PORTFELJ / dr. sc. Josip Brnić umirovljeni profesor


dr. sc.

Josip Brnić

umirovljeni profesor

Tehnički fakultet


UNIRI e-mail

e-mail 1




1988. -

Doktor tehničkih znanosti

Doktorat / Tehničke znanosti / Strojarstvo


1983. -

Magistar tehničkih znanosti

Magisterij / Tehničke znanosti / Strojarstvo


1976. -

Diplomirani inženjer strojarstva

Sveučilišni studij strojarstva, Brodostrojarski smjer


Radno iskustvo


Visiting Professor

predavanja-doktorski studij

Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Kina

2018. -

Professor Emeritus

doktorski studij i znanstveni rad

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Tehnički fakultet


Guest Professor

predavanja-doktorski studij

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Kina


Consulting Professor

predavanja-doktorski studij

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina


Honorary Professor

predavanja-doktorski studij

Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Kina


Član Nacionlnog vijeća za znanost RH, 2 mandata

rad u NV na području razvoja znanosti u RH

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja RH (MZO RH)


Predsjednik Područnog znanstvenog vijeća za tehničke znanosti RH, 3 mandata

vođenje Područnog znanstvenog vijeća za tehničke znanosti RH

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja RH

2002.- 2016.

Predstojnik Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci

vođenje Zavoda za tehničku mahaniku

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

predavanja i znanstveni rad

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci

01.02.1999. -

Rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci

vođenje Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Sveučilište u Rijeci

1998.- 1999.

Prorektor za znanstveni rad i međunarodnu suradnju

vođenje sustava znanosti i međunarodne suradnje na Sveučilištu u Rijeci

Sveučilište u Rijeci


Redoviti profesor na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

predavanja i znanstveni rad

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci

1994.-96.; 1996-98.

Dekan Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci (dva mandata: 1994-96, 1996-98.)

vođenje Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Izvanredni profesor na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

predavanja i znanstveni rad

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Prodekan za nastavu Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci

vođenje sustava za nastavu na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Voditelj sveučilišnog studija strojarstva na TFR

voditeljstvo studija

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Stalni radni odnos na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

predavanja i znanstveni rad

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Docent na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

predavanja i znanstveni rad

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Asistent za mehaniku na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci, Zavod za tehničku mehaniku


Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci

1976.- 1990.

Projektant strukture u RO "Brodoprojekt" Rijeka, paralelan rad na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci

projektiranje, proračuni i analize strukture-posebice podvodnih objekata

"Brodoprojekt" Rijeka

Nagrade i priznanja


Državna nagrada za znanost - Nagrada za životno djelo (tehničko područje)


Zahvalnica za ostvarena postignuća u 2017 godini koja su pridonijela promicanju, napretku i ugledu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rektorica prof. dr. sc. Snježana Prijić Samaržija


Visiting Professor at Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang,China


Guest Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China


Spomen plaketa, kao znak priznanja i zahvalnosti zbog doprinosa utkanog u razvitak i djelovanje Sveučilišta u Rijeci, od njegova utemeljenja do danas. (Rektor, prof. dr. sc. Pero Lučin)


Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za životno djelo (2012.) za 2010. / 2011.


Consulting Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China


Nagrada Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za najviša znanstvena postignuća u RH za 2010.g. za područje Tehničkih znanosti.


Honorary Professor at Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China


Second Prize - Zwick / Roell Science Award, Ulm, Germany.


Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za područje Tehničkih znanosti, za 2004. god.


Jubilarna plaketa za 1999. godinu - priznanje za osobiti doprinos radu i razvitku Hrvatske udruge proizvodnog strojarstva, a na dobrobit znanstvenog i gospodarskog razvitka Republike Hrvatske.


Zahvalnica za osobni doprinos u modernizaciji Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu.


Special Award of ÖIAV (Österreichischer Ingenieur und Architekten Verein) and DAAAM International for Significant Contribution in the Field of Engineering, Excellence in Science, and International Academic and Scientific Cooperation in Middle European Region Within the Framework of the Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing and Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects ( Vienna & Cluj-Napoca, October 22, 1998).


Državna godišnja nagrada za znanost za značajno znanstveno dostignuće u području tehničkih znanosti za 1997. godinu.


Certificate, Awarded to Prof. Josip Brnić, D.Sc., DAAAM International, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996.


Dobitnik odlikovanja predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana: Red Danice hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića, za poseban doprinos znanosti, 1995.


Dobitnik Nagrade grada Rijeke 1994. g. za stvaralački rad i stvaralaštvo za period 1992.-1993. god.



Visiting Professor at Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Kina


Guest Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Kina


Član Znanstvenog vijeća Hrvatske akademije tehničkih znanosti

2015. -

Član Panela (Brodogradnja, Strojarstvo, Tehnologija prometa i transport, itd) Hrvatske zaklade za znanost za vrednovanje istraživačkih projekata

2015. -

Član Vijeća časti Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2014. -

Član Stručnog povjerenstva Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost i tehnologiju RH, za izradu Nacrta prijedloga Pravilnika o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja, 06.2014.

2013. -

Član (Member) - International Academy of Engineering , Moscow

2013. -

Executive Member of International Federation of Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing

2012. -

Consulting Professor na Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina, 06. 2012.

2011. -

Honorary Professor na Henan Plytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Kina, 09. 2011.

2010. -

Član Savjeta za znanost Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2010-

2010. -

Redoviti član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske

2008. -

Član Povjerenstva Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost RH i Nacionalne zaklade za znanost RH za znanstvene projekte

2005. -

Član je Sekcije za morsku tehnologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti

2005. -

Redoviti član Znanstvenog vijeća za promet Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti

2004. - 2017.

Predsjednik Područnog vijeća za tehničke znanosti Republike Hrvatske, od 2004. (4 godine), od 2009. (4 god.), od 2013. (4 god)

2004. - 2013.

Član Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost Republike Hrvatske, od 12. 2004. ( 4 god. ), od 2009. (4 god.)

2002. -

Predstojnik Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku

2001. -

Član je Slovačke državne komisije za završne državne ispite

2000. - 2004.

Predsjednik Povjerenstva za međunarodne odnose, Tehnički fakultet

1999. - 2000.

Rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci - član Senata Sveučilišta

1998. -

Član Fakultetskog vijeća Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci

1998. -

Representative of the University of Rijeka in the Interuniversity Network for Doctoral Studies, Vienna (Founded in Cluj - Napoca, October 22, 1998).

1998. -

Prorektor za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Rijeci - član Senata Sveučilišta

1997. -

Član Povjerenstva za opremu Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa RH

1997. -

Member of the Examination Board of the Final State Examinations of the Graduates in Machine Technology, Slovenska Technicka Univerza v Bratislave, Materialovo-technologicka faculta v Trnave, od 1997.

1997. -

Član Hrvatskog ogranka CEACM (Central European Association for Computational Mechanics), 1997.

1997. -

Član Vijeća međunarodnih središta hrvatskih sveučilišta

1997. -

Član suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 2008. trajno zvanje

1996. - 2000.

Član Matičnog povjerenstva za izbore u znanstveno-nastavna i nastavna zvanja za područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstva, brodogradnje, tehnologije prometa, transporta, zrakoplovstva i svemirske tehnike, od 1996. (mandat 2 god.)

1996. - 2000.

Član Stručnog povjerenstva za područje tehničkih znanosti Odbora za podjelu državnih nagrada za znanost Sabora Republike Hrvatske, 1996. (mandat 4 godine)

1996. -

Član Županijskog odbora za visoko školstvo od srpnja

1995. -

Član Znanstvenog savjeta za pomorstvo Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, od 1995.

