nasirov, Avazbek; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Scheid, Werner;


Bremsstrahlung emission of photons accompanying ternary fission of 252Cf

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Saccá, C;


Investigation on the quasifission process by theoretical analysis of experimental data of fissionlike reaction products

Giardina, G; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Curciarello, F; De Leo, V; Fazio, G; Manganaro, M; Romaniuk, M; Saccá, C;


Appearance of nuclear shell effects and initial charge (MASS) asymmetry in the formation of products of heavy ion collisions

Nasirov, Avazbek; Fazio, Giovanni; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Muminov, Akhtam;


Quasi?ssion and Fusion-Fission Competition in 32S+ 184W Reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Liu, ZH; Yang, F; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Fusion-fission and quasifission competition in the 32S+ 184W reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Fusion-fission and quasifission competition in the 32S+ 184W reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Quasi?ssion and Fusion-Fission Competition in 32S+ 184W Reaction

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Lin, CJ; Liu, ZH; Yang, F; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G;


Investigation on the quasifission process by theoretical analysis of experimental data of fissionlike reaction products

Giardina, G; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Curciarello, F; De Leo, V; Fazio, G; Manganaro, M; Romaniuk, M; Saccá, C;


Bremsstrahlung emission of photons accompanying ternary fission of 252Cf

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Saccá, C;


Dynamics of dinuclear system formation and its decay in heavy ion collisions

Nasirov, Avazbek; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Scheid, Werner;


Complete Photo-production Experiments

D’Angelo, A; Ardashev, K; Bade, C; Bartalini, O; Bellini, V; Blecher, M; Bocquet, J-P; Capogni, M; Caracappa, A; Casano, LE;


On the remarkable morphological organization of homoepitaxial MOVPE InP films

Gocalinska, A; Manganaro, M; Pelucchi, E;


? Photoproduction at GRAAL

Vegna, V; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; d'Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G; Ghio, F;


Expectations and limits to synthesize nuclei with Z? 120

Giardina, G; Fazio, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Nasirov, AK; Romaniuk, MV; Sacca, C;


New experimental method of investigation the rare nuclear transformations accompanying atomic processes: Bremsstrahlung emission in spontaneous fission of 252 Cf

Eremin, NV; Paskhalov, AA; Markochev, SS; Tsvetkov, EA; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Romaniuk, MV;


Mixing of fusion-fission and quasifission products in reaction with massive nuclei

Nasirov, AK; Muminov, AI; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;


Beam asymmetry ? of the ?-photoproduction off neutron

Mandaglio, G; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; d'Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G; Ghio, F;


Mechanisms producing fissionlike binary fragments in heavy ion collisions

Nasirov, Avazbek; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Muminov, Akhtam;


Studies of heavy ion reactions around Coulomb barrier

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Jia, HM; Lin, CJ; Yang, F; Liu, ZH; Wu, ZD; Jia, F; Xu, XX; Richard, A;


Dynamic approach to analysis of angular distributions of fission and quasifission fragments

Drozdov, VA; Eremenko, DO; Fotina, OV; Platonov, S Yu; Yuminov, OA; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Fazio, G;


Dynamic model of mass-angular correlations of quasi-fission fragments

Eremenko, DO; Drozdov, VA; Platonov, S Yu; Fotina, OV; Yuminov, OA; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;


Data analysis and event identification of the gamma+ n---> pi-+ p reaction

Mandaglio, G; D'Angelo, A; Vegna, V; Di Salvo, R; Levi Sandri, P; Fantini, A; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G; Moricciani, D; Schaerf, C;


Bremsstrahlung emission accompanying decays and spontaneous fission of heavy nuclei

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Fazio, G; Giardina, G;


Bremsstrahlung accompanying emission of diproton from nucleus

Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Fazio, G; Giardina, G;



Bocquet, JP; Moricciani, D; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Casano, L; DAngelo, A; Di, R; Salvo, A Fantini; Franco, D; Gervino, G;



Mushkarenkov, Alexander; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; d'Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G; Ghio, F;


Preliminary results on ?' photoproduction at GRAAL

Manganaro, Marina; Bellini, V; Bocquet, JP; Casano, L; d'Angelo, A; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G; Ghio, F;


Dynamic-statistical approach to the description of the induced fission in wide excitation energy range

Drozdov, VA; Eremenko, DO; Fotina, OV; Platonov, S Yu; Yuminov, OA; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, Marina; Romaniuk, MV;



Bocquet, JP; Moricciani, D; Bellini, V; Beretta, M; Casano, L; DAngelo, A; Di, R; Salvo, A Fantini; Franco, D; Gervino, G;


Studies of heavy ion reactions around Coulomb barrier

Zhang, HQ; Zhang, CL; Jia, HM; Lin, CJ; Yang, F; Liu, ZH; Wu, ZD; Jia, F; Xu, XX; Richard, A;


Mixing of fusion-fission and quasifission products in reaction with massive nuclei

Nasirov, AK; Muminov, AI; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M;


Comparison of the fusion-fission and quasifission mechanisms in heavy-ion collisions

Nasirov, Avazbek; Fazio, Giovanni; Giardina, Giorgio; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Manganaro, Marina; Hanappe, Francis; Muminov, Akhtam; Scheid, Werner;


Studies of heavy ion reactions around Coulomb barrier

Richard, A; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G; Hagino, K;


Latest results from GRAAL collaboration

Vegna, V; Bellini, V; Bouquet, JP; Casano, L; d'Angelo, A; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, Gianpiero;


Comparison of the characteristics of the fusion-fission and quasifission products in reactions with heavy ions

Nasirov, AK; Fazio, G; Hofmann, S; Giardina, G; Muminov, AI; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Scheid, W;


Comparison of the characteristics of the fusion-fission and quasifission products in reactions with heavy ions

Nasirov, AK; Fazio, G; Hofmann, S; Giardina, G; Muminov, AI; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Scheid, W;


Latest results from GRAAL collaboration

Vegna, V; Bellini, V; Bouquet, JP; Casano, L; D'Angelo, A; Didelez, JP; Di Salvo, R; Fantini, A; Franco, D; Gervino, G;


Bremsstrahlung emission accompanying the {alpha}-decay of {sup 214} Po

Giardina, G; Fazio, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Sacca, C; Eremin, NV; Paskhalov, AA; Smirnov, DA; Maydanyuk, SP; Olkhovsky, VS;


Comparison of characteristics of fusion-fission and quasifission fragments in heavy ion reactions

Nasirov, AK; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Hofmann, S; Muminov, AI; Scheid, W;


Influence of the projectile-target orientation angles of the evaporation residue production

Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Hanappe, F; Muminov, AI; Nasirov, AK; Sacca, C;


Influence of the projectile-target orientation angles of the evaporation residue production

Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Hanappe, F; Muminov, AI; Nasirov, AK; Sacca, C;


Comparison of characteristics of fusion-fission and quasifission fragments in heavy ion reactions

Nasirov, AK; Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Hofmann, S; Muminov, AI; Scheid, W;

The effect of the reaction entrance channel on formation of the evaporation residues

Fazio, G; Giardina, G; Hanappe, F; Manganaro, M; Mandaglio, G; Muminov, AI; Nasirov, AK;

Point-like source searches of PeV-EeV Earth-skimming neutrinos with MAGIC telescopes: optimisation study of the event selection

Mallamaci, M; Bernardini, E; Berti, A; Gora, D; De Angelis, A; Doro, M; Manganaro, M;

Studies of heavy ion reactions around Coulomb barrier

Richard, A; Nasirov, AK; Mandaglio, G; Manganaro, M; Giardina, G; Hagino, K;


The Intermittent Extreme Behaviour of BL Lac 1ES 2344+ 514

Manganaro, M; ENGELS, A ARBET; Dorner, D; Cerruti, M; Acosta-Pulido, JA; Filippenko, AV; Hovatta, T; Larionov, VM; RAITERI10, CM; RAMAZANI, V FALLAH;


Recent MAGIC results on Galactic binaries

Hadasch, D; Hoang, J; López-Oramas, A; Molina, E; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K;


Monitoring the pointing of the Large Size Telescope prototype using star reconstruction in the Cherenkov camera

Foffano, L; Carosi, A; Della Volpe, D; Dalchenko, M; Heller, M; Montaruli, T; Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA;


Studying the long-term spectral and temporal evolution of 1ES 1959+ 650

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babić, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;


First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype

Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Aubert, P;


Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array first Large Size Telescope real data using convolutional neural networks

Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Aubert, P;


Multiwavelength monitoring of gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+ 357 between 2016 and 2020

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babic, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;


Development of an advanced SiPM camera for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov TelescopeArray Observatory

Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Aubert, P;


Physics Performance of the Large Size Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Aubert, P;


CTA–the World's largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory

Zanin, R; Abdalla, H; Abe, H; Abe, S; Abusleme, A; Acero, F; Acharyya, A; Acin Portella, V; Ackley, K; Adam, R;


# meetTheMAGICians: Science communication and visibility of young researchers

López-Oramas, A; Manganaro, M; Strišković, J; Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D;


Deep-learning-driven event reconstruction applied to simulated data from a single Large-Sized Telescope of CTA

Lopez-Coto, R; Nieto-Castaño, D; Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K;


Resolving the origin of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the PeVatron candidate SNR G106. 3+ 2.7 using MAGIC telescopes

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babic, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;


Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Blanch, O; Delgado, C; Saito, T; Batković, I; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Jiménez Martínez, I; Lopez-Coto, R; Martinez, M; Mićanović, S; Abe, H;


Multi-epoch monitoring of TXS 0506+ 056 with MAGIC and MWL partners

Acciari, VA; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arbet Engels, A; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babic, A; Baquero, A; Barres de Almeida, U;


Reconstruction of extensive air shower images of the Large Size Telescope prototype of CTA using a novel likelihood technique

Alispach, CM; Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H;


Status and results of the prototype LST of CTA

Abe, H; Aguasca, A; Agudo, I; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Artero, M; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Aubert, P;

Mentorstvo doktorandima

2021. -


Franjo Podobnik Doktorat

Experimental Physics

University of Siena

Datum obrane: 2024.

2020. -


Ivana Batković Doktorat


University of Padova

Datum obrane: 2024.

2019. -


Jasmina Isaković Doktorat

Fizika elementarnih čestica

Sveučilište u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 2024.

Javno djelovanje

Popularizacija znanosti


Pint of Science Croatia 2020

Predstavljanje festivala Pintof Science (prvi put u Hrvatskoj)

Beertija pub, Rijeka


Skeptici u pubu: The Physics of superheroes

Beertija pub, Rijeka



Festival Znanosti -- Radionica Zabavne čestice!

Korzo, Rijeka


U Europskoj-noć istraživača , eksperiment: mjerimo brzinu svjetlosti čokoladom!

Tower Centar, Rijeka


Otvoreni dan -- Predstavljanje Laboratorija za astročestičnu fiziku javnosti

Sveučilište U Rijeci, Odjel za fiziku



Marina Manganaro. Una siciliana a Fiume

La Voce del Popolo


Novinski članci


Otkriven misterij zračenja koje je obasjalo cijelu našu galaksiju




Hrvatski znanstvenici kroz teleskop MAGIC opazili eksploziju svemirske hidrogenske bombe

Večernji List



U Rijeku prvi put stiže cijenjeni međunarodni znanstveni festival Pint of Science

Novi List



Sveučilište u Rijeci: Do posla uz jednake uvjete, kriterije i šanse

Novi List



Astrofizičarke svjetskog glasa s riječkog Sveučilišta

HRT Magazin



Nastup u epizodi programa "Treci element" S7E07 - Struktura svemira




Beyond an invisible horizon

Mapping ignorance


Administrativna djelatnost

Povjerenstva na sveučilištu

2022. -


Stručno vijeće na digitalizacija

2019. -


Operativna skupina za implementaciju "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R)


UniRi Representative

IDPASC (International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology)


Znanstveni projekti

18.12.2023. - 17.12.2027.

Astronomija gama-zraka visokih energija u doba višečestičnih opažanja


HrZZ EUR 194.844,69


14.03.2019. - 13.09.2023.

Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach (QG-MM)


COST akcija


2018. - 2022.

Istraživanje strukture svemira zemaljskim i svemirskim teleskopima




16.07.2017. - 15.07.2021.

Visokoenergijska astronomija gama-zraka teleskopima MAGIC i CTA (HRZZ-IP-06-2016-9782 )


HrZZ HRK 587.000,00


Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu