PORTFELJ / Željka Minić


Željka Minić

Fakultet biotehnologije i razvoja lijekova

Zavod za molekularnu i sistemsku biomedicinu


T 0516512233

UNIRI e-mail



06.09.2009. - 31.05.2013.

Doctor of philosophy

Doctoral program in Physiology

Wayne State Univeristy School of Medicine

30.08.2005. - 12.06.2009.

Bachelor of Science


University of Detroit Mercy

Radno iskustvo

08.02.2020. -


Sudjelujem u nastavi na kolegiju Neurofiziologije za studente medicine. Voditelj sam istraživačke grupe koje se bavi proučavanjem neuronskih mehanizama koji kontroliraju spinalne reflekse nakon ozljede kralježničke moždine.

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

01.06.2013. - 10.03.2017.


Tijekom mojeg rada na Wayne State University u Detroitu vodim i nadgledam djelovanje znanstveno istraživačke grupe koja se bavi istraživanjem autonomne disrefleksije i uloge simpatičnih živaca u toj patologiji. U grupu se uklapaju studenti medicine, tehničari i nekoliko profesora suradnika. U sklopu programa, organizirala sam kolaboraciju sa Prof. Scott Smith na University of Texas at Southwestern i Prof. Cheng Ly na University of Virginia Commonwealth za osnivanje pred-kliničkog animalnog modela za kvantitativnu procjenu regionalne živčane aktivnosti u štakorima sa ozljedom kralježničke moždine. Kolaboracija je rezultirala sažetcima prezentiranim na internacionalnim konferencijama, institucijskom financijskom potporom i, za sada, jednim znanstvenim radom objavljenim u kvalitetnom magazinu. U kolaboraciji sa Prof. Christian A. Reynolds, otkrivam endogene ligande TRPV1 kanala koji utječu na osjetljivost živčanih stanica umiješanih u autonomnu disrefleksiju. Drugi znanstveni radovi su u pripremi. Drugi glavni fokus mojeg rada je kolaboracija sa kliničkim kolegama na projektu pod nazivom: “Pilot Study of Mecamylamine for Automatic Dysreflexia Prophylaxis”. Kolaboracija je rezultirala financijskom potporom i za sada, jednim znanstvenim radom. Moja uloga u projektu je u organiziranju i nadziranju osoblja  što se tiče procijene varijabilnosti srčanih otkucaja u pacijentima sa ozljedom kralježničke moždine. Cilj studije je procijeniti efikasnost lijeka, „mecamylamine“, za prevenciju autonomne disrefleksije. U te svrhe napisali smo inovativan matematički code koji će se koristiti za analizu prikupljenih kliničkih podataka. Kolaboracija je u razvoju i najmanje dva dodatna znanstvena rada su u planu/pripremi.

Wayne State University School of Medicine

Nagrade i priznanja


Barth Syndrome Foundation for abstract entitled “Nicotinamide replacement improves mitochondrial function in preclinical models of Barth Syndrome.” at Barth Syndrome Foundation 9th International Conference, Clear Water, FA, 2018


American Thoracic Society Abstract Scholarship for abstract entitled “Chronic C2 Spinal Cord Hemisection Induces Sleep Disordered Breathing” at the 2017 American Thoracic Society Meeting, Washington DC


International Symposium for Neural Regeneration Travel Award for work entitled “Differential neural control of the efferent sympathetic nerve activity during autonomic dysreflexia in a rat model of spinal cord injury” at the 2015 International Symposium for Neural Regeneration, Pacific Grove, CA


International Symposium for Neural Regeneration Travel Award for work entitled “Theophylline or DPCPX Conjugated Nanodevices Induce Functional Recovery of the Paralyzed Hemidiaphragm Following C2 Hemisection” at the 2013 International Symposium for Neural Regeneration, Pacific Grove, CA


Wayne State University Graduate School Exhibition Poster Award for poster presentation entitled “Modulation of cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of regional sympathetic activity by A2a adenosine receptors located in the nucleus of the solitary tract” at the 2012 Wayne State University Graduate School Exhibition, Detroit, MI

Nastavna djelatnost


12.02.2020. -



Sveuciliste u Rijeci


22.09.2015. - 22.09.2019.



