PORTFELJ / Red.prof.dr.sc. Domagoj Lanc dipl.ing.



Domagoj Lanc


Tehnički fakultet



M 091 537 00 16

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2001. - 2006.

doktor tehničkih znanosti

doktorski studij

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

1997. - 2000.

magistar tehničkih znanosti

Poslijediplomski studij računarske mehanike

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

1992. - 1997.

dip. ing. strojarstva

Sveučilišni diplomski studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

1988. - 1992.

matematička gimnazija

matematička gimnazija

Matematička gimnazija "Andrije Mohorovičića" u Rijeci


osnovna škola

osnovna škola

o.š. Čavle

Radno iskustvo

01.10.2022. -

Prodekan za znanstvenu djelatnost

Tehnički fakultet

01.10.2020. -

Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju

Voditelj katedre za čvrstoću konstrukcija

Tehnički fakultet

01.10.2015. - 30.09.2020.

redoviti profesor

voditelj Katedre za čvrstoću konstrukcija

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

2010. - 01.10.2015.

izvanredni profesor

voditelj Laboratorija za mjerenje i analizu deformacija

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

2007. - 2010.


voditelj Laboratorija za mjerenje i analizu deformacija

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

1997. - 2007.


- nastava - znanost

Tehnički fakultet Rijeka

Nagrade i priznanja


Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za ak. god. 2011./2012., u kategoriji Nagrade znanstvenicima Sveučilišta u Rijeci za znanstveno područje Tehničke i prirodne znanosti.


Životopis uvršten u 1st (2005) Edition of Who's Who in Computational Science and Engineering, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, United Kingdom.


Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1995/96.


Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1993/94.


Priznanje za naročito zalaganje i značajan uspjeh u studiranju u akad. god. 1992/93.


2022. -

Stručno vijeće za istraživanje i inovacije (SVII)

01.09.2017. - 31.08.2020.

Povjerenstvo za Erasmus program Sveučilišta u Rijeci

26.04.2017. - 25.04.2021.

Matični odbor za područje tehničkih znanosti - polja strojarstva, brodogradnje, tehnologije prometa i transporta, zrakoplovstva, raketne tehnike i svemirske tehnike


Povjerenstvo za akademsko priznavanje i priznavanje razdoblja studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2013. -

Matični odbor za interdisciplinarno područje (znanost; umjetnost)

2009. -


2002. -

Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku

Nastavna djelatnost


2013. -

Izborni projekt - Računarska analiza konstrukcija

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2013. -

Mehanika kompozita

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2013. -

Projekt - Elasto i plastomehanika

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2012. - 2013.

Računarska analiza konstrukcija

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2009. - 2012.

Tankostjene konstrukcije

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2008. - 2013.


Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2008. - 2013.

Elasto i plastomehanika

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


2008. - 2012.

Mehanika konstrukcija

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet


Mentor u završnim radovima

18.03.2019. - 18.09.2020.

Analiza izvijanja FG grede Rayleigh-Ritzovom metodom

Ivana Ivančić

preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

18.03.2019. - 18.09.2020.

Analiza izvijanja FG grede Bubnov-Galerkinovom metodom

Mihael Katalenić

preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

25.11.2013. -

Proračun glavnog nosača mosne dizalice nosivosti 500 kN

Anton Kocijel

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

20.09.2013. -

Proračun nosača kranske staze mosne dizalice nosivosti 500 kN

Mihael Zamuda

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

20.09.2013. -

Konstrukcija automobilske parkirališne nadstrešnice

Danijel Proleta

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

18.09.2013. -

Kontrola čvrstoće rešetkastih elemenata mosta prema Eurocode normama

Domagoj Sedlar

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

28.03.2013. -

Konstrukcija podizača kontejnera za otpad

Roko Juranić

Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

28.01.2013. -

Numerička analiza nelinearnog odziva okvirnog nosača u režimu puzanja

Mario Bukša

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

30.11.2012. -

Numerička analiza izvijanja laminatno kompozitnih grednih nosača

Iva Šimon

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

27.09.2012. -

Numeričko modeliranje posuda pod tlakom u režimu puzanja

Dominik Peša

Diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

24.01.2012. -

Dimenzioniranje nosača mosne dizalice

Lovro Kustić

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

14.09.2011. -

Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja

Luka Barbalić

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

20.07.2011. -

Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja

Kristijan Prankić

Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

20.07.2011. -

Proračun naprezanja u kompozitnim laminatnim pločama

Ivan Sterpin

Stručni preddiplomski studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

18.07.2011. -

Konstrukcija stola za eksperimentalna ispitivanja

Mihael Zamuda

Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

Cjeloživotno obrazovanje

2013. -

Mehanika CO

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


2013. -

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


2012. -

Mehanika CO

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


2012. -

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


2011. -

Mehanika CO

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


2011. -

Program za stjecanje nedostajućih znanja, vještina i kompetencija za upis na diplomski sveučilišni studij Strojarstvo

