PORTFELJ / Prof. dr. sc. Stipan Jonjić MD


Prof. dr. sc.

Stipan Jonjić


Medicinski fakultet

Centar za proteomiku


M 091/1651206

UNIRI e-mail

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PROSTORIJA Centar za proteomiku



1986. -

Federal Research Center for Virus Diseases, Tübingen, Njemačka

1985. -

doktorat znanosti

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1982. - 1983.


Federal Research Center for Virus Diseases, Tübingen, Njemačka

1982. -

magisterij znanosti

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1971. - 1976.

doktor medicine

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

Radno iskustvo

2006. -

Voditelj Centra za proteomiku

Medicinski fakulteta u Rijeci

1999. - 2003.


Medicinski fakulteta Rijeka

1997. - 2007.

Pročelnik Katedre za biologiju i medicinsku genetiku

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru

1996. - 2021.

Predstojnik Zavoda/Katedre za histologiju i embriologiju

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1992. -

Redoviti profesor

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1990. -

Izvanredni profesor

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1986. -


Zavod za fiziologiju i imunologiju, Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1982. - 1983.


Federal Research Center for Virus Diseases, Tübingen, Njemačka

1979. - 1986.


Zavod za fiziologiju i imunologiju, Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

Nagrade i priznanja


Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti


Academia Europaea


Grad Rijeka - Nagrada za životno djelo


Europska akademija mikrobiologije


Državna nagrada za znanost Hrvatskog sabora - nagrada za životno djelo


Njemačka nacionalna akademija za znanost – Leopoldina


Nagrada "Ante Šercer" Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske


Raine Foundation Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia


Priznanje Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci za doprinos u razvoju stomatološke djelatnosti, nastave i znanosti


Godišnja nagrada Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za doprinos od osobitog i trajnog značenja za Republiku Hrvatsku u području medicinskih znanosti


Orden predsjednika Republike Hrvatske - Red Danice Hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića


Günther Weitzel Science Award 1994. (Liga za razvoj molekulske biologije i biotehnologije, Tübingen, Njemačka)


Državna nagrada "Ruđer Bošković" za značajna znanstvena otkrića u oblasti prirodnih znanosti u području biomedicine, posebno virusne imunologije za izučavanje uloge limfocita T u kontroli infekcije citomegalovirusom


Nagrada grada Rijeke za međunarodno priznati znanstveni doprinos na području medicine a osobito u poznavanju uloge imunoloških mehanizama


Prva nagrada Sveučilišta u Rijeci za najbolji znanstveni rad studenata


Godišnja nagrada Županije primorsko - goranske za znanstveni rad


2022. -

Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti

2021. -

Član znanstvenog vijeća - Jadran Galenski Laboratorij, Rijeka

2018. - 2022.

Europska zaklada za znanost (ESF) – College of Expert Reviewers

2018. -

Predstavnik HrZZ-a u ''The Tenure Track Pilot programme'', Švicarske agencije za razvoj i kooperaciju i Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i EU fondova

2017. -

Počasni predsjednik Savjeta za znanost Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2017. -

Hrvatsko društvo za proteomiku

2016. - 2020.

Heinrich Pette Institute, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI), Scientific Advisory Board, član

2016. -

HAZU, Razred medicinske znanosti, Odbor za alergologiju i kliničku imunologiju


Hrvatski sabor - član Odbora za podjelu državnih nagrada

2015. -

European Academy of Microbiology

2014. - 2018.

Član panela LS6 – 'Immunity and Infections' u Starting Grant panelu LS6 2014. i 2016. u evaluacijama

2013. - 2017.

Predsjednik Savjeta za znanost Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2012. -

Njemačka nacionalna akademija znanosti LEOPOLDINA

2012. -

Upravno vijeće Instituta za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta

2010. -

Upravni odbor Hrvatske zaklade za znanost

2006. - 2011.

EU FP6/ FP7 Programme Committee – Zdravlje

2006. - 2010.

Nacionalno povjerenstvo za FP7 projekte, predsjednik

2005. -

Society for Natural Immunity

2002. - 2006.

Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, predsjednik

2000. - 2003.

Nacionalno vijeće za visoku naobrazbu

2000. -

American Society for Microbiology

1994. - 2002.

Nacionalno znanstveno vijeće

Nastavna djelatnost


2005. - 2006.

Kultura stanica

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


2005. - 2006.

Imunost na viruse

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


2005. -

Imunologija razvojne dobi

Poslijediplomski stručni studij Pedijatrija

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


2005. -

Biologija herpes virusa

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biomedicina

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


1996. - 2001.

Histologija s embriologijom

Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni studij Dentalne Medicine

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


1996. -

Histologija i embriologija

Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni studij Medicina

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


Gostujući nastavnik

2007. -

Kolegij virusne imunologije - Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Zagreb

Farmaceutsko-biokemijske znanosti

Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Zagreb


1997. -

Biologija stanice i genetika - Medicinski fakultet Mostar

Medicinski fakultet Mostar


1995. - 2004.

Imunost na viruse-Prirodno-matematički fakultet Zagreb


Prirodno-matematički fakultet Zagreb



Histološki atlas

Financiranje: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci - Digital point

Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Decoding murine cytomegalovirus

Manivel Lodha, Ihsan Muchsin, Christopher Jürges, Vanda Juranic Lisnic, Anne L'Hernault, Andrzej J Rutkowski, Bhupesh K Prusty, Arnhild Grothey, Andrea Milic, Thomas Hennig, Stipan Jonjic, Caroline C Friedel, Florian Erhard, Lars Dölken

Plos Pathogens


Perinatal murine cytomegalovirus infection reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells

Carmen Rožmanić, Berislav Lisnić, Marina Pribanić Matešić, Andrea Mihalić, Lea Hiršl, Eugene Park, Ana Lesac Brizić, Daniela Indenbirken, Ina Viduka, Marina Šantić, Barbara Adler, Wayne M Yokoyama, Astrid Krmpotić, Vanda Juranić Lisnić, Stipan Jonjić, Ilija Brizić

Nature Communications


TIGIT can inhibit T cell activation via ligation-induced nanoclusters, independent of CD226 co-stimulation

Jonathan D Worboys, Katherine N Vowell, Roseanna K Hare, Ashley R Ambrose, Margherita Bertuzzi, Michael A Conner, Florence P Patel, William H Zammit, Judit Gali-Moya, Khodor S Hazime, Katherine L Jones, Camille Rey, Stipan Jonjic, Tihana Lenac Rovis, Gillian M Tannahill, Gabriela Dos Santos Cruz De Matos, Jeremy D Waight, Daniel M Davis

Nature Communications


Reovirus infection of tumor cells reduces the expression of NKG2D ligands, leading to impaired NK-cell cytotoxicity and functionality

Raghad Khaleafi, Jelena Zeleznjak, Sapir Cordela, Shani Drucker, Tihana Lenac Rovis, Stipan Jonjic, Yotam Bar-On

Frontiers in Immunology


Maternal antibodies induced by a live attenuated vaccine protect neonatal mice from cytomegalovirus

Vu Thuy Khanh Le-Trilling, Andreja Jagnjić, Ilija Brizić, Mareike Eilbrecht, Kerstin Wohlgemuth, Carmen Rožmanić, Alan Herdman, Katja Hoffmann, Astrid M Westendorf, Hartmut Hengel, Stipan Jonjić, Mirko Trilling

NPJ Vaccines


Characterization of M116.1p, a Murine Cytomegalovirus Protein Required for Efficient Infection of Mononuclear Phagocytes

Tina Ružić, Vanda Juranić Lisnić, Hana Mahmutefendić Lučin, Tihana Lenac Roviš, Jelena Železnjak, Maja Cokarić Brdovčak, Ana Vrbanović, Deni Oreb, Daria Kveštak, Kristina Gotovac Jerčić, Fran Borovečki, Pero Lučin, Barbara Adler, Stipan Jonjić, Berislav Lisnić

Journal of Virology


Two murine cytomegalovirus microRNAs target the major viral immediate early 3 gene

Herb S, Zeleznjak J, Hennig T, L'Hernault A, Lodha M, Jürges C, Trsan T, Juranic Lisnic V, Jonjic S, Erhard F, Krmpotic A, Dölken L.

Journal of General Virology


SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Antibody Response in Vaccinated Croatian Healthcare Workers and Infected Hospitalized Patients: A Single Center Cohort Study

Brlić PK, Pavletić M, Lerga M, Krstanović F, Matešić MP, Miklić K, Malić S, Mikša L, Pajcur M, Peruč D, Schubert M, Bertoglio F, Arapović J, Protić A, Šustić A, Milošević M, Šain LČ, Jonjić S, Lisnić VJ, Brizić I.



Mouse Models for Cytomegalovirus Infections in Newborns and Adults

Brizić I, Lisnić B, Krstanović F, Brune W, Hengel H, Jonjić S.

Current Protocols


A Unique Role of the Human Cytomegalovirus Small Capsid Protein in Capsid Assembly

Borst EM, Harmening S, Sanders S, Caragliano E, Wagner K, Lenac Roviš T, Jonjić S, Bosse JB, Messerle M.



The Virus-Induced Upregulation of the miR-183/96/182 Cluster and the FoxO Family Protein Members Are Not Required for Efficient Replication of HSV-1

Zubković, Andreja; Žarak, Ines; Ratkaj, Ivana; Rokić, Filip; Jekić, Maja; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Lebrón, Ricardo; Gómez-Martín, Cristina; Lisnić, Berislav; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić;

Viruses - 14


Anti-human ACE2 antibody neutralizes and inhibits virus production of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

Chaouat, Abigael E; Brizic, Ilija; Brlic, Paola Kucan; Atari, Nofar; Kliker, Limor; Alfi, Or; Mandelboim, Michal; Wolf, Dana; Tafish, Laith; Kol, Inbal;

Iscience - 25


SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in the Pulmonary Compartment of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Correlates with Viral Serum Load and Fatal Outcomes

Ynga-Durand M, Maaß H, Milošević M, Krstanović F, Pribanić Matešić M, Jonjić S, Protić A, Brizić I, Šustić A, Čičin-Šain L.



Activation of CEACAM1 with an agonistic monoclonal antibody results in inhibition of melanoma cells

Zaffran I, Landolina N, Gaur P, Rovis TL, Jonjic S., Mandelboim O, Singer BB, Levi-Schaffer F.

Cancer Gene Therapy


ChAdOx1-S adenoviral vector vaccine applied intranasally elicits superior mucosal immunity compared to the intramuscular route of vaccination

Cokarić Brdovčak M, Materljan J, Šustić M, Ravlić S, Ružić T, Lisnić B, Miklić K, Brizić I, Pribanić Matešić M, Juranić Lisnić V, Halassy B, Rončević D, Knežević Z, Štefan L, Bertoglio F, Schubert M, Čičin-Šain L, Markotić A, Jonjić S, Krmpotić A

European Journal of Immunology


Collection of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Proteins

Pribanić Matešić M, Kučan Brlić P, Lenac Roviš T, Mačak Šafranko Ž, Chaouat AE, Miklić K, Malić S, Ivanković N, Schubert M, Bertoglio F, Markotić A, Mandelboim O, Jonjić S, Brizić I



MCMV-based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination.

Kim Y, Zheng X, Eschke K, Chaudhry MZ, Bertoglio F, Tomić A, Krmpotić A, Hoffmann M, Bar-On Y, Boehme J, Bruder D, Ebensen T, Brunotte L, Ludwig S, Messerle M, Guzman C, Mandelboim O, Hust M, Pöhlmann S, Jonjić S, Čičin-Šain L.

Cellular & Molecular Immunology


Production- and Purification-Relevant Properties of Human and Murine Cytomegalovirus.

Ravlić S, Brgles M, Hiršl L, Jonjić S, Halassy B.



SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain fusion protein efficiently neutralizes virus infection.

Chaouat AE, Achdout H, Kol I, Berhani O, Roi G, Vitner EB, Melamed S, Politi B, Zahavy E, Brizic I, Lenac Rovis T, Alfi O, Wolf D, Jonjic S, Israely T, Mandelboim O.

PLoS Pathogens.


Elucidating the Structural and Minimal Protective Epitope of the Serogroup X Meningococcal Capsular Polysaccharide.

Pietri GP, Tontini M, Brogioni B, Oldrini D, Robakiewicz S, Henriques P, Calloni I, Abramova V, Santini L, Malić S, Miklić K, Lisnic B, Bertuzzi S, Unione L, Balducci E, de Ruyck J, Romano MR, Jimenez-Barbero J, Bouckaert J, Jonjic S, Rovis TL, Adamo R.

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences


CD8 T Cell Vaccines and a Cytomegalovirus-Based Vector Approach.

Šustić M, Cokarić Brdovčak M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S.

Life (Basel)


Characterization of M116.1p, a murine cytomegalovirus protein required for efficient infection of mononuclear phagocytes.

Ružić T, Lisnić VJ, Lučin HM, Roviš TL, Železnjak J, Brdovčak MC, Vrbanović A, Oreb D, Kveštak D, Jerčić KG, Borovečki F, Lučin P, Adler B, Jonjić S, Lisnić B.

Journal of Virology


Murine Models of Central Nervous System Disease following Congenital Human Cytomegalovirus Infections.

Moulden J, Sung CYW, Brizic I, Jonjic S, Britt W.



Epitope Recognition of a Monoclonal Antibody Raised against a Synthetic Glycerol Phosphate Based Teichoic Acid.

Berni F, Kalfopoulou E, Gimeno Cardells AM, Carboni F, van der Es D, Romero-Saavedra F, Laverde D, Miklic K, Malic S, Rovis TL, Jonjic S, Ali S, Overkleeft HS, Hokke CH, van Diepen A, Adamo R, Jiménez-Barbero J, van der Marel GA, Huebner J, Codée JDC

ACS Chemical Biology


The m15 Locus of Murine Cytomegalovirus Modulates Natural Killer Cell Responses to Promote Dissemination to the Salivary Glands and Viral Shedding.

Chan B, Arapović M, Masters LL, Rwandamuiye F, Jonjić S, Smith LM, Redwood AJ:

Pathogens - 866


Cytomegalovirus Infection and Inflammation in Developing Brain.

Krstanović F, Britt WJ, Jonjić S, Brizić I

Viruses - 1078


Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility

Tomac, Jelena; Mazor, Marija; Lisnić, Berislav; Golemac, Mijo; Kveštak, Daria; Bralić, Marina; Zulle, Lidija Bilić; Brinkmann, Melanie M; Dölken, Lars; Reinert, Line S;

Immunity - 54 1-16


Viral Interactions with Adaptor‐Protein Complexes: A Ubiquitous Trait among Viral Species. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Strazic Geljic I, Kucan Brlic P, Musak L, Karner D, Ambriović‐Ristov A, Jonjic S, Schu P, Lenac Rovis T

International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 5274


Memory CD8 T Cells Generated by Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Vector Expressing NKG2D Ligand Have Effector-Like Phenotype and Distinct Functional Features

Šustić, Marko; Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja; Lisnić, Berislav; Materljan, Jelena; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Rožmanić, Carmen; Indenbirken, Daniela; Hiršl, Lea; Busch, Dirk H; Brizić, Ilija;

Frontiers in Immunology - 12


NK/ILC1 cells mediate neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection.

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Tomac J, Golemac M, Brizić I, Indenbirken D, Cokarić Brdovčak M, Bernardini G, Krstanović F, Rožmanić C, Grundhoff A, Krmpotić A, Britt WJ, Jonjić S

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 218(5)


Rodent Models of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection.

Lisnić B, Tomac J, Cekinović D, Jonjić S, Juranić Lisnić V

Methods in Molecular Biology - 365-401


Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on antigen presenting cells disabling T cell co-stimulation and contributing to immune evasion.

Angulo G, Zeleznjak J, Martínez-Vicente P, Puñet-Ortiz J, Hengel H, Messerle M, Oxenius A, Jonjic S, Krmpotic A, Engel P, Angulo A



Varicella-zoster virus VLT-ORF63 fusion transcript induces broad viral gene expression during reactivation from neuronal latency.

Ouwendijk W, Depledge D, Rajbhandari L, Lenac-Rovis T, Jonjic S, Breuer J, Venkatesan A, Verjans G, Sadaoka T

Nature Communications - 11 6324


Repair of an attenuated low passage murine cytomegalovirus bacterial artificial chromosome identifies a novel spliced gene essential for salivary gland tropism.

Redwood AJ, Masters LL, Chan B, Leary S, Forbes C, Jonjić S, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Smith LM

Journal of Virology - 94 e01456-20


Murine cytomegalovirus M25 proteins sequester the tumor suppressor protein p53 in nuclear accumulations

Kutle I, Szymanska-de Wijs K, Bogdanow B, Cuvalo B, Steinbrück L, Jonjic S, Wagner K, Niedenthal R, Selbach M, Wiebusch L, Dezeljin M, Messerle M

Journal of Virology - 94 e00574-20.


Analysis of virus and host proteomes during productive HSV-1 and VZV infection in human epithelial cells.

Ouwendijk WJD, Dekker L, Van den Ham H-J, Lenac Rovis T, Haefner E, Jonjic S, Haas J, Luider TM, Verjans GMGM

Frontiers in Microbiology - 1179


Cytomegalovirus Inhibition of Extrinsic Apoptosis Determines Fitness and Resistance to Cytotoxic CD8 T Cells.

Chaudhry MZ, Casalegno-Garduno R, Sitnik KM, Kasmapour B, Pulm A-K, Brizic I, Eiz-Vesper B, Moosmann A, Jonjic S, Mocarski ES, Cicin-Sain L C

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 17 12961-12968


Nectin4 is a novel TIGIT ligand which combines checkpoint inhibition and tumor specificity.

Reches A, Ophir Y, Stein N, Kol I, Isaacson B, Amikam YC, Elnekave A,Tsukerman P, Kucan Brlic P, Lenac T, Seliger B, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer - 8:e000266.


Eomes broadens the scope of CD8T-cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in cells of low affinity.

Kavazović I, Han H, Balzaretti G, Slinger E, Lemmermann NAW, Ten Brinke A, Merkler D, Koster J, Bryceson YT, de Vries N, Jonjić S, Klarenbeek PL, Polić B, Eldering E, Wensveen FM

PLoS Biology - 18


Cytomegalovirus protein m154 perturbs the adaptor protein-1 compartment mediating broad-spectrum immune evasion.

Strazic Geljic I, Kucan Brlic P, Angulo G, Brizic I, Lisnic B, Jenus T, Juranic Lisnic V, Pietri GP, Engel P, Kaynan N, Zeleznjak J, Schu P, Mandelboim, O, Krmpotic A, Angulo A, Jonjic S, Lenac Rovis T



Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition).

Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A...Jonjic S...Zimmermann J, Zychlinsky A

European Journal of Immunology - 49 1457-1973


Cytomegalovirus Seroprevalence and Birth Prevalence of Congenital CMV Infection in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Single-Center Experience.

Arapović J, Rajič B, Pati S, Brizić I, Azinović I, Šušak B, Ostojić M, Tutiš B, Raguž AB, Tomić V, Jonjić S, Boppana S

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal - epub ahead of print


Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by Cytomegaloviruses.

Berry R, Watson G, Jonjic S, Delgi-Esposti M, Rossjohn J

Nature Reviews of Immunology - epub ahead of print


Mouse cytomegalovirus m153 protein stabilizes expression of the inhibitory NKR-P1B ligand, Clr-b

Aguilar OA, Sampaio IS, Rahim MMA, Samaniego JD, Tilahun ME, Krishnamoorthy M, Popović B, Babić M, Krmpotić A, Treanor B, Margulies DH, Allan DSJ, Makrigiannis AP, Jonjić S, Carlyle JR

Journal of Virology - epub ahead of print


Virus-induced cochlear inflammation in newborn mice alters auditory function

Won Sung C, Seleme M, Payne S, Jonjic S, Hirose K, Britt W Virus-induced cochlear inflammation in newborn mice alters auditory function, The Journal of Clinical Investigation - Insight., doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.128878, 4(17):e128878, 2019

The Journal of Clinical Investigation - Insight. - 4


Development of opsonic mouse monoclonal antibodies against multidrug resistant enterococci.

Kalfopoulou E, Laverde D, Miklic K, Saavedra F, Malic S, Carboni F, Adamo R, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjic S, Huebner J

Infection and Immunity - 87


NK cells negatively regulate CD8 T cells via Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor (NCR) 1 during LCMV infection..

Pallmer K, Barnstorf I, Baumann N, Borsa M, Jonjic S, Oxenius A

PLOS Pathogens - 15


Role of antibodies in confining cytomegalovirus after reactivation from latency: three decades’ résumé.

Krmpotić A, Podlech J, Reddehase M, Britt W, Jonjić S

Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 208 415-429


CD4 T cells are required for maintenance of CD8 TRM cells and virus control in the brain of MCMV infected newborn mice.

Brizić I, Hiršl L, Šustić M, Golemac M, Britt W, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 208 208(3-4):487-494


Myeloid Cells Restrict MCMV and Drive Stress-Induced Extramedullary Hematopoiesis through STAT1.

Gawish R, Bulat T, Biaggio M, Lassnig C, Bago-Horvath Z, Macho-Maschler S, Poelzl A, Simonovic N, Prchal-Murphy M, Rom R, Amenitsch L, Ferrarese L, Kornhoff J, Lederer T, Svinka J, Eferl R, Bosmann M, Kalinke U, Stoiber D, Sexl V, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S, Mueller M, Strobl B

Cell Reports - 26 2394-2406


Galectin-3 deficiency facilitates TNF-?-dependent hepatocyte death and liver inflammation in MCMV infection.

Stojanovic B, Milovanovic J, Arsenijevic A, Strazic Geljic I, Arsenijevic N, Jonjic S, Lukic M, Milovanovic M

Frontiers in Microbiology - 185


Human anti-NKp46 antibody for studies of NKp46-dependent NK cell function and its applications for type 1 diabetes and cancer research.

Berhani O, Glasner A, Kahlon S, Duev-Cohen A, Yamin R, Horwitz E, Enk J, Moshel O, Varvak A, Porgador A, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

European Journal of Immunology - 49 228-241


Cytomegaloviruses Exploit Recycling Rab Proteins in the Sequential Establishment of the Assembly Compartment

Lučin P, Kareluša Lj, Blagojević Zagorac G, Mahmutefendić Lučin H, Pavišić V, Jug Vučko N, Lukanović Jurić S, Marcelić M, Lisnić B, Jonjić S

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - 6


Murine Cytomegalovirus glycoprotein O promotes epithelial cell infection in vivo.

Yunis J, Farrell HE, Bruce K, Lawler C, Wyer O, Davis-Poynter N, Brizić I, Jonjić S, Adler B, Stevenson P

Journal of Virology - 93


Virus-Induced Interferon-? Causes Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle and Derails Glycemic Control in Obesity.

Šestan M, Marinović S, Kavazović I, Cekinović Đ, Wueest S, Turk Wensveen T, Brizić I, Jonjić S, Konrad D, Wensveen FM, Polić B

Immunity - 49 164-177



Immune responses to congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

Brizić I, Hiršl L, Britt WJ, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

Microbes and Infection - 20 543-551


Targeting PVR (CD155) and its receptors in anti-tumor therapy.

Kučan Brlić P, Lenac Roviš T, Cinamon G, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Jonjić S

Cellular and Molecular Immunology - 16 40-52


MIgGGly (mouse IgG glycosylation analysis) - a high-throughput method for studying Fc-linked IgG N-glycosylation in mice with nanoUPLC-ESI-MS.

Zaytseva O, Jansen B, Hanić M, Mrčela M, Razdorov G, Stojković R, Erhardt J, Brizić Ilija, Jonjić Stipan, Pezer M, Lauc G.

Scientific Reports - 8 13688


Cytomegalovirus infection: Mouse model.

Brizić Ilija, Lisnić Berislav, Brune Wolfram, Hengel Hartmut, Jonjić Stipan

Current Protocols in Immunology


Murine cMV expressing the high affinity nKg2D ligand MUlT-1:a Model for the development of cytomegalovirus-Based Vaccines. Frontiers in Immunology

Hiršl Lea, Brizic´Ilija, Jenuš Tina, Juranic´ Lisnic´ Vanda, Reichel JJulia, Jurkovic´ Slaven, Krmpotic´ Astrid, Jonjic´ Stipan

Frontiers in Immunology - 9


Brain-resident memory CD8+ T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation.,

Brizić I, Sušak B, Arapović M, Huszthy PC, Hirsl L, Kveštak D, Lisnić VJ, Golemac M, Pugel EP, Tomac J, Oxenius A, Britt WJ, Arapović J, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

European Journal of Immunology - 48 950-964


Human Cytomegalovirus Nuclear Capsids Associate with the Core Nuclear Egress Complex and the Viral Protein Kinase pUL97.

Milbradt J, Sonntag E, Wagner S, Strojan H, Wangen C, Lenac Rovis T, Lisnic B, Jonjic S, Sticht H, Britt WJ, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Marschall M

Viruses - 10-35


NKp46 Receptor-Mediated Interferon-g Production by Natural Killer Cells Increases Fibronectin 1 to Alter Tumor Architecture and Control Metastasis.

Glasner A, Levi A, Enk J, Isaacson B, Viukov S, Orlanski S, Scope A, Neuman T, Enk CD, Hanna JH, Sexl V, Jonjić Stipan, Seliger B, Zitvogel L, Mandelboim O

Immunity - 48 1-13


IL-1R8 is a checkpoint in NK cells regulating anti-tumor and anti-viral activity.

Molgora M, Bonavita E, Ponzetta A, Riva F, Barbagallo M, Jaillon S, Popovic B, Bernardini G, Magrini E, Gianni F, Zelenay S, Jonjic S, Santoni A, Garlanda C, Mantovani A




Cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1? induces enhanced anti-tumor capacity of murine CD8+ T cells

Tršan T, Vuković K, Filipović P, Brizić AL, Lemmermann NAW, Schober K, Busch DH, Britt WJ, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

European Journal of Immunology - 47 1354–1367


Targeted Genome Sequencing Reveals Varicella-Zoster Virus Open Reading Frame 12 Deletion

Cohrs RJ, Lee KS, Beach A, Sanford B, Baird NL, Como C, Graybill C, Jones D, Tekeste E, Ballard M, Chen X, Yalacki D, Frietze S, Jones K, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjić S, Haas J, Gilden D

Journal of Virology - 7


Cutting Edge: NKG2D Signaling Enhances NK Cell Responses but Alone Is Insufficient To Drive Expansion during Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection

Nabekura T, Gotthardt D, Niizuma K, Trsan T, Jenus T, Jonjic S, Lanier LL

Journal of Immunology - 199 1567-1571


UL36 Rescues Apoptosis Inhibition and In vivo Replication of a Chimeric MCMV Lacking the M36 Gene.

Zeeshan Chaudhry M, Kasmapour B, Plaza-Sirvent C, Bajagic M, Casalegno Garduno R, Borkner L, Lenac Rovis T, Scrima A, Jonjic S, Schmitz I, Cicin-Sain

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology - 7


NCR1-deficiency diminishes the generation of protective murine cytomegalovirus antibodies by limiting follicular helper T-cell maturation.

Miletic A, Lenartic M, Popovic B, Brizic I, Trsan T, Miklic K, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S

European Journal of Immunology - 1


Mouse cytomegalovirus encoded immunoevasins and evolution of Ly49 receptors - sidekicks or enemies?

Železnjak Jelena, Popović Branka, Krmpotić Astrod, Jonjić Stipan, Lisnić Juranić Vanda

Immunology Letters - 40-47



NKG2D stimulation of CD8+ T cells during priming promotes their capacity to produce cytokines in response to viral infection in mice.

Kavazović Inga, Lenartić Maja, Jelenčić Vedrana, Jurković Slaven, Lemmermann NA, Jonjić Stipan, Polić Bojan, Wensveen Felix

European Journal of Immunnology - 47 1123-1135



A Viral Immunoevasin Controls Innate Immunity by Targeting the Prototypical Natural Killer Cell Receptor Family

Aguilar O, Berry R, Rahim, M, Reichel J, Popović Branka, Tanaka M, Fu Z, Balaji G, Lau T, Tu M, Kirkham C, Mahmoud A, Mesci A, Krmpotić Astrid, Allan D, Makrigiannis A, Jonjić Stipan, Rossjohn J, Carlyle J

Cell - 58



TNF Alpha-Induced Recruitment of Inflammatory Mononuclear Cells Leads to Inflammation and Altered Brain Development in MCMV Infected Newborn Mice.

Seleme M, Kosmac K, Jonjic S, Britt W

Journal of Virology - 91 1-22


NK-cell receptors NKp46 and NCR1 control human metapneumovirus infection.

Diab M, Glasner A, Issacson B, Bar-On Y, Drori Y, Yamin R, Duev-Cohen A, Danziger O, Zamostiano R, Mandelboim M, Jonjic S, Bacharach E, Mandelboim O

European Journal of Immunnology - 1 1-12



Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection Induces Susceptibility to EAE in Resistant, BALB/C mice

Milovanović J, Popović Branka, Milovanović M, Kveštak Daria, Arsenijević A, Stojanović B, Tanasković I, Krmpotić Astrid, Arsenijević N, Jonjić Stipan, Lukić M

Frontiers in Immunology - 8


Varicella zoster virus glycoprotein C increases chemokine-mediated leukocyte migration

González-Motos V, Ritter B, Jürgens C, Kropp KA, Duran E, Larsen O, Ouwendijk WJD, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjic S, Verjans GMG, Sodeik B, Krey T, Bauerfeind R, Schulz TF, Kaufer BB, Kalinke U, Proudfoot AEI, Rosenkilde MM, Viejo-Borbolla A

PLOS Pathogens - 13 e1006346


IL-33/ST2 pathway drives regulatory T cell dependent suppression of liver damage upon cytomegalovirus infection

Popovic B, Golemac M, Podlech J, Zeleznjak J, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Cicin-Sain L, Reddehase M, Sparwasser T, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S

PLOS Pathogens - 13 e1006345


The murine cytomegalovirus M35 protein antagonizes type I IFN induction downstream of pattern recognition receptors by targeting NF-κB mediated transcription

Chan, Baca; Gonçalves Magalhães, Vladimir; Lemmermann, Niels AW; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Stempel, Markus; Bussey, Kendra A; Reimer, Elisa; Podlech, Jürgen; Lienenklaus, Stefan; Reddehase, Matthias J;

PLoS pathogens - 13 e1006382.


Systemic Virus Infections Differentially Modulate Cell Cycle State and Functionality of Long-Term Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Vivo

Hirche C, Frenz T, Haas SF, Döring M, Borst K, Tegtmeyer PK, Brizic I, Jordan S, Keyser K, Chhatbar C, Pronk E, Lin S, Messerle M, Jonjic S, Falk CS, Trumpp A, Essers MAG, Kalinke U

Cell Reports - 19 2345-2356


CMV and natural killer cells: shaping the response to vaccination

Goodier, Martin R; Jonjić, Stipan; Riley, Eleanor M; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda;

European journal of immunology - 48


Immune responses to congenital cytomegalovirus infection

Brizić Ilija, Hiršl Lea, Britt WJ, Krmpotić Astrid, Jonjić Stipan

Microbes and Infection - S1286-4579(17)30233-2


Activation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by a Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Strain Expressing an NKG2D Ligand.

Tomic A,Varanas PR, Golemac M, Malic S, Riese P, Borst EM, Mischak-Weissinger E, Guzmán CA, Krmpotić A, Jonjic S, Messerle M

PLOS Pathogens - 12 e1006015


The Mouse Cytomegalovirus Gene m42 Targets Surface Expression of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase CD45 in Infected Macrophages.

Thiel N, Keyser KA, Lemmermann N, Oduro JD, Wagner K, Elsner C, Halenius A, Lenac Rovis T, Brinkmann M, Jonjic S, Cicin-Sain L, Messerle M

PLOS Pathogens - 12 e1006057


Cytomegalovirus pUL50 is the multi-interacting determinant of the core nuclear egress complex (NEC) that recruits cellular accessory NEC components.

Sonntag E, Hamilton ST, Bahsi H, Wagner S, Jonjić S, Rawlinson WD, Marschall M, Milbradt J

Journal of General Virology - 97 1676-85


Inflammatory monocytes and NK cells play a crucial role in DNAM-1-dependent control of cytomegalovirus infection.

Lenac Rovis Tihana, Kucan Brlic Paola, Kaynan N, Juranic Lisnic Vanda, Brizic Ilija, Jordan S, Tomic Adriana, Kvestak Daria, Babic Marina, Tsukerman P, Colonna M, Koszinowski U, Messerle M, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic Astrid, Jonjic Stipan

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 213 1835-50



CEACAM1-Mediated Inhibition of Virus Production

Vitenshtein A, Weisblum Y, Hauka S, Halenius A, Oiknine-Djian E,Tsukerman P, Bauman Y, Bar-On Y, Stern-Ginossar N, Enk J, Ortenberg R, Tai J, Markel G, Blumberg RS, Hengel H, Jonjic S, Wolf DG, Adler H, Kammerer R, Mandelboim O

Cell Reports - 15 2331–2339


The Essential Human Cytomegalovirus Proteins pUL77 and pUL93 are Structural Components Necessary for Viral Genome Encapsidation.

Borst EM, Bauerfeind R, Binz A, Stephan T, Neuber S, Wagner K, Steinbrück L, Sodeik B, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjic S, Messerle M

Journal of Virology - 90 5860-75



Intrinsic contribution of perforin to NK cell homeostasis during viral infection.

Arapović M, Brizić I, Popović B, Jurković S, Jordan S, Krmpotić A, Arapović A, Jonjić S

Frontiers in Immunology - 7


Pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) expression in normal gastrointestinal tract and in tumours detected with novel monoclonal antibodies.

Houston A, Williams J, Lenac Rovis T, Shanley D, O'Riordan R, Kiely P, Ball M, Barry O, Kelly J, Fanning A, MacSharry J, Mandelboim O, Singer B, Jonjic S, Moore T

mAbs - 8 491-500



Expression, Function, and Molecular Properties of the Killer Receptor Ncr1-Noé

Glasner A, Šimić Hrvoje, Miklić Karmela, Roth Z, Berhani O, Khalaila I, Jonjić Stipan, Mandelboim O

Journal of Immunology - 195 3959-3969



Varicella Viruses Inhibit Interferon- Stimulated JAK-STAT Signaling through Multiple Mechanisms.

Verweij M, Wellish M, Whitmer T, Malouli D, Lapel M, Jonjić S, Haas J, DeFilippis V, Mahalingam R, Früh K: Varicella Viruses Inhibit Interferon- Stimulated JAK-STAT Signaling through Multiple Mechanisms, PLoS Pathogens, 11(5): e1004901. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat., 2015

Plos Pathogens - 11 5



NK cell interplay with cytomegaloviruses

Lisnić, Berislav; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Jonjić, Stipan;

Current opinion in virology - 15 18



Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons.

Bradford R, Yoo Y, Golemac M, Pugel E, Jonjic S, Britt WJ

PLoS Pathogens 11(4): e1004774. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004774 - 11


The specific NK cell response in concert with perforin prevents CD8+ T cell-mediated immunopathology after mouse cytomegalovirus infection.

Arapovic J, Arapovic M, Golemac M, Traven L, Tomac J, Rumora D, Razic E, Krmpotic A, Jonjic Stipan

Medical Microbiology and Immunology, ahead of print - 1 1



CMV Immunology.

Stipan Jonjic

Cellular and Molecular Immunology - 12 125-7



Binding of the Fap2 Protein of Fusobacterium nucleatum to Human Inhibitory Receptor TIGIT Protects Tumors from Immune Cell Attack.

Gur C, Ibrahim Y, Isaacson B, Yamin R, Abed J, Gamliel M, Enk J, Bar-On Y, Stanietsky-Kaynan N, Coppenhagen-Glazer S, Shussman N, Almogy G, Cuapio A, Hofer E, Mevorach D, Tabib A, Ortenberg R, Markel G, Miklic K, Jonjic S, Brennan CA, Garrett WS, Bachrach G, Mandelboim O

Immunity - 42 344-55



Targeting Natural Killer Cell Reactivity by Employing Antibody to NKp46: Implications for Type 1 Diabetes.

Yossef R, Gur C, Shemesh A, Guttman O, Hadad U, Nedvetzki S, Miletic A, Nalbandyan K, Cerwenka A, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O, Porgador A

PlosOne - 10 2



Non-redundant and redundant roles of cytomegalovirus gH/gL complexes in host organ entry and intra-tissue spread.

Lemmermann N, Krmpotic A, Podlech J, Brizic I, Prager A, Adler H, Karbach A, Wu Y, Jonjic S, Reddehase MJ, Adler

PLoS Pathogens - DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004640



'Activated' S TAT proteins - a paradoxical consequence of inhibited JAK-STAT signalling in cytomegalovirus-infected cells.

Trilling, M; Khanh Le, V; Rashidi-Alavijeh, J; Katschinski, B; Scheller, J; Rose-John, S; Androsiac, G; Jonjić, Stipan; Poli, V; Pfeffer, K; Hengel H.

Journal of immunology - 192 447-58

Q1 WOS Exc


Immunobiology of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection of the Central Nervous System - Murine Cytomegalovirus Model.

Slavuljica, Irena; Kvestak, Daria; Huszthy, Peter; Kosmac, K; Britt, W; Jonjic, Stipan

Cellular & molecular immunology - epub


Cytomegalovirus Expresses the Chemokine Homologue vXCL1 Capable of Attracting XCR1+ CD4- Dendritic Cells.

Geyer, H; Hartung, E; Mages, HW; Weise, C; Beluzic, R; Vugrek, O; Jonjić, Stipan; Kroczek, RA; Voigt, S

Journal of virology - 88 292-302

Q1 WOS Exc


Expression of the Human Cytomegalovirus UL11 Glycoprotein in Viral Infection and Evaluation of its Effect on Virus-Specific CD8 T Cells

Gabaev, I; Elbasani, E; Ameres, S; Steinbrück, L; Stanton, R; Döring, M; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Kalinke, U; Jonjić, Stipan; Moosmann, A; Messerle, M.

Journal of virology - 88 14326

Q1 WOS Exc


PUL21a-Cyclin A2 Interaction is Required to Protect Human Cytomegalovirus-Infected Cells from the Deleterious Consequences of Mitotic Entry

Eifler, M; Uecker, R; Weisbach, H; Bogdanow, B; Richter, E; König, L; Vetter, B; Lenac-Roviš, Tihana; Jonjic, Sstipan; Neitzel, H; Hagemeier, C; Wiebusch, L

Plos pathogens - 13 e1004514

Q1 WOS Exc


Varicella zoster virus DNA does not accumulate in infected human neurons

Baird, NL; Bowlin, JL; Yu, X; Jonjić, Stipan; Haas, J; Cohrs, RJ; Gilden, D

Virology - 1 458-459:1-3

Q1 WOS Exc


Type I Interferons Protect T Cells against NK Cell Attack Mediated by the Activating Receptor NCR1

Crouse, J; Bedeniković G; Wiesel, M; Ibberson, M; Xenarios, I; Von Laer, D; Kalinke, U; Vivier, E; Jonjić, Stipan; Oxenius, A

Immunity - 40 961-73

Q1 WOS Exc


Immunobiology of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection of the Central Nervous System - Murine Cytomegalovirus Model.

