2001. - 2006.
doktor tehničkih znanosti
doktorski studij
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
1997. - 2000.
magistar tehničkih znanosti
Poslijediplomski studij računarske mehanike
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
1992. - 1997.
dip. ing. strojarstva
Sveučilišni diplomski studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
1988. - 1992.
matematička gimnazija
matematička gimnazija
Matematička gimnazija "Andrije Mohorovičića" u Rijeci
osnovna škola
osnovna škola
o.š. Čavle
Radno iskustvo
01.10.2022. -
Prodekan za znanstvenu djelatnost
Tehnički fakultet
01.10.2020. -
Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
Voditelj katedre za čvrstoću konstrukcija
Tehnički fakultet
01.10.2015. - 30.09.2020.
redoviti profesor
voditelj Katedre za čvrstoću konstrukcija
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
2010. - 01.10.2015.
izvanredni profesor
voditelj Laboratorija za mjerenje i analizu deformacija
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
2007. - 2010.
voditelj Laboratorija za mjerenje i analizu deformacija
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
1997. - 2007.
- nastava - znanost
Tehnički fakultet Rijeka
Nagrade i priznanja
Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za ak. god. 2011./2012., u kategoriji Nagrade znanstvenicima Sveučilišta u Rijeci za znanstveno područje Tehničke i prirodne znanosti.
Životopis uvršten u 1st (2005) Edition of Who's Who in Computational Science and Engineering, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, United Kingdom.
Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1995/96.
Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1993/94.
Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1992/93.
2022. -
Stručno vijeće za istraživanje i inovacije (SVII)
01.09.2017. - 31.08.2020.
Povjerenstvo za Erasmus program Sveučilišta u Rijeci
26.04.2017. - 25.04.2021.
Matični odbor za područje tehničkih znanosti - polja strojarstva, brodogradnje, tehnologije prometa i transporta, zrakoplovstva, raketne tehnike i svemirske tehnike
Povjerenstvo za akademsko priznavanje i priznavanje razdoblja studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci
2013. -
Matični odbor za interdisciplinarno područje (znanost; umjetnost)
2009. -
2002. -
Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku
Nastavna djelatnost
2013. -
Izborni projekt - Računarska analiza konstrukcija
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2013. -
Mehanika kompozita
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2013. -
Projekt - Elasto i plastomehanika
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2012. - 2013.
Računarska analiza konstrukcija
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2009. - 2012.
Tankostjene konstrukcije
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2008. - 2013.
Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2008. - 2013.
Elasto i plastomehanika
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
2008. - 2012.
Mehanika konstrukcija
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
Mentor u završnim radovima
18.03.2019. - 18.09.2020.
Analiza izvijanja FG grede Rayleigh-Ritzovom metodom
Ivana Ivančić
preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
18.03.2019. - 18.09.2020.
Analiza izvijanja FG grede Bubnov-Galerkinovom metodom
Mihael Katalenić
preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
25.11.2013. -
Proračun glavnog nosača mosne dizalice nosivosti 500 kN
Anton Kocijel
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
20.09.2013. -
Proračun nosača kranske staze mosne dizalice nosivosti 500 kN
Mihael Zamuda
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
20.09.2013. -
Konstrukcija automobilske parkirališne nadstrešnice
Danijel Proleta
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
18.09.2013. -
Kontrola čvrstoće rešetkastih elemenata mosta prema Eurocode normama
Domagoj Sedlar
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
28.03.2013. -
Konstrukcija podizača kontejnera za otpad
Roko Juranić
Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
28.01.2013. -
Numerička analiza nelinearnog odziva okvirnog nosača u režimu puzanja
Mario Bukša
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
30.11.2012. -
Numerička analiza izvijanja laminatno kompozitnih grednih nosača
Iva Šimon
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
27.09.2012. -
Numeričko modeliranje posuda pod tlakom u režimu puzanja
Dominik Peša
Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
24.01.2012. -
Dimenzioniranje nosača mosne dizalice
Lovro Kustić
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
14.09.2011. -
Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja
Luka Barbalić
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
20.07.2011. -
Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja
Kristijan Prankić
Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
20.07.2011. -
Proračun naprezanja u kompozitnim laminatnim pločama
Ivan Sterpin
Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
18.07.2011. -
Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja
Mihael Zamuda
Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje
2013. -
Mehanika CO
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
2013. -
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
2012. -
Mehanika CO
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
2012. -
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
2011. -
Mehanika CO
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
2011. -
Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo
Tehnički fakultet
Znanstvena djelatnost
Znanstveni radovi
Comparison of classical and refined beam models applied on isotropic and FG thin-walled beams in nonlinear buckling response
Kvaternik, Sandra; Filippi, Matteo; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Carrera, Erasmo;
Composite Structures - 229 111490
Shear deformable beam element for stability analysis of composite beam-type srtucture
Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj; Kvaternik, Sandra;
9. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku: 50 godina Društva
Behaviour of axially loaded FG column in creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin;
5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019
Beam model for thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams
Kvaternik, Sandra; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan;
5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019
Beam element for thermal buckling analysis of open thin-walled FG beams
Kvaternik, Sandra; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan;
9. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku: 50 godina Društva
Uniaxial fatigue, creep and stress-strain responses of steel 30CrNiMo8
Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Chen, Sijie;
Steel and Composite Structures - 31 409-417
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kvaternik, Sandra; Pešić, Igor;
International conference-Thin walled structures
Finite element analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams exposed to thermal loading
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Kvaternik, Sandra;
4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018
Creep buckling analysis of the functionally graded beam
Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Turkalj, Goran;
4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018
Large displacement analysis of laminated composite frames considering shear deformation effects
Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018
Steel 51CrV4 under high temperatures, short-time creep and high cycle fatigue
Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Niu, Jitai; Wang, Peng;
Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 147 468-476
A shear-deformable beam model for stability analysis of orthotropic composite semi-rigid frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Brnić, Josip; Vo, Thuc P;
Composite Structures - 189 648-660
A shear-flexible beam model for large displacement analysis of composite beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Brnić, Josip;
3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites
Flexural analysis of laminated composite and sandwich beams using a four-unknown shear and normal deformation theory
Vo, Thuc P; Thai, Huu-Tai; Nguyen, Trung-Kien; Lanc, Domagoj; Karamanli, Armagan;
Composite Structures - 176 388-397
Analysis of the mechanical behavior, creep resistance and uniaxial fatigue strength of martensitic steel X46Cr13
Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Niu, Jitai;
Materials - 10 388
Flexural analysis of laminate
Vo, Thuc; Thai, Huu-Tai; Nguyen, Trung-Kien; Lanc, Domagoj; Karamanli, Armagan;
10.34: Creep properties of grade S275JR steel at high temperature
Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir;
ce/papers - 1 2806-2810
Numerical Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Frames with Joint Effect
Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
My First Conference 2017.
Analysis of flexure, torsion and buckling of thin-walled frames with a focus on the joint warping behaviour
Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Transactions of FAMENA - 41 1-10
High-temperature properties of aluminum alloy EN6082AW T6
Torić, Neno; Boko, Ivica; Uzelac, Ivana; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir; Galić, Mirela; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Applications of Fire Engineering - 31-35
Creep properties of grade S275JF steel at high temperature
Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir;
8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures
Creep analysis of elastic beams under constant torque
Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj; Kvaternik, Sandra;
Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 11 229-232
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kvaternik, Sandra;
3rd International Conference on Mechanics of composites, MECHCOMP3
Global buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, P Thuc; Pešić, Igor;
2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites-MECHCOMP2
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of composite semi-rigid frames using a shear flexible thin-walled beam element
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Banić, Damjan;
2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites-MECHCOMP2
Nonlinear analysis of thermal buckling of thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Sedmi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku
Buckling analysis of laminated composite box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;
Short-time creep, fatigue and mechanical properties of 42CrMo4-Low alloy structural steel
Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Gao, Zeng;
Steel and Composite Structures - 22 875-888
Analysis of elastic plastic beams under torsion with restrained warping
Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Sedmi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku
Non-linear global stability analysis of thin-walled laminated beam-type structures
Pesic, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Computers & Structures - 173 19-30
Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P; Brnić, Josip;
Composite structures - 152 829-839
Mechanical properties, short time creep, and fatigue of an austenitic steel
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Li, Qiang; Niu, Jitai;
Materials - 9 298
Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated composite channel-section beams
Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;
Composite Structures - 143 84-92
Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated
Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;
Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated
Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;
Composite Structures - 143 84-92
Q1 WOS Exc
Non-linear global stability analysis of thin-walled laminated beam-type structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Computers & Structures - 173 19-30
Q1 WOS Exc
Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams.
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, T. P., Brnić, Josip
Composite structures - 152 829-839
Q1 Exc WOS
Deformation behaviour and material properties of austenitic heat-resistant steel X15CrNiSi25-20 subjected to high temperatures and creep
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Lanc, Domagoj;
Materials & Design - 69 219-229
Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong;
Thin-Walled Structures - 86 148-156
Study of the effects of high temperatures on the engineering properties of steel 42CrMo4
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;
High Temperature Materials and Processes - 34 27-34
A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip;
18th International Conference on Composite-ICCS18
Static, vibration and buckling of composite beams using a quasi-3D theory
Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;
18th International Conference on Composite Structures-ICCS18
Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P; Pešić, Igor;
18th International Conference on Composite Structures-ICCS18
Effect of shear flexibility in buckling analysis of beam structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor;
Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 9 58-61
Non-linear thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 35 239-245
A beam formulation for large displacement analysis of composite frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;
Composite structures - 134 237-246
Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6 Ce–0.6 Zr at different temperatures
Čanađija, Marko; Guo, Xuefeng; Lanc, Domagoj; Yang, Wenpeng; Brnić, Josip;
Materials & Design - 59 287-295
Significance of experimental data in the design of structures made from 1.4057 steel
Brnic, J; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, M; Lanc, Domagoj;
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. - 29 131-136
Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pesic, Igor;
Composite Structures - 111 371-380
Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran;
Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 95 81-89
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
IN-TECH 2014 International Conference on Innovative Technologies
Information relevant for the design of structure: Ferritic–Heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino;
Materials & Design - 63 508-518
Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Buksa, M; Brnic, J;
Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 8 11-14
Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures
Domagoj Lanc, Goran Turkalj, Igor Pešić
Composite Structures - 111 371-380
Q1 WOS Exc
Model izvijanja grednih nosača kompozitnih kutijastih profila
Lanc D., Turkalj G., Pešić I., Jurki B.
Zbornik radova šestog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku - 117-122
Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies - IN-TECH 2014 - 205-206
Lanc, D; Buksa, M; Brnic, J;
Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 8 11-14
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
ICCS17-17th International Conference on Composite Structures
Analysis of experimental data on the behavior of steel S275JR–Reliability of modern design
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
Materials & Design - 47 497-504
Testing and analysis of X39CrMo17-1 steel properties
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran; Munjas, Neven;
Construction and building materials - 44 293-301
Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels
Brnic, J; Niu, Ji Tai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, M; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, M; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;
Materials Science Forum - 762 47-54
Numerička analiza nelinearnog odziva okvirnog nosača u režimu puzanja( Numerical analysis of frame structure in creep regime )
Stability analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beam structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Pesic, I; Turkalj, Goran;
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on computational structures technology, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
ESMC 2012-Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference
FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate
Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj;
International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH
Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime
Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj;
International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH2012
Updated lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan;
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 12 1250013
Responses of austenitic stainless steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) subjected to different environmental conditions
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin;
Journal of Testing and Evaluation - 40 319-328
Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Četvrti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
ZG Zhang, YP Peng, YL Mao
Hou, CM; Xu, L; Gao, Junguo; He, Yedong; Gao, Wei; Kvackaj, Tibor; Nemethova, Lenka; Misicko, Rudolf; Pokorny, Imrich; Molnarova, Maria;
High Temperature Materials and Processes - 30
Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja
Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Četvrti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame
Merdanovic, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings - 1165-1167
Loading and responses of austenitic stainless steels at elevated temperatures
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
High temperature materials and processes - 30 579-586
Effect of elevated temperatures on behavior of structural steel 50CrMo4
Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran;
High temperature materials and processes - 30 121-125
AISI 316Ti (1.4571) steel—Mechanical, creep and fracture properties versus temperature
Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D;
Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 67 1948-1952
Martensitic stainless steel AISI 420—mechanical properties, creep and fracture toughness
Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S;
Mechanics of time-dependent materials - 15 341-352
Buckling analysis of thin-walled composite beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor;
Treći susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
FE Model for Composite Beam-Type Structure Buckling Analysis
Lanc, Domagoj; PESIC, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; BRNIC, Josip;
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing
J. Brnic
Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology - 132 021004-1
Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010, Guilin, China
A Beam Model for Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Beam-Type Structures with Flexible Connections
Turkalj, Goran; Merdanovic, E; Lanc, Domagoj;
IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering
Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 stainless steel at elevated temperatures
Brnic, Josip; Niu, Ji-tai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials - 17 39-45
Behavior of HSLA A709 steel under different environmental conditions
Brnic, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. - 25 897-902
Stability Analysis of Beam-Type Structures with Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Cross Section
Lanc, D; Pesic, I; Turkalj, G;
IV European conference on Computational mechanics, ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering
X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel–Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short-Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010
