PORTFELJ / Izv.prof.dr.sc Ante Skoblar dipl.ing.str.



Ante Skoblar


Tehnički fakultet

Zavod za tehničku mehaniku


T 051/651-498

UNIRI e-mail

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2006. - 2012.

Doktor tehničkih znanosti

izvandoktorski studij

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2001. - 2006.

Magistar tehničkih znanosti

Računarska mehanika

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

1992. - 1998.

Diplomirani inženjer strojarstva


Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

1988. - 1992.


prirodoslovno-matematička struka, matematičko-informatički smjer

Centar za kadrove u obrazovanju i kulturi Rijeka

Radno iskustvo

1.10.2022. -

izvanredni profesor

Znanstveno-nastavni i stručni rad

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

1.10.2017. - 1.10.2022.


Znanstveno-nastavni i stručni rad

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2008. - 01.10.2017.

viši asistent

Znanstveno-nastavni i stručni rad

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2001. - 2008.

znanstveni novak - asistent

Znanstveno-nastavni i stručni rad

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2000. - 2001.

mlađi projektant

projektiranje različitih brodskih sustava u tehničkom uredu za brodsku strojarnicu

Brodogradilište 3. Maj, Rijeka

1998. - 1999.

radnik, voditelj pogona

poslovi vezani uz tehnologiju proizvodnje raznih zvuko, toplinsko i vibroizolacijskih proizvoda, uglavnom vezanih uz brodogradnju.

Riječki akustički inženjering


2012. -

Hrvatsko akustičko društvo (HAD)

2008. -

Hrvatsko društvo za teoriju strojeva i mehanizama (CroFToMM)

2008. -

Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku (HDM)

Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Influence of the longitudinal displacement on nonlinear principal parametric resonance of the woodworking bandsaw

Žigulić, R., Fragassa, C., Skoblar, A.

Tehnički vjesnik - 24 253-263




Electromechanical Vibrations of the Vertical Lathe Machining Centre Caused by the Fault of the Working Table Rolling Bearing

Blažević, S., Braut, S., Skoblar, A., Žigulić, R.

FME Transaction - 45 374-381




Dynamic Response to Harmonic Transverse Excitation of Cantilever Euler-Bernoulli Beam Carrying a Point Mass

Skoblar, A., Žigulić, R., Braut, S., Blažević, S.

FME Transaction - 45 367-373




Numerical ill-conditioning in evaluation of the dynamic response of structures with mode superposition method

Skoblar, A., Žigulić, R., Braut, S.

Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science - 231 109–119




Transmisija zvuka kroz periodički oslonjen panel

Skoblar Ante, Žigulić Roberto, Braut Sanjin, Štimac Goranka

Zbornik radova petog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku/ Karšaj Igor; Jarak Tomislav (ur.)/ Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku - 165-170


Determination of sinulation parameters for spaceharmonic analysis of periodically stiffened panel

Skoblar Ante, Žigulić Roberto, Braut Sanjin, Štimac Goranka

30th DANUBIA ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics/ Alfirević, Ivo, Semenski, Danir (ur.) - 141-142


Analiza akustičkog odziva pravokutnog panela

Skoblar Ante

Doktorska disertacija, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka


Full-spectrum analysis of the rotor-stator rub malfunction

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 110 - 2300 38-43


The accuracy of rules for prediction of local vibrations in steel ships

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Štimac, Goranka;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 110 - 2298 32-37


Numerical Modelling of the Sound Radiation from a Vibrating Plate

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 109 - 2287 111-116


Analysis of the critical parameters for appearance of the backward whirl in rotor-stator systems

Braut, Sanjin; Zigulic, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 109 - 2286 105-110


Motion of a part of overhead transmission cable during the break

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 107 - 2239 35-40


The influence of some bearing parameters on the behaviour of the rotor in the dry friction bearings

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 107 - 2228 47-56


The influence of torsion on rotor/stator contact during run-up

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, 107 - 2229 57-66

Pozvana predavanja


Presentation of the current state of the research about acoustic response of a rectangular panel

dr. sc. Ante Skoblar

Institute for roduction Engineering and Laser Technology at the Vienna University of Technology

Kongresna priopćenja


Rotor-stator partial rub diagnosis using Hilbert Huang transform

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante


Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics Milano


Transmisija zvuka kroz periodički oslonjen panel( Sound transmission through periodically supported panel )

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Štimac, Goranka


Peti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Zagreb


Determination of simulation parameters for space- harmonic analysis of periodically stiffened panel

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Štimac, Goranka


30th DANUBIA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics Primošten, Hrvatska


A setup procedure for a flexible rotor/AMB system with non-collocation

Štimac, Goranka; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante


30th DANUBIA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics Primošten, Hrvatska


Efficient approach for encoder geometry compensation in time interval measurement of torsional vibration