Tehnički fakultet


Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Comparison of classical and refined beam models applied on isotropic and FG thin-walled beams in nonlinear buckling response

Kvaternik, Sandra; Filippi, Matteo; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Carrera, Erasmo;

Composite Structures - 229 111490


Shear deformable beam element for stability analysis of composite beam-type srtucture

Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj; Kvaternik, Sandra;

9. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku: 50 godina Društva


Behaviour of axially loaded FG column in creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin;

5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019


Beam model for thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams

Kvaternik, Sandra; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan;

5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019


Beam element for thermal buckling analysis of open thin-walled FG beams

Kvaternik, Sandra; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan;

9. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku: 50 godina Društva


Uniaxial fatigue, creep and stress-strain responses of steel 30CrNiMo8

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Chen, Sijie;

Steel and Composite Structures - 31 409-417



Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kvaternik, Sandra; Pešić, Igor;

International conference-Thin walled structures


Finite element analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams exposed to thermal loading

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Kvaternik, Sandra;

4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018


Creep buckling analysis of the functionally graded beam

Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Turkalj, Goran;

4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018


Large displacement analysis of laminated composite frames considering shear deformation effects

Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2018


Steel 51CrV4 under high temperatures, short-time creep and high cycle fatigue

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Niu, Jitai; Wang, Peng;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 147 468-476


A shear-deformable beam model for stability analysis of orthotropic composite semi-rigid frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Brnić, Josip; Vo, Thuc P;

Composite Structures - 189 648-660


A shear-flexible beam model for large displacement analysis of composite beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Brnić, Josip;

3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites


Flexural analysis of laminated composite and sandwich beams using a four-unknown shear and normal deformation theory

Vo, Thuc P; Thai, Huu-Tai; Nguyen, Trung-Kien; Lanc, Domagoj; Karamanli, Armagan;

Composite Structures - 176 388-397


Analysis of the mechanical behavior, creep resistance and uniaxial fatigue strength of martensitic steel X46Cr13

Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Niu, Jitai;

Materials - 10 388


Flexural analysis of laminate

Vo, Thuc; Thai, Huu-Tai; Nguyen, Trung-Kien; Lanc, Domagoj; Karamanli, Armagan;


10.34: Creep properties of grade S275JR steel at high temperature

Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir;

ce/papers - 1 2806-2810


Numerical Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Frames with Joint Effect

Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

My First Conference 2017.


Analysis of flexure, torsion and buckling of thin-walled frames with a focus on the joint warping behaviour

Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Transactions of FAMENA - 41 1-10


High-temperature properties of aluminum alloy EN6082AW T6

Torić, Neno; Boko, Ivica; Uzelac, Ivana; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir; Galić, Mirela; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Applications of Fire Engineering - 31-35


Creep properties of grade S275JF steel at high temperature

Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir;

8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures


Creep analysis of elastic beams under constant torque

Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj; Kvaternik, Sandra;

Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 11 229-232


Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Kvaternik, Sandra;

3rd International Conference on Mechanics of composites, MECHCOMP3


Global buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, P Thuc; Pešić, Igor;

2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites-MECHCOMP2


Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of composite semi-rigid frames using a shear flexible thin-walled beam element

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Banić, Damjan;

2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites-MECHCOMP2


Nonlinear analysis of thermal buckling of thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Sedmi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku


Buckling analysis of laminated composite box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;



Short-time creep, fatigue and mechanical properties of 42CrMo4-Low alloy structural steel

Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Gao, Zeng;

Steel and Composite Structures - 22 875-888


Analysis of elastic plastic beams under torsion with restrained warping

Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Sedmi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku


Non-linear global stability analysis of thin-walled laminated beam-type structures

Pesic, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Computers & Structures - 173 19-30


Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P; Brnić, Josip;

Composite structures - 152 829-839


Mechanical properties, short time creep, and fatigue of an austenitic steel

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Li, Qiang; Niu, Jitai;

Materials - 9 298


Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated composite channel-section beams

Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;

Composite Structures - 143 84-92


Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated

Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;


Vibration and lateral buckling optimisation of thin-walled laminated

Nguyen, Hoang X; Lee, Jaehong; Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;

Composite Structures - 143 84-92


Q1 WOS Exc


Non-linear global stability analysis of thin-walled laminated beam-type structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Computers & Structures - 173 19-30

Q1 WOS Exc


Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams.

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, T. P., Brnić, Josip

Composite structures - 152 829-839


Q1 Exc WOS


Deformation behaviour and material properties of austenitic heat-resistant steel X15CrNiSi25-20 subjected to high temperatures and creep

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Lanc, Domagoj;

Materials & Design - 69 219-229


Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong;

Thin-Walled Structures - 86 148-156


Study of the effects of high temperatures on the engineering properties of steel 42CrMo4

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;

High Temperature Materials and Processes - 34 27-34


A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip;

18th International Conference on Composite-ICCS18


Static, vibration and buckling of composite beams using a quasi-3D theory

Vo, Thuc P; Lanc, Domagoj;

18th International Conference on Composite Structures-ICCS18


Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P; Pešić, Igor;

18th International Conference on Composite Structures-ICCS18


Effect of shear flexibility in buckling analysis of beam structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor;

Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 9 58-61


Non-linear thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 35 239-245


A beam formulation for large displacement analysis of composite frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;

Composite structures - 134 237-246


Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6 Ce–0.6 Zr at different temperatures

Čanađija, Marko; Guo, Xuefeng; Lanc, Domagoj; Yang, Wenpeng; Brnić, Josip;

Materials & Design - 59 287-295


Significance of experimental data in the design of structures made from 1.4057 steel

Brnic, J; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, M; Lanc, Domagoj;

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. - 29 131-136


Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pesic, Igor;

Composite Structures - 111 371-380


Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 95 81-89


Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology


Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

IN-TECH 2014 International Conference on Innovative Technologies


Information relevant for the design of structure: Ferritic–Heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino;

Materials & Design - 63 508-518


Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Buksa, M; Brnic, J;

Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 8 11-14


Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures

Domagoj Lanc, Goran Turkalj, Igor Pešić

Composite Structures - 111 371-380


Q1 WOS Exc


Model izvijanja grednih nosača kompozitnih kutijastih profila

Lanc D., Turkalj G., Pešić I., Jurki B.

Zbornik radova šestog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku - 117-122


Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies - IN-TECH 2014 - 205-206



Lanc, D; Buksa, M; Brnic, J;

Machines. Technologies. Materials. - 8 11-14


Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

ICCS17-17th International Conference on Composite Structures


Analysis of experimental data on the behavior of steel S275JR–Reliability of modern design

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

Materials & Design - 47 497-504


Testing and analysis of X39CrMo17-1 steel properties

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran; Munjas, Neven;

Construction and building materials - 44 293-301


Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels

Brnic, J; Niu, Ji Tai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, M; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, M; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;

Materials Science Forum - 762 47-54


Numerička analiza nelinearnog odziva okvirnog nosača u režimu puzanja( Numerical analysis of frame structure in creep regime )


Stability analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beam structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Pesic, I; Turkalj, Goran;

Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on computational structures technology, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom


Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

ESMC 2012-Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference


FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate

Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj;

International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH


Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime

Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj;

International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH2012


Updated lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan;

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 12 1250013


Responses of austenitic stainless steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) subjected to different environmental conditions

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin;

Journal of Testing and Evaluation - 40 319-328


Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Četvrti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku


ZG Zhang, YP Peng, YL Mao

Hou, CM; Xu, L; Gao, Junguo; He, Yedong; Gao, Wei; Kvackaj, Tibor; Nemethova, Lenka; Misicko, Rudolf; Pokorny, Imrich; Molnarova, Maria;

High Temperature Materials and Processes - 30


Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja

Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Četvrti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku


Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame

Merdanovic, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings - 1165-1167


Loading and responses of austenitic stainless steels at elevated temperatures

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

High temperature materials and processes - 30 579-586


Effect of elevated temperatures on behavior of structural steel 50CrMo4

Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran;

High temperature materials and processes - 30 121-125


AISI 316Ti (1.4571) steel—Mechanical, creep and fracture properties versus temperature

Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 67 1948-1952


Martensitic stainless steel AISI 420—mechanical properties, creep and fracture toughness

Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S;

Mechanics of time-dependent materials - 15 341-352


Buckling analysis of thin-walled composite beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor;

Treći susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku


FE Model for Composite Beam-Type Structure Buckling Analysis

Lanc, Domagoj; PESIC, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; BRNIC, Josip;