Wayne State University


15.01.2015. - 15.01.2019.

Advanced Respiratory Physiology


Wayne State University


Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Development of a decerebrate model for investigating mechanisms mediating viscero-sympathetic reflexes in the spinalized rat

Reynolds, Christian A; O’Leary, Donal S; Ly, Cheng; Smith, Scott A; Minic, Zeljka;

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology - 316 H1332-H1340


Response to Phillips et al.(doi: 10.1089/neu. 2017.5082): An Autonomic Neuroprosthesis: Non-Invasive Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores Autonomic Cardiovascular Function in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury

Minic, Zeljka; Nieshoff, Edward C;

Journal of neurotrauma - 35 874-875


Response to Phillips et al.:" An Autonomic Neuroprosthesis: Non-Invasive Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores Autonomic Cardiovascular Function in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury"

Minic, Zeljka; Nieshoff, Edward C;



Colocalization of A2a but not A1 adenosine receptors with GABA-ergic neurons in cardiopulmonary chemoreflex network in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract

Minic, Zeljka; O'Leary, Donal S; Goshgarian, Harry G; Scislo, Tadeusz J;

Physiological reports - 6 e13913


Nanoconjugate-bound adenosine A1 receptor antagonist enhances recovery of breathing following acute cervical spinal cord injury

Minic, Zeljka; Wilson, Sharowyn; Liu, Fangchao; Sankari, Abdulghani; Mao, Guangzhao; Goshgarian, Harry;

Experimental neurology - 292 56-62


Transporter protein and drug-conjugated gold nanoparticles capable of bypassing the blood-brain barrier

Zhang, Yanhua; Walker, Janelle Buttry; Minic, Zeljka; Liu, Fangchao; Goshgarian, Harry; Mao, Guangzhao;

Scientific reports - 6 25794


Transporter protein-coupled DPCPX nanoconjugates induce diaphragmatic recovery after SCI by blocking adenosine A1 receptors

Minic, Zeljka; Zhang, Yanhua; Mao, Guangzhao; Goshgarian, Harry G;

Journal of Neuroscience - 36 3441-3452


NTS adenosine A2a receptors inhibit the cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of regional sympathetic outputs via a GABAergic mechanism

Minic, Zeljka; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology - 309 H185-H197


Nucleus tractus solitarii A2a adenosine receptors inhibit cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of sympathetic outputs

Minic, Zeljka; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;

Autonomic Neuroscience - 180 32-42


Severe hemorrhage attenuates cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of regional sympathetic outputs via NTS adenosine receptors

Minic, Zeljka; Li, Cailian; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology - 307 H904-H909


Activation of NTS A1 adenosine receptors inhibits regional sympathetic responses evoked by activation of cardiopulmonary chemoreflex

Ichinose, Tomoko K; Minic, Zeljka; Li, Cailian; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;

American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology - 303 R539-R550

Pozvana predavanja


Regulation of Viscerosensory-Sympathetic Reflexes following Spinal Cord Injury: The Role of Diet-Derived Lipid Mediators

Reynolds CA, Maddipati KR, Minic Z.

Michigan, USA


Chronic cervical SCI in rat model is associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing.

Minic Z, Shanidze M, Goshgarian HG, Sankari A

District of Columbia, USA


Theophylline -or DPCPX-conjugated nanodevices induce functional recovery of the paralyzed hemidiaphragm following C2 hemisection.

Minic Z, Buttry JL, Zhang Y, Mao, Goshgarian HG.

California, USA


Stimulation of NTS adenosine receptors inhibits cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of adrenal (ASNA) lumbar (LSNA) and renal (RSNA) sympathetic nerve activity via activation of GABA-ergic neurons.