Zarama, A; Perez-Carmona, N; Farre´, D; Tomić, Adriana; Borst, EM; Messerle, M; Jonjić, Stipan; Engel, P; Angulo, A.

Plos pathogens (1553-7374) - 10

Q1 WOS Exc


Viral MHC Class I-like Molecule Allows Evasion of NK Cell Effector Responses In Vivo

Pyzik, M; Dumaine, AA; Charbonneau, B; Fodil-Cornu, N; Jonjić, S; Vidal, SM.

Journal of immunology - pii: 1401386

Q1 WOS Exc


Dok1 and Dok2 proteins regulate natural killer cell development and function

Celis-Gutierrez, J; Boyron, M; Walzer, T; Pandolfi, PP; Jonjić, Stipan; Olive, D; Dalod, M; Vivier, E; Nunes, JA

The EMBO Journal - e201387404


MCMV avoidance of recognition and control by NK cells

Brizić, Ilija; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić Stipan

Seminars in immunology - 36 641-50


The evolutionary arms race between NK cells and viruses: Who gets the short end of the stick?

Miletić A, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

European Journal of Immunology - 43 867-77


A comprehensive analysis of varicella zoster virus proteins using a new monoclonal antibody collection.

Lenac Rovis T, Bailer SM, Pothineni VR, Ouwendijk WJ, Simic H, Babic M, Miklic K, Malic S, Verweij MC, Baiker A, Gonzalez O, von Brunn A, Zimmer R, Früh K,Verjans GM, Jonjic S, Haas J.

Journal of Virology - 87 6943-6954


Mouse TIGIT inhibits NK-cell cytotoxicity upon interaction with PVR.

Stanietsky N, Lenac T, Glasner A, Seidel E, Tsukerman P, Yamin R, Enk J, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

European Journal of Immunology


Natural killer cells are required for extramedullary hematopoiesis following murine cytomegalovirus infection.

Jordan S, Ruzsics Z, Mitrovic M, Baranek T, Arapovic J, Krmpotic A, Vivier E, Dalod M, Jonjic S, Döelken L, Koszinowski UH

Cell Host & Microbe - 535-545


NKG2D Induces Mcl-1 Expression and Mediates Survival of CD8 Memory T Cell Precursors via Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase.

Wensveen MF, Lenartic M, Jelencic V, Lemmermann AN, ten Brinke A, Jonjic S, Polic

Journal of Immunology - 191 1307-15



Dual analysis of the murine cytomegalovirus and host cell transcriptomes reveal new aspects of the virus-host cell interface

Lisnic, Vanda Juranic; Cac, Marina Babic; Lisnic, Berislav; Trsan, Tihana; Mefferd, Adam; Mukhopadhyay, Chitrangada Das; Cook, Charles H; Jonjic, Stipan; Trgovcich, Joanne;

PLoS pathog - 9


'Activated' S TAT proteins - a paradoxical consequence of inhibited JAK-STAT signalling in cytomegalovirus-infected cells.

Trilling M, Khanh Le V, Rashidi-Alavijeh J, Katschinski B, Scheller J, Rose-John S, Androsiac G, Jonjic S, Poli V, Pfeffer K, Hengel H

Journal of Immunology - 192 447-58


Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with MCMV vector expressing RAE-1?.

Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen FM, Lemmermann NA, Arapovic M, Babic M, Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann MM, Jäger W, Oxenius A, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS - 110 16550-5


Cytomegalovirus expresses the chemokine homologue vXCL1 capable of attracting XCR1+CD4- dendritic cells

Geyer H, Hartung E, Mages HW, Weise C, Beluzic R, Vugrek O, Jonjic S, Kroczek RA, Voigt S

Journal of Virology - 88 292-302


Varicella Zoster Virus Infection of Highly Pure Terminally Differentiated Human Neurons.

Yu X, Seitz S, Pointon T, Bowlin J, Cohrs R, Jonjić S, Haas J, Wellish M, Gilden D

Journal of Neurovirology - 19 75-81


The human cytomegalovirus UL51 protein is essential for viral genome cleavage-packaging and interacts with the terminase subunits pUL56 and pUL89.

Borst M, Kleine-Albers J, Gabaev I, Babic M, Wagner K, Binz A, Degenhardt I, Kalesse M, Jonjic S, Bauerfeind R, Messerle M

Journal of Virology - 87 1720-32


Pro-Apoptotic Protein Noxa Regulates Memory T Cell Population Size and Protects against Lethal Immunopathology.

Wensveen FM, Klarenbeek PL, van Gisbergen K, Pascutti MF, Derks I, van Schaik B, ten Brinke A, de Vries N, Cekinovic D, Jonjic S, van Lier R, Eldering

Journal of Immunology - 190 1180-91


The interaction between CD300a and Phosphatidylserine inhibits tumor cell killing by NK cell.

Lankry D, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

European Journal of Immunology


Viral inhibition of BAK promotes murine cytomegalovirus dissemination to salivary glands.

Handke W, Luig C, Popovic B, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S, Brune W

Journal of Virology - 87 3592-6


Glucocorticoid Treatment of MCMV Infected Newborn Mice Attenuates CNS Inflammation and Limits Deficits in Cerebellar Development

Kosmac K, Bantug R, Pugel E, Cekinovic Dj, Jonjic S, Britt W

PLoS Pathogens - 9


Viral vaccines and vectors - some lessons from cytomegaloviruses.

Skenderi F, Jonjic S

Periodicum Biologorum - 114 201-210


Innate immunity regulates adaptive immune response: lessons learned from studying the interplay between NK and CD8(+) T cells during MCMV infection.

Mitrovic M, Arapovic J, Traven L, Krmpotic A, Jonjić S

Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 201 487-95


IL-10 Suppression of NK/DC Crosstalk Leads to PoorPriming of MCMV-Specific CD4 T Cells and ProlongedMCMV Persistence.

Mandaric S, Walton S, Ruelicke T, Richter K, Girard-Madoux M, Clausen B, Zurunic A, Kamanaka M, Flavell R, Jonjic S, Oxenius A

PLoS Pathogens - 8


Ablation of the Regulatory IE1 Protein of Murine Cytomegalovirus Alters In Vivo Pro-inflammatory TNFalpha Production during Acute Infection.

Rodriguez-Martin S, Kropp K, Wilhelmi V, Juranic Lisnic V,Yuan Hsieh W, Blanc M, Livingston A, Busche A, Tekotte H, Messerle M, Auer M, Fraser I, Jonjic S, Angulo A, Reddehase M, Ghazal P

PLoS Pathogens - 8


Degradation of cellular mir-27 by a novel, highly abundant viral transcript is important for efficient virus replication in vivo

Marcinowski, Lisa; Tanguy, Mélanie; Krmpotic, Astrid; Rädle, Bernd; Lisnić, Vanda J; Tuddenham, Lee; Chane-Woon-Ming, Béatrice; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Erhard, Florian; Benkartek, Corinna;

PLoS Pathog - 8 2


The NK-cell response to mouse cytomegalovirus infection affects the level and kinetics of the early CD8+ T-cell response.; 2012

Mitrovic M, Arapovic J, Jordan S, Fodil-Cornu N, Ebert S, Vidal SM, Krmpotic A, Reddehase MJ, Jonjic S

Journal of Virology - 86 2165-75


Elucidating the mechanisms of influenza virus recognition by Ncr1.

Glasner A, Zurunic A, Meningher T, Lenac Rovis T, Tsukerman P, Bar-On Y, Yamin R, Meyers A, Mandeboim M, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

PLoS ONE - 7


Mouse Hobit is a homolog of the transcriptional repressor Blimp-1 that regulates NKT cell effector differentiation.

van Gisbergen K, Kragten N, Hertoghs K , WensveenF, JonjicS, Hamann J, Nolte M,van Lier R

Nature Immunology - 13 864-71


CMV Late Phase-Induced mTOR Activation Is Essential for Efficient Virus Replication in Polarized Human Macrophages.

Poglitsch, M, Weichhart T, Hecking M, Werzowa J, Katholnig K, AntlangerM, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S, Hörl W, Zlabinger G, PuchhammerE, Säemann M

American Journal of Transplantation - 2 1458-68


Natural Killer cells: fighting viruses and much more.

Colonna M, Jonjic S, Watzl C.

Nature Immunology - 12 107–10


Deletion of galectin-3 in the host attenuates metastasis of murine melanoma by modulating tumor adhesion and NK cell activity.

Radosavljevic G, Jovanovic I, Majstorovic I, Mitrovic M, Lisnic VJ, Arsenijevic N,Jonjic S, Lukic ML

Clinical and Experimental Metastasis - 28 451-62


ST2 Deletion Enhances Innate and Acquired Immunity to Murine Mammary Carcinoma. European

Jovanovic I, Radosavljevic G, Mitrovic M, Lisnic Juranic V, McKenzie A, Arsenijevic N, Jonjic S, Lukic M S

Journal of Immunology - 41 1902-1912


Resistance to Mousepox Virus: CD94 on a Special Mission.

Jonjic S, Trsan T

Immunity - 34 1458-68


Distinct MHC class I-dependent NK cell-activating receptors control cytomegalovirus infection in different mouse strains.

Pyzik M, Charbonneau B, Gendron-Pontbriand EM, Babic M, Krmpotic A,Jonjic S,Vidal S

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 208 1105-17


All is fair in virus-host interactions: NK cells and cytomegalovirus.

Babic M, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S

Trends in Molecular Medicine - 17 1471-4941


Virus Progeny of MCMV Bacterial Artificial Chromosome pSM3fr Shows Reduced Growth in Salivary Glands Due to a Fixed Mutation of MCK-2.

Jordan S, Krause J, Prager A, Mitrovic M,Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH, Adler B

Journal of Virology - 85 10346-53


Reversible inhibition of MCMV replication by IFN{gamma} in primary macrophages involves a primed type I IFN signaling sub-network for full establishment of an immediate-early antiviral-state.

Kropp KA, Robertson KA, Sing G, Rodriguez-Martin S, Blanc M, Lacaze P, Noor Hassim MF, Khondoker MR, Busche A, Dickinson P, Forster T, Strobl B, Mueller M, Jonjic S, Angulo A, Ghazal P

Journal of Virology - 85 10286-99


Manipulation of NKG2D ligands by cytomegaloviruses: impact on innate and adaptive immune response.

Slavuljica I, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S

Frontiers in Immunology - 2


Direct interaction of the mouse cytomegalovirus m152/gp40 immunoevasin with RAE-1 isoforms

Zhi L, Mans J, Paskow M, Brown P, Schuck P, Jonjić S, Natarajan K, and Margulies D

Biochemistry - 49 2443-5


Functional plasticity and robustness are essential characteristics of biological systems: lessons learned from KLRG1 deficient mice.

Jonjic S

European Journal of Immunology - 40 1241-3


Modulation of natural killer cell activity by viruses

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;

Current opinion in microbiology - 13 1-10


Intact NKG2D-Independent Function of NK Cells Chronically Stimulated with the NKG2D Ligand Rae-1.

Champsaur M, Beilke JN, Ogasawara K, Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S, Lanier LL

Journal of Immunology - 185 157-65


A gammaherpesvirus complement regulatory protein promotes initiation of infection by activation of protein kinase Akt/PKB.

Steer B, Adler B, Jonjic S, Stewart J, Adler H: A gammaherpesvirus complement regulatory protein promotes initiation of infection by activation of protein kinase Akt/PKB.

PLoS ONE - 21 7


Cytomegalovirus microRNAs facilitate persistant virus infection in salivary glands.

Doelken L, Krmpotic A, Koethe S, Tuddenham L, Tanguy M, Marcinowska L, Ruzsics Z, Elefant N, Altuvia Y, Margalit H, Koszinowski U, Jonjic S, Pfeffer S

PloS Pathogens - 14 10


Expression and function of CD300 in NK cells.

Lankry D, Simic H, Klieger Y, Levi-Schaffer F, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O:

Journal of Immunology - 185 2877-86


Recombinant mouse cytomegalovirus expressing a ligand for the NKG2D receptor is attenuated and has improved vaccine properties

Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Mitrović, Maja; Gašparović, Iva; Cekinović, Đurđica; Car, Elitza Markova; Pugel, Ester Pernjak; Ciković, Ana; Lisnić, Vanda Juranić;

The Journal of clinical investigation - 120 4532-45


Cytomegalovirus immunoevasin reveals the physiological role of „missing self" recognition in NK cell dependent virus control in vivo.

Babic M, Pyzik M, Zafirova B, Mitrovic M, Butorac V, Lanier LL, Krmpotic A, Vidal SM and Jonjić S:

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 207 2663-2673;


Specific inhibition of the PKR-mediated antiviral response by the murine cytomegalovirus proteins m142 and m143.

Budt M, Niederstadt L, Valchanova RS, Jonjic S, Brune W

Journal of Virology - 83 1260-70


Ly49P recognition of cytomegalovirus-infected cells expressing H2-Dk and CMV-encoded m04 correlates with the NK cell antiviral response. Journal of Experimental Medicine 206(3):515-23

Kielczewska A, Pyzik M, Sun T, Krmpotic A, Lodoen M B, Munks M W, Babic M, Hill A B, Koszinowski U H, Jonjić S, Lanier L, Vidal S

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 206 515-23


Promiscuity of MCMV immunoevasin of NKG2D: m138/fcr-1 down-modulates RAE-1epsilon in addition to MULT-1 and H60.

Arapovic J, Lenac Rovic T, Reddy AB, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S

Molecular Immunology - 47 114-2 2


The interaction of TIGIT with PVR and PVRL2 inhibits human NK cell cytotoxicity.

Stanietsky N, Simic H, Arapovic J, Toporik A, Levy O, Novik A, Levine Z, Beiman M, Dassa L, Achdout H, Stern-Ginossar N, Tsukerman P, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 106 17858-63


Differential susceptibility of RAE-1 isoforms to mouse cytomegalovirus.

Arapovic J, Lenac T, Antulov R, Polic B, Ruzsics Z, Carayannopoulos LN, Koszinowski UH, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S.

Journal of Virology - 83 8198-207


Herpesviral MicroRNAs Close in on Their Prey.

Dölken L, Jonjic S

Cell Host & Microbe - 5 315-7


Altered NK cell development and enhanced NK cell-mediated resistance to mouse cytomegalovirus in NKG2D-deficient mice.

Zafirova B, Mandaric S, Antulov R, Krmpotic A, Jonsson H, Yokoyama WM, Jonjic S, Polic B

Immunity - 31 270-82


Altered Development of the Brain after Focal Herpesvirus Infection of the CNS.

Koontz T, Bralic M, Tomac J, Pernjak-Pugel E, Bantug G, Jonjic S, Britt W J

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 205 423-35


Immune evasion of natural killer cells by viruses.

Jonjic S, Babic M, Polic B, Krmpotic A

Current Opinion in Immunology - 20 30-8


CD8+ T-lymphocytes control MCMV replication in the central nervous system of newborn animals.

Bantug G, Cekinovic D, Bradford R, Koontz T, Jonjic S, Britt W J:CD8+ T-lymphocytes control MCMV replication in the central nervous system of newborn animals.

Journal of Immunology - 181 2111-23


Dissection of the antiviral NK cell response by MCMV mutants.

Jonjic S, Krmpotic A, Arapovic J, Koszinowski UH

Methods in Molecular Biology - 127-49


Murine cytomegalovirus regulation of NKG2D ligands.

Lenac T, Arapovic J, Traven L, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S: Murine cytomegalovirus regulation of NKG2D ligands

Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 197 159-66


Passive immunization reduces MCMV induced brain pathology in newborn mice.

Cekinovic D, Golemac M, Pugel EP, Tomac J, Cicin-Sain L, Slavuljica I, Bradford R, Misch S, Winkler TH, Mach M, Britt WJ, Jonjic S.

Journal of Virology - 82 12172-80


Viral inhibitors of NKG2D ligands: Friends or foes of immune surveillance?

Jonjic S, Polic B, Krmpotic A

European Journal of Immunology - 38 2952-6


Dominant-negative FADD rescues the in vivo fitness of a cytomegalovirus lacking an anti-apoptotic viral gene.

Cicin-Sain L, Ruzsics Z, Podlech J, Bubic I, Menard C, Jonjic S, Reddehase M J, Koszinowski U H

Journal of Virology - 82 2056-64


Protection from CMV infection in immunodeficient hosts by adoptive transfer of memory B cells.

Klenovsek K, Weisel F, Schneider A, Appelt U, Jonjić S, Messerle M, Bradel-Tretheway B, Winkler TH, Mach M

Blood - 110 3472-9


Cellular Expression and Crystal Structure of the Murine Cytomegalovirus MHC-Iv Glycoprotein, m153.

Mans J, Natarajan K, Balbo A, Schuck P, Eikel D, Hess S, Robinson H, Simic H, Jonjic S, Tiemessen C T, Margulies D H

Journal of Biological Chemistry - 282 35247-58


Targeted deletion of regions rich in immune evasive genes from the cytomegalovirus genome as novel vaccine strategy.

Cicin-Sain L, Bubic I, Schnee M, Ruzsics Z, Mohr C, Jonjic S, Koszinowski U H

Journal of Virology - 81 13825-34


MHC class II expression through a hitherto unknown pathway supports T helper cell dependent immune responses: implications for MHC class II deficiency.

Buch T, Polic B, Clausen B E, Weiss S, Akilli-Ozturk O, Chang C-H, Flavell R, Schulz A, Jonjic S, Waisman A, Förster I

Blood - 107 1434-44


Cmv4, a new locus linked to the natural killer cell gene complex, controls innate resistance to cytomegalovirus in wild-derived mice.

Girard Adam S, Caraux A, Fodil-Cornu N, Concepcion Loredo-Osti J, Lesjean-Pottier S, Jaubert J, Bubic I, Jonjic S, Guénet J, Vidal S, Colucci F.

Journal of Immunology - 176 5478-85


The herpesviral Fc receptor fcr-1 down-regulates the NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60.

Lenac T, Budt M, Arapovic J, Hasan M, Zimmermann A, Simic H, Krmpotic A,Messerle M, Ruzsics Z, Koszinowski U H,Hengel H, Jonjic S

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 203 1843-50


Novel functions of Tyk2 in the antiviral defense against murine cytomegalovirus. Journal of Immunology 175(6):4000-4008; 2005

Strobl B, Bubic I, Bruns U, Steinborn R, Laiko R, Kolbe T, Karaghiosoff M, Kalinke U, Jonjic S, Müller M

Journal of Immunology - 175 4000-4008


Selective down-regulation of the NKG2D ligand H60 by mouse cytomegalovirus m155 glycoprotein. J

Hasan M, Krmpotic A, Ruzsics Z, Bubic I, Lenac T, Halenius A, Loewendorf A, Messerle M, Hengel H, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 79 2920-2930


NK cell activation through the NKG2D ligand Mult-1 is selectively prevented by the glycoprotein encoded by mouse cytomegalovirus gene m145.

Krmpotic A, Hasan M, Loewendorf A, Saulig T, Halenius A, Lenac T, Polic B, Bubic I, Kriegeskorte A, Pernjak Pugel E, Messerle M, Hengel H, Busch D, Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 201 211-220


A cytomegaloviral protein reveals a dual role for STAT2 in IFN-? signaling and antiviral responses.

Zimmermann A, Trilling M, Wagner M, Wilborn M, Bubic I, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH, Hengel H

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 201 1543-53


Small countries receive even less of a fair deal.

Jonjic S, Traven L

Nature - 429 601-601


Gain-of-Virulence Caused by Loss of a Gene in Murine Cytomegalovirus.

Bubic I, Wagner M, Krmpotic A, Saulig T, Kim S, Yokoyama WM, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UK

Journal of Virology - 7536-7544


Escape of mutant double-straned DNA virus from innate immune control.