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing


J. Brnic

Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology - 132 021004-1


Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010, Guilin, China


A Beam Model for Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Beam-Type Structures with Flexible Connections

Turkalj, Goran; Merdanovic, E; Lanc, Domagoj;

IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering


Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 stainless steel at elevated temperatures

Brnic, Josip; Niu, Ji-tai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials - 17 39-45


Behavior of HSLA A709 steel under different environmental conditions

Brnic, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. - 25 897-902


Stability Analysis of Beam-Type Structures with Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Cross Section

Lanc, D; Pesic, I; Turkalj, G;

IV European conference on Computational mechanics, ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering


X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel–Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short-Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010


Behaviour of S 355JO steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures and creep

Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Bulletin of materials science - 33 475-481


50CrMo4 steel-determination of mechanical properties at lowered and elevated temperatures, creep behavior, and fracture toughness calculation

Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;

Journal of engineering materials and technology - 132


Structural steel ASTM A709—behavior at uniaxial tests conducted at lowered and elevated temperatures, short-time creep response, and fracture toughness calculation

Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Journal of engineering mechanics - 136 1083-1089


Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2009


Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 9 61


A Beam Element for the Large Displacement Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; PEŠI, Igor;

Book of Abstracts - 166


Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran;

15th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS 15


Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino;

6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics


Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing


Large-displacement analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic–plastic material behavior

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip;

Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 142-146


FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran;

Estonian Journal of Engineering - 15 77



Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Transactions of FAMENA - 33


Comparison of both creep resistance and material properties of high-strength low-alloy steel and stainless steel

Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko;

Journal of Testing and Evaluation - 37 358-363


Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, J; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 74-77


Large displacement beam model for creep buckling analysis of framed structures

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnic, Josip;

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 9 61-83


Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures

Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;

Materials and Manufacturing Processes - 24 758-762


FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes.

Brcic, Marino; Canadija, Marko; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Vukelic, Goran;

Estonian Journal of Engineering - 15


Creep behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures

Brnic, J; Turkalj, G; Canadija, M; Lanc, D;

Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 23-27


Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnic, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Journal of materials science & technology - 25 175



Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin;

Transactions of FAMENA - 32


7.6 Numerical Model for Buckling Analysis of Flexibly Connected Beam-type Structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures: International Conference Proceedings, 2008 - 353


5.1 Large Displacement Analysis of Spatial Frames under Creep Regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip;

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures: International Conference Proceedings, 2008 - 229


Structural model of multi walled carbon nanotube

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran;

6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering


Beam element for nonlinear analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Drugi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku


Finite-element modelling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements

Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering - 222 861-872


Structural Model Of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

Brcic, M; Canadija, M; Brnic, J; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;


Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Communications in numerical methods in engineering - 24 989-1008


An algorithm for numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 110 55-60


Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran;

Scientific Bulletin of the'Politehnica'University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics - 52 1-7


Numerical model for stability analysis of materially nonlinear frames

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran;

Prvi susret Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku


ehavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing


Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 109 91-96


Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 109 97-104


Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature: Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 110 23-30


Buckling analysis of elastic thin-walled beam-type structures considering joints behaviour

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing



Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Transactions of FAMENA - 31


Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika - 55 76


FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Scientific Bulletin of the'Politehnica'University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics - 51 41



Lanc, Domagoj;

Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26 92-92


Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

Mashinostroene - 55 72-75


Beam element for creep analysis for a large displacement regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology


Beam model for creep buckling analysis

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics


Numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj;

Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26 92-92


Numerical creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj;

Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih istraživanja s aspekta analize konstrukcija, materijala i novih tehnologija u području strojarstva, brodogradnje, temeljnih tehničkih znanosti, elektrotehnike, računarstva i građevinarstva - 26


Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 15-20


Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 1-6


Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005


Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Mashinostroene - 54 37-40


Linear stability analysis of shear-flexible thin-walled beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng - 10 281-289


Flexural-Torsional Stability Analysis of Thin-Walled Beams

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, J; Lanc, Domagoj;

The Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS'2004)


An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 107 39-46


Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip;

Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology


Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law

Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics - 103 43-50


Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development


Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics


Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

4th International Conference on Industrial Tools


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design, Vol. 1


Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

Metal Structures: Design, Fabrication, Economy


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj


Elastic-plastic large displacement analysis of thin-walled beam type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Poglavlje u znanstvenoj knjizi: System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design - 1


Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Poglavlje u znanstvenoj knjizi: Metal Structures: Design, Fabrication, Economy


Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour

Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics - 100 481-488


Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates

Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan;

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) - 100 473-480


Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour

Lanc, Domagoj;


Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko;

5. međunarodni simpozij Dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja & Kvaliteta električne energije


Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

6th International Design Conference DESIGN 2000


Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )


Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )


Numeričko modeliranje elastoviskoplastičnog ponašanja materijala( Numerical modelling of elastoviscoplastic material behaviour )

magistarski rad


Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

4th International Scientific Colloquium CAx Techniques


Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT’99

Experimental Researches on the Behavior of X39CrMo17-1 Steel-Support for Modern Structural Design

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Vukelic, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;

Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures

Pesic, I;

AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties Versus Temperature

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952

Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328

Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor

Composite structures (0263-8223) 111 (2014); 371-380

Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

Journal of Constructional Steel Research (0143-974X) 95 (2014); 81-89

Information relevant for the design of structure: Ferritic – Heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino

Materials and Design (0261-3069) 63 (2014); 508-518

Study of the Effects of High Temperatures on the Engineering Properties of Steel 42CrMo4

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 34 (2015), 1; 27-34

Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089

Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83

Finite element modeling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (0954-4100) 222 (2008), 6; 861-872

Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54

Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45

Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž, Barišić, Branimir; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Materials and manufacturing processes (1042-6914) 24 (2009), 7&8; 758-762

Response of AISI 304 steel subjected to uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10

Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature : Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30

Finite element modelling of the behaviour of connections in the stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 31 (2007), 1; 25-36

X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short - Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of ICPNS 2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.

Behavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing / Jitai Niu (ur.). - Zhengzhou : The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2007. .

Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B. H. V. ; Iványi, P. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2014. Paper 254-doi:10.4203/ccp.106.254.

FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. .

Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja( Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja )

Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 99-104.

Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira( Numerical model for stability analysis of materially nonlinear frames )

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran

Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 133-138 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).

Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.

Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference

Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

A beam element for the large displacement analysis of semi-rigid frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

Structural model of multi walled carbon nanotube

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 419-423 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

Large displacement analysis of spatial frames under creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 229-236 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B.H.V. ; Mota Soares, C.A. (ur.). - Stirling : Civil-Comp , 2004. .

Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Proceedings / Srb, Neven ; Moser, Josip (ur.). - Zagreb : Eletkrotehničko društvo Zagreb , 2000. 3-6.

Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača tankostijenih kompozitnih poprečnih presjeka

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor

Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Bošnjak-Klečina, Mirjana (ur.). - Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2010. 41-46 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-12-2).

Numerička analiza stabilnosti tankostjenih kompozitnih greda

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Šimon, Iva

Zbornik radova petog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Karšaj, Igor ; Jarak, Tomislav (ur.). - Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2013. 149-154 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-16-0).

A beam model for nonlinear stability analysis of beam-type structures with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of ECCM 2010 / Allix, O. ; Wriggers, P. (ur.). - Pariz : ECCOMAS , 2010. CD-ROM.

Deformation Behavior and Material Properties of Austenitic Heat - Resistant Steel X15CrNiSi25-20 Subjected to High Temperatures and Creep

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Brčić, Marino; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials & design (0261-3069) 69 (2015); 219-229

Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P.; Pešić, Igor

Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :

Nonlinear buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated composite beams with monosymmetric sections

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P.; Pešić, Igor

Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :

FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86

Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Munjas, Neven

Construction and building materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 / Holzapfel, Gerhard A./Ogden, Ray W. (ur.). - Graz : Graz University of Technology , 2012. - (ISBN: 978-3-85125-223-1).

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 / Holzapfel, Gerhard A./Ogden, Ray W. (ur.). - Graz : Graz University of Technology , 2012. - (ISBN: 978-3-85125-223-1).

Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).

Stability analysis of beam-type structures with thinn-walled laminated composite cross section

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of ECCM 2010 / Allix, O. ; Wrrigers, P. (ur.). - Pariz : ECCOMAS , 2010. CD-ROM.

Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Bukša, Mario; Brnić, Josip

International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS (1313-0226) VIII (2014), 2; 11-14

Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352

Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6Ce–0.6Zr at different temperatures

Čanađija, Marko; Guo, Xuefeng; Lanc, Domagoj; Yang, Wenpeng; Brnić, Josip

Materials & design (0261-3069) 59 (2014); 287-295

Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P.; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong

Thin-walled structures (0263-8231) 86 (2015); 148-156

Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Book of Abstracts of ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures / A.J.M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Viagens Abreu, SA , 2013. 11-11.

Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT ’99, Vol. II / Kuzman, Karl; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 1999. 498-501.

Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature( Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature )

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 125-128.

Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 183-190.

Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 521-526.

Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.

Flexural-torsional stability analysis of thin-walled beams

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing ICPNS'2004 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Shanghai : Harbin Institute of Technology , 2004. .

Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Pešić, Igor

Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 425-429 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).

Significance of Experimental Data in the Design of Structures Made from 1.4057 Steel

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 29 (2014), 1; 131-136

Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352

Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Vo, Thuc P.; Turkalj, Goran; Lee, Jaehong

Thin-walled structures (0263-8231) 86 (2015); 148-156

Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Book of Abstracts of ICCS17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Structures / A.J.M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Viagens Abreu, SA , 2013. 11-11.

Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.

Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.

Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005 / Dick, E. ; Vierendeels, J. ; Vandevelde, L. ; Dupre, L. ; Slodička, M. ; Van Keer, R. (ur.). - Ghent : Universiteit Gent , 2005. (CD-ROM).

Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).

Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame

Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity" 23-26th November 2011, Vienna, Austria / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International - Veinna , 2011. 1165-1166 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-83-4).

FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate

Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 405-408 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).

Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime

Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 401-404 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).

Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Thin-Walled Beam Structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / B.H.V. Topping (ur.). - Stirlingshire, United Kingdom : Civil-Comp Press , 2012. paper 224 (ISBN: 978-1-905088-54-6).

Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates

Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480

An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46

Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289

Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20

FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49

Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75

Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96

Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104

Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79

Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7

Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30

Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902

Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008

Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146

Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27

Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363

50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6

Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23

Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504

Static, vibration and buckling of composite beams using a quasi-3D theory

Vo, Thuc P.; Lanc, Domagoj

Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :

A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip

Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :

A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip

Book of Abstracts of ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures / Ferreira, Antonio J. M. (ur.). - Lisabon :

Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).

Model izvijanja grednih nosača kompozitnih kutijastih profila

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor; Jurki, Barbara

Zbornik radova šestoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Gordan Jelenić/Maja Gaćeša (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2014. 117-122 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-19-1).

Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 2003. 067-068.

Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies / Car, Zlatan ; Kudláček, Jan ; Galvao, Joao R.C.S. (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2014. 205-206.

Numerical simulation of instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies / Car, Zlatan ; Kudláček, Jan ; Galvao, Joao R.C.S. (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2014. 205-206.

Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Bukša, Mario; Brnić, Josip

International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS (1313-0226) VIII (2014), 2; 11-14

Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20

Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77

Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27

Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363

Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089

50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6

Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates

Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480

Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour

Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488

Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law

Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) CIII (2003), BAM-2079/2003; 43-50

An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46

Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289

Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6

Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40

FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49

Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75

Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77

Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363

Loading and Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 6; 579-586

Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23

Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77

Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146

Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481

Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352

Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125

Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23

Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328

Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23

Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača tankostijenih kompozitnih poprečnih presjeka

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Pešić, Igor

Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Bošnjak-Klečina, Mirjana (ur.). - Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2010. 41-46 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-12-2).

Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja( Numerička analiza izvijanja čeličnog okvira zbog puzanja )

Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 99-104.

Numerička analiza stabilnosti tankostjenih kompozitnih greda

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Šimon, Iva

Zbornik radova Petog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Karšaj, I. ; Jarak, T. (ur.). - Donja Stubica : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2013. 149-154 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-16-0).

Linear buckling analysis of laminated composite thin-walled beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the ICCS 15 / A. J. M. Ferreira (ur.). - Porto : FEUP, Porto , 2009. CD-ROM.

Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran

Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 133-138 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).

Gredni element za nelinearnu analizu tankostijenih okvira s polukrutim vezama

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović-Opara, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 97-102 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).

Analiza izvijanja grednih nosača uslijed promjene temperature

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, M. (ur.). - Slavonski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 125-128.

Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 183-190.

Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Proceedings / Srb, Neven ; Moser, Josip (ur.). - Zagreb : Eletkrotehničko društvo Zagreb , 2000. 3-6.

Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT ’99, Vol. II / Kuzman, Karl; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 1999. 498-501.

Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 521-526.

Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.

Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 2003. 067-068.

Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.

Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B.H.V. ; Mota Soares, C.A. (ur.). - Stirling : Civil-Comp , 2004. .


Flexural-Torsional Stability Analysis of Thin-Walled Beams

Turkalj, G; Brnic, J; Lanc, D;

The Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS'2004)

Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005 / Dick, E. ; Vierendeels, J. ; Vandevelde, L. ; Dupre, L. ; Slodička, M. ; Van Keer, R. (ur.). - Ghent : Universiteit Gent , 2005. (CD-ROM).