1994. -

Član u više od 70 međunarodnih znanstvenih, organizacijskih, recenzentskih, počasnih i drugih komiteta međunarodnih konferencija.

1994. -

Član Senata Sveučilišta u Rijeci (za vrijeme obnašanja dužnosti dekana Tehničkog fakulteta 1994-1998 , te za vrijeme obnašanja dužnosti prorektora i rektora Sveučilišta u Rijeci

1994. -

Dekan Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci (dva mandata: 1994 - 1996; 1996-1998 )

1993. -

Prodekan za nastavu Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci - član fakultetskog vijeća

1993. -

Član Hrvatskog registra brodova, odjel: Trup i oprema

1991. - 1994.

Dopredsjednik Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, dalje član

1991. -

Predsjednik Podružnice Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku - Rijeka

Nastavna djelatnost


2007. -

Optimizacija konstrukcija (zadnje: Optimalni dizajn konstrukcija)

Sveučilišni diplomski studij ((usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogranja; kasnije moduli: računarska mehanika, mehanika fluida, materijali, konstrukcije, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


2007. -

MKE čvrstih tijela

Sveučilišni diplomski studij (usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogranja; kasnije moduli: računarska mehanika, mehanika fluida, materijali, konstrukcije, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. - 2018.

Čvrstoća konstrukcija II (ranije Nauka o čvrstoći II)

Sveučilišni diplomski studij (usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. - 2006.

Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija

Stručni studij (usmjerenje: elektrotehnika)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. - 2006.


Stručni studij (usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. - 2006.


Sveučilišni diplomski studij (strojarstvo)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. - 2006.

Viskoelastičnost i viskoplastičnost

Doktorski studij (moduli: računarska mehanika, konstrukcije, materijali, industrijski menadžment)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. -

Elastomehanika i plastomehanika

Doktorski studij (moduli: raunarska mehanika, brodostrojarstvo, materijali, konstrukcije, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. -

MKE i optimizacija konstrukcija

Doktorski studij (moduli: računarska mehanika, brodostrojarstvo, brodogradnja, materijli, konstrukcije, industrijski menadžment)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. -

Čvrstoća konstrukcija I (ranije Nauka o čvrstoći I)

Sveučilišni preddiplomski studij (usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


1990. -


Sveučilišni preddiplomski studij (usmjerenje: strojarstvo, brodogradnja)

Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci


Znanstvena djelatnost

Znanstveni radovi


Testing and Analysis of Uniaxial Mechanical Fatigue, Charpy Impact Fracture Energy and Microhardness of Two Low-Carbon Steels

Brnic, Josip; Balos, Sebastian; Brcic, Marino; Dramicanin, Miroslav; Krscanski, Sanjin; Milutinovic, Mladomir; Ding, Biao; Gao, Zeng;

Materials - 16 884



Saturation effect of creep-fatigue cyclic-life for Nickel-based superalloy DZ445 under long-term tensile dwell periods at 900° C

Zhang, Shunran; Ren, Weili; Ding, Biao; Zhong, Yunbo; Yuan, Xiaotan; Zheng, Tianxiang; Shen, Zhe; Guo, Yifeng; Li, Qiang; Liu, Chunmei;

Journal of Materials Research and Technology - 19 3216-3230



Revealing the influential mechanism of strain ranges on cyclic-life saturation during creep-fatigue in Nickel-based superalloy DZ445

Ding, Biao; Ren, Weili; Zhong, Yunbo; Yuan, Xiaotan; Zheng, Tianxiang; Shen, Zhe; Guo, Yifeng; Li, Qiang; Peng, Jianchao; Brnic, Josip;

International Journal of Plasticity - 155 103320



Comparison of the creep-fatigue cyclic life saturation effect for three different superalloys

Ding, Biao; Ren, Weili; Zhong, Yunbo; Yuan, Xiaotan; Zheng, Tianxiang; Shen, Zhe; Guo, Yifeng; Li, Qiang; Liu, Chunmei; Peng, Jianchao;

Materials Science and Engineering: A - 842 143086



Accuracy of the predicting for creep-fatigue cyclic life based on parameters in a characteristic cycle

Ding, Biao; Ren, Weili; Zhong, Yunbo; Yuan, Xiaotan; Peng, Jianchao; Zheng, Tianxiang; Shen, Zhe; Guo, Yifeng; Xuan, Weidong; Yu, Jianbo; Brnic, Josip; Liaw, Peter K

Engineering Fracture Mechanics - 255



Sintering Bonding of SiC Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites by Using Cu Nanoparticles and Liquid Ga in Air

Gao, Zeng; Yin, Congxin; Cheng, Dongfeng; Feng, Jianguang; He, Peng; Niu, Jitai; Brnic, Josip;

Nanomaterials - 11



S235JRC+ C Steel Response Analysis Subjected to Uniaxial Stress Tests in the Area of High Temperatures and Material Fatigue

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Balos, Sebastian; Vukelic, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Milutinovic, Mladomir; Dramicanin, Miroslav;

Sustainability - 13



Analysis of the fully-reversed creep-fatigue behavior with tensile-dwell periods of superalloy DZ445 at 900° C

Ding, Biao; Ren, Weili; Zhong, Yunbo; Yuan, Xiaotan; Peng, Jianchao; Zheng, Tianxiang; Shen, Zhe; Guo, Yifeng; Xuan, Weidong; Yu, Jianbo; Brnic, Josip; Liaw, Peter K

Engineering Fracture Mechanics - 250



Long-term marine environment exposure effect on Butt-welded shipbuilding steel

Vukelic, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Sedmak, Florian;

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - 9



Comparison of responses of different types of steel alloys under the same loading and environmental conditions

Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino;

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications




Rotating Bending Fatigue Analysis of Printed Specimens from Assorted Polymer Materials

Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Brnić, Josip;

Polymers - 13



Hydrolysis-Based Hydrogen Generation Investigation of Aluminum System Adding Low-Melting Metals

Gao, Zeng; Ji, Fei; Cheng, Dongfeng; Yin, Congxin; Niu, Jitai; Brnic, Josip;

Energies - 14



Deformation Behavior of C15E+ C Steel under Different Uniaxial Stress Tests

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Niu, Jitai; Chen, Sijie; Gao, Zeng;

Metals - 10



Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic Specimens under Constant Amplitude Loading Using Virtual Crack Closure and Forman Model

Krscanski, Sanjin; Brnic, Josip;

Metals - 10



Joining of Silicon Particle-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites to Kovar Alloys Using Active Melt-Spun Ribbons in Vacuum Conditions

Gao, Zeng; Ba, Xianli; Yang, Huanyu; Yin, Congxin; Liu, Shanguang; Niu, Jitai; Brnic, Josip;

Materials - 13



Q4-Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Stainless Steels Subjected to Uniaxial Stress Tests

Brnic, J; Krscanski, S; Brcic, M;

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 840



Q1/CC Flux-Free Diffusion Joining of SiCp/6063 Al Matrix Composites Using Liquid Gallium with Nano-Copper Particles in Atmosphere Environment

Gao, Zeng; Yang, Huanyu; Feng, Jianguang; Ji, Fei; Niu, Jitai; Brnic, Josip;

Nanomaterials - 10 437



Experimental determination of material mechanical properties and modeling of material behaviour in special environmental conditions

Brnić, Josip; Vukelić, Goran;

6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7)


Q2, Analysis of Materials of Similar Mechanical Behavior and Similar Industrial Assignment

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Canadija, Marko; Niu, Jitai;

Procedia Manufacturing - 37 207-213



Q2, Equivalent beam model of SWNT and DWNT with imperfections

Brčić, Marino; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko;

Procedia Manufacturing - 37 417-424



Q1/CC Reliable experimental data as a key factor for design of mechanical structures

Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Geng, Lin; Niu, Jitai; Ding, Biao;

Structural Engineering and Mechanics - 72 105-116



Q4-SCOPUS, Equivalent beam model of single walled carbon nanotube with imperfections

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip;

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 625 012004



Q4-SCOPUS, Analysis of the mechanical response of materials used in design for highly stressed components

Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino;

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 625 012003



Uniaxial fatigue, creep and stress-strain responses of steel 30CrNiMo8

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Chen, Sijie;

Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal - 31 409-417



Q3/CC Thermodynamically Consistent Homogenization in Finite Strain Thermoplasticity

Canadija, Marko; Munjas, Neven; Brnic, Josip;

International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering - 17



Influence of imperfections on double walled carbon nanotube mechanical properties

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip;

Materials Today: Proceedings - 5 17397-17403


Q4-Imperfections in carbon nanotubes structure and their impact on the basic mechanical properties

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip;

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 378 012006



Steel 51CrV4 under high temperatures, short-time creep and high cycle fatigue

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Niu, Jitai; Wang, Peng;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 147 468-476



Q1/CC A shear-deformable beam model for stability analysis of orthotropic composite semi-rigid frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Banić, Damjan; Brnić, Josip; Vo, Thuc P;

Composite Structures - 189 648-660



Elements Diffusion in Brazing Seam of High Volume Fraction SiCp/6063Al Matrix Composites

Cheng, Dongfeng; Niu, Jitai; Gao, Zeng; Brnic, Josip;

Frontiers in Materials Processing, Applications, Research and Technology - 85-92


10.34: Creep properties of grade S275JR steel at high temperature

Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir;

ce/papers - 1 2806-2810


High-temperature properties of aluminum alloy EN6082AW T6

Torić, Neno; Boko, Ivica; Uzelac, Ivana; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir; Galić, Mirela; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj;

Applications of Fire Engineering, CRC Press - 41-46


Q1/CC Development of a high temperature material model for grade s275jr steel

Torić, Neno; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Brčić, Marino; Burgess, Ian W; Glavinić, Ivana Uzelac;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 137 161-168



Q4/CC Marine Shaft Steels (AISI 4140 and AISI 5120) Predicted Fracture Toughness by FE Simulation

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Materials Science-Medziagotyra



A multiscale approach to thermoplastic deformation

Čanađija, Marko; Munjas, Neven; Brnić, Josip;

PAMM - 16 435-436


Short-time creep, fatigue and mechanical properties of 42CrMo4-low alloy structural steel

Brnic, Josip; Canadija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino; Gao, Zeng;

Steel Compos. Struct - 22 875-888



Q4/SCIEx Finite Element Stress Analysis of Elastic Beams under Non-Uniform Torsion

Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip;

Transactions of FAMENA - 40 71-82



Q1/CC Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Vo, Thuc P; Brnić, Josip;

Composite Structures - 152 829-839



Q4/CC Numerically predicted J-integral as a measure of crack driving force for steels 1.7147 and 1.4762

Vukelic, Goran; Brnic, Josip;

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics



Q4/CC Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steels (AISI 303 and AISI 316Ti) Regarding Crack Driving Forces and Creep Responses

Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications - 230 699-704



Q1/CC Predicted Fracture Behavior of Shaft Steels with Improved Corrosion Resistance

Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.

Metals - 6 40-1-40-9



Q1/CC Mechanical Properties, Short Time Creep and Fatigue of an Austenitic Steel,

Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.,  Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S.,; Brčić, M., Li, Q., Niu, J.,

Materials - 9 298-1-298-19



Q2/CC Structure and properties of welded joint of high-strength wear-resistant steel NM360

Gao, Zeng; Chen, ZR; Wu, YH; Niu, Jitai; Brnić, Josip;

Materials Science and Technology - 32 299-302



Q1/CC A beam formulation for large displacement analysis of composite frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;

Composite Structures - 134 237-246

Q1 WOS Exc


Deformation behaviour and material properties of austenitic heat-resistant steel X15CrNiSi25-20 subjected to high temperatures and creep

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Lanc, Domagoj;

Materials & Design - 69 219-229

Q1 WOS Exc


Q4; Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Creep of 20MnCr5 Steel and X10CrAlSi25 Steel

Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino;

ZnDjZnanstveniRadovi - 100 84-89



Q4, Influence of Waviness and Vacancy Defects on Carbon Nanotubes Properties

Brcic, Marino; Canadija, Marko; Brnic, Josip;

ZnDjZnanstveniRadovi - 100 213-219



Study of the effects of high temperatures on the engineering properties of steel 42CrMo4

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brcic, Marino;

High Temperature Materials and Processes - 34 27-34



Q1 / CC: Prediction of Fracture Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steel Based on Numerical Crack Driving Force Assessment, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001071 , 04014132-1 -04014132-5, 2015

Vukelic G., Brnic J.:

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering - 27 04014132-1 - 04014132-5



Q2/CC Mechanical Testing of the Behavior of Steel 1.7147 at Different Temperatures

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko;

Steel and Composite Structures - 17 549-560



Q1 / CC: Information relevant for the design of structure - ferritic-heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25, Materials and Design, 63 (2014),

Brnic J., Turkalj G., Krscanski S., Lanc D., Canadija M., Brcic M.:

Materials & Design - 63 508-518.

Q1 WOS Exc


Q3 / SCI: Significance of Experimental data in the design of structure made from 1.4057 steel, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Mater Sci Ed, 29 (2014), 1, 131-136.

Brnic J.,Turkalj G., Niu J., Canadija M., Lanc D

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Mater Sci Ed - 29 131-136



Q1 / CC: Čanađija M., Guo X., Lanc D., Yang W., Brnić´ J.: Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6Ce–0.6Zr at different temperatures, Materials and Design, 59 (2014)

Čanađija M., Guo X., Lanc D., Yang W., Brnić´ J

Materials & Design - 59 287-295

Q1 WOS Exc


Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Canadija, Marko; Brcic, Marino; Vukelic, Goran;

Journal of Constructional Steel Research - 95 81-89



Q1 / CC: Experimental determination and prediction of the mechanical properties of steel 1.7225, Materials Science and Engineering A, 600 (2014), 47–52.

Brnic J., Turkalj G., Canadija M., Niu J.:

Materials Science and Engineering A - 600 47-52

Q1 WOS Exc


Q1 / CC/ Estimation of material properties of nanocomposite structures; Meccanica (0025-6455) 48 (2013), 9; 2209-2220

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Meccanica (0025-6455) 48 (2013), 9; 2209-2220 - 48 2209-2220

Q1 WOS Exc


Q1 / SCI/ Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties; Construction and building materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Munjas, Neven

Construction and Building Materials (0950-0618) 44 (2013); 293-301 - 44 293-301

Q1 WOS Exc


Q1 / CC/ Analysis of Experimental Data on the Behavior of Steel S275JR - Reliability of Modern Design; Materials & design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials and Design (0261-3069) 47 (2013); 497-504 - 47 497-504

Q1 WOS Exc


Q3 / CC/ Experimental Research and Analysis of Non-alloy Structural Steel Response Exposed to High Temperature Conditions; High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 32 (2013), 2; 163-169

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin

High Temperature Materials and Processes (0334-6455) 32 (2013), 2; 163-169 - 32 163-169



Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels; Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Materials Science Forum (1662-9752) 762 (2013); 47-54 - 762 47-54


Q3 / Bending behaviour of single-layered graphene nanosheets with vacancy defects; Engineering Review (1330-9587) 33 (2013), 1; 9-14

Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Brnić, Josip

Engineering Review (1330-9587) 33 (2013), 1; 9-14 - 33 9-14



Multiscale Modeling of Nanocomposite Structures with Defects; Key Engineering Materials (1662-9795) 577-578 (2013); 141-144

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Key Engineering Materials (1662-9795) 577-578 (2013); 141-144


Q2 / SCI/ A Finite element model for thermal dilatation of carbon nanotubes; Reviews on advanced materials science (1606-5131) 33 (2013), 1; 1-6

Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Brnić, Josip

Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (1606-5131) 33 (2013), 1; 1-6 - 33 1-6



Q2 / CC/ Vacuum brazing of aluminium metal matrix composite (55 vol.% SiCp/A356) using aluminium-based filler alloy; Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials (0921-5107) 177 (2012), 19; 1707-1711

Niu, Jitai; Luo, Xiangwei; Tian, Hao; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials (0921-5107) 177 (2012), 19; 1707-1711 - 177 1707-1711



Q1/ CC/ Pressure Vessel Steels Crack Driving Force Assessment Using Different Models; Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 72 (2012); 29-34

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Journal of Constructional Steel Research (0143-974X) 72 (2012); 29-34 - 72 29-34

Q1 WOS Exc


Q3 / CC/ Crack driving force prediction based on finite element analysis using standard models; Structural engineering and mechanics (1225-4568) 44 (2012), 5; 601-609

Brnić, Josip; Vukelić, Goran; Turkalj, Goran

Structural Eengineering and Mechanics (1225-4568) 44 (2012), 5; 601-609 - 44 601-609



Q3 / CC/ Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions; Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Journal of Testing and Evaluation (0090-3973) 40 (2012), 2; 319-328 - 40 319-328



Updated lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kravanja, Stojan;

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics - 12 1250013-1-1250013-23



Q3 / CC/ Analysis of the Dependence of Material Properties on Temperature – Steel 1.4122; High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 31 (2012), 3; 259-266

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

High Temperature Materials and Processes (0334-6455) 31 (2012), 3; 259-266 - 31 259-266



Q1 / CC/ AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties Versus Temperature; Journal of constructional steel research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Constructional Steel Research (0143-974X) 67 (2011), 12; 1948-1952 - 67 1948-1952



Q4 / J-Integral As Possible Criterion In Material Fracture Toughness Assessment; Engineering review : znanstveni časopis za nove tehnologije u strojarstvu, brodogradnji i elektrotehnici (1330-9587) 31 (2011), 2; 91-96

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Engineering Review : znanstveni časopis za nove tehnologije u strojarstvu, brodogradnji i elektrotehnici (1330-9587) 31 (2011), 2; 91-96 - 31 91-96



Q2 / SCI/ Numerical Assessment of Crack Driving force for Two Types of Steel; Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 35 (2011), 4; 15-20

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Brčić, Marino

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 35 (2011), 4; 15-20 - 35 15-20



Q1 / CC/ Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness; Mechanics of time-dependent materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (1385-2000) 15 (2011), 4; 341-352 - 15 341-352



Loading and responses of austenitic stainless steels at elevated temperatures

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Canadija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj;

High temperature materials and processes - 30 579-586



Q3 / CC/ Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4; High temperature materials and processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

High Temperature Materials and Processes (0334-6455) 30 (2011), 1/2; 121-125 - 30 121-125



Q1 / CC/ A beam model for large displacement analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled beam-type structures; Thin-walled structures (0263-8231) 49 (2011), 8; 1007-1016

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Kravanja, Stojan

Thin-Walled Structures (0263-8231) 49 (2011), 8; 1007-1016 - 49 1007-1016

Q1 WOS Exc


Q2 / SCI / Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures; International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (1674-4799) 17 (2010), 1; 39-45 - 17 39-45



Q2 / CC/ 50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation; Journal of engineering materials and technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (0094-4289) 132 (2010), 2; 021004-1-021004-6 - 132 021004-1-021004-6



SCI/ Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions; Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. (1000-2413) 25 (2010), 6; 897-902 - 25 897-902



Q1 / CC/ A dissipation model for cyclic non-associative thermoplasticity at finite strains; Mechanics research communications (0093-6413) 37 (2010), 6; 510-514

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Mechanics Research Communications (0093-6413) 37 (2010), 6; 510-514 - 37 510-514



Q1 / CC/ Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response, and Fracture Toughness Calculation; Journal of engineering mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Engineering Mechanics (0733-9399) 136 (2010), 9; 1083-1089 - 136 1083-1089

Q1 WOS Exc


Q2 / CC/ Shear stress analysis in engineering beams using deplanation field of special 2-D finite elements; Meccanica (0025-6455) 45 (2010), 2; 227-235

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Meccanica (0025-6455) 45 (2010), 2; 227-235 - 45 227-235



Q3 / CC/ Behavior of S355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep; Bulletin of materials science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletin of Materials Science (0250-4707) 33 (2010), 4; 475-481 - 33 475-481



Q1 / SCI/ Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures; Materials and manufacturing processes (1042-6914) 24 (2009), 7&8; 758-762

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pepelnjak, Tomaž, Barišić, Branimir; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Materials and Manufacturing Processes (1042-6914) 24 (2009), 7&8; 758-762 - 24 758-762



Q1/ CC/ Creep behavior of high strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures; Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 23-27 - 499 23-27

Q1 WOS Exc


FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes; Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Estonian Journal of Engineering (1736-6038) 15 (2009), 2; 77-86


SCI/ Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels; Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 33 (2009), 1; 23-30


Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections

Turkalj, G; Brnic, J; Vizentin, G; Lanc, D;

Materials Science and Engineering: A - 499 74-77

Q1 WOS Exc


Q2/ CC/ Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures; Journal of materials science and technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180

Brnić, Josip; Niu, Jitai; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Journal of Materials Sience and Technology (1005-0302) 25 (2009), 2; 175-180 - 25 175-180



Q1 / CC/ Large Displacement Analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior; Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science & Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 142-146 - 499 142-146

Q1 WOS Exc


Q2 / CC/ Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes; International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 9 (2009), 1; 61-83 - 9 61-83



Q1 / CC/ Nonlinear kinematic hardening in coupled thermoplasticity; Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 275-278

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing (0921-5093) 499 (2009), 1-2 Special Issue; 275-278 - 499 275-278

Q1 WOS Exc


Q3 / CC/ Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel; Journal of testing and evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Journal of Testing and Evaluation (0090-3973) 37 (2009), 4; 358-363 - 37 358-363



Q2 / CC/ Finite-element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures; Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1069-8299) 24 (2008), 11; 989-1008 - 24 989-1008



A Mixed Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Model for Thermoplasticity; Advanced engineering (1846-5900) 2 (2008), 1; 5-18

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Advanced Engineering (1846-5900) 2 (2008), 1; 5-18


Structural model of a carbon nanotube; Scientific Bulletins of Rzeszow University of Technology (0209-2689) 253 (2008), 73; 35-42

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Scientific Bulletins of Rzeszow University of Technology (0209-2689) 253 (2008), 73; 35-42


Q2 / SCI/ Two-dimensional numerical modeling of high pressure pipelines with axial flows; Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 1; 1-7

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Pešić, Igor

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 1; 1-7 - 32 1-7



SCI/ Response of AISI 304 steel subjected to uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures; Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Transactions of FAMENA (1333-1124) 32 (2008), 2; 3-10


Modelling of connections in FE stability analysis of framed structures; Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2284; 91-96


Finite element buckling analysis of frames with flexible connections; Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75

Turkalj, Goran; Vizentin, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 72-75


Application of a contact model in thermoplastic problems; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) CIX (2007), 2282; 076-082

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Brčić, Marino

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) CIX (2007), 2282; 076-082


Shear flexible beam finite element analysis using Eulerian approach, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 109 (2007), 2285; 97-104


Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concept; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2234; 1-6


A Note on Exact and Approximative Tangent Matrices in Finite Strain Thermoplasticity; Bulletins for applied mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2172; 7-14

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for applied mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2172; 7-14


Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2005), 2236; 15-20


Finite element model for initial stability analysis of semi-rigid frames; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2226; 31-38

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2226; 31-38


An algorithm in computer stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2227; 39-46


Modelling of cyclic processes in thermoplasticity; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2223; 1-10

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2223; 1-10


Linear stability analysis of shear flexible thin-walled beams; Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering (1406-0175) 10 (2004), 4; 281-289


Finite element analysis of curved beam stability problems, Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2225; 23-30

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čehić, Zlatan

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 107 (2004), 2225; 23-30


Coupled thermoplasticity with temperature dependent properties; Journal of mechanical behaviour of materials (0334-8938) 15 (2004); 419-426

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Journal of mechanical behaviour of materials (0334-8938) 15 (2004); 419-426


Q1 / CC/ ESA formulation for large displacement analysis of framed structures with elastic-plasticity; Computers & Structures (0045-7949) 83 (2004), 23-26; 2001-2013

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Computers & Structures (0045-7949) 83 (2004), 23-26; 2001-2013 - 83 2001-2013

Q1 WOS Exc


Q4 / CC/ Analiza elastičnog izvijanja tankostijenih grednih struktura s obzirom na velike rotacije( Large rotations elastic buckling analysis of thin-walled beam structures ); Strojarstvo (0562-1887) 42 (2000), 5, 6; 217-230

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Strojarstvo (0562-1887) 42 (2000), 5, 6; 217-230 - 42 217-230



Q2 / CC/ Non-linear stability analysis of thin-walled frames using UL-ESA formulation; International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 4 (2004), 1; 45-67

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (0219-4554) 4 (2004), 1; 45-67 - 4 45-67



Q1 / CC/ Associative coupled thermoplasticity at finite strain with temperature-dependent material parameters; International journal of plasticity (0749-6419) 20 (2004); 1851-1874

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

International Journal of Plasticity (0749-6419) 20 (2004); 1851-1874 - 20 1851-1874

Q1 WOS Exc


Q1 / CC/ Large rotation analysis of elastic thin-walled beam-type structures using ESA approach; Computers & Structures (0045-7949) 81 (2003), 18-19; 1851-1864

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Computers & Structures (0045-7949) 81 (2003), 18-19; 1851-1864 - 81 1851-1864



A general framework of a unique optimum, Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 103 (2003), 2075; 7-16

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Roščić, Sandra

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 103 (2003), 2075; 7-16


Structural optimization based on viscoplastic constraints; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics. B (0133-3526) 104 (2003), 2076; 451-460

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics. B (0133-3526) 104 (2003), 2076; 451-460


Numerical simulation of necking process; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 103 (2003), 2076; 17-24

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 103 (2003), 2076; 17-24


Application of finite element structural optimization in naval architecture; Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara. Seria matematică-fizică (1224-6069) (2003); 353-365

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara. Seria matematică-fizică (1224-6069) (2003); 353-365


Q1 / CC/ New Finite Elements in Shear Stress Analysis of Saint Venant's Torsional Loaded Beam structures; Journal of Materials Science and Technology (1005-0302) 19 (2003), S1; 151-153

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Journal of Materials Science and Technology (1005-0302) 19 (2003), S1; 151-153 - 19 151-153



Numerical modeling of free vibration response of open thin walled structures, Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics. C (0133-3526) 2002 (2002), 2033; 489-496

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Roščić, Sandra

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics. C (0133-3526) 2002 (2002), 2033; 489-496


Finite element modeling of creep material behavior; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488

Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 100 (2002); 481-488


Q2 / CC/ Optimal design procedure based on viscoplastic material behavior; Acta Metallurgica Sinica (1006-7191) 13 (2000), 2; 587-592

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (1006-7191) 13 (2000), 2; 587-592 - 13 587-592



Additive and multiplicative strain decomposition in large strain elastoplastic response; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 89 (1999); 7-14

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 89 (1999); 7-14


Thin-walled beam element for analysis of large displacement problems; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 89 (1999), 1634; 15-24

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 89 (1999), 1634; 15-24


Finite element formulation of flattening process as a plane-strain problem; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 85 (1998), 1471; 249-260

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 85 (1998), 1471; 249-260


Wrinkling and Euler buckling; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 81 (1997), 1205; 45-51

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 81 (1997), 1205; 45-51


Mechanical sublayer method in creep and relaxation phenomena numerical modeling; Bulletins for applied and computer mathematics (0133-3526) 79 (1996), 1229; 295-306

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for applied and computer mathematics (0133-3526) 79 (1996), 1229; 295-306


The "oil-cushion" lubrication of hemispherical bearing in hydrostatic machines; Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 72 (1994), 1014; 259-270

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 72 (1994), 1014; 259-270


Q4 / CC/ Analiza stanja naprezanja poprečnih presjeka statički opterećenih grednih elemenata( State of stress analysis of statically loaded beams ); Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu (0562-1887) 32 (1990); 325-330

Brnić, Josip

Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu (0562-1887) 32 (1990); 325-330



Q4 / CC/ Određivanje vlastitih vrijednosti slobodnih neprigušenih vibracija linijskih ravninskih konstrukcija; Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu (0562-1887) 27 (1985); 139-143

Brnić, Josip

Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu (0562-1887) 27 (1985); 139-143


Numerical analysis of the initial stability of plane frames; Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 76 (1995), 1121; 53-62

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 76 (1995), 1121; 53-62

Algoritam za analizu početne stabilnosti ravninskih okvira temeljen na metodi konačnih elemenata; Engineering review : znanstveni časopis za nove tehnologije u strojarstvu, brodogradnji i elektrotehnici (1330-9587) 15 (1995); 1-8

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Engineering review : znanstveni časopis za nove tehnologije u strojarstvu, brodogradnji i elektrotehnici (1330-9587) 15 (1995); 1-8

Plastic zones and limit load; Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 75 (1995), 1101; 331-340

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 75 (1995), 1101; 331-340

Numerical and experimental stability analysis of frames with freely rotate members about the pin axis; Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 78 (1996), 1190; 115-124

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied Mathematics (0133-3526) 78 (1996), 1190; 115-124

Structural optimization via plastic design criteria; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 79 (1996), 1199; 19-28

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 79 (1996), 1199; 19-28

Constitutive equations of viscoelastic models; Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik : die Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift 113 (1996), 4; 263-265

Brnić, Josip

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik : die Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift 113 (1996), 4; 263-265

A new criterion for treatement of cross-sections of structure members as thin-walled structures or thick-walled structures, Engineering review (1330-9587) 16 (1996); 1-7

Brnić, Josip

Engineering review (1330-9587) 16 (1996); 1-7

Numerical determination of geometrical properties based on creep behaviour prediction; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 81 (1997), 1201; 75-82

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 81 (1997), 1201; 75-82

Finite element analysis of purely torsional buckling of thin-walled structures caused by uniform axial compression; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 85 (1998), 1453; 79-86

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 85 (1998), 1453; 79-86

Numerical comparable stability analysis of thin-walled beam structures for different cross-sectional; Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 84 (1998), 1431; 91-98 shapes

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 84 (1998), 1431; 91-98

Finite element nonlinear analysis of a special rolling problem; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 84 (1998), 1430; 83-90

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 84 (1998), 1430; 83-90

Computer based solution in engineering contact problems; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 88 (1999); 7-14

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 88 (1999); 7-14

Computational non-linear analysis of structural stability; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 88 (1999), 1613; 15-24

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (0133-3526) 88 (1999), 1613; 15-24

Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam-type structures; Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene (0025-455X) LIV (2005), 5; 37-40

Solution strategies for nonlinear coupled thermomechanical problems; Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 33-40

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 51(65) (2007), 2; 33-40

Finite element analysis and optimization of sandwich structures in naval industry;Masinostroene&Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 42-45

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Masinostroene&Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 42-45

DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION OF A PLATFORM FOR A GIVEN LOADS; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) CIX (2007), 2281; 068-075

Brnić, Josip; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (1417-278X) CX (2007); 31-38

Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions in bulkheads plastification; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) CIX (2007), 2281; 068-075

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Vukelić, Goran

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) CIX (2007), 2281; 068-075

Response of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature : Short Time Creep Tests and Numerical Model; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (1417-278X) 110 (2007); 23-30

Finite element panel method in beams shearing stress analysis; Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Mashinostroene & Elektrotehnika (0025-455X) LV (2007), 7-8; 76-79

Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures;Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran

Scientific Bulletin of the 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics (1224-6069) 52(66) (2007), 1; 1-7

STRUCTURAL MODEL OF SINGLE WALLED CARBON NANOTUBE; Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (1417-278X) CX (2007); 39-46

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Bulletins for Applied and Computer Mathematics (BAM) (1417-278X) CX (2007); 39-46

Znanstvene knjige


Virtual Crack Closure as a Method for Calculating Stress Intensity Factor of Cracks in Metallic Specimens

Krscanski, S; Brnic, J;

Materials Design and Applications III



Analysis of Engineering Structures and Material Behavior

Brnic, Josip;

John Wiley & Sons Chichester, UK


Poglavlje " Comparison of Some Structural and Stainless Steels Based on the Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Creep" u knjizi: "Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Modern Structure and Component Design"

Brnic, Josip; Vukelic, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin;

Comparison of Some Structural and Stainless Steels Based on the Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Creep

Oechsner, A.



Osnove optimizacije mehaničkih struktura( Fundamentals of optimization of mechanical structures )

Brnić, Josip

Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci


Analiza deformabilnih tijela metodom konačnih elemenata( Analysis of solids and structures using finite element method )

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka


Finite strain thermoplasticity: Constitutive theory and numerical implementation

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

PAMM Interuniversity Network in Central Europe


Nauka o čvrstoći II( Strength of materials II )

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran



Nauka o čvrstoći I( Strength of Materials I )

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Tehnički fakultet


Statika( Statics )

Brnić, Josip

Tehnički fakultet


Poglavlje "Elasto-plastic large displacement analysis of thin- walled beam-type structures" u knjizi "System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design", ed. Bontempi, F.


Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.

System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design

Bontempi, F.

Balkema Publishers Lisse


Poglavlje "Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures", u knjizi ed. Jarmani ,K. & Farkas, J.


Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D

Jarmani, K. & Farkas, J.

Millpress Rotterdam


Poglavlje " A contribution to optimisation in thermomechanics. Shape and layout problems" u knjizi "DAAAM International Scientific Book ", ed. Branko Katalinić


Čanađija, M., Brnić, J

DAAAM International Scientific Book

Branko Katalinić

DAAAM International, Vienna Wien


Poglavlje "Nonlinear finite element stability analysis of elastic thin-walled framed structures" u knjizi "DAAAM International Scientific Book ", ed. Branko Katalinić


Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.

DAAAM International Scientific Book

Branko Katalinić

DAAAM International, Vienna Wien


Poglavlje "Finite elastoplasticity in plane strain cold rolling problem", u knjizi "Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology", ed. Elso Kuljanić


Brnic, J., Canadija, M., Turkalj, G

Poglavlje "Finite elastoplasticity in plane strain cold rolling problem", u knjizi "Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology", ed. Elso Kuljanić

Elso Kuljanić

Springer Verlag Wien, New York


Poglavlje "Comparison of measured and computed contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process" u knjizi " AMST ’99", ed. Elso Kuljanić


Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.

Comparison of measured and computed contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process

Elso Kuljanić

Springer Verlag Wien


Elastoplasticity and Elastoviscoplasticity

Brnić, Josip

PAMM Center


Poglavlje 7.11: "Teorija viskoelastičnosti" u knjizi “Inženjerski priručnik I”, Školska knjiga, Zagreb: ,


Alfirević, I., Brnić, J

Poglavlje u knjizi

Školska knjiga, Zagreb Zagreb


Elastomehanika i Plastomehanika( Elastomechanics and Plastomechanics )

Brnić, Josip

Školska knjiga


Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija( Mechanics and structural elements )

Brnić, Josip

Školska knjiga


Nauka o čvrstoći( Strength of materials )

Brnić, Josip

Školska knjiga

Pozvana predavanja


Introduction to Fracture Mechanics

Brnić, J.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina


Creep of Metallic Materials

Brnić, J.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina


Finite Element Analysis of Engineering Elements Subjected to Shear Stresses

Brnić, J.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina


Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels, 7th ICPNS, Oulu, Finland, 2013..

Brnić, J., Niu, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Brčić, M., Kršćanski, S., Vukelić, G.



Finite element modelling of creep phenomenon of different materials

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran



Crack Driving Force Assessment /Calculation – Pressure Vessel Steels, Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, June 21, 2012, Harbin.

Brnić, J.



Analysis of Structure Made of X39CrMo17-1 Steel, Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, June 21, 2012, Harbin.

Brnić, J.



Structural steels S 355JO and 50CrMo4: comparison of their mechanical properties, creep behavior and fracture toughness, International Conference on Innovative Technologies, In- Tech 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, 612-615, September 2010.

Brnić, J.



X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short - Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment, The 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS 2010), November16-19, Guilin, China, 2010.

Brnić, J.



Application of plate finite elements, Harbin institute of Technology, Harbin, China, April 2008.

Brnić, J.



An overview of finite element structural analysis, University of Tai-Yuan, Taiyuan, China, April, 2008.

Brnić, J.



Creep experimental investigation and numerical structural analysis, DAAAM Baltic conference, Estonia, Tallinn, April 23-27, 2008.( Plenary Lecture)

Brnić, J.



Behavior of high strength low alloy(HSLA)steel at elevated temperatures, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Zhengzhou : The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 23.-27. October 2007.(Plenary Lecture).

Brnic, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.



Structural analysis using finite element method, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.

Brnić, J.



Applications of finite elements, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.

Brnić, J.



New finite elements in shear stress analysis of Saint – Venant’s torsional loaded beam structures, The 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, ICPNS 2004, Shanghai, China, 2004.

Brnic, J., Turkalj, G



Application of finite element structural optimization in naval architecture, The 10th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara, Romania, November 6-9, 2003.

Brnic, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.



Optimal design procedure based on the viscoplastic material behaviour, The Third International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials and Hot Working, ICPNS '99, Beijing, China, 1999.

Brnic, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.



Finite element nonlinear analysis of a special rolling problem, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1998.

Brnić, J.



Finite element formulation of flattening process as a plane-strain problem, Balatonalmadi, Hungary, 1998.

Brnic, J., Turkalj, G.



Finite Element non-linear analysis of a special rolling problem, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings, Göd/Budapest, 1998.

Brnić, J.



Finite element modelling of creep phenomenon of different materials, (invited lecture), International Conference on Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes (ICRAMP ’97), Bangalore, India, 1997.

Brnić, J.



Development of new finite element analysis for shear stress, Mechanical Engineering, Slavonski Brod, 1996.

Brnić, J.

Slavonski brod


Analytical and numerical solutions in elasto-viskopalsticity, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slavonski Brod, 1996.

Brnić, J.

Slavoski Brod


Theory of viscoplasticity - Fundamentals and Numerical Solutions, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.

Brnić, J.



Structural optimization via plastic design criteria, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.

Brnić, J.



Mechanical sublayer method in creep and relaxation phenomena numerical modelling, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.

Brnić, J.


Kongresna priopćenja


Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of composite semi-rigid frames using a shear flexible thin-walled beam element

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip; Banić, Damjan;


Influence of imperfections on carbon nanotube properties

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip;


Properties that characterize the material X46Cr13 steel

Brnic, Josip; Krscanski, Sanjin; Brcic, Marino; Niu, Jitai;


Buckling analysis of laminated composite box beams

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnic, Josip; Pesic, Igor;



Torić, Neno; Burgess, Ian W; Brnić, Josip; Boko, Ivica; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Harapin, Alen; Divić, Vladimir; Uzelac, Ivana;


Changes in the Material Properties of Steel 1.4762 Depending on the Temperature

Brnic, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Krscanski, Sanjin; Niu, Jitai; Li, Qiang;


Mechanical Properties Determination and Crack Behavior Prediction for Steels 1.4057 and 1.7225

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip;


A beam formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of semi-rigid composite frames

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Brnić, Josip;


Elements Diffusion in Brazing Seam of High Volume Fraction SiCp/6063Al Matrix Composites

CHENG, Dongfeng; Jitai, NIU; Zeng, GAO; Brnić, Josip;

Shear stress analysis using new special general quadrilateral finite elements; Proceedings (Book of Abstracts) / Larson, K. (ur.). - KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm , 1997. 45-45.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Coupling in finite strain thermoplasticity; CADAM 2004 - Book of Abstracts / Obsieger, Boris (ur.). - Rijeka : Zigo , 2004. 13-14.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Numerical Modelling of Thermoplastic Behaviour of Metals Under Cyclic Loading; 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing CADAM 2005, Book of Abstracts / Obsieger, Boris (ur.). - Rijeka : Zigo , 2005. 11-12.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Large displacement analysis of flexibly connected framed structures, Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 / Holzapfel, Gerhard A. ; Ogden, Ray W. (ur.). - Graz : Graz University of Technology, Austria , 2012. (CD-ROM) (ISBN: 978-3-85125-223-1). znanstveni radovi znanstvene knjige pozvana predavanja kongresna priopćenja patenti uredništva časopisa recenzije

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Merdanović, Edin

Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation; Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools ICIT ’99, Vol. II / Kuzman, Karl; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 1999. 498-501.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira( Numerical model for stability analysis of materially nonlinear frames ); Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 133-138 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Vizentin, Goran

Model neasocijativne termoplastičnosti pri velikim deformacijama( Non-associative thermoplastic model for finite strains ); Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 49-54 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran

Strukturni model jednostruke ugljične nanocijevi( Structural model of single walled carbon nanotube ); Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.). - Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2007. 43-48 (ISBN: 978-953-6326-52-3).

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Disipacijski modeli u plastičnosti( Disipative models in plasticity ); Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović, Lovre (ur.). - Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2008. 1-6 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-01-6).

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Brčić, Marino; Vukelić, Goran; Kršćanski, Sanjin

Modeliranje interakcija matrice nanokompozita i nanocijevi; Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Mirjana Bošnjak-Klečina (ur.). - Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2010. 1-6 (ISBN: 978-953-7539-12-2).

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Formulacija mehanike oštećenja pri konačnim elastoplastičnim deformacijama( Damage mechanics formulation at finite elastoplastic strains ); Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, Marija (ur.). - Slavnoski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2011. 33-36.

Čanađija, Marko; Munjas, Neven; Brnić, Josip

Design of maritime construction elements using limit stress analysis; Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS) / Čalić, Bruno (ur.). - Rijeka : Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci , 1995. 136-146.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Computational stability analysis in optimal design procedure of a special type of plain frame structure; Proceedings of 7th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, B. (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 1996. 65-66.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

An algorithm for modelling elasto-viscoplastic effects in energetic systems; Proceedings, Vol. I / Franković, B. (ur.). - Croatian Solar Energy Association , 1996. 217-222.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

Numerical procedure of elasto-viscoplastic problems solution; Proceedings / Marović, P. ; Sorić, J. ; Vranković, N. (ur.). - Croatian Society of Mechanics , 1997. 125-132. znanstveni radovi znanstvene knjige pozvana predavanja kongresna priopćenja patenti uredništva časopisa recenzije Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Experimental investigations and finite element procedure of thin-walled local and global stability problems, Proceedings / Marović, P. ; Sorić, J. ; Vranković, N. (ur.). - Croatian Society of Mechanics , 1997. 125-132. znanstveni radovi znanstvene knjige pozvana predavanja kongresna priopćenja patenti uredništva časopisa recenzije Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Finite element formulations for cold rolling process; Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics / Marović, P. ; Sorić J. ; Vranković, N. (ur.). - Croatian Society of Mechanics , 1997. 305-312.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Numerical and experimental local and global buckling analysis of opened thin-walled beam type structures; Proceedings / Katalinić, B. (ur.). - DAAAM International Vienna , 1997. 41-42.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Numerical prediction of material behaviour in energetic systems at high temperature conditions; Proceedings / Srb, N ; Moser, J. (ur.). - EDZ-Zagreb , 1997. 15-18.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Finite element stability analysis of thin-walled space frames in vehicle design; Proceedings / Damyanov, D. (ur.). - Union of Mechanical Engineering of Bulgaria , 1997. 31-36.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Shear stress intensity analysis of different vehicle members using new finite elements, Proceedings / Damyanov, D. (ur.). - Union of Mechanical Engineering of Bulgaria , 1997. 26-30.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Numerical procedure basic concept of cold rolling process; Proceedings / Katalinić, B. (ur.). - DAAAM International Vienna , 1997. 39-40.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

Determination of pressure vessel wall thickness based on the numerical simulation of viscoplastic material behavior; Proceeding / Majstorović, V. ; Katalinić, B. ; Čović, D. (ur.). - University of Mostar ; DAAAM International Vienna , 1997. 29-33.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

The possibility of analytical and numerical prediction of equipment material behaviour in energetic systems at special environment conditions; 14. međunarodni simpozij o grijanju, hlađenju i klimatizaciji Interklima '97, Zagreb, 24. - 25. travanj 1997. : energija, ekologija, ekonomija i IC termografija = 14th International Symposium on Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Interklima '97, Zagreb, 24. & 25. April 1997 : energy, ecology, economy and IR termography / Galaso, I. ; Švaić, S. (ur.). - FSB , 1997. 159-166.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

Computer simulation of viscoplastic materials phenomena by overlay technique using finite element method; Proceedings / Oczos, K. E. (ur.). - Rzeszow University of Technology , 1997. 187-194.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Prediction of metal creep behaviour used in building energetic systems using finite element method; Proceedings / Sarja, A. (ur.). - Association of Finnish Civil Engineers RIL , 1997. 174-178.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Numerical simulation of the time dependent effect in viscoplastic media; Proceedings / Kuzman, Karl ; Balič, Jože (ur.). - TECOS Celje , 1997. 87-90.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Numerical optimization of structures in plane strain conditions based on the prediction of viscoplastic material behavior, Proceedings / Boja, N. (ur.). - University of Timisoara , 1997. 157-163.