French A.R, Pingel J.T, Wagner M, Bubic I, Yang L, Kim S, Koszinowski, Jonjic S, Yokoyama W.M

Immunity - 747-756


Pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus infection

Krmpotic A, Bubic I, Polic B, Lucin P, Jonjic S

Microbes and Infection - 1263-1277


Vaccination of mice with bacteria carrying a cloned herpesvirus genome reconstituted in vivo.

Cicin-Sain L, Brune W, Bubic I, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 8249-8255


MCMV glycoprotein gp40 confers virus resistance to CD8+T cells and NK cells in vivo.

Krmpotic A, Busch D, Bubic I, Gebhardt F, Hengel H, Hasan M, Scalzo A, Koszinowski U.H, Jonjić S

Nature Immunology - 529-35


Incomplete block of B cell development and immunoglobulin production in mice carrying the &mgr; MT mutation on the BALB/c background.

Hasan M, Polic B, Bralic M, Jonjic S, Rajewsky K

European Journal of Immunology - 3463-3471


Secreted Virus – Encoded Proteins Reflect Murine Cytomegalovirus productivity in Organs.

Brune W, Hasan M, Krych M, Bubic I, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Infectious Diseases - 184


Immune responses and cytokine induction in the development of severe hepatitis during acute infections with murine cytomegalovirus.

Trgovcich J, Stimac D, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Pernjak-Pugel E, Tomac J, Hasan M, Wreber B, Jonjic S

Archives of Virology - 1-18


Comparison between Human Cytomegalovirus pUL97 and Murine Cytomegalovirus (MCMV) pM97 Expressed by MCMV and Vaccinia Virus: pM97 Does Not Confer Ganciclovir Sensitivity.

Wagner M, Michel D, Schaarschmidt P, Vaida B, Jonjic S, Messerle M, Mertens T, Koszinowski U H

Journal of Virology - 10729-10736


Site restricted persistent cytomegalovirus infection after selective long term depletion of CD4 positive T lymphocytes.

Jonjic S, Mutter W, Weiland F, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 1199-1212


Monoclonal Antibodies Against Maternal Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules Induce Rapid Abortion in Mice.

Knezevic N, Nikolic B, Brajsa K, Spaventi R, Jonjic N, Jonjic S, Marusic S

Journal of Reproductive Immunology - 217-223


Cytomegaloviral control of MHC class I function in the mouse.

Hengel H, Reusch U, Gutermann A, Ziegler H, Jonjic S, Lucin P, Koszinowski UH

Immunological Reviews - 167-176


The Immunoevasive Function Encoded by the Mouse Cytomegalovirus Gene m152 protects the Virus against T Cell Control in Vivo.

Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Crnkovic-Mertens I, Polic B, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 1285-1295


Ganglioside expression in tissues of mice lacking the tumor necrosis factor receptor 1.

Markotic A, Lümen R, Marusic A, Jonjic S, Müthing J

Carbohydrate Research - 75-87


Systematic Excision of Vector Sequences from the BAC-Cloned Herpesvirus Genome during Virus Reconstitution

Wagner M, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH, Messerle M

Journal of Virology - 7056-7060


Cytotoxic T lymphocytes induced by vaccinia recombinant expressing a herpesvirus nonstructural immediate early protein protect against cytomegalovirus infection.

Koszinowski UH, Volkmer HJ, Messerle M, Jonjic S, Wittek R

Vaccines - 41-45;


Virus Attenuation after Deletion of the Cytomegalovirus Fc Receptor Gene Is Not due to Antibody Control.

Crnkovic-Mertens I, Messerle M, Milotic I, Szepan U, Kucic N, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 1377-1382


Hierarchical and Redundant Lymphocyte Subset Control Precludes Cytomegalovirus Replication during Latent Infection.

Polic B, Hengel H, Krmpotic A, Trgovcich J, Pavic I, Lucin P, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 1047-1054


Pathogenesis of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection in Neonatal Mice.

Trgovcich J, Pernjak-Pugel E, Tomac J, Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S

Monographs in Virology - 42-53


Characterization of murine cytomegalovirus 34 kDa glycoprotein that forms a complex with the cell surface MHC class I molecules.

Kucic N, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH, Lucin P

Periodicum Bilogorum - 100 469-476


Protective Effect of Antilipopolysaccharide Monoclonal Antibody in Experimental Klebsiella Infection.

Rukavina T, Ticac B, Susa M, Jendrike N, Jonjic S, Lucin P, Marre R, Doric M, Trautmann M

Infection and Immunity - 1754-1760


Lack of MHC class I complex expression has no effect on spread and control of cytomegalovirus infection in vivo.

Polic B, Jonjic S, Pavic I, Crnkovic I, Zorica I, Hengel H, Lucin P, Koszinowski UH

Journal of General Virology - 217 -225


The Science at Croatian Universities: A Gloomy View through SCIsearch and MEDLINE

Jonjic S, Lucin P

Croatian Medical Journal - 2-6


Cytomegalovirus persistence in salivary glands by evasion from immunological control.

Lucin P, Jonjic S, Hengel H, Pavic I, Polic B, Crnkovic I, Thäle R, Zorica I, Koszinowski U H

Regional Immunology - 391-397


Control of cytomegalovirus infection in MHC class I deficient mice.

Polic B, Jonjic S, Pavic I, Crnkovic I, Dujmovic M, Zorica I, Hengel H, Kucic N, Lucin P, Koszinowski UH.

Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Suppl. - 52-53


Bone turnover in homozygous b2-microglobuline knock-out mice does not differ from that in their heterozygous littermates.

Marusic A, Katavic V, Stimac D, Kusec V, Jonjic S

Journalof Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry - 915-918


Cytomegalovirus replication cycle: an overview.

Lucin P, Jonjic S

Periodicum Biologorum - 97:1


How to organize postgraduate study? A model.

Lucin P, Jonjic S

Periodicum Biologorum - 4


Late phase inhibition of murine cytomegalovirus replication by synergic action of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor.

Lucin P, Jonjic S, Messerle M, Polic B, Hengel H, Koszinowski UH

Journal of General Virology - 101-110


Restoration of cytomegalovirus antigen presentation by gamma interferon combats viral escape.

Hengel H, Lucin P, Jonjic S, Ruppert T, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 289-297


Cytomegalovirus persistence by evasion from immune control.

Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S, Lucin P

Seminars in Virology - 297-305


The Conditions of Primary Infection Define the Load of Latent Viral Genome in Organs and the Risk of Recurrent Cytomegalovirus Disease.

Reddehase MJ, Balthesen M, Rapp M, Jonjic S, Pavic I, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 185-193


Antibodies are not essential for the resolution of primary cytomegalovirus infection but limit dissemination of recurrent virus.

Jonjic S, Pavic I, Polic B, Crnkovic I, Lucin P, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 1713-1717


Participation of endogenous tumour necrosis factor alpha in host resistance to cytomegalovirus infection.

Pavic I, Polic B, Crnkovic I, Lucin P, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of General Virology - 2215-2223


The role of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in viral immunity.

Polic B, Pavic I, Crnkovic I, Lucin P, Trobonjaca Z, Jonjic S

Croatian Medical Journal - 294-300


Gamma interferon dependent clearance of cytomegalovirus infection in salivary glands.

Lucin P, Pavic I, Polic B, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 1977 – 1984


Involvement of CD4+ T lymphocytes and macrophages in the low dose streptozotocin induced diabetes in CBA mice.

Lucin P, Polic B, Crnkovic I, Lucin K, Rukavina D, Jonjic S

Croatian Medical Journal - 9–16


The role of CD4 and CD8 T cells in viral infections

Koszinowski UH, Reddehase MJ, Jonjic S

Current Opinion in Immunology - 471 – 475


Efficacious control of cytomegalovirus infection after long term depletion of CD8+ T lymphocytes.

Jonjic S, Pavic I, Lucin P, Rukavina D, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 5457 5464


Effect of L3T4 and/or Lyt 2 T cell depletion on low dose streptozotocin induced diabetes in mice.

Lucin P, Rukavina D, Crnkovic I, Tomac J, Jonjic S

Periodicum Biologorum - 95-95


The role of T lymphocyte subsets in the control of cytomegalovirus infection.

Jonjic S, Pavic I, Lucin P, Grkovic I, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 23-24


The role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets in the rejection of the tumor allograft.

Jonjic S, Karboun A T, Susa M, Lucin P, Haller H, Jonjićc N, Rukavina D

Iugoslavica physiologica et pharmacologica acta - 157-158


Adoptive immunotherapy of murine cytomegalovirus adrenalitis in the immunocompromised host: CD4 helper independent antiviral function of CD8 positive memory T lymphocyte derived from latently infected donors.

Reddehase MJ, Jonjic S, Weiland F, Mutter W, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 1061-1065


A nonstructural viral protein expressed by a recombinant vaccinia virus protects against lethal cytomegalovirus infection.

Jonjic S, del Val M, Keil GM, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 1653-1658


Molecular basis for cytolytic T lymphocyte recognition of the murine cytomegalovirus immediate early protein pp89.

Del Val M, Volmer MJ, Rothbard JB, Jonjic S, Messerle M, Schickedanz J, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 3965-3972


Monoclonal antibodies reactive with swine lymphocytes. II. Detection of an antigen on resting T cells down regulated after activation.

Saalmuller A, Jonjić S, Buhring HJ, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Immunology - 1852-1857


Distribution of T lymphocyte subsets in porcine lymphoid tissues.

Jonjic N, Jonjic S, Saalmuller A, Rukavina D, Koszinowski UH

Immunology - 395-401


Class II antigens induction in the regenerating liver of rats after partial hepatectomy.

Jonjic S, Radosevic Stasic B, Cuk M, Jonjic N, Rukavina D

Transplantation - 49- 54


Simultaneous expression of CD4 and CD8 antigens by substantial proportion of resting porcine T lymphocytes.

Saalmuller A, Reddehase M, Bühring HJ, Jonjić S, Koszinowski UH

European Journal of Immunology - 1297-1301


Cytolytic T lymphocyte recognition of the murine cytomegalovirus nonstructural immediate early protein pp89 expressed by recombinant vaccinia virus.

Volkmer HJ, Bertholet C, Jonjic S, Wittek R, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Experimental Medicine - 668-677


Molecular analysis of herpesviral gene products recognized by protective cytolytic T lymphocytes.

Koszinowski UH, Reddehase MJ, Keil GM, Volkmer HJ, Jonjic S, Messerle M, del Val M, Mutter W, MGnch K, Buhler B

Immunology Letters - 185-192


Suppression of humoral antibody formation against sheep red blood cells by infections with HSV 2 and influence of mouse cytomegalovirus.

Nick S, Metzger B, Jonjic S, Falke D

Archives of Virology - 131-135


Immune responsiveness in offsprings of adoptively immunized mothers.

Doric M, Rukavina D, Jonjic S

Immunobiology - 92-98


Perspektiva imunosupresivne terapije monoklonskim protutijelima koja prepoznaju diferencijacijske antigene na T limfocitima.

Jonjic S, Jonjic N, Rukavina D

Acta Facultatis Medicae Fluminensis - 11 102-107


Immune competence in patients under immunosuppressive therapy with CsA.

Orlic P, Jonjic S, Matic Glazar D, Grzetic M, Zec J, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 567-568


Investigation of the immunoregulatory potential of fetal and neonatal spleen and liver cells in rats.

Jonjic S, Pavlica N, Doric M, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 319-324


Spontaneous development of donor specific tolerance in renal allograft recipients.

Vujaklija Stipanovic K, Doric M, Crnic Martinovic M, Fucak M, Jonjic S, Cuk M, Polic L, Sepic A, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 575-576


Maternal and offspring alloimmunisation during pregnancy in sheep.

Jonjic S, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 355-360


Immune competence of tonsillar lymphocytes in children undergoing tonsillectomy.

Manestar D, Matutinovic T, Jonjic S, Rukavina D, Gjuraj C

Periodicum Biologorum - 254-255


Immune competence in long term renal allograft recipients.

Jonjic S, Vujaklija Stipanovic K, Fucak M, Cuk M, Kapovic M, Crnic M, Matic Glazar D, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 76-77


14 years of kidney transplantation in Rijeka.

Zec J, Orlic P, Matic Glazar D, Dimec D, Velcic G, Zelic M, Uravic M, Vukas D, Cohar F, Vujaklija Stipanovic K, Miculinic Ivancic E, Crnic Martinovic M, Jonjic S, Rukavina D, Sepic A

Periodicum Biologorum - 90-91


Interstitial murine cytomegalovirus pneumonia after irradiation: characterization of cells that limit viral replication during established infection of the lungs.

Reddehase MJ, Weiland F, MGnch K, Jonjic S, LGske A, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Virology - 264-273


Monoclonal antibodies reactive with swine lymphocytes. I. Antibodies to membrane structures that define the cytolytic T lymphocyte subset in the swine.

Jonjić S, Koszinowski UH

Journal of Immunology - 647-652


Increase in the number of plaque forming cells in the spleen of newborns from adoptively immunied mothers.

Doric M, Rukavina D, Jonjic S

Folia Biologica - 141-144


Increase in the number of plaque forming cells in the spleen of newborns from adoptively immunied mothers.

Doric M, Rukavina D, Jonjic S

Folia Biologica - 141-144


Immunoregulation with foetal and neonatal liver and spleen cells.

Jonjic S, Rukavina D

Iugoslavica physiologica et pharmacologica acta - 69-73


Immune response in offsprings of adoptively immunized mothers.

Doric M, Rukavina D, Jonjic S

Iugoslavica physiologica et pharmacologica acta - 27-28


Regulation of the immunological response to mitogens and allogeneic cells by fetal liver and spleen cells.

Jonjic S, Doric M, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 21-22


Immunological activity of lymphoid organs in pregnant rats.

Doric M, Jonjic S, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 87-88


Immune response of rats after pharmacological pinealectomy.

Radosevic Stasic B, Jonjic S, Polic L, Rukavina D

Periodicum Biologorum - 119-121


Effect of multiparity on immune response in rat.

Kapovic M, Rukavina D, Jonjic S, Nemarnik J

Periodicum Biologorum - 85 89-90


The effects of the transplacental traffic of lymphocytes..

Rukavina D, Jonjić S

Periodicum Bilogorum - 65-66

Cytomegaloviruses Exploit Recycling Rab Proteins in the Sequential Establishment of the Assembly Compartment.

Lučin P, Kareluša Lj, Blagojević Zagorac G, Mahmutefendić Lučin H, Pavišić V, Jug Vučko N, Lukanović Jurić S, Marcelić M, Lisnić B, Jonjić S

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - 6

Pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus infection.

Krmpotic A, Bubic I, Polic B, Lucin P, Jonjic S

Microbes and Infection - 1263-1277


Abstract P075: NTX-1088, a potent first-in-class, anti-PVR mAb, restores expression and function of DNAM1 for optimal DNAM1-mediated antitumor immunity

Tsukerman, Pini; Atieh, Anas; Obeidat, Akram; Paz, Keren; Cinamon, Guy; Rovis, Tihana Lenac; Brlic, Paola Kucan; Hirsl, Lea; Jonjić, Stipan; Mandelboim, Ofer;

Cancer Immunology Research - 10


Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T-cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in cells of low affinity

Kavazović, Inga; Han, Hongya; Balzaretti, Giulia; Slinger, Erik; Lemmermann, Niels AW; Ten Brinke, Anja; Merkler, Doron; Koster, Jan; Bryceson, Yenan T; de Vries, Niek;

PLoS biology - 18


Mouse Models for Cytomegalovirus Infections in Newborns and Adults

Brizić, Ilija; Lisnić, Berislav; Krstanović, Fran; Brune, Wolfram; Hengel, Hartmut; Jonjić, Stipan;

Current Protocols - 2


SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Antibody Response in Vaccinated Croatian Healthcare Workers and Infected Hospitalized Patients: A Single Center Cohort Study

Brlić, Paola Kučan; Pavletić, Martina; Lerga, Mate; Krstanović, Fran; Matešić, Marina Pribanić; Miklić, Karmela; Malić, Suzana; Mikša, Leonarda; Pajcur, Maja; Peruč, Dolores;

Viruses - 14


A Unique Role of the Human Cytomegalovirus Small Capsid Protein in Capsid Assembly

Borst, Eva Maria; Harmening, Sarah; Sanders, Saskia; Caragliano, Enrico; Wagner, Karen; Lenac Roviš, Tihana; Jonjić, Stipan; Bosse, Jens Bernhard; Messerle, Martin;

Mbio - 13


SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in the Pulmonary Compartment of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Correlates with Viral Serum Load and Fatal Outcomes

Ynga-Durand, Mario; Maaß, Henrike; Milošević, Marko; Krstanović, Fran; Pribanić Matešić, Marina; Jonjić, Stipan; Protić, Alen; Brizić, Ilija; Šustić, Alan; Čičin-Šain, Luka;

Viruses - 14


The Virus-induced Upregulation of the miR-183/96/182 Cluster and the FoxO Family Protein Members are not Required for the Efficient Replication of HSV-1

Zubković, Andreja; Žarak, Ines; Ratkaj, Ivana; Rokić, Filip; Badurina, Maja; Matešić, Marina Pribanić; Lebron, Ricardo; Gómez-Martín, Cristina; Lisnić, Berislav; Lisnic, Vanda Juranic;


Collection of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Proteins.

Chaouat, AE; Miklić, K; Malić, S; Ivanković, N; Schubert, M; Bertoglio, F; Markotić, A; Mandelboim, O; Jonjić, S; Brizić, I;

Viruses - 14


MCMV-based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination

Kim, Yeonsu; Zheng, Xiaoyan; Eschke, Kathrin; Chaudhry, M Zeeshan; Bertoglio, Federico; Tomić, Adriana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hoffmann, Markus; Bar-On, Yotam; Boehme, Julia;

Cellular & molecular immunology - 19


Repair of an attenuated low-passage murine cytomegalovirus bacterial artificial chromosome identifies a novel spliced gene essential for salivary gland tropism

Redwood, Alec James; Masters, Laura Lee; Chan, Baca; Leary, Shay; Forbes, Cathy; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda; Lisnić, Berislav; Smith, Lee Martin;

Journal of virology - 94


Murine cytomegalovirus M25 proteins sequester the tumor suppressor protein p53 in nuclear accumulations

Kutle, Ivana; Szymańska-de Wijs, Katarzyna M; Bogdanow, Boris; Cuvalo, Berislav; Steinbrück, Lars; Jonjić, Stipan; Wagner, Karen; Niedenthal, Rainer; Selbach, Matthias; Wiebusch, Lüder;

Journal of virology - 94


Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T-cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in cells of low affinity

Kavazović, Inga; Han, Hongya; Balzaretti, Giulia; Slinger, Erik; Lemmermann, Niels AW; Ten Brinke, Anja; Merkler, Doron; Koster, Jan; Bryceson, Yenan T; de Vries, Niek;

PLoS biology - 18

Znanstvene knjige


Cytomegalovirus infection: Mouse model. Current Protocols in Immunology

Brizić I, Lisnić B, Brune W, Hengel H, Jonjić S



Imunost na tumore, poglavlje 18, str. 383-397

Prijevod poglavlja

Stipan Jonjić

Stanična i molekularna imunologija, 8. izdanje, ISBN: 978-953-176-819-1

Drago Batinić, Vesna Lukinović-Škudar,

Medicinska naklada Zagreb Zagreb


Imunost na mikroorganizme, poglavlje 16, str. 339-357

Prijevod poglavlja

Stipan Jonjić

Stanična i molekularna imunologija, 8. izdanje, ISBN: 978-953-176-819-1

Drago Batinić, Vesna Lukinović-Škudar

Medicinska naklada Zagreb Zagreb


Rodent models of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Human Cytomegaloviruses, Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1119, str. 289-310

Cekinovic D, Juranic Lisnic V, Jonjić S

Andrew Yurochko

Humana Press, Springer


Rodent models of congenital cytomegalovirus infection

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Lisnić, Berislav; Tomac, Jelena; Cekinović, Djurdjica; Jonjić, Stipan; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda;

Human cytomegaloviruses: Methods and protocols

Andrew Yurochko

Humana Press Springer New York, USA


Innate Immunity to Cytomegalovirus in the Murine Model. Chapter II.9, Cytomegaloviruses From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Matthias J. Reddehase

Cytomegaloviruses From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention

Matthias J. Reddehase

Caister Academic Press Njemačka


Murine Model of Neonatal Cytomegalovirus Infection Chapter II.6, Cytomegaloviruses From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Matthias J. Reddehase

Cytomegaloviruses From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention

Matthias J. Reddehase

Caister Academic Press Njemačka


Virus Interactions with NK Cell Receptors: Natural Killer Cells.