Structural Model Of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube

Brcic, M; Canadija, M; Brnic, J; Lanc, D; Krscanski, S; Vukelic, G;

Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 419-423 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

A beam element for the large displacement analysis of semi-rigid frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).

FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. .

Numerical creep buckling analysis of thin-walled steel frame

Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity" 23-26th November 2011, Vienna, Austria / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International - Veinna , 2011. 1165-1166 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-83-4).

FEM simulation of structural behaviour of laminated composite plate

Sterpin, Ivan; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 405-408 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).

Numerical modeling of pressure vessel under creep regime

Peša, Dominik; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of International Conference on Inovative Technologies IN-TECH / Car, Zlatan/Kudlaček, Jan/Pepelnnjak, Tomaž (ur.). - Rijeka : Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka , 2012. 401-404 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-77-8).

Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Thin-Walled Beam Structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / B.H.V. Topping (ur.). - Stirlingshire, United Kingdom : Civil-Comp Press , 2012. paper 224 (ISBN: 978-1-905088-54-6).

Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Pešić, Igor

Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 425-429 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Large displacement analysis of spatial frames under creep regime

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 229-236 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference

Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM.

Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96

Analytical and numerical free vibrations of thin rectangular clamped plates

Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Čehić, Zlatan

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 100 (2002), 1980-2035; 473-480

Finite element modeling of creep material behaviour

Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488

Numerical modeling of Norton power creep law

Lanc, Domagoj; Čehić, Zlatan; Roščić, Sandra

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) CIII (2003), BAM-2079/2003; 43-50

Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289

Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20

Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6

Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40

Finite element modelling of the behaviour of connections in the stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 31 (2007), 1; 25-36

FE stability analysis of elastic frames accounting for connections flexibility

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 41-49

Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75

Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104

Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79

Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7

Response of AISI 304 steel subjected to uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10

Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature : Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30

Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30

Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902

Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54

Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83

Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27

Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83

Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 74-77

Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363

Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481

Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45

Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Munjas, Neven

Construction and building materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301

Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008

Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089

Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125

Finite element modeling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (0954-4100) 222 (2008), 6; 861-872


Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures

Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;

Materials and Manufacturing Processes - 24

FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86

Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146

Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 12 (2012), 3; 1250013-1-1250013-23

Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352

AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties Versus Temperature

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952

Loading and Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 6; 579-586

Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504

Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328


Acoustic Radiation of a Beam Subjected to Transverse Load

Skoblar, Ante; Štimac Rončević, Goranka; Lanc, Domagoj; Braut, Sanjin;

Acoustics - 5


Application of digital image correlation in behavior modelling of AM CFRTP composites

Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Božić, Ž;

Engineering Failure Analysis - 136

Piezoelectric and dielectric behaviour of odd nylon blends

Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;


Bimetallic Thin-Walled Box Beam Thermal Buckling Response. Materials 2022, 15, 7537

Simonetti, SK; Turkalj, G; Banic, D; Lanc, D;


Microstructural Analysis of the Transverse and Shear Behavior of Additively Manufactured CFRP Composite RVEs Based on the Phase-Field Fracture Theory

Gljušćić, Matej; Lanc, Domagoj; Franulović, Marina; Žerovnik, Andrej;

Journal of Composites Science - 7


High–temperature properties of aluminum alloy EN6082AW T6

Torić, N; Boko, I; Uzelac, I; Harapin, A; Divić, V; Galić, M; Brnić, J; Čanađija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D;

Applications of Fire Engineering, Manchester


Numerical Model for Large Displacement Analysis of Elastic‐Plastic Frames with y Semi‐Rigid Connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj;

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing


X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel–Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short–Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment

Brnic, JOSIP; Turkalj, GORAN; Canadija, MARKO; Lanc, DOMAGOJ;

Materials Science and Engineering: B Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials: Accepted


Finite‐element model for creep buckling analysis of beam‐type structures

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Communications in numerical methods in engineering - 24


Buckling analysis of columns made of functionally graded materials via Rayleigh-Ritz method

Lanc, Domagoj; Ivančić, Ivana; Katalenić, Mihael;

Mathematical Modeling - 4

FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes; pp. 77–86

Brcic, Marino; Canadija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Krscanski, Sanjin; Vukelic, Goran;



Brnic, J; Canadija, M; Turkalj, G; Lanc, D; Pepelnjak, T; Barisic, B; Vukelic, G; Brcic, M;



Digital image correlation of additively manufactured CFRTP composite systems in static tensile testing

Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Božić, Ž;

Procedia Structural Integrity - 31


Representative volume element for microscale analysis of additively manufactured composites

Gljušćić, M; Franulović, M; Lanc, D; Žerovnik, A;

Additive Manufacturing - 56


Bimetallic thin-walled box beam thermal buckling response

Simonetti, Sandra Kvaternik; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj;

Materials - 15

Pozvana predavanja


Finite element model for buckling analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures

Lanc, Domagoj

Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy


Buckling analysis of laminated composite box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor

Seattle, WA, USA

Behavior of high strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel at elevated temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short - Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

18-22. 01. 2016.

Beam Models for Non-Linear Analysis of Composite Thin-Walled Beams and Frames

Lanc, Domagoj

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

Kongresna priopćenja

A beam model for nonlinear stability analysis of beam-type structures with flexible connections

Turkalj, Goran; Merdanović, Edin; Lanc, Domagoj

Stability analysis of beam-type structures with thinn-walled laminated composite cross section

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Laminated Composite Beams

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Nonlinear Buckling Analysis Model for Laminated Beam Type Structures

Pešić, Igor; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran

Mentorstvo doktorandima

2020. - 2022.

Višerazinsko modeliranje ponašanja aditivno proizvedenih kompozitnih struktura

Matej Gljušćić Doktorat

Poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij iz područja Tehničkih znanosti

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 15. prosinca 2022.

2008. - 2013.

Konačnoelementni model za analizu izvijanja kompozitnih grednih konstrukcija

Igor Pešić Doktorat

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij, modul Računarska mehanika

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 07.01.2013.

Uredništva časopisa

2011. -

Engineering Review



Steel and Composite Structures, ( An International Journal-Techno Press)


European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids (Elsevier-znanstveni časopis)


Zbornik radova šestoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku


Engineering Review (znanstveni časopis)


Strojarstvo (znanstveni časopis)


Engineering Review (znanstveni časopis)


Composite Structures (Elsevier - znanstveni časopis)


Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing (ICPNS 2010), Guilin, Kina


Archive of Applied Mechanics (Springer - znanstveni časopis)


Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, Rijeka

Administrativna djelatnost

Rukovođenje na sveučilištu


prodekan za znanstvenu djelatnost

Tehnički fakultet

2019. - 2022.

voditelj doktorskih studija

Tehnički fakultet

2011. - 2013.

voditelj stručnog studija strojarstva

Tehnički fakultet

Povjerenstva na sveučilištu

2014. -


Povjerenstvo za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija i razdoblja studija

2013. -


Tehnički fakultet / Odbora za kvalitetu

2011. - 2013.


Tehnički fakultet / Povjerenstvo za nastavu

Povjerenstva izvan sveučilišta

2013. -


Matični odbor za interdisciplinarno područje (znanost; umjetnost)


Znanstveni projekti

01.12.2019. - 30.11.2023.

Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija

voditelj projekta

HRZZ 759.500,00 Kn


2018. - 2023.

Numeričko modeliranje FG kompozitnih konstrukcija grednog tipa


Sveučilište u Rijeci

Stručni projekti

2011. -

Dynamic testing of injector parts

Cimos d.d.Koper


2011. -

Static testing of injector parts

Cimos d.d.Koper


2011. -

Measuring the force required to squeeze out a droplet of pharmaceutical suspension from a plastic dropper bottle

Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. Rijeka


2007. -

Vlačni test plosnatih epruveta izrađenih od materijala CR-A

“Brodogradilište Kraljevica” d.d.


2007. -

Vlačni test kružnih epruveta izrađenih od materijala E355

Semwick d.o.o. Rijeka


2007. -

Ispitivanje elastomehaničkih karakteristika čeličnog uzorka S355J2G3N

MICK d.o.o. Kukuljanovo


2006. - 2013.

naliza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora

MID "3.Maj"


2006. -

Ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće čeličnih lanaca

Kovinotokarska radionica Pehlin-Mihovilići


2006. -

Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 111

MID "3.Maj"


2005. -

Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 697

MID "3.Maj"


2004. -

Proračun ekvivalentnih i glavnih deformacija, ekvivalentnih i glavnih naprezanja na bloku motora 6RTA48T-B

Brodogradilište «3. maj» – Tvornica motora i dizalica


2003. -

Analysis of stresses and vibrations of diagonal pipe on rail mounted quayside crane 50t (RMQC), SAMSUNG Fab. No. 008539-001

Luka Rijeka


Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta

Potpore 2014/2016

Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu

Potpore 2014/2016