Behaviour of S 355JO steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures and creep
Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Bulletin of materials science - 33 475-481
50CrMo4 steel-determination of mechanical properties at lowered and elevated temperatures, creep behavior, and fracture toughness calculation
Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;
Journal of engineering materials and technology - 132
Structural steel ASTM A709—behavior at uniaxial tests conducted at lowered and elevated temperatures, short-time creep response, and fracture toughness calculation
Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Journal of engineering mechanics - 136 1083-1089
Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2009
Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 9 61
A Beam Element for the Large Displacement Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; PEŠI, Igor;
Book of Abstracts - 166
Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;
15th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS 15
Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino;
6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing
Large-displacement analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic–plastic material behavior
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip;
Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 142-146
FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran;
Estonian Journal of Engineering - 15 77
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Transactions of FAMENA - 33
Comparison of both creep resistance and material properties of high-strength low-alloy steel and stainless steel
Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko;
Journal of Testing and Evaluation - 37 358-363
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, J; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 74-77
Large displacement beam model for creep buckling analysis of framed structures
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnic, Josip;
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 9 61-83
Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures
Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;
Materials and Manufacturing Processes - 24 758-762
FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes.
Brcic, Marino; Canadija, Marko; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Vukelic, Goran;
Estonian Journal of Engineering - 15
Creep behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures
Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D;
Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 23-27
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnic, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Journal of materials science & technology - 25 175
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin;
Transactions of FAMENA - 32
7.6 Numerical Model for Buckling Analysis of Flexibly Connected Beam-type Structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures: International Conference Proceedings, 2008 - 353
5.1 Large Displacement Analysis of Spatial Frames under Creep Regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip;
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures: International Conference Proceedings, 2008 - 229
Structural model of multi walled carbon nanotube
Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran;
6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering
Beam element for nonlinear analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Drugi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku
Finite-element modelling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements
Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering - 222 861-872
Structural Model Of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube
Brcic, M; Canadija, M; Brnic, J; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;
Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Communications in numerical methods in engineering - 24 989-1008
An algorithm for numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 110 55-60
Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran;
Scientific Bulletin of the'Politehnica'University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics - 52 1-7
Numerical model for stability analysis of materially nonlinear frames
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran;
Prvi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku
ehavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing
Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 109 91-96
Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 109 97-104
Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature: Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 110 23-30
Buckling analysis of elastic thin-walled beam-type structures considering joints behaviour
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Transactions of FAMENA - 31
Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika - 55 76
FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Scientific Bulletin of the'Politehnica'University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics - 51 41
Lanc, Domagoj;
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26 92-92
Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
Mashinostroene - 55 72-75
Beam element for creep analysis for a large displacement regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
Beam model for creep buckling analysis
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics
Numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj;
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26 92-92
Numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj;
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26
Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 15-20
Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 1-6
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005
Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
Mashinostroene - 54 37-40
Linear stability analysis of shear-flexible thin-walled beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng - 10 281-289
Flexural-Torsional Stability Analysis of Thin-Walled Beams
Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, J; Lanc, Domagoj;
The Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS'2004)
An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 39-46
Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;
Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law
Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra;
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 103 43-50
Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development
Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics
Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;
4th International Conference on Industrial Tools
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design, Vol. 1
Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
Metal Structures: Design, Fabrication, Economy
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Poglavlje u znanstvenoj knjizi: System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design - 1
Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Poglavlje u znanstvenoj knjizi: Metal Structures: Design, Fabrication, Economy
Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour
Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 100 481-488
Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates
Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan;
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) - 100 473-480
Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour
Lanc, Domagoj;
Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko;
5. međunarodni simpozij Dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja & Kvaliteta električne energije
Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling
Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
6th International Design Conference DESIGN 2000
Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )
Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )
Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )
magistarski rad
Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;
4th International Scientific Colloquium CAx Techniques
Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT’99
Experimental Researches on the Behavior of X39CrMo17-1 Steel-Support for Modern Structural Design
Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Vukelic, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;
Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures
Pesic, I;
AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties Versus Temperature
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952
Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328
Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor
Composite structures (0263-8223) 111 (2014); 371-380
Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran
Journal of Constructional Steel Research (0143-974X) 95 (2014); 81-89
Information relevant for the design of structure: Ferritic – Heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino
Materials and Design (0261-3069) 63 (2014); 508-518
Study of the Effects of High Temperatures on the Engineering Properties of Steel 42CrMo4
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 34 (2015), 1; 27-34
Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089
Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83
Finite element modeling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (0954-4100) 222 (2008), 6; 861-872
Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran
Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54
Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45
Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž, Barišić, Branimir; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino
Materials and manufacturing processes (1042-6914) 24 (2009), 7&8; 758-762
Response of AISI 304 steel subjected to uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10
Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature : Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30
Finite element modelling of the behaviour of connections in the stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 31 (2007), 1; 25-36
X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short - Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of ICPNS 2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.
Behavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing / Jitai Niu (ur.). - Zhengzhou : The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2007. .
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B. H. V. ; Iványi, P. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2014. Paper 254-doi:10.4203/ccp.106.254.
FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. .
Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja( Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja )
Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 99-104.
Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira( Numerical model for stability analysis of materially nonlinear frames )
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran
Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 133-138 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).
Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.
Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference
Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).
A beam element for the large displacement analysis of semi-rigid frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).
Structural model of multi walled carbon nanotube
Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran
Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 419-423 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).
Large displacement analysis of spatial frames under creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 229-236 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).
Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B.H.V. ; Mota Soares, C.A. (ur.). - Stirling : Civil-Comp , 2004. .
Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Proceedings / Srb, Neven ; Moser, Josip (ur.). - Zagreb : Eletkrotehničko društvo Zagreb , 2000. 3-6.
Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača tankostijenih kompozitnih poprečnih presjeka
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor
Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Bošnjak-Klečina, Mirjana (ur.). - Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2010. 41-46 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-12-2).
Numerička analiza stabilnosti tankostjenih kompozitnih greda
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Šimon, Iva
Zbornik radova petog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Karšaj, Igor ; Jarak, Tomislav (ur.). - Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2013. 149-154 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-16-0).
A beam model for nonlinear stability analysis of beam-type structures with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of ECCM 2010 / Allix, O. ; Wriggers, P. (ur.). - Pariz : ECCOMAS , 2010. CD-ROM.
Deformation Behavior and Material Properties of Austenitic Heat - Resistant Steel X15CrNiSi25-20 Subjected to High Temperatures and Creep
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Brčić, Marino; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials & design (0261-3069) 69 (2015); 219-229
Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P.; Pešić, Igor
Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :
Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P.; Pešić, Igor
Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :
FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran
Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86
Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Munjas, Neven
Construction and building materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 / Holzapfel, Gerhard A./Ogden, Ray W. (ur.). - Graz : Graz University of Technology , 2012. - (ISBN: 978-3-85125-223-1).
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 / Holzapfel, Gerhard A./Ogden, Ray W. (ur.). - Graz : Graz University of Technology , 2012. - (ISBN: 978-3-85125-223-1).
Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).
Stability analysis of beam-type structures with thinn-walled laminated composite cross section
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of ECCM 2010 / Allix, O. ; Wrrigers, P. (ur.). - Pariz : ECCOMAS , 2010. CD-ROM.
Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Bukša, Mario; Brnić, Josip
International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS (1313-0226) VIII (2014), 2; 11-14
Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352
Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6Ce–0.6Zr at different temperatures
Čanađija, Marko; Guo, Xuefeng; Lanc, Domagoj; Yang, Wenpeng; Brnić, Josip
Materials & design (0261-3069) 59 (2014); 287-295
Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P.; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong
Thin-walled structures (0263-8231) 86 (2015); 148-156
Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Book of Abstracts of ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures / A.J.M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Viagens Abreu, SA , 2013. 11-11.
Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT ’99, Vol. II / Kuzman, Karl; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 1999. 498-501.
Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature( Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature )
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 125-128.
Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 183-190.
Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling
Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 521-526.
Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.
Flexural-torsional stability analysis of thin-walled beams
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing ICPNS'2004 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Shanghai : Harbin Institute of Technology , 2004. .
Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).
Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Pešić, Igor
Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 425-429 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).
Significance of Experimental Data in the Design of Structures Made from 1.4057 Steel
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 29 (2014), 1; 131-136
Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352
Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P.; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong
Thin-walled structures (0263-8231) 86 (2015); 148-156
Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Book of Abstracts of ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures / A.J.M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Viagens Abreu, SA , 2013. 11-11.
Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.
Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005 / Dick, E. ; Vierendeels, J. ; Vandevelde, L. ; Dupre, L. ; Slodička, M. ; Van Keer, R. (ur.). - Ghent : Universiteit Gent , 2005. (CD-ROM).
Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).
Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame
Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity" 23-26th November 2011, Vienna, Austria / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International - Veinna , 2011. 1165-1166 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-83-4).
FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate
Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 405-408 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).
Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime
Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 401-404 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).
Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Thin-Walled Beam Structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / B.H.V. Topping (ur.). - Stirlingshire, United Kingdom : Civil-Comp Press , 2012. paper 224 (ISBN: 978-1-905088-54-6).
Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates
Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480
An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46
Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289
Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20
FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49
Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75
Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96
Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104
Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79
Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran
Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7
Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30
Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902
Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008
Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146
Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180
Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363
50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6
Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23
Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504
Static, vibration and buckling of composite beams using a quasi-3D theory
Vo, Thuc P.; Lanc, Domagoj
Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :
A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip
Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :
A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip
Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :
Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).
Model izvijanja grednih nosača kompozitnih kutijastih profila
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor; Jurki, Barbara
Zbornik radova šestoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Gordan Jelenić/Maja Gaćeša (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2014. 117-122 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-19-1).
Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 2003. 067-068.
Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies / Car, Zlatan ; Kudláček, Jan ; Galvao, Joao R.C.S. (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2014. 205-206.
Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies / Car, Zlatan ; Kudláček, Jan ; Galvao, Joao R.C.S. (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2014. 205-206.
Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Bukša, Mario; Brnić, Josip
International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS (1313-0226) VIII (2014), 2; 11-14
Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77
Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180
Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363
Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089
50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6
Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates
Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480
Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour
Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488
Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law
Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) CIII (2003), BAM-2079/2003; 43-50
An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46
Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289
Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6
Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40
FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49
Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180
Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363
Loading and Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 6; 579-586
Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77
Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146
Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481
Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352
Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125
Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23
Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328
Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23
Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača tankostijenih kompozitnih poprečnih presjeka
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor
Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Bošnjak-Klečina, Mirjana (ur.). - Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2010. 41-46 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-12-2).
Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja( Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja )
Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 99-104.
Numerička analiza stabilnosti tankostjenih kompozitnih greda
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Šimon, Iva
Zbornik radova Petog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Karšaj, I. ; Jarak, T. (ur.). - Donja Stubica : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2013. 149-154 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-16-0).
Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.
Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran
Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 133-138 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).
Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).
Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 125-128.
Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 183-190.
Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Proceedings / Srb, Neven ; Moser, Josip (ur.). - Zagreb : Eletkrotehničko društvo Zagreb , 2000. 3-6.
Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT ’99, Vol. II / Kuzman, Karl; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 1999. 498-501.
Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling
Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 521-526.
Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.
Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 2003. 067-068.
Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.
Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B.H.V. ; Mota Soares, C.A. (ur.). - Stirling : Civil-Comp , 2004. .
Flexural-Torsional Stability Analysis of Thin-Walled Beams
Turkalj, G; Brnic, J; Lanc, D;
The Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS'2004)
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005 / Dick, E. ; Vierendeels, J. ; Vandevelde, L. ; Dupre, L. ; Slodička, M. ; Van Keer, R. (ur.). - Ghent : Universiteit Gent , 2005. (CD-ROM).