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

J. Zimmer


J. Zimmer

Springer-Verlag Njemačka


Dissection of the Antiviral NK Cell Response by MCMV Mutants n: editors: pp. 127-149, , 2008

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

J. Ewbank, E. Vivier

Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 415: Innate Immunity

J. Ewbank, E. Vivier

The Humana Press Inc.


Innate Immunity to Mouse Cytomegalovirus in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH: Frontiers in Research

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Vassil St. Georgiev, Karl A. Western, JJ McGowan

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH: Frontiers in Research,

assil St. Georgiev, Karl A. Western, JJ McGowan,

The Humana Press SAD


Microbial Subversion of NK Cell Function

Peter Lachmann

Microbial Subversion of Immunity: Current Topics

Peter Lachmann

Caister Academic Press Njemačka


Innate Immunity to Cytomegalovirus

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Matthias J. Reddehase

Cytomegaloviruses: Molecular Biology and Immunology,

Matthias J. Reddehase

Caister Academic Press Njemačka


Current Protocols in Immunology

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

J. Coligan, A. Kruisbeek, D. Marguiles, E. Shevach & W. Strober

J. Coligan, A. Kruisbeek, D. Marguiles, E. Shevach & W. Strober

John Wiley SAD


The Role of T lymphocyte subsets in the control of cytomegalovirus infection.

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Thomas B B, Marcel Dekker

Viruses and the Cellular Immune Response.Inc

Thomas B B, Marcel Dekker



Molecular analysis of the protective immune response to murine cytomegalovirus

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Proc.of the 7th Int. Con. Immunol

Progress in Immunology

Proc.of the 7th Int. Con. Immunol

Springer-Verlag Berlin


Regulatory cells in fetal spleen and liver in rats and mice.

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Proc. of the Fifth Int. Symp.

Immunology of Reproduction (

Proc. of the Fifth Int. Symp.

Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press Bugarska


Interaction of fetuses and "placebo" fetus on systemic immune response.

Autor poglavlja u knjizi

Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press

Immunology of Reproduction , Proc. of the Fifth Int. Symp.

Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press

Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press Bugarska


Materno fetal relationship and transplantation reactivity in the perinatal period of sheep

Immunology of Reproduction

Proc. of the Fourth Int. Symp.

Proc. of the Fourth Int. Symp.

Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press, Bugarska

Pozvana predavanja


''Lagging behind in scientific development in Croatia and other EU13 countries - possible solutions at the national and EU level”

HAZU Round Table, New European initiatives for research and innovation within the project Alliance4Life_ACTIONS


23.11.2022. - 26.11.2022.

''Congenital cytomegalovirus infection – neuroinflammation and brain pathology mechanisms“

Middle European Societies for immunology and allergology (MESIA)

Prague, Czech Republic

30.06.2022. - 02.07.2022.

''Immunization against SARS-CoV-2 using alternative routes and virus vectors“

FEMS Conference on Microbiology 2022

Belgrade, Serbia

28.06.2021. - 29.06.2021.

''Immunology and pathogenesis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection of CNS''

Infection Biology / Dynamics of host-pathogen interactions, annual PhD symposium, Hannover Medical School

zoom symposium

21.05.2021. - 22.05.2021.

''Contemporary vaccines''

4th Student's health prevention congress – SANITAS 2021

Faculty of medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka


''Secret liaison between intestines and immunity''

SANDOZ webinar



''Imune reactivity during COVID-19''

HAZU: Applied genomics during Covid-19''

e-scientific meeting


''Center for Proteomics & Nectin Therapeutics from basic research to translational medicine''

EIT Health Hub - ''Creating and Growing New Ventures in Bio & Health'', Winter School for Research Commercialisation 2020



''Immune response and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection''

ERCEA Grantees public speaking, training session with Red Thread, full day public speaking coaching

zoom konferencija


''Scientific achievements and international impact of research in virology at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka''

COVID-19 Messages I: Advancement in virology research - an opportunity to improve international impact on the University of Rijeka



''Innate immunity to viruses''

The SIICA School of Immunology 2020, Viral Immunology & Vaccinology



''Immune response and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection – mouse model''

Cluster of Excellence – ''From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy'

Hannover Medical School, Njemačka


''Microglia and NK cells - major players in brain inflammation and pathology following congenital cytomegalovirus infection''

Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology (MPIIB)

Berlin, Njemačka


''Mayor players in brain inflammation and pathology in mouse model of congenital CMV infection.''

International Congres of Immunology IUIS2019.

Peking, Kina


''Therapeutic anti-tumor vaccines based on cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligands''

Cancer and immunology meeting

Hefei, Kina


''CMV expressing NKG2D ligands as a tumor vaccine vector''

EFIS 2019, Martin Luther University

Halle, Njemačka


''Pathogenesis of congenital CMV infection of central nervous system''

Power of microbes in industry and environment 2019

Sv. Martin na Muri


''MCMV altered MHC I molecules in NK evasion and receptor evolution''

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri, SAD


''NK cells are major players in brain inflammation and pathology in congenital CMV infection''

7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop

Birmingham, Alabama, SAD


''Age dependance of the cerebral immune response after neonatal MCMV infection''

7th International Workshop on CMV and Immunosenescence

Waldthausen Castle, Mainz, Njemačka


''Can viruses teach us to make better vaccines? Immune response to cytomegalovirus expressing cellular ligands for innate immune receptors.''

4th International Course of the international network in collaboration with Institut Pasteur of Rome and Paris: ''Persistent viral Infections and Immune Evasion''

Rim, Italija


''Critical role of NK cells in brain inflammation and pathology during congenital cytomegalovirus infection''

17th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity NK2018

San Antonio, Texas, SAD


''Differential role of NK cells and tissue resident memory CD8 T cells in brain after congenital cytomegalovirus infection''

University Medical Center, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Freiburg, Njemačka


''Brain-resident memory CD8 T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation''

Institut za virologiju i imunobiologiju, Sveučilište u Wüerzburgu

Wüerzburg, Njemačka


''Viral immuno-subversive mechanisms: can we make them work for us?''

1. međunarodni studentski kongres s biomedicinskom tematikom,

Rijeka, Hrvatska


''Cytomegalovirus regulation of innate immune response.'',

International Retreat for PhD students in Immunology

Verona, Italija


''NK cells mediate microglia polarization during congenital CMV infection''

42nd International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2017

Ghent, Belgija


''Cytomegalovirus expressing NKG2D ligand Rae-1 gamma as a tumor vaccine vector''

Medical University of Vienna, Immunology research cluster

Beč, Austrija


''Can viruses teach us to make better vaccine vectors – lessons from viral immunoevasion of innate immune receptors''

Immunology and Cancer Research Special Seminar, The Lautenberg Center for General The Faculty of Medicine and Tumor Immunology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Hadassah Medical School, The Lautenberg Center for General The Faculty of Medicine and Tumor Immunology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Hadassah Medical School

Jeruzalem, Izrael


''Cytomegalovirus evasion of DNAM-1 dependent immune control by inflammatory monocytes and NK cells''

Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva

Ogulin, Hrvatska


''Congenital cytomegalovirus infection and neuroinflammation''

HAZU simpozij

Translation of Basic Immunology and Neuroscience Tools to Therapies: Where are we now?, Rijeka, Hrvatska


''Analiza transkriptoma kao moćan alat za istraživanje virusnih strategija izbjegavanja imunološkog odgovora''

HAZU simpozij

Primijenjena genomika u Republici Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, Hrvatska


''Regulation of CD8 T cell response to viral infection - lessons from cytomegalovirus immunoevasins''.

Ludwig-Maximilian-University, SFB seminar,Institute for Immunology, Munich, Germany


"Vaccines and innate immunity: lessons from cytomegalovirus immunoevasion"

Belgrade, Serbia: 3rd Belgrade EFIS symposium on immunoregulation, immunity, infection, autoimmunity and aging


''Cytomegalovirus downregulation of PVR reveals strong effect of DNAM-1 in virus control by NK cells and macrophages''

Stipan Jonjić, Tihana Lenac Roviš, Paola Kučan, Ilija Brizic, Noa Stanietsky, Vanda Juranić Lisnić, Stefan Jordan, Adriana Tomić, Marina Babić, Pinchas Tsukerman, Martin Messerle, Ofer Mandelboim, Astrid Krmpotić

NK2015. Fairmont le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada


''Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in ovary: Mechanisms of differential resistance of corpora lutea and follicles to infection''

Brisbane, Australia, 5th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Betaherpesvirus Workshop


''From basic discoveries to academic entrepreneurship in adverse economic conditions''

Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Koeln, Germany


''From basic discoveries in immunology to academic entrepreneurship:The role of science in the development of economy and society''.

Konferencija: uloga znanosti u razvoju društva i ekonomije

Ured za transfer tehnologije Sveučilišta u Splitu


"NKG2D independent immune function of RAE-1: enhanced CD8 T cell response induced by CMV vector expressing RAE-1 gamma"

Deutsches Rheuma Forschungszentrum , Berlin, Germany


''Innate & Adaptive Immunity Interface''

Waldthausen Castle, Budenheim, Germany, 2nd Waldthausen Cytomegalovirus Symposium, University of Mainz


''Genetically modified and immunologically attenuated herpesviruses as potent vaccine vectors.''

Primošten. Power of Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy and Basic Science Summer School, Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, French Society of Cell and Gene Therapy, German Society for Gene Therapy, te  Spanish Society for Gene and Cell Therapy


''Differential innate immune resistance of ovarian corpora lutea and follicles to cytomegalovirus infection''

Krk: Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog imunološkog društva, HID 2014<br>


''CMV vaccine research – coupling the innate and adaptive immunity arms''

Bertinoro, Italija;University of Bologna: 2nd European Seminar in Virology


''Lecture on ERC grant, ERC Advanced Grant''

Ljubljana. Slovenija: National Institute of Chemistry


Upgrading the research capacity of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine through REGPOT

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


''Academic entrepreneurship: views from biomedicine''

Zagreb:Economic Institute


''Enhancing the CD8 T cell response by RAE-1 gamma expressed in a herpesvirus vector – not only NKG2D" Immunology Seminar, Cambridge Institute for Medical&nbsp; Research

Cambridge, Velika Britanija


''Recognition of murine cytomegalovirus infected cells by activating an inhibitory Ly49 NKcell receptors" Virus &Immunity course

Lyon, Francuska


''Expression of NKG2D ligand improves vaccine properties of recombinant cytomegalovirus'' PhD seminar on Institute of Immunology, Department of Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine

Vienna, Austria


''Expression of NKG2D ligand RAE-1 gamma by recombinant cytomegalovirus enhances its immunogeneicity and vaccine efficacy'' PhD course on tumor immunology and immunotherapy, Center for Immunity and Infection Lausanne, Ludwig institute for cancer research

Lausanne, Switzerland


''Curious case of specific recognition of MCMV by NK cells: the role of uORFs and ncRNAs.'' NK2013 - 14th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity

Heidelberg, Germany


''Viral regulation of inhibitory and activating Ly49 receptors'' 15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013

Milano, Italia


''NKG2D -dependent and -independent immune function of RAE-1: superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with MCMV vector expressing RAE-1'' Medical Immunology Campus

Erlangen, Njemačka


''MCMV transcript with multiple coding and non-coding functions needed for recognition of infected cells by activating Ly49 NK cell receptors'' 4th CMI Symposium on Immunology: Innate Immunity and NK Cells

4th CMI Symposium on Immunology: Innate Immunity and NK Cells, Hefei, Anhui Province, China


''Expression of NKG2D ligand by cytomegalovirus enhances virus immunogenicity and vaccine efficacy'' Introductory lecture at the Meeting of class II, German National Academy for Science Leopoldina

Introductory lecture at the Meeting of class II, German National Academy for Science Leopoldina, Halle, Germany


"Recognition of murine cytomegalovirus infected cells by activating an inhibitory Ly49 NK cell receptors" International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine

International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm, Germany


''Differential requirements for activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells" ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)

Zürich, Switzerland


''Strengthening adaptive immunity via innate immunity." Doctoral School of Biomedicine–Department of Molecular Medicine University of Padova

Padova, Italy


"NK cells in MCMV infection – from no function to too many functions" CMV LiaisonSymposium, Max von Pettenfoker-Institut,

CMV LiaisonSymposium, Max von Pettenfoker-Institut, Minhen, Njemačka


Highly attenuated Herpes virus vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1g provides longlivedmemory CD8+ T cells with outstanding protective capacity " TWINCORE-Symposium

TWINCORE-Symposium, Hannover, Germany


"Activating and inhibitory LY49 receptors havedifferential requirements for recognition of MCMV- infected cells" European Congress of Immunology

European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland


"Highly attenuated herpesvirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1 provides long-livedmemory CD8 T cells with outstanding protective capacity." Microbiological-Infectological Seminar, Virological Institute

Microbiological-Infectological Seminar, Virological Institute, Ulm, Germany


"Enhancing the adaptive immune response by the NKG2D ligandexpressed in a herpesvirusvector" 13th meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity

13th meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity, Asilomar, California, USA


"Can we improveCD8 response to viral infection - lessons fromcytomegalovirus expressingNKG2D ligand." Washington University, School of Medicine

WashingtonUniversity, School of Medicine, St.Louis, USA


"Vaccines and innate immunity: lessons from cytomegalovirus imunoevasion of NKG2D" Final Symposium of the SFB 490"Invasion and Persistence of Infectious Organisms"

Final Symposium of the SFB 490"Invasion and Persistence of Infectious Organisms", Mainz, Germany


"Vaccines and innate immunity: lessons from cytomegalovirus immunoevasion of NKG2D." British Society of Immunology congress

British Society of Immunology congress, Liverpool, UK


"Viral interference with activating and inhibitory NK cell receptors." 3rd South East European Immunology School (SEEIS2011)

3rd South East European Immunology School (SEEIS2011), Arandjelovac, Serbia


"How can viruses teach us to make better vaccines and vaccine vectors?" 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropological and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine

7th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropological and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Brač


"MCMV interference with activating and inhibitory Ly49 NK cell receptors." SFB900 seminar, Hannover Medical School

SFB900 seminar, Hannover Medical School, Germany


"Recent advances in the pathogenesis of CMV infection." 21st ECCMID/27th ICC

Milano, Italy


''Expression of NKG2D ligand improves vaccine properties of recombinant cytomegalovirus" Natural Killer Cell Symposium

Mainz, Germany


"Vaccine properties of recombinant herpesvirus expressing ligand for NKG2D receptor", Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

Beč, Austria


"Pathogenesis of CMV infection of the fetal brain, 3rd Congenital Cytomegalovirus Conference

Paris, France


"Cytomegalovirus protein m04 abolishes NK cell activation via the "missing-self" recognitionmechanism"14th International Congress of Immunology (ICI 2010) , "Viral infection"Symposia

Kobe, Japan


"Activation and inhibition of NK cells by murine cytomegalovirus - dual function of viral m04 protein"Karolinska Instituet

Stockholm, Sweden


"Viral inhibitors of NKG2D ligands", Symposium 'The MIC Genes and Antibodies - From Bench to Bedside', 2nd European Congress of Immunology



Uvodno predavanje i predsjedavanje Workshop-u Microbial Evasion of the Immune System, 2nd European Congress of Immunology



"Immmunobiology of recombinant MCMV expressing ligandfor NKG2D receptor", Workshop 'Receptors and regulation'; 7th Consortial Meeting EC6 Marie Curie Project 'NK Defense and therapy'

Düsseldorf, Germany


''Modes of regulation of NK cells by cytomegalovirus", 5th Annual Meeting of the Ph.D. Graduate Course GRK1045



"Inhibition and activation of NK cells by murine cytomegalovirus", Macroregional Network for Cell Therapy in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients,(u organizaciji University of Padova Medical School)

Bressanone, Italija


"Pathogenesis of congenital virus infection of the central nervous system", SISSA ( Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)

Trst, Italija


"The role of MCMV protein m04 in the regulation of NK cells", 6th Consortial Meeting EC6 Marie Curie Project"NK Defense and Therapy"

Beč, Austrija


"Activation and inhibition of NK cells by MCMV -the role of m04 protein", Max von Pettenkofer-Institute, Ludwig Maximilians University

München, Njemačka


"Regulation ofNK cell response by catomegalovirus -implications on viral pathogenesis", Institut de Bacteriologie, Faculty of Medicine, University Louis Pasteur

Strasbourg, Francuska


"The MCMV m04 protein plays a role in both the inhibition and activation of NK cells"11th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity:NK2008

Fremantle, Western Australia, Perth, Australija


"Activation and inhibition ofNK cells by murine cytomegalovirus",Microbiology Seminar, Raine Medical Research Foundation, University of Western Australia

Perth, Australija


"Pathogenesis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection of the central nervous system; insights from and animal model",Raine Lecture, Raine Medical Research Foundation, University of Western Australia

Perth, Australija


"Activation and inhibition of NK cells by murine cytomegalovirus", Second EFIS / EJI Belgrade Symposium (Inflamation at the Interface of Innate and Acquired Immunity)

Beograd, Srbija


"Pathogenesis of congenital CMV infection: animal model", 20th Annual Meeting of the EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability)

Zagreb, Hrvatska


"Activation and inhibition of NK cell responses by murine cytomegalovirus", EFIS – EJI Natural Killer Cell Symposium

Bad Herrenalb, Njemačka


"Viral evasion of NK cell response", ETH Institute of Microbiology

Zurich, Švicarska


"NK cell immune evasion by murine cytomegalovirus", Keystone Symposia

Keystone, Colorado, SAD


"Downregulation of NKG2D ligands by CMV", Annual Meeting of the French Society for Immunology: Immunity Infection and Vaccination, 26. – 29. studenoga 2007, Lyon, Francuska

Lyon, Francuska


"Altered development and immune response of the brain following cytomegalovirus infection innewborne mice"

Marseille, Francuska


"Viral regulation of innate immunity", Waldthausen Castle Symposium Cytomegalovirus

Mainz, Njemačka


"U.S. – Croatian scientific collaboration: the importance of the joint NIH funding", Conference: Increasing U.S. – Croatian Cooperation in the ICT, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry

Split, Hrvatska


"Regulation of NK cell responses by murine cytomegaloviruses",

Vienna, Austria


"Regulation of NK cell responses by murine cytomegaloviruses", 5th NationalConference SIICA Italian Society of Immunology, clinical immunology and allergology

Trst, Italija


''Viral immune evasion of NKG2D", 94th Annual Meeting of the AAI: Immunology

Miami,Florida, SAD


"Regulation of NK cell response by MCMV", 11th International CMV & Betaherpes virus workshop

Toulouse, Francuska


"Differential regulation of NKG2D ligands by MCMV", Croatian – Israeli Kick-off Meeting on Viral Immunology and Pathogenesis

Rijeka, Hrvatska


"Regulation of NK cell responses by murine cytomegalovirus",Institut für Virologie

Düsseldorf, Njemačka


"Different modes of NK cell regulation by MCMV", Seminar SFB 455, Gene Center,

München, Njemačka


"Murine CMV infection models and potential therapies", 2nd Consortium meeting EC project "NK defense and therapy"

Beč, Austrija


"Down-regulation ofNKG2D ligands by CMV", 6th Louis Pasteur Conference on Infectious Diseases "Shaping and Subversion of the immune system by Microbes", The Institute Pasteur,

Paris, Francuska


"Activation and inhibition ofNK cells by murine cytomegalovirus"1st Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop

Berlin, Njemačka


"Subversion of NK cell activation by murine cytomegalovirus", Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (CSIC)

Madrid, Španjolska


"Murine cytomegalovirus inhibits NK cell activation by down-modulation of cellular ligands for NKG2D receptor", 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists

Madrid, Španjolska


"Murine CMV as a model for human CMV infection: principles of immunosurveillance and viralimmunoevasion",NIAID RESEARCH CONFERENCE

Opatija, Hrvatska


"Innate immunity to cytomegalovirus and viral evasion of NK cell response",Virus and Immunity

Lyon, Francuska


"Evasion of NK cell control by murine cytomegalovirus", the Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Freiburg

Freiburg, Njemačka


''Evasion of NK cell control by murine cytomegalovirus'' Institut für Klinische und Molekulare Virologie Nationales Referenzzentrum für Retroviren Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Erlangen, Njemačka


"Molecular and cellular approaches to microbial pathogenesis"Summer school, The Graduate College "Mucosal Host-Pathogen-Interactions" of the School of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and the Medical School Hannover

Freiburg, Njemačka


"MCMV proteins which interfere with the expression of NKG2D ligands"International Titisee Conferences – Cell biology meets the immune system: molecular aspects of host pathogen interactions



"Multiple strategies to evade NKG2D by MCMV", Keystone Symposia – Innate Immunity to Pathogens,

Keystone, Colorado, SAD


"Interplay of MCMV with NK cell response", Max von Pettenkofer Institut

Minhen, Njemačka


"Immune evasion of viruses and tumors by downregulation of cellular ligands forNKG2D receptor", 2nd Slovenian Immunology Congress with International Participation

Portorož, Slovenija


15. - 17. 01.2015."Murine cytomegalovirus subvert NK cell control by interfering with expression of NKG2Dligands", Institute Pasteur

Paris, Francuska


''Regulation of NK cell response by BY murine cytomegalovirus", Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine, University of Würzburg

Würzburg, Njemačka


"Modulation of NK cell response by murine cytomegalovirus", Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Majadahonda

Madrid, Španjolska


"Deletion of MCMV m157 gene reveals the function of NKG2D silencing viral genes also in CMV1 positive mice", Stimulatory and Inhibitory Receptors of the Innate Immune System, Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones

Madrid, Španjolska


"Murine cytomegalovirus-mediated regulation of NK cell response", University of Alabama,

Birmingham, Alabama, SAD


"Regulation of NK cell function by MCMV", Department of Pathology, College of Medicine and Public health, The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio, SAD


"Regulation of NK cell activity by murine cytomegalovirus", Veterinary University of Vienna

Beč, Austrija


"The MCMV m152/GP40 glycoprotein downregulates expressionof a cellular ligand for the NKG2D receptor and inhibits NK cell-mediated virus control in vivo", Molecular Mechanisms of Immune Modulation: lessons from Viruses

Madrid, Španjolska


"In vivo significance of MCMV evasion genes for MHC I", Department of Pathology, College of Medicine and Public health, The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio, SAD


"In vivo significance of MCMV evasion genes (M152, M06 AND M04) in regulation of CD8+ T cell response", Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Fairchild Science Building, Stanford University School of Medicine

Stanford, CA, SAD


"Immune evasion of T cell and NK response by cytomegalovirus proteins, 1st Slovenian Immunology Meeting - Immunology and Clinic III, Immunity in Infection

Portorož, Slovenija


"Immunobiology and pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus deletion mutants", Department of Immunology, The Scrips Research Institute

La Jolla,California, SAD


"In vivo significance of murine cytomegalovirus immunoevasion genes", Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Fairchild Science Building, Stanford University School of Medicine

Stanford, California, SAD


"MCMV:true molecular latency or low-level persistence? The role ofT cell subsets and cytokines", Human Cytomegalovirus Latency and Reactivation, Weston La Paloma

Tuscon, SAD


"Immunopathology and theTNF-alph involvement in MCMV infection in newborn mice", 1st International Consensus Round Table Meeting on CMV-Related Immunopathology

Stanford, California, SAD


"Characterization of immune mechanisms controlling recurrent cytomegalovirus infection", The Third International Meeting "Mechanisms in Local Immunity"

Stanford, California, SAD


"Plasticity of immune response", The Annual Meeting - League for the development of molecular biology and biotechnology (MoBBEL)

Tübingen, Njemačka


"Control of recurrent CMV by T cells, NK cells and cytokines", Virologisches Seminar, Institut for Medical Virology, University of Heidelberg

Heidelberg, Njemačka


"Antiviral antibodies are not essential for resolution of primary cytomegalovirus infection", Hadassah Medical Organization, Liver unit, University of Jerusalem



"Adoptive transfer of immunity against cytomegalic virus infection and implication for other infections", European Association for Study of the Liver (EASL) Meeting, Atena Symposia: "Potentials of adoptive immunotherapy in the treatment of viral and neoplastic diseases of the liver"

Atena, Greece


"The componenets of the immune response in control of viral infections", Annual Meeting of Israeli Microbiological Society, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Health Science, Ben-Gurion University

Beer-Sheva, Izrael

24. - 26.6.2016.

''Dynamics of CMV specific CD8 response in brain of mice infected as newborns''

ECCI - European Congenital Cytomegalovirus Initiative 2016

San Servolo, Venecija, Italija

9. - 10.5.2016.

''CMV-based anticancer vaccines''

Masterclass VacTrain

Leiden, Nizozemska

27. - 28.4.2016.

''Viral regulation of PVR (CD155) reveals a robust capacity of DNAM-1 in cytomegalovirus control by mononuclear phagocytes and NK cells''

Društvo imunologa Srbije

Beograd, Srbija


"Highly attenuated MCMV vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1 gamma provides long- lived memory CD8+T cells with outstanding protective capacity." 14th InternationalCMV/BetaHerpesvirus workshop

San Francisco, USA


"Regulation of inhibitory and activating Ly49 receptors by murine cytomegalovirus." Virus & Immunity course

Virus &Immunity course, Lyon, France


"Cytomegalovirus immunoevasin reveals the physiological role of "missing self" recognitioninNK cell dependent virus control in vivo", 35th Annual International HerpesvirusWorkshop

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


''Scientific career in adverse economic and social conditions''

Barcelona, Španjolska: 24th European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ECCMID2014

Kongresna priopćenja

1.10.2020. - 2.10.2020.

Pathogenic role of NK cells in congenital CMV infection

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Brizić I, Tomac J, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Krmpotić A, Jonjić, S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2020 - online Rijeka

1.10.2020. - 2.10.2020.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in mouse cytomegalovirus

Tina Jenuš, Vanda J. Lisnić, Barbara Adler, Hana Mahmutefendić Lučin, Deni Oreb, Ana Vrbanović, Pero Lučin, Stipan Jonjić, Berislav Lisnić


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2020 - online Rijeka

11.10.2019. - 12.10.2019.

The contribution of costimulatory molecules in memory CD8 T cell inflation in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus

Cokarić Brdovčak M, Gaberšćik A, Hiršl L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2019 Crveni otok, Rovinj

11.10.2019. - 12.10.2019.

NK cells are major players in neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital MCMV infection

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Brizić I, Tomac J, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Krmpotić A, Jonjić, S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2019 Crveni otok, Rovinj

11.10.2019. - 12.10.2019.

Novel mechanism of MHC I modulation by MCMV and its consequences on NK and T cell responses

Železnjak J, Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, Babić M, Halenius A, L’Hernault A, Hengel H, Erhard F, Redwood A, Vidal S, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2019 Crveni otok, Rovinj

11.10.2019. - 12.10.2019.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV

Jenuš T, Juranić Lisnić V, Adler B, Oreb D, Vrbanović A, Jonjić S, Lisnić B


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2019 Crveni otok, Rovinj

11.10.2019. - 12.10.2019.

Mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligands in tumor immunotherapy

Šustić M, Trsan T, Vuković K, Filipović P, Lesac BrizićA, Lemmermann N, Schober K, Busch D, Britt W, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2019 Crveni otok, Rovinj

7.4.2019. - 11.4.2019.

Altered-self MHC I molecules in the complex with MCMV proteins evade NK cell killing and drive the evolution of virus-specific Ly49 receptors.

Železnjak J, Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, Babić M, Halenius A, L’Hernault A, Hengel H, Erhard F, Redwood A, Vidal S, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop, Birmingham, Alabama, SAD

7.4.2019. - 11.4.2019.

Interferon gamma mediates microglia polarization and delay in cerebellar growth following congenital CMV infection.

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Brizić I, Tomac J, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Krmpotić A, Britt W, Jonjić S


7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop, Birmingham, Alabama, SAD

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

MCMV expressing high affinity NKG2D ligand MULT-1: a model vaccine for congenital CMV infection.

Hiršl L, Brizić I, Jenuš T, Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

NK cell-derived IFN-γ contributes to the pathogenesis of MCMV associated altered cerebellar development.

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Brizić I, Tomac J, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Lisnić B, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

A complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and cytomegalovirus

Železnjak J, Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, Babić Čač M, Cesarec M, Halenius A, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in the ovaries.

Mazor M, Tomac J, Juranić Lisnić V, Kveštak D, Lisnić B, Boneta J, Brinkmann M, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor

Brizić I, Hiršl L, Park E, Lesac Brizić A, Lisnić B, Juranić Lisnić V, Gotovac K, Borovečki F, Yokoyama WM, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

Cytomegalovirus-encoded PVR regulator m154 affects the largest known number of immunologically relevant targets and impairs MCMV-specific CD8 T cells.

Stražic Geljić I , Kučan Brlić P, Kaynan N , Angulo A , Engel P , Juranić Lisnić V, Miklić K, Malić S , Mandelboim O, Krmpotić A , Lenac Roviš T , Jonjić S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in low-affinity cells.

Kavazović I, Han H, Balzaretti G, Slinger E, Lemmermann N, ten Brinke A, Merkler D, Koster J, Bryceson Y, de Vries N, Jonjić S, Klarenbeek P, Polić B, Eldering E, Wensveen F


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

19.10.2018. - 20.10.2018.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV

Jenuš, T, Juranić Lisnić, V, Lisnić, B, Oreb, D, Jonjić, S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2018 Zadar

2.9.2018. - 5.9.2018.

Complex interplay between Ly49 receptors and murine cytomegalovirus.

Juranić Lisnić V, Železnjak J, Popović B, Lisnić B, Babić M, Cesarec M, Halenius A, Hengel H, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


5th ECI 2018 Amsterdam, Nizozemska

2.9.2018. - 5.9.2018.

Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in low-affinity cells

Kavazović I, Slinger E, Balzaretti G, Klarenbeek P, Han H, Lemmermann N, Ten Brinke A, Koster J, Jonjić S, de Vries N, Bryceson Y, Polić B, Eldering E, Wensveen F


5th ECI 2018 Amsterdam, Nizozemska

28.5.2018. - 1.6.2018.

NK cells are essential for brain inflammation but their maturation is severely compromised in infected newborn mice.

Brizić I, Kveštak D, Park E, Lesac Brizić A, Lisnić B, Juranić Lisnić V, Gotovac K, Borovečki F, Britt WJ, Yokoyama WM, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


17th Meeting of the Society for the Natural Immunity San Antonio, SAD

28.5.2018. - 1.6.2018.

MCMV expressing high affinity NKG2D ligand MULT-1: a model vaccine for cytomegalovirus infection.

Hiršl L, Kveštak D, Brizić I, Jenuš T, Juranić Lisnić V, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


17th Meeting of the Society for the Natural Immunity San Antonio, SAD

28.5.2018. - 1.6.2018.

Structure of the murine cytomegalovirus encoded m12 immunoevasin bound to the inhibitory NKR-P1B receptor provides a basis for decoy inhibition of NK cells.

Berry R, Aguilar O, Rahim M, Reichel J, Popovic B, Tanaka M, Fu Z, Balaji G, Tu M, Mahmoud A, Krmpotic A, Makrigiannis A, Jonjic S, Rossjohn J, Carlyle J


17th Meeting of the Society for the Natural Immunity San Antonio, SAD

16.5.2018. - 18.5.2018.

Brain-resident memory CD8 T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation.

Brizić I, Šušak B, Arapović M, Huszthy PC, Hiršl L, Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Tomac J, Oxenius A, Britt WJ, Arapović J, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S:


Power of Viruses Poreč

16.5.2018. - 18.5.2018.

NK cells-derived interferon γ mediate microglia polarization and delay in cerebellar growth during congenital CMV infection.

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Brizić I, Pernjak Pugel E, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Power of Viruses Poreč

16.5.2018. - 18.5.2018.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV.

Jenuš, T, Juranić Lisnić, V, Lisnić, B, Oreb, D, Jonjić, S


Power of viruses Poreč

5.5.2018. - 12.5.2018.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV.

Jenuš T, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Oreb D, Jonjić S: Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV


13th ENII EFIS EJI Summer School on Advanced Immunology, Porto Cervo, Italija

25.2.2018. - 1.3.2018.

Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in low-affinity cells

Kavazović I, Slinger E, Lemmermann N, ten Brinke A, Koster J, Jonjić S, Polić B, Eldering E, Wensveen F


Keystona Symposia: Immunological memory: Innate, Adaptive and Beyond (X1), Austin, Texas, SAD

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

KLRG1+ CD8 T cells induced by cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ provide robust protection against tumor challenge.

Tršan T, Vuković K, Lemmermann NAW, Schober K, Busch DH, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

Eomes broadens the scope of CD8 T cell memory by inhibiting apoptosis in low-affinity cells.

Kavazović I, Slinger E, Lemmermann N, ten Brinke A, Koster J, Jonjić S, Polić B, Eldering E, Wensveen F


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

Brain-resident memory CD8 T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation.,

Brizić I, Šušak B, Arapović M, Huszthy PC, Hiršl L, Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Tomac J, Oxenius A, Britt WJ, Arapović J, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

NK cells-derived interferon γ mediate microglia polarization and delay in cerebellar growth during congenital CMV infection

Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Brizić I, Pernjak Pugel E, Caragliano E, Krmpotić A, Britt W, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

Cytomegalovirus-encoded protein m154 affects an immunologically relevant ligand CD155.

Stražic Geljić I, Kučan Brlić P, Kaynan N, Angulo A, Engel P, Juranić Lisnić V, Miklić K, Frković Malić S, Mandelboim O, Krmpotić A, Lenac Roviš T, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

RAE-1γΔMAT – A potential novel MCMV vaccine vector.

Jenuš T, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

Molecular and functional characterization of M116 region in MCMV.

Jenuš T, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Kveštak D, Tomac J, Oreb D, Jonjić S


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

20.10.2017. - 21.10.2017.

The new kid on the block - A novel cytomegalovirus’ immunoevasin targets NK cells in order to escape ''missing-self'' recognition

Železnjak J, Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, L’Hernault A, Babić Čač M, Trautwein N, Halenius A, Hengel H, Stevanović S, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S:


Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society with EFIS on Tour- HID 2017 Zagreb

27.9.2017. - 29.9.2017.

Early control of liver-resident CMV is mediated by STING-dependent type I interferon.

Tegtmeyer PK, Spanier J, Borst K, Doering M, Hirche C, Lienenklaus S, Brizic I, Jonjic S, Kalinke, U


International Symposium: Development of Tissue- and Pathogen-specific Cellular Innate Immunity Freiburg, Njemačka

27.9.2017. - 29.9.2017.

The MCMV protein M35 antagonizes the type I IFN response.

Goncalves Magalhaes V, Chan B, Lemmermann NAW, Juranic Lisnic V, Jonjic S, Reddehase MJ, Becherel O, Lavin M, Brinkmann M


International Symposium: Development of Tissue- and Pathogen-specific Cellular Innate Immunity Freiburg, Njemačka

27.9.2017. - 29.9.2017.

The antiviral cGAS-STING-mediated type I interferon response to murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is inhibited by the multifaceted MCMV m152 membrane protein.

Stempel, M, Chan B, Lisnić Juranić V, Jonjić S, Brinkmann MM


International Symposium: Development of Tissue- and Pathogen-specific Cellular Innate Immunity Freiburg, Njemačka

29.7.2017. - 2.8.2017.

Multiple layers of protection regulate pathogenesis of CMV in the ovary.

Juranic Lisnic V, Tomac J, Kvestak D, Lisnic B, Trsan T, Bralic M, Dolken L, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S:


42nd International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2017), Ghent, Belgija

29.7.2017. - 2.8.2017.

Cytomegalovirus-encoded Protein m154 Affects Immunologically Relevant Ligand CD155

Strazic Geljic I, Kucan Brlic P, Kaynan N, Angulo A , Enge Pl, Juranic Lisnic V, Miklic K, Frkovic Malic S, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Lenac Rovis T, Jonjic S


42nd International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2017), Ghent, Belgija

6.5.2017. - 13.05.2017.

A novel MCMV encoded immunoevasin in the intricate interplay between the virus and its host.

Zeleznjak J, Popovic B, Juranic Lisnic V, L’Hernault A, Lisnic B, Babic Cac M, Trautwein N, Halenius A, Hengel H, Stevanović S, Krmpotic A, Dölken L, Jonjic S


12th ENII Immunology Summer School 2017 Porto Cervo, Sardinia, Italija

30.4.2017. - 4.5.2017.

KLRG1+ CD8 T cells induced by cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ provide robust protection against tumor challenge.

Tršan T, Vuković K, Lemmermann NAW, Schober K, Busch DH, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


16th International CMV/betaherpesvirus Workshop, Noordwijkerhout, Nizozemska

1.12.2016. - 3.12.2016.

NCR1-deficiency affects the follicular helper T cells and diminishes generation of protective antiviral antibodies.

Miletić A, Lenartić M, Tršan T, Popović B, Miklić K, Mandelboim O, Jonjić S, Krmpotić A


3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology, Budimpešta, Mađarska

1.12.2016. - 3.12.2016.

It takes two to evade missing-self: intricate interplay of MCMV encoded immunoevasins and Ly49 receptors

Železnjak J, Popović B, Juranić Lisnić V, L’Hernault A , Lisnić B , Babić Čač M, Trautwein, N, Halenius A, Hengel H, Stevanović S, Krmpotić A, Dölken L, Jonjić S


3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology, Budimpešta, Mađarska

1.12.2016. - 3.12.2016.

Recombinant CMV vector expressing RAE-1γ induces effector CD8 T cells with enhanced anti-tumor properties

Tršan T, Vuković K, Filipović P, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


3rd meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology Budimpešta, Mađarska

14.10.2016. - 15.10.2016.

IL-33 drives regulatory T cell suppression of severe liver damage upon mouse cytomegalovirus infection

Popovic B, Golemac M, Bilić-Zulle L, Lukić M, Čičin-Šain L, Sparwasser T, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2016 Ogulin, Hrvatska

14.10.2016. - 15.10.2016.

NK cells persisting in the brain following MCMV infection induce polarization of microglia toward proinflammatory phenotype and delay in cerebellar growth via interferon γ.

Kveštak D, Golemac M, Pernjak Pugel E, Krmpotić A, Britt W, Jonjić S


Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2016 Ogulin, Hrvatska

14.10.2016. - 15.10.2016.

Intensivesplicing in MCMV transcriptome and intriguing function of a novel MCMV protein encoded by the M116 region.

Lisnić B, Juranić Lisnić V, Lesac Brizić A, Jenuš T, Gotovac K, Tomac J, Borovečki F, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2016 Ogulin, Hrvatska

14.10.2016. - 15.10.2016.

Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor

251. Brizic I, Lesac Brizic A, Lisnic B, Juranic Lisnic V, Gotovac K, Fran Borovečki, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2016 Ogulin, Hrvatska

22.7.2016. - 28.7.2016.

Multiple arms of the innate immunity unite to preserve fertility in MCMV infected ovary.

Tomac J, Juranić Lisnić V, Boneta J, Kveštak D, Tršan D, Bralić M, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


IHW2016 Madison, Wisconsin, SAD

22.7.2016. - 28.7.2016.

Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection drives NK cell hyporesponsiveness characterized by downregulation of T-box transcription factor.

Brizić I, Lesac Brizić A, Lisnić B, Juranić Lisnić V, Gotovac K, Borovečki F, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


IHW2016 Madison, Wisconsin, SAD

22.7.2016. - 28.7.2016.

IL-33 promotes regulatory T cell suppression of severe hepatitis upon mouse cytomegalovirus infection. I

Popovic B, Golemac M, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Cicin-Sain L, Sparwasser T, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


IHW 2016 Madison, Wisconsin, SAD

15.6.2016. - 18.6.2016.

The transcriptome of herpes simplex virus 1

Zubković A, Hackenberg M, Kovačević L, Lisnić B, Juranić Lisnić V, Jonjić S, Vugrek O, Jurak I


6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation Sveti Martin na Muri

15.6.2016. - 18.6.2016.

From transcriptomics to novel viral immune-evasion mechanisms.

Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, Železnjak J, Lesac Brizić A, Lenac Roviš T, Kučan P, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S


6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation Sveti Martin na Muri

1.6.2016. - 4.6.2016.

Most abundant transcript (MAT) of MCMV and its multiple immunoevasion mechanisms.

Železnjak J, Popović B, Juranić Lisnić V, L’Hernault A, Lisnić B, Babić Čač M, Trautwein N, Halenius A, Hengel H, Stevanović S, Krmpotić A, Dölken L, Jonjić S.


4th International Symposium of the Virtual Institute "Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion" VISTRIE Braunschweig, Njemačka

7.5.2016. - 14.5.2016.

IL-33-dependent TREG suppression of liver damage during mouse cytomegalovirus infection.

Popovic B, Golemac M, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Cicin-Sain L, Sparwasser T, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


11th ENII Immunology Summer School Porto Cervo, Olbia, Sardinia, Italija

24.4.2016. - 26.4.2016.

Perinatal mouse cytomegalovirus infection induces activation of brain resident microglial cells and recruitment of inflammatory cells into the brain.

Kveštak D, Arapović J, Arapović M, Huszthy PC, Šušak B, Golemac M, Pugel E, Torti N, Oxenius A, Krmpotić A, Britt W, Jonjić S


ECCI - European Congenital Cytomegalovirus Initiative 2016 San Servolo, Venecija, Italija

11.10.2015. - 14.10.2015.

The MCMV protein M35 is a novel negative regulator of the type I IFN response. Third Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), CYTOKINE volume: 76, issue: 1, pages:79-79, meeting abstract:76, 11.-14.10. 2015., Bamberg, Njemačka

Chan B, Magalhaes V, Lisnic VJ, Jonjic S, Brinkmann MM


Third Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), CYTOKINE volume: 76, issue: 1, pages:104-105, meeting abstract: 218 Bamberg, Njemačka

11.10.2015. - 14.10.2015.

Discovery of a novel chemokine binding activity in varicella zoster virus.

Gonzalez-Motoss V, Ritter B, Lenac T, Jonjic S, Arenzana-Seisdedos F, Kalinke U, Viejo-Borbolla A


Third Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), CYTOKINE volume: 76, issue: 1, pages:104-105, meeting abstract: 218 Bamberg, Njemačka

11.10.2015. - 14.10.2015.

Murine cytomegalovirus triggers interferon-beta in a TLR-, RLH-, and STING-dependent manner, whereas only TLR/RLH-dependent signaling is needed for survival.

Tegtmeyer PK, Spanier, J, Doering M, Hirche C, Lienenklaus S, Brizic I, Jonjic S, Kalinke U .,


Third Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), CYTOKINE volume: 76, issue: 1, pages:104-105, meeting abstract: 218 Bamberg, Njemačka

6.9.2015. - 9.9.2015.

Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells.

Zeleznjak J, Popovic B, Juranic Lisnić V, L’Hernault A, Trautwein N, Babic Cac M, Lisnić B, Halenius A, Hengel H, Stevanović S, Dölken L, Krmpotić A, Jonjic S


4th European Congress of Immunology Beč, Austrija

6.9.2015. - 9.9.2015.

Viral downregulation of CD155 reveals strong effect of DNAM-1 in virus control by NK cells and macrophages.

Lenac Rovis T, Kucan P, Kaynan N, Juranic Lisnic V, Brizic I, Jordan S, Tomic A, Babic M, Tsukerman P, Colonna M, Messerle M, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


4th European Congress of Immunology Beč, Austrija

24.5.2015. - 27.5.2015.

IL-33-dependent immunosuppressive Treg responses to liver damage during MCMV infection. 3rd Belgrade EFIS symposium on immunoregulation, immunity, infection, autoimmunity and aging, 24.-27.05.2015., Beograd, Srbija

Popovic B, Golemac M, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


3rd Belgrade EFIS symposium on immunoregulation, immunity, infection, autoimmunity and aging Beograd, Srbija

2.5.2015. - 6.5.2015.

Dramatic changes in NK cell phenotype and function following perinatal MCMV infection.

Brizić I, Lesac A, Juranic Lisnic, Lisnic B, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


NK2015: 15th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity Fairmont le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Kanada

20.4.2015. - 24.4.2015.

MCMV encoded highly abundant transcript with several coding, non-coding and immune-evasive roles.

Juranic Lisnic V, Popovic B, L'Hernault A, Babic Cac M, Lisnic B, Krmpotic A, Dolken L, Jonjic S


5th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Beta Herpes Virus Workshop Brisbane, Australija

20.4.2015. - 24.4.2015.

IL-33-dependent immunosuppressive Treg responses to liver damage during MCMV infection.

Popovic B, Golemac M, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


5th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Beta Herpes Virus Workshop Brisbane, Australija

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

IL-33 is essential for immunosuppresive Treg cell responses in liver during herpesvirus infection.

Popovic B, Bilic-Zulle L, Golemac M, Lukic M, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Expanding the MCMV Transcriptome.

Lisnic B, Juranic Lisnic V, Borovecki F, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Dramatic changes in NK cell phenotype and function following perinatal MCMV infection.

Brizic I, Lesac A, Juranic Lisnic V, Lisnic B, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

CMV expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ employed as a highly immunogenic CD8 T cell vaccine-vector.

Trsan T, Abram M, Lemmermann N, Del Val M, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

NCR1-deficiency affects the CD4 T follicular helper cell formation and B cell maturation necessary for generation of highly protective antiviral antibodies

Miletic A, Trsan T, Miklic K, Simic H, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Activation of macrophages/microglia during MCMV infection of the CNS.

Kvestak D, Slavuljica I, Pugel E, Golemac M, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Enhancing the tumor-specific CD8 T cell response by a recombinant cytomegalovirus vector expressing NKG2D ligand.

Lesac A, Trsan T, Tomic A, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S.


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Deletion of CMV inhibitor of PVR (CD155) results in enhanced virus susceptibility to innate immune control and dramatic attenuation in vivo.

Lenac Rovis T, Stanietsky N, Juranic Lisnic V, Jordan S, Kucan P, Tomic A, Babic M, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk

17.10.2014. - 18.10.2014.

Complex recognition of MCMV infected cells by activating Ly49 receptors

Juranic Lisnic V, Popovic B, L’Hernault A, Babic Cac M, Lisnic B, Redwood A, Halenius A, Hengel H, Krmpotic A, Dolken L, Jonjic S


Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva HID2014 Krk


NKG2D ligand RAE-1? expressed by CMV vector promotes antigen presentation to CD8 T cells.

Trsan T, Abram M, Lemmermann N, Del Val M, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S

poster, oralna prezentacija

39th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2014) Kobe, Japan


Deletion of CMV inhibitor of PVR (CD155) results in enhanced virus susceptibility to innate immune control and dramatic attenuation in vivo

Lenac Rovis T, Stanietsky N, Juranic Lisnic V, Jordan S, Tomic A, Babic M, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S

poster, oralna prezentacij

39th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW2014) Kobe, Japan


CMV regulation of mouse PVR.

Lenac Rovis T, Stanietsky N, Jordan S, Juranic Lisnic V, Tomic A, Babic M, Krmpotic A, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Jonjic S

2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Croatia


Complex recognition of MCMV infected cells by activating Ly49 receptor.

Juranic Lisnic V, Babic Cac M, Popovic B, L'Hernault A, Lisnic B, Krmpotic A, Doelken L, Jonjic S


2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Croatia


RAE-1? ligand expression by MCMV vector promotes induction and maintenance of protective immune memory.

Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen F, Lemmermann N, Arapovic M, Babic M, Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann M, Jäger W, Oxenius A, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S


2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Croatia


The Viral Chemokine MCK-2 of Murine Cytomegalovirus Promotes Infection as Part of a gH/gL/MCK-2 Complex.

Brizic I, Wagner B, Prager A, Trsan T, Arapovic M, Lemmermann N, Podlech J, Reddehase M, Lemnitzer F, Bosse J, Gimpfl M, Marcinowski L, MacDonald M, Adler H, Koszinowski U, Adler B.


2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology Opatija, Hrvatska


Complex viral regulation of PVR by MCMV to avoid NK cell recognition.

Rovis T, Stanietsky N, Jordan S, Juranic Lisnic V, Tomic A, Babic M, Krmpotic A, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Jonjic S


NK2013 - 14th Meeting of the Society for Natural Heidelberg, Germany


RAE-1? ligand expression by MCMV vector promotes induction and maintenance of protective immune memory

Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen F, Lemmermann N, Arapovic M, Babic M, Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann M, Jäger W, Oxenius A, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic


NK2013 - 14th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity Heidelberg, Germany


CMV regulation of mouse PVR.

Lenac Rovis T, Stanietsky N, Jordan S, Juranic Lisnic V, Tomic A, Babic M, Krmpotic A, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Jonjic S


15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013 Milano, Italia


Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells.

Babic Cac M, Juranic Lisnic V, Pyzik M, Popovic B, Vidal SM, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S


15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013 Milano, Italia


Deletion of IL-33 receptor reduces NK cell and CD8 T cell responses to herpesvirus infection.

Popovic B, Milovanovic M, Krmpotic A, Lukic M, Jonjic S


15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013 Milano, Italia


Expression of NKG2D ligand by cytomegalovirus enhances its vaccine vector capacity

Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Babić Čač, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Brinkmann, Melanie; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;



Jonjić, Stipan;


Towards a better understanding of virus–host interplay: transcriptomic analysis of MCMV infection

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Čač, Marina Babić; Lisnić, Berislav; Jonjić, Stipan; Trgovcich, Joanne;


Highly attenuated MCMV vector expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1 gamma provides long-lived memory CD8+ T cells with outstanding protective capacity

Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Tomić, Adriana; Golemac, Mijo; Lemmermann, Niels; Brinkmann, Melanie; Jäger, Wiebke; Abram, Maja; Krmpotić, Astrid;


MCMV transcriptome analysis and identification of a new, highly abundant transcript with multiple coding and non-coding functions

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Čač, Marina Babić; Lisnić, Berislav; L’Hernault, Anne; Doelken, Lars; Krmpotić, Astrid; Trgovcich, Joanne; Jonjić, Stipan;


RAE-1? expressed by recombinant herpesvirus dramatically improves its vector capacity and promotes specific immune response

Tršan, Tihana; Busche, Andreas; Abram, Maja; Babić Čač, Marina; Golemac, Mijo; Tomić, Adriana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;


Long Term Sensorineural Hearing Loss in MCMV-infected Newborn Mice

Golemac, Mijo; Cekinović, Đurđica; Bradford, Russell; Pugel, Ester Pernjak; Britt, William J; Jonjić, Stipan;


KAC: A novel biological system for the rapid production of site-specific biotinylated monoclonal antibodies

Wensveen, Felix M; Jelencić, Vedrana; Gulin, Maja; Šimić, Hrvoje; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;


Transcriptomic profile of murine cytomegalovirus

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Čač, Marina Babić; Jonjić, Stipan; Trgovcich, Joanne;


Transcriptomic profile of murine cytomegalovirus in vitro and in vivo

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Čač, Marina Babić; Cook, Charles; Jonjić, Stipan; Trgovcich, Joanne;


Mouse cytomegalovirus restores' self'to prevent'missing self'

Babić Čač, M; Pyzik, M; Zafirova, B; Mitrović, M; Krmpotić, A; Vidal, S; Jonjić, S;


Improved sensitization of CD8+ T cell response after infection with MCMV expressing NKG2D ligand

Tršan, Tihana; Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Babić Čač, Marina; Golemac, Mijo; Mihelčić, Mirna; Abram, Maja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;



Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Simić, Hrvoje; Boneta, Jelena; Tomac, Jelena; Krmpotic, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


Mouse cytomegalovirus compromises ‘missing-self’mediated activation of natural killer cells

Babić Čač, Marina; Zafirova, Biljana; Mitrović, Maja; Pyzik, Michal; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjić, Stipan;


Comparable NK-cell phenotype of Klrk1D/D to the Klrk1-/-mice

Zafirova, Biljana; Gulin, Maja; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;


Immunobiology of recombinant CMV Strain expressing ligand for NKG2D receptor-a dramatic attenuation in vivo does not prevent an efficient and long-lasting protective immune response

Slavuljica, Irena; Busche, Andreas; Babić, Marina; Mitrović, Maja; Gašparović, Iva; Cekinović, Đurđica; Markova Car, Elitza; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Ciković, Ana; Juranić Lisnić, Vanda;


Differences in NK cell subsets and expression of activating and inhibiting receptors in infants

Vojvoda, Valerija; Bendelja, Krešo; Turkalj, Mirjana; Aberle, Neda; Jonjić, Stipan; Rabatić, Sabina;



Babić, Marina; Pyzik, Michal; Kielczewska, Agnieszka; Krmpotić, Astrid; Vidal, Silvia M; Jonjić, Stipan;


Role of virus specific antibodies in the control of MCMV infection in newborn mice

Cekinović, Đurđica; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Ciković, Ana; Golemac, Mijo; Bradford, Russel; Britt, William J; Jonjić, Stipan;



Mitrović, Maja; Arapović, Jurica; Simić, Hrvoje; Boneta, Jelena; Tomac, Jelena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;



Jonjić, Stipan;


MCMV infection in newborn mouse brain

Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, Glenn; Koontz, Thad; Tomac, Jelena; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan;


NKG2D as a major regulator of the development, homeostasis and effector functions of NK cells?

Zafirova, Biljana; Mandarić, Sanja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonsson, Helena; Yokoyama, M Wayne; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;


The importance of cytolytic mechanisms in NK-cell response to mouse cytomegalovirus infection

Arapović, Jurica; Mitrović, Maja; Šimić, Hrvoje; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


A transcriptomic approach to viral disease research-generation of MCMV cDNA library

Lisnić, Vanda Juranić; Babić, Marina; Tršan, Tihana; Henkel, Andrea; Jonjić, Stipan; Trgovcich, Joanne;


Immunosurveilance of recombinant MCMV expressing NKG2D ligand RAE-1gamma

Gašparović, Iva; Busche, Andreas; Cekinović, Đurđica; Babić, Marina; Slavuljica, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Jonjić, Stipan;


MCMV m04 functions as an NK cell response inhibitor

Krmpotić, Astrid; Babić, Marina; Jonjić, Stipan;


Differential susceptibility of RAE-1 isoforms to murine cytomegalovirus

Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Polić, Bojan; Carayannopoulos, LN; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


The Role of NKG2D Immunoevasion Genes During Cronic MCMV Infection

Slavuljica, Irena; Markova-Car, Elitza Petkova; Gašparović, Iva; Arapović, Jurica; Cekinović, Đurđica; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


Passive immunization prevents MCMV-induced pathology in the CNS of newborn mice

Cekinović, Đurđica; Golemac, Mio; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Slavuljica, Irena; Bradford, Russel; Winkler, Thomas H; Misch, Sonja; Mach, Michael;


High-throughput monoclonal antibody production against the varicella zoster virus (VZV) proteome

Šimić, Hrvoje; Baiker, Armin; Babić, Marina; Pothineni, Raveendra; Miklić, Karmela; Baždarić, Danijela; Endesfelder, Manuel; Malić, Suzana; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;


Amino acid sequence motif plwy determines the susceptibility of RAE-1 to down-modulation by m152/gp40

Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;


CD8+ T-cells mediate MCMV clearance from the newborn CNS

Bantug, Glenn; Cekinović, Đurđica; Bradford, Russell; Koontz, Thad; Jonjić, Stipan; Britt, William;


Resistance of RAE-1d to down-modulation by MCMV

Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Babić, Marina; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;


The development and analysis of NKG2D ko mouse

Zafirova, Biljana; Antulov, Ronald; Mandarić, Sanja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan;


Pregnancy modulates the course of MCMV infection in balb/c mice

Tomac, Jelena; Cekinović, Đurđica; Arapović, Jurica; Zafirova, Biljana; Panić, Linda; Bralić, Marina; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Jonjić, Stipan;


Innate Immune Response And Developmental Abnormalities In Murine Cytomegalovirus Infected Newborn Brain

Cekinović, Đurđica; Koontz, T; Bantug, GB; Tomac, Jelena; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Britt, W; Jonjić, Stipan;


Cellular, structural and physiological characterization of MCMV m153

Mans, Janet; Natarajan, Kannan; Babić, Marina; Messerle, Martin; Šimić, Hrvoje; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan; Margulies, David;


MCMV-induced encephalitis in newborn mice; MC Summer School; NK Defence and Therapy

Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, Glenn; Tomac, Jelena; Pugel, Ester; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan;


Murine cytomegalovirus infection induces a complex innate immune response and impairs expression of hoxa5 in the developing hindbrain

Koontz, Thad; Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, Glenn; Jonjić, Stipan; Britt, William;


Differential regulation of RAE-1 isoforms by MCMV

Arapović, Jurica; Lenac, Tihana; Antulov, Ronald; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;


CD8+ T Lymphocyte Mediated Immune Response in MCMV-Infected Newborn Brain

Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, GRB; Tomac, Jelena; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Britt, W; Jonjić, Stipan;


The role of viral immunoevasins in the pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection

Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Hasan, Milena; Arapović, Jurica; Jonjić, Stipan;


The inhibition of death-receptor apoptosis inhibits the antiviral activity of cytokines and allows in vivo replication of the murine cytomegalovirus

Čičin-Šain, Luka; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Podlech, Jürgen; Menard, Carine; Bubić, Ivan; Jonjić, Stipan; Reddehase, Matthias; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


MCMV-induced encephalitis in newborn mice: potential role of viral immunoevasion proteins

Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, GRB; Bralić, Marina; Tomac, Jelena; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan;


Modulation of NK cell response by mouse cytomegalovirus”

Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Hasan, Milena; Arapović, Jurica; Jonjić, Stipan;


Cmv4, a New Locus Linked to the NK Cell Gene Complex, Controls Innate Resistance to Cytomegalovirus in Wild-Derived Mice

Girard-Adam, Sonia; Caraux, Anouk; Fodil-Cornu, Nassima; Loredo-Osti, J Concepcion; Lesjean-Pottier, Sarah; Jaubert, Jean; Bubić, Ivan; Jonjić, Stipan; Guenet, Jean-Louis; Vidal, Silvia;