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante


Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, IMechE London, UK


Modeling, design and control of a flexible rotor supported by active magnetic bearings

Štimac, Goranka; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante


Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, IMechE London, UK


Structural Optimization with Frequency Constraint of the Reinforced Concrete Columns of the Spring Mounted Turbine Generator Foundation

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;


Proceedings of the 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, IFToMM Guanajuato


Parametarska uzbuda diskretnog sustava s kubičnim nelinearnostima( Parametric disturbance of discrete system with cubic nonlinearities )

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Štimac, Goranka

Treći susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Osijek


Dizajn robusnog regulatora za sustav aktivnog magnetskog ležaja( Design of robust controller for active magnetic bearing system )

Štimac, Goranka; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante

Treći susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Osijek


Compensation for encoder geometry in time interval torsional vibration measurement, simulation and experiment

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Štimac, Goranka;

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Dubrovnik, Hrvatska


Contribution to compensation for encoder geometry in time interval torsional vibration measurement, simulation and experiment

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Goranka, Štimac; Skoblar, Ante;

Proceedings of the 8th IFToMM International Conference on Rotordynamics, IFRoMM Seoul, Korea


Environmentally usage of power - Possible Application of Active Magnetic Bearing

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante

Proceedings of the C&SEE International Solid Waste Management Symposium Vienna


Active Magnetic Bearing in Power Plants - an Application of Environmentally Friendly Technology

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante

Effects of Energy Use on Environment and Ecosystems Brasov


Improvement of Active Magnetic Bearing System Response Using Fuzzy Logic Control

Štimac, Goranka; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante;

Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Dubrovnik, Hrvatska


Special request of Croatia regarding zero emission power generation

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante

On the zero emission power generation Sliven


Eksperimentalna potvrda izračuna lokalnih vibracija na čeličnom brodu( Experimental verification of calculated local vibrations on steel ship )

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Maratović, Marin

Drugi susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Split


Eksperimentalna i numerička analiza radijacije zvuka oko vibrirajuće ploče( Experimental and numerical analysis of the sound radiation around vibrating plate )

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Štimac, Goranka

Prvi susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Rijeka


Detekcija natražne precesije rotora primjenom potpunog frekvencijskog spektra( Detection of rotor backward precession by applying full-frequency spectrum )

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Štimac, Goranka

Prvi susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Rijeka


The analysis of human exposure to whole-body vibration in the steering cabine of the bulk cargo ship unloader

Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto

Proceedings of the 6th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija


Experimental and numerical analysis of the sound radiation from a vibrating plate

Skoblar, Ante; Štimac, Goranka; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto;

Proceedings of the 6th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija


Dynamic Analysis of the Rotor-Stator Contact due to Blade Loss

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Štimac, Goranka; Butković, Mirko; Jokić, Marko;

Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science Besancon


Calculation of the unsynchronuous response of the Jeffcott rotor

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante;

Proceedings of the eleventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications Timisoara


Modal testing of rotordynamic test rig for rotor- stator rub investigation

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko

22nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics Parma


Estimation of the Skateboarding noise in Future Skatepark

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Butković, Mirko;

Proceedings of the 4th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics Bologna


Comparison of a Different Implicit Time-integration Methods for the Numerical Solving of Contact Problem of the Rotor in Two Dry Friction Bearings

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

The 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Proceedings Tianjin, China


Experimental and numerical estimation of vibration and noise of plane rectangular plate

Skoblar, Ante; Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Butković, Mirko;

21th DANUBIA-ADRIA Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid MEchanics Brijuni / Pula


Experimental and numerical analysis of rectangular plate vibrations

Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Braut, Sanjin; Butković, Mirko;

Proceedings of the 3th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics Porretta Terme, Italy


Experimental and numerical estimation of annular seal influence on pump vibrations

Braut, Sanjin; Zigulic, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Butkovic, Mirko;

Proceedings of the 20th DANUBIA-ADRIA Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics Gyor, Hungary


Adaptive time-step implicit methods for solving contact problems in rotordynamics

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Bizovac


Complicated behaviour of the rotor/stator contact in rotating machinery

Žigulić, Roberto; Braut, Sanjin; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

7th conference on Dynamical systems - theory and applications, Proceedings Lodz


Experimental and numerical estimation of disk position influence on rotor natural frequencies

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante; Butković, Mirko;

Proceedings of the 19th DANUBIA-ADRIA Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics Polanica Zdroj

Light rotor-stator partial rub characterization using Instantaneous Angular Speed measurement

Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Štimac, Goranka; Skoblar, Ante

Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery - VETOMAC X 2014 Manchester, UK

Robust control and loop shaping design with the application to flexible rotor levitated with AMBs

Štimac, Goranka; Braut, Sanjin; Žigulić, Roberto; Skoblar, Ante


Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu

Potpore 2014/2016