Structural Model Of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube
Brcic, M; Canadija, M; Brnic, J; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;
Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 419-423 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).
A beam element for the large displacement analysis of semi-rigid frames
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).
FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. .
Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame
Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity" 23-26th November 2011, Vienna, Austria / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International - Veinna , 2011. 1165-1166 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-83-4).
FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate
Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 405-408 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).
Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime
Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 401-404 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).
Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Thin-Walled Beam Structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / B.H.V. Topping (ur.). - Stirlingshire, United Kingdom : Civil-Comp Press , 2012. paper 224 (ISBN: 978-1-905088-54-6).
Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Pešić, Igor
Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 425-429 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).
Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).
Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).
Large displacement analysis of spatial frames under creep regime
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 229-236 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).
Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference
Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.
Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96
Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates
Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480
Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour
Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488
Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law
Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) CIII (2003), BAM-2079/2003; 43-50
Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289
Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20
Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6
Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40
Finite element modelling of the behaviour of connections in the stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 31 (2007), 1; 25-36
FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49
Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75
Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104
Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79
Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran
Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7
Response of AISI 304 steel subjected to uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10
Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature : Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30
Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30
Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902
Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran
Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54
Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83
Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27
Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes
Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83
Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77
Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel
Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363
Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481
Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45
Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Munjas, Neven
Construction and building materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301
Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008
Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089
Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125
Finite element modeling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (0954-4100) 222 (2008), 6; 861-872
Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures
Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;
Materials and Manufacturing Processes - 24
FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran
Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86
Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip
Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180
50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation
Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6
Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23
Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352
AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties Versus Temperature
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952
Loading and Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 6; 579-586
Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504
Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin
Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328
Acoustic Radiation of a Beam Subjected to Transverse Load
Skoblar, Ante; Štimac Rončević, Goranka; Lanc, Domagoj; Braut, Sanjin;
Acoustics - 5
Application of digital image correlation in behavior modelling of AM CFRTP composites
Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Božić, Ž;
Engineering Failure Analysis - 136
Piezoelectric and dielectric behaviour of odd nylon blends
Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;
Bimetallic Thin-Walled Box Beam Thermal Buckling Response. Materials 2022, 15, 7537
Simonetti, SK; Turkalj, G; Banic, D; Lanc, D;
Microstructural Analysis of the Transverse and Shear Behavior of Additively Manufactured CFRP Composite RVEs Based on the Phase-Field Fracture Theory
Gljušćić, Matej; Lanc, Domagoj; Franulović, Marina; Žerovnik, Andrej;
Journal of Composites Science - 7
High–temperature properties of aluminum alloy EN6082AW T6
Torić, N; Boko, I; Uzelac, I; Harapin, A; Divić, V; Galić, M; Brnić, J; Čanađija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;
Applications of Fire Engineering, Manchester
Numerical Model for Large Displacement Analysis of Elastic‐Plastic Frames with y Semi‐Rigid Connections
Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing
X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel–Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short–Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment
Brnic, JOSIP; Turkalj, GORAN; Canadija, MARKO; Lanc, DOMAGOJ;
Materials Science and Engineering: B Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials: Accepted
Finite‐element model for creep buckling analysis of beam‐type structures
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;
Communications in numerical methods in engineering - 24
Buckling analysis of columns made of functionally graded materials via Rayleigh-Ritz method
Lanc, Domagoj; Ivančić, Ivana; Katalenić, Mihael;
Mathematical Modeling - 4
FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes; pp. 77–86
Brcic, Marino; Canadija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Vukelic, Goran;
Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D; Pepelnjak, T; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;
Digital image correlation of additively manufactured CFRTP composite systems in static tensile testing
Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Božić, Ž;
Procedia Structural Integrity - 31
Representative volume element for microscale analysis of additively manufactured composites
Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Žerovnik, A;
Additive Manufacturing - 56
Bimetallic thin-walled box beam thermal buckling response
Simonetti, Sandra Kvaternik; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj;
Materials - 15
Pozvana predavanja
Finite element model for buckling analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures
Lanc, Domagoj
Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Buckling analysis of laminated composite box beams
Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor
Seattle, WA, USA
Behavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short - Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment
Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj
18-22. 01. 2016.