MCMV-induced encephalitis in newborn mice

Cekinović, Đurđica; Bantug, GRB; Bralić, Marina; Tomac, Jelena; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Britt, William; Jonjić, Stipan;


The herpesviral Fc eceptor fcr-1 as a potent Down-regulator of the NKG2D ligand

Lenac, Tihana; Budt, Matthias; Arapović, Jurica; Hasan, Milena; Zimmermann, Albert; Šimić, Hrvoje; Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Koszinowski, Ulrich H;


Regulation of the expression of NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60 by MCMV

Lenac, Tihana; Krmpotić, Astrid; Hasan, Milena; Bubić, Ivan; Halenius, Anne; Ruzsics, Zsolt; Arapović, Jurica; Hengel, Hartmut; Messerle, Martin; Koszinowski, Ulrich;



Arapović, Jurica; Antulov, Ronald; Hasan, Milena; Polić, Bojan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


Apoptosis and proliferation in X-irradiated submandibular gland

Muhvić-Urek, Miranda; Bralić, Marina; Ćurić, Stipica; Jonjić, Stipan; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena;



Butorac, Višnja; Krmpotić, Astrid; Jonjić, Stipan;


Delayed cerebellar development and altered chemokine expression in the CNS as a result of peripheral murine cytomegalovirus infection of neonatal BALB/c mice

Bralić, Marina; Bantug, Glenn; Golemac, Mijo; Koontz, Thadeus; Pernjak-Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena; Jonjić, Stipan; Britt, William;



Jonjić, Stipan;


Deletion of MCMV m157 gene reveals the function of NKG2D silencing viral genes also in CMV1 positive mice

Hasan, Milena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Lenac, Tihana; Bubić, Ivan; Messerle, Martin; Ruszics, Zsolt; Koszinowski, Ulrich H; Jonjić, Stipan;


Cytomegalovirus Infection in Mice Caused by Bacteria Carring a Cloned MCMV Genome

Čičin-Šain, Luka; Brune, Wolfram; Bubić, Ivan; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


The role of MCMV m157 gene product in NK cell-mediated control of MCMV infection in vivo

Bubić, Ivan; Wagner, Markus; Krmpotić, Astrid; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;


The significance of MCMV m157 gene product in NK cell-medaited control of MCMV infection in vivo

Bubić, Ivan; Wagner, Markus; Krmpotić, Astrid; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;


The role of NKG2D co-stimulation in MCMV control by CD8+ T lymphocytes

Hasan, Milena; Bubić, Ivan; Krmpotić, Astrid; Yokoyama, Wayne; Jonjić, Stipan;


A viral protein reveals a biological role for stat2 in IFNg receptor signaling

Hengel, Hartmut; Zimmermann, Albert; Wilborn, Manuel; Wagner, Marcus; Ziade, Toufic; Bubic, Ivan; Triling, Mirko; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


A viral protein reveals a biological role for STAT2 in IFN-gamma receptor signaling

Zimmermann, Albert; Wilborn, Manuel; Wagner, Marcus; Ziade, Toufic; Bubic, Ivan; Trilling, Mirko; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Hengel, Hartmut;


Developmental brain disorders during cytomegaloviral infection

Bralić, Marina; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Golemac, Mijo; Tomac, Jelena; Britt, J William; Jonjić, Stipan;


Cerebellar abnormalities induced by citomegaloviral infection

Bralić, Marina; Pernjak Pugel, Ester; Golemac, Mijo; Tomac, Jelena; Britt, J William; Jonjić, Stipan;


The immunoevasive function encoded by the mouse cytomegalovirus gene m152 protects the virus against both the adaptive and innate immune response

Krmpotić, Astrid; Messerle, Martin; Crnković-Mertens, Irena; Bubić, Ivan; Hengel, Hartmut; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


Ganglioside expression in tissues of mice deficient in beta2-microglobulin

Markotić, Anita; Marušić, Ana; Jonjić, Stipan; Mesarić, Marko; Muething, Johannes;


Development of Ig secreting cells in mMT/mMT BALB/c mice

Hasan, Milena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Čičin-Šain, Luka; Bralić, Marina; Polić, Bojan; Jonjić, Stipan;


Conversion of latent to recurrent MCMV infection is primarily controlled by CD8+ T lymphocytes and NK cells

Jonjić, Stipan; Polić, Bojan; Zorica, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Pavić, Ivica; Lučin, Pero; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


MCMV pathogenesis in neonatal mice

Trgovcich, Joanne; Crnković, Irena; Krmpotić, Astrid; Zorica, Irena; Jonjić, Stipan; Koszinowski, Ulrich;


Perturbation of liver function in MCMV-induced hepatitis

Trgovcich, Joanne; Štimac, Davor; Polić, Bojan; Zorica, Irena; Crnković, Irena; Pavić, Ivica; Koszinowski, Ulrich; Jonjić, Stipan;


Murine cytomegalovirus-induced hepatitis is linked to suppression of immune responses

Štimac, Davor; Trgovcich, Joanne; Polić, Bojan; Pernjak-Pugel, Ester; Tomac, Jelena; Jonjić, Stipan;


Inducible expression of class II MHC antigens in the regenerating liver of rats

Radošević-Stašić, Biserka; Jonjić, Stipan; Ćuk, Mira; Šegon, Marija; Rukavina, Daniel;


Immunological activity of lymphoid organs in pregnant rats

Dorić, Miljenko; Jonjić, Stipan; Rukavina, Daniel;

Mentorstvo doktorandima


Uloga stanica urođene imunosti u patogenezi prirođene citomegalovirusne infekcije u središnjem živčanom sustavu

Daria Kveštak Doktorat


Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 2022.


Protutumorska aktivnost imunokompleksa αCD155/saporin na glioblastom

Hrvoje Šimić Doktorat

Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 2018.

2013. - 2019.

Uloga NKG2D liganada različitog afiniteta u infekciji rekombinantnim mišjim citomegalovirusima i razvoju virusnih cjepiva

Lea Hiršl Doktorat


Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 2019.

2013. - 2016.

Uloga citomegalovirusnog proteina MCK-2 u tropizmu virusa i imunološkom odgovoru

Ilija Brizić Doktorat


Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci

Datum obrane: 2016.

Analiza transkriptoma mišjeg citomegalovirusa

Vanda Juranić Lisnić Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2013.

Uloga NK-stanica u modulaciji specifičnog imunološkog odgovora na virus

Maja Arapovic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2013.

Uloga NKG2D receptora u imunološkom nadzoru citomegalovirusne infekcije

Irena Slavuljica Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2012.

Imunološki nadzor prirođene citomegalovirusne infekcije mozga u novookoćenih miševa - zaštitna uloga stanične imunosti i protuvirusnih protutijela

Djurdjica Cekinovic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2011.

Izolacija i karakterizacija monoklonskih antitijela specifičnih na m74 genski produkt mišjeg citomegalovirusa

Faruk Skenderi Doktorat

Msc. Medicinski fakultet Univerzitet u Sarajevu

Datum obrane: 2011.

Virusna regulacija aktivnosti NK-limfocita:uloga inhibicijskih Ly49 receptora.

Marina Babic Cac Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2011.

2009. - 2015.

Utjecaj ekspresije liganda za receptor NKG2D na potencijal citomegalovirusa kao vakcinskoga vektora

Tihana Tršan Doktorat

Biotehnologija i bioprocesno inženjerstvo, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Zagreb

Datum obrane: 20.2.2015.

Molekularna osnova različite osjetljivosti proteina RAE-1 na regulaciju citomegalovirusom

Jurica Arapovic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2009.

Imunosubverzivni učinak mišjeg citomegalovirusa na NK-stanice

Tihana Lenac Rovis Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2007.

Imunobiologija citomegalovirusnih proteina kao liganada za aktivacijske receptore NK-stanicama

Ivan Bubic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2005.

Karakterizacija humanog citomegalovirusa s delecijom homologa receptora vezanih za G-protein.

Irena Milotic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 2005.

Marina Bralić Magisterij


Datum obrane: 2004.

In vitro otpuštanje citokina iz plućnih makrofaga izoliranih bronhoalveolarnom lavažom u bolesnika s malignim tumorom pluća.

Dubravka Matanic Doktorat


Datum obrane: 1999.

Mehanizmi imunološkog nadzora citomegalovirusne infekcije jetre

Davor Štimac Doktorat


Datum obrane: 1997.

Komplementacija citomegalovirusnih varijanti in vivo

Luka Cicin-Sain Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 2004. , 2006.

Uloga citomegalovirusnih gena u izbjegavanju imunološkog nadzora pomoću rekombinantnih virusa.

Irena Crnković Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 1994., 1997.

Uloga herpesvirusnih gena u izbjegavanju imunološkog nadzora posredovanog limfocitima T i NK-stanicama in vivo

Astrid Krmpotić Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 1998., 2001.

Regulacijski učinak T limfocita i citokina na pojavu autoantitijela tijekom infekcije citomegalovirusom.

Pero Lucin Doktorat

M.sc., PhD

Datum obrane: 1989, 1991

Mehanizmi imunološkog nadzora latentne herpesvirusne infekcije

Bojan Polić Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 1993., 1996.

Uloga imunosubverzivnih gena mišjeg citomegalovirusa u izbjegavanju imunosnog nadzora posredovanog NK-limfocitima.

Milena Hasan Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 2000. , 2004.

Značaj citokina u nadzoru citomegalovirusne infekcije.

Ivica Pavić Doktorat

Msc., PhD

Datum obrane: 1992., 1995.

Znanstveni skupovi

1.11.2020. - 2.11.2020.

Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva (zoom)

Rijeka organizator


Kick-off meeting CSRP Švicarsko-Hrvatskog projekta ''Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation'', Centar za proteomiku

Rijeka organizator


Sastanak partnera - projektnog tima Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti - CerVirVac ERDF Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

Rijeka organizator

29.9.2016. - 30.9.2016.

Simpozij ''Viral pathogenesis and immunity'', 10. obljetnica Centra za proteomiku

Rijeka organizator

28.08.2016. - 05.09.2007.

Marie Curie Summer School "NK Defence and Therapy", i EPO Course

Božava, Dugi otok organizator

30.07.2016. - 05.08.2005.

30th International Herpesvirus Workshop IHW

Turku, Finska član znanstvenog odbora

4.5.2016. - 6.5.2016.

Radionica na temu komercijalizacije antitijela – su financirana projektom Hrvatske zaklade za znanost: ''Molekularni mehanizmi imunološkog djelovanja PVR (CD155) u virusnoj i tumorskoj pategenizi. (Tihana Lenac Roviš)

Rijeka organizator


Vaccination and immunotherapy in defense against infectious diseases and tumors symposium, suorganizatori:Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za virusnu imunologiju i cjepiva

Rijeka su-organizator

10.04.2015. -

Završna konferencija projekta ''Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: Prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor – EntrepMEDRI''

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizator


Završna konferencija projekta ''Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: Prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor – EntrepMEDRI''

Rijeka organizator

23.6.2014. - 24.6.2014.

II sastanak Upravnog i Savjetodavnog odbora projekta PACINNO (Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation)-IPA

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizator

21.03.2014. -

IV IPA trening radionica ''Pre-clinical testing opportunities'' u sklopu projekta ''Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: Prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor'', financirana sredstvima programa IPA SIIF

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizator

06.12.2013. -

III IPA trening radionica ''Strategije partnerstva u razvoju dijagnostičkih metoda'' u skopu projekta ''Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor'', financirana sredstvima programa IPA SIIF

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, organizator

15.10.2013. -

II IPA trening radionica ''Učinkovita translacija istraživanja i razvoja cjepiva'' u skopu projekta ''Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor'', financirana sredstvima programa IPA SIIF

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizator

15.07.2013. -

IPA trening radionica o strategijama komercijalizacije ''MEDRI meets industry'', - Prema poduzetničkom sveučilištu: prijenos znanja s Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci u biotehnološki poslovni sektor, financirana sredstvima programa IPA SIIF

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizator

23.03.2007. -

Croatian – Israeli Kick-off Meeting on Viral Immunology and Pathogenesis

Rijeka organizator

2005. -

Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva

Božava, Dugi otok predsjednik

2004. -

Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva

Opatija predsjednik

2003. -

Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva

Brijuni predsjednik

2002. -

Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog imunološkog društva

Trakošćan predsjednik


Workshop on Congenital Infections, TransMedRi, Department of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka

Rijeka organizator


Small Animal Imaging Workshop, TransMedRi, Department of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka

Rijeka organizator


Antibody engineering: from murine hybridoma to therapeutics - 3rd CAPRI2010 Advanced Laboratory Workshop

Rijeka organizator


Advanced production techniques for complex protein biologics - 2st CAPRI2010 AdvancedLaboratory Workshop

Rijeka organizator


Fc protein expression of type I and type II proteins - 1st CAPRI2010 Advanced Laboratory Workshop"

Rijeka organizator


12th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity

Cavtat organizator


Advanced Laboratory Training Course : Viral Subversion of Immune Response, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Rijeka organizator


BMBF Summer School "Proteomics Basics" (u suradnji s Henning Urlaub, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry)

Opatija suorganizator


VIII International Congress of Reproductive Immunology

Opatija član organizacijskog odbora


Fourth International Meeting "Mechanisms in Local Immunity"

Opatija član organizacijskog odbora

24.-27. 05. 2015.

3rd Belgrade EFIS symposium on immunoregulation, immunity, infection, autoimmunity and aging ( organizatori: Miodrag Lukić, Stipan Jonjić, Janko Nikolich-Zugich)

Beograd, Srbija su-organizator




Mandelboim Ofer, Berhani Orit, Kahalon Shira, Jonjic Stipan



Levi-Schaffer Francesca, Jonjic Stipan



Mandelboim Ofer, Jonjic Stipan, Reches Adi



Mandelboim Ofer, Pinchas Tsukerman, Jonjic Stipan, Lenac Rovis Tihana, Kucan Brlić Paola



Jonjic Stipan, Simic Hrvoje, Mandelboim Ofer



Mandelboim Ofer, Jonjic Stipan, Berhani Orit, Glasner Ariella




Jonjic, Stipan, Simic, Hrvoje, Lisnic Berislav

Glioblastoma vaccine



Mandelboim Ofer, Jonjic Stipan, Berhani Orit, Glasner Ariella:

anti-NKp46 mAb



Mandelboim Ofer, Kaynan Noa, Pinchas Tsukerman, Jonjic Stipan



Mandelboim Ofer, Pinchas Tsukerman, Kaynan Noa, Jonjic Stipan



Mandelboim Ofer, Kaynan Noa, Pinchas Tsukerman, Jonjic Stipan



Mandelboim Ofer, Kaynan Noa, Jonjic Stipan:



Mandelboim Ofer, Jonjic Stipan, Kaynan Noa




Stipan Jonjić

Uredništva časopisa




Current Immunology Reviews - Editorial Advisory Board Member


Medical Microbiology and Immunology


Cellular & Molecular Immunology – Assistant editor-in-chief

Acta Medica Academica

Current Immunology Reviews -Editorial Advisory Board Member

European Journal of Immunology (EJI)

Frontiers in Microbial Immunity


Microbes and Infections



Antiviral Research

Archives of Virology


Expert Review of Vaccines

Infection and Immunity

Cell Host & Microbe

Croatian Medical Journal

Nature Immunology

Journal of Experimental Medicine

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Journal of Virology

Medical Microbiology and Immunology

International Immunology

International Immunopharmacology


Journal of General Virology

Journal of Leukocyte Biology

Methods in Virology


The Journal of Infectuous Diseases

NIAID Special Emphasis Panel Review

Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa

Nacionalna zaklada za znanost, visoko školstvo i tehnologijski razvoj Republike Hrvatske

French Research Agency (FRA) - Microbiology, Immunology and Infection panel

Periodicum Biologorum

PloS Pathogens

Plos One

Administrativna djelatnost

Rukovođenje na sveučilištu

2013. -

pomoćnik rektora - predsjednik

Savjet za znanost Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2006. -

Voditelj Centra za proteomiku

Medicinski fakultet u Rijeci

1999. - 2003.


Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

1996. -

Predstojnik Zavoda/Katedre za histologiju i embriologiju

Medicinski fakultet Rijeka

Povjerenstva na sveučilištu

član povjerenstva

Povjerenstvo za izbor nastavnika, znanstvenika i suradnika


Znanstveni projekti

2019. - 31.12.2024.

New Cytomegaloviral vaccine vector concepts

partner, uz Helmholtz Center for Infection Research

Helmholtz European Partnering EUR 1.250.000,00

2019. - 2020.

Advanced Concepts in Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) EUR 3.117.100/EUR 255.900

01.09.2018. - 01.09.2019.

Augmenting and broadening T-cell responses to glioblastoma - therapeutic vaccine platform based on HCMV expressing NKG2D ligands (GLIOVACC)


European Commission - European Research Council, Horizon 2020 / ERC-Proof of Concept - ERC-2018-PoC EUR 149.968

01.10.2017. - 30.09.2022.

Jačanje kapaciteta CerVirVac-a za istraživanja u virusnoj imunologiji i vakcinologiji

koordinator, partneri: Centar za istraživanje i prijenos znanja u biotehnologiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Klinika za infektivne bolesti ''Dr. Fran Mihaljević'' Zagreb,

Europski fond za regionalni razvoj (EFRR) HRK 37.716.072,15 ( cca EUR 5.000.000,00)

01.05.2017. - 30.05.2022.

Inflammation and hearing loss following congenital CMV infection (resubmission)

partner, uz University of Alabama at Birmingham, SAD

National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 USD 3.659.495, MEDRI: USD 229.500

2016. -

The integrated anti-HCMV/anti-GBM vaccine


HAMAG-BICRO Proof of Concept Programme (PoC) 6 HRK 390.000 / HRK 350.000

2015. - 2019.

A training network for the rational design of the next generation of well-defined glycoconjugate vaccines (GLYCOVAX)

partner ( coordinator: NOVARTIS vaccines and diagnostics (11 partners, including Faculty of Medicine Rijeka, Stipan Jonjic)

HORIZON 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks 3.560.797,00 EUR/ 247.761,00 EUR

2014. - 2018.

Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za virusnu imunologiju i cjepiva (CERVirVac)


Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta 2.000,000,00

2013. - 2018.

Strengthening adaptive immunity via innate immunity: enhancing the CD8 T cellresponse by using the NKG2D ligand expressed in a herpesvirus vector (StAdvInn)


EU FP7 ERC EUR1.754.897

2013. - 2016.

Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation (PACINNO)


IPA Adriatic CBC Strategic project proposals EUR 636.500

2013. - 2015.

Becoming entrepreneurial: knowledge transfer from the University of Rijek Faculty of Medicine to the biotechnology business sector


EU Instrument for Preaccession Assistance – IPA EUR 440.000

2013. - 2015.

Methods for high-throughput glycoproteomic analysis (HTP-GlycoMet)


FP7 program Marie Curie Actions - Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways EUR1.818.077,90

2012. - 2013.

Novi snažni CMV-promotor za proizvodnju proteina i nekodirajućih molekula RNA


BICRO HRK 390.000/350.000

2011. - 2016.

Congenital CMV and CNS infection mechanisms of protective immunity


NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) SAD USD 500.000

2011. - 2016.

Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion (VISTRIE)


Helmholtz Association EUR 4.500.000

2010. - 2015.

MCMV Infection of the Developing CNS: Neuroinvasion and immune Control


National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA USD 350.000

2009. - 2013.

Viral evasion of NK cells


National Institutes of Health (NIH) SAD USD 270.249

2007. - 2011.

Molekularni mehanizmi citomegalovirusnog izmicanja imunološkom nadzoru


MZOŠ EUR 102.740

Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta

Potpore 2014/2016

Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu

Potpore 2016 - Mladi istraživači