Brnić, Josip

Structure members cross-sectional optimization; Proceedings / Cebalo, R. (ur.). - Croatian Association of Production Engineering , 1997. D1-D7.

Brnić, Josip

Optimization of the cross-sectional dimensions of structures using warping method; Proceedings / Riitahuhta, A. (ur.). - Tampere University of Technology , 1997. 627-630.

Brnić, Josip

Basic concept of numerical optimization model in design and manufacturing; Proceedings of the 5th International Design Conference - Design 98, Dubrovnik, May 19 - 22, 1998. / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture ; Centre of Technology Transfer ; Zuerich : Workshop Design-Konstruktion , 1998. 609-614.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Numerical stability analysis of thin-walled equipment members; EEDEEQ '98 / 3rd International Conference Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment & Electrical Energy Quality, 5. - 7. 10. 1998, Rovinj / Srb, N. ; Moser, J. (ur.). - Zagreb : Electrotechnical Society , 1998. 5-8.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Numerical analysis of buckling by torsion and buckling by torsion and flexure; Proceedings / Katalinić, B. (ur.). - Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International , 1998. 469-470.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Torsional buckling analysis of special thin-walled opened cross-section columns used in vehicle ; ProceedingSofija : design

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Numerical modelling of forming process of thin-plate workpiece used in equipment manufacturing; Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment & Electrical Energy Quality : EEDEEQ '98 / Srb, N. ; Moser, J. (ur.). - Zagreb : Electrotechnical Society , 1998. 1-4.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Numerical analysis of elastic and viscoplastic failure modes of energetic service applications; Proceedings of the International Congress Energy and the Environment / Franković, B. (ur.). - Rijeka : Croatian Solar Energy Association , 1998. 393-398.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Load capacity determination of thin-walled beamtype structures based on numerical prediction of structure stability; Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics, NMCM '98 / Kompiš, V. ; Žmindak, M. ; Hučko, B. (ur.). - Žilina, Slovačka : University of Žlina , 1998. 159-164.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Finite elements based computed results in the plane strain rolling problem; Proceedings of CO_MAT_TECH '98 / Mudrik, J. (ur.). - Trnava :

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Numerical simulation of a forming process in vehicle metal-forming industry; Proceeding of MOTAUTO'98 / Boyadjiev, K. ; Gueorguiev, G. (ur.). - Sofija :

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Computed contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process; Proceedings of the 5th International Design Conference - Design 98 / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture ; Centre of Technology Transfer ; Zuerich : Workshop Design-Konstruktion , 1998. 127-132.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Nonlinear modelling of a special forming process; Proceedings of the 9th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, B. (ur.). - Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International , 1998. 75-76.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Simulation of cold rolling process of thin plate workpieces; Proceedings of the 4th international conference: Forming Technology, Tools and Machines, Vol. 1 / Forejt, M. (ur.). -

Brnić, Josip

Finite element shear stress analysis of welded joints; Proceedings of the International Conference - Welding in Maretime Engineering / Kralj, S. ; Kožuh, S. (ur.). - Hrvatsko društvo za tehniku zavarivanja , 1998. 231-237.

Brnić, Josip

Pressure vessel design safety based on viscoplastic material behavior; Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Automation of Energetic Process / Balate, J. ; Syala, T. (ur.). -

Brnić, Josip

Finite element modeling in metal forming process; ACOMEN'98 - Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering / Van Keer, R. ; Verhegge, B. ; Hogge, M. ; Noldus, E. (ur.). - Maastricht : Shaker Publishing B.V. , 1998. 149-153.

Brnić, Josip

Non-linear stability analysis of vehicle thin-walled beam members; Proceedings / Boyadjiev, Kroum (ur.). - Plovdiv : Scientific - Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers of Bulgaria , 1999. 171-175.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Finite element spatial stability analysis of thin-walled structures; Proceedings / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Vienna, Austrija : DAAAM International , 1999. 555-556.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Geometric non-linear analysis of thin-walled beams; Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 265-272.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Friction simulation in design of cold rolled products used in vehicle industry; Proceedings / Boyadjiev, Kroum (ur.). - Plovdiv : Scientific - Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers of Bulgaria , 1999. 1-4.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Friction layer technique in rolling manufacturing problem; Proceedings / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Vienna, Austrija : DAAAM International , 1999. 061-062.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

Comparison of measured and computed contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process; CISM Courses and Lectures, Vol. 406 : Proceedings of the fifth international conference "Advanced manufacturing systems and technology" / Kuljanić, Elso (ur.). - Vienna : Springer-Verlag , 1999. 337-344 (ISBN: 3-211-83148-7).

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran

Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes; Proceedings / Ostholt, Heinrich (ur.). - Bielefeld : Fachhochschule Bielefeld ; Rzeszóv University of Technology , 1999. 183-190.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Finite Element Analysis of Thin Worpieces Elastoplastic Response in Cold Flattening Process; Proceedings / Kuzman, Karl ; Balič, Jože (ur.). - Celje : TECOS , 1999. 414-417.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Lateral buckling analysis using finite element method; Proceedings / Sablik, Jozef (ur.). - Bratislava : Slovak Technical University of Bratislava , 2000. 185-190.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Non-linear thin-walled beam model for torsional-flexural analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Marović, Pavao (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2000. 317-324.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

Finite element analysis of rolling process; Proceedings / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Vienna, Austrija : DAAAM International , 2000. 059-060.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modeling; Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 521-526.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Numerical modelling of buckling of thin-walled beam members considering large rotations; Proceedings / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , 2000. 275-280.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method, Proceedings / Srb, Neven ; Moser, Josip (ur.). - Zagreb : Eletkrotehničko društvo Zagreb , 2000. 3-6.

Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Updated Lagrangian formulation using ESA approach in large rotation problems of thin-walled beam-type structures; Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. (ur.). - Stirling, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2001. CD-ROM.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Incremental formulation in finite element stability analysis of thin-walled framed structures; Annals of DAAAM for 2001 & Proceedings of the 12th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vinna, Austria : DAAAM International Vienna , 2001. 489-490.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko

External stiffness approach for thin-walled frames with elastic-plasticity; Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B. H. V. ; Bittnar, Z. (ur.). - Stirling, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2002. CD-ROM.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Prpić-Oršić, Jasna

Finite element model for pre- & post-buckling analysis of elastic beams and frames accounting for restrained warping and large rotations; Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics / Lund, E. ; Olhoff, N. ; Stegmann, J. (ur.). - Aalborg, Denmark : Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Aalborg University , 2002. 233-236.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Incremental stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using updated Lagrangian; ACOMEN 2002 / Hogge, Michel; De Schepper, Hennie (ur.). - Liege, Belgium : Les Editions de l'Universite de Liege , 2002. CD-ROM. formulation

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Free vibration model of thin walled beam applied to vehicle structures; Proceedings, Volume II: "Automobiles, Tractors and Industrial Trucks" / Boiadjiev, K. (ur.). - Russe, Bulgaria : Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering of Bulgaria , 2002. 41-44.

Roščić, Sandra; Brnić, Josip; Čehić, Zlatan

Shape optimisation in structural thermomechanics with application to pipeline layout problems; Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International , 2002. 077-078.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran

Stress distribution in high beam vehicle structure elements like bulkheads based on three different methods of stress analysis; Proceedings, Volume II: "Automobiles, Tractors and Industrial Trucks" / Boiadjiev, K. (ur.). - Russe :

Brnić, Josip; Turk, Anton; Čanađija, Marko

Optimization of thin walled beam cross-section dimensions using stability criteria; Proceedings / Zarka, J