Beam Models for Non-Linear Analysis of Composite Thin-Walled Beams and Frames
Lanc, Domagoj
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Kongresna priopćenja
A beam model for nonlinear stability analysis of beam-type structures with flexible connections
Turkalj, Goran; Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj
Stability analysis of beam-type structures with thinn-walled laminated composite cross section
Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures
Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran
Mentorstvo doktorandima
2020. - 2022.
Višerazinsko modeliranje ponašanja aditivno proizvedenih kompozitnih struktura
Matej Gljušćić Doktorat
Poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij iz područja Tehničkih znanosti
Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Datum obrane: 15. prosinca 2022.
2008. - 2013.
Konačnoelementni model za analizu izvijanja kompozitnih grednih konstrukcija
Igor Pešić Doktorat
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij, modul Računarska mehanika
Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Datum obrane: 07.01.2013.
Uredništva časopisa
2011. -
Engineering Review
Steel and Composite Structures, ( An International Journal-Techno Press)
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids (Elsevier-znanstveni časopis)
Zbornik radova šestoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku
Engineering Review (znanstveni časopis)
Strojarstvo (znanstveni časopis)
Engineering Review (znanstveni časopis)
Composite Structures (Elsevier - znanstveni časopis)
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing (ICPNS 2010), Guilin, Kina
Archive of Applied Mechanics (Springer - znanstveni časopis)
Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, Rijeka
Administrativna djelatnost
Rukovođenje na sveučilištu
prodekan za znanstvenu djelatnost
Tehnički fakultet
2019. - 2022.
voditelj doktorskih studija
Tehnički fakultet
2011. - 2013.
voditelj stručnog studija strojarstva
Tehnički fakultet
Povjerenstva na sveučilištu
2014. -
Povjerenstvo za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija i razdoblja studija
2013. -
Tehnički fakultet / Odbora za kvalitetu
2011. - 2013.
Tehnički fakultet / Povjerenstvo za nastavu
Povjerenstva izvan sveučilišta
2013. -
Matični odbor za interdisciplinarno područje (znanost; umjetnost)
Znanstveni projekti
01.12.2019. - 30.11.2023.
Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija
voditelj projekta
HRZZ 759.500,00 Kn
2018. - 2023.
Numeričko modeliranje FG kompozitnih konstrukcija grednog tipa
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Stručni projekti
2011. -
Dynamic testing of injector parts
Cimos d.d.Koper
2011. -
Static testing of injector parts
Cimos d.d.Koper
2011. -
Measuring the force required to squeeze out a droplet of pharmaceutical suspension from a plastic dropper bottle
Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. Rijeka
2007. -
Vlačni test plosnatih epruveta izrađenih od materijala CR-A
“Brodogradilište Kraljevica” d.d.
2007. -
Vlačni test kružnih epruveta izrađenih od materijala E355
Semwick d.o.o. Rijeka
2007. -
Ispitivanje elastomehaničkih karakteristika čeličnog uzorka S355J2G3N
MICK d.o.o. Kukuljanovo
2006. - 2013.
naliza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora
MID "3.Maj"
2006. -
Ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće čeličnih lanaca
Kovinotokarska radionica Pehlin-Mihovilići
2006. -
Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 111
MID "3.Maj"
2005. -
Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 697
MID "3.Maj"
2004. -
Proračun ekvivalentnih i glavnih deformacija, ekvivalentnih i glavnih naprezanja na bloku motora 6RTA48T-B
Brodogradilište «3. maj» – Tvornica motora i dizalica
2003. -
Analysis of stresses and vibrations of diagonal pipe on rail mounted quayside crane 50t (RMQC), SAMSUNG Fab. No. 008539-001
Luka Rijeka
Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Numeričko modeliranje FG kompozitnih konstrukcija grednog tipa
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Konačnoelementno modeliranje laminatno kompozitnih konstrukcija grednog tipa
Tehničke znanosti
Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu
Prof. dr. sc.Goran Turkaljdipl. ing. stroj.
Konačnoelementni modeli za analizu nelinearnog odziva tankostjenih grednih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Prof. dr. sc.Goran Turkaljdipl. ing. stroj.
Razvoj numeričkih modela za analizu stabilnosti deformacijskih formi grednih konstrukcija
Tehničke znanosti
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Konačnoelementno modeliranje laminatno kompozitnih konstrukcija grednog tipa
Tehničke znanosti