Minic Z, O'Leary DS, and Scislo TJ.

Michigan, USA

Kongresna priopćenja


A29 UPDATES IN CONTROL OF BREATHING: Chronic C2 Spinal Cord Hemisection Induces Sleep Disordered Breathing

Minic, Zeljka; Shanidze, Medea; Goshgarian, Harry; Sankari, Abdulghani;


Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Exhibits Sleep Disordered Breathing In A Rat Model

Minic, Zeljka; Shanidze, Madea; Wahlstrom, Daniel R; Goshgarian, Harry; Sankari, Abdulghani;


C19 FROM GENES TO MOTOR NEURONS: ADVANCES IN CONTROL OF BREATHING: Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Exhibits Sleep Disordered Breathing In A Rat Model

Minic, Z; Shanidze, M; Wahlstrom, DR; Goshgarian, H; Sankari, A;


Severe hemorrhage attenuates cardiopulmonary chemoreflex (CCR) control of renal and adrenal sympathetic nerves via adenosine operating in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS)

Minic, Zeljka; Li, Cailian; O’Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;


Mechanisms mediating modulation of cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of regional sympathetic activity by adenosine A1 and A2a receptors located in the NTS

Minic, Zeljka;


A2a adenosine receptors modulate cardiopulmonary chemoreflex control of regional sympathetic outputs via activation of GABAergic neurons within the caudal portion of the nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS): functional and anatomical evidence

Minic, Zeljka; Llewellyn-Smith, Ida J; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;


Activation of NTS A2a adenosine receptors impairs cardiopulmonary chemoreflex (CCR) responses of renal (RSNA), adrenal (ASNA), and lumbar (LSNA) sympathetic nerve activity via activation of GABA-ergic neurons

Minic, Zeljka; O’Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;


Activation of NTS A2a Adenosine Receptors Impairs Cardiopulmonary Chemoreflex Control of Renal (RSNA), Adrenal (ASNA) and Lumbar (LSNA) Sympathetic Nerve Activity

Minic, Zeljka; O’Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;


Activation of NTS A (2a) Adenosine Receptors Impairs Cardiopulmonary Chemoreflex Control of Renal (RSNA), Adrenal (ASNA) and Lumbar (LSNA) Sympathetic Nerve Activity

Minic, Zeljka; O'Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;


Mechanisms Mediating Heart Rate (HR) Responses Evoked by Activation of NTS A1 Adenosine Receptors

McClure, Joseph Martin; Minic, Zeljka; Li, Cailian; O’Leary, Donal S; Scislo, Tadeusz J;



International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS-853754 Cells Cells-773827


Journal of Integrative Neurophysiology JIN201901153 AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology H-00525-2019R1 Journal of Neurotrauma NEU-2018-6358 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics JCPT-2018-Dec-0300 Experimental Physiology EP-RP-2018-087534


Experimental Physiology EP-RP-2018-087013 Experimental Physiology EP-RP-2018-086951


Experimental Physiology, EP-RP-2017-086686 Scientific reports, SREP-17-11925


Journal of Advanced Research, JARE-D-15-00014

Administrativna djelatnost

Povjerenstva na sveučilištu

17.09.2016. -

Clan povjerenstva za dobrobit zivotinja

WSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) member


Znanstveni projekti

04.12.2019. - 04.12.2020.

Mecamylamine for the prophylactic management of autonomic dysreflexia and associated vascular pathology following spinal cord injury


Cardiovascular Research Institute, Wayne State University $25.000,00

2019. - 31.12.2020.

Pilot Study of Mecamylamine for Autonomic Dysreflexia Prophylaxis


Dell Harder Foundation $50.000,00

26.03.2017. - 31.12.2019.

Development of a decerebrate model for investigating mechanisms mediating viscero-sympathetic reflexes in the spinalized rat


Cardiovascular Research Institute and Office of Vice Presidents for Research $4.000,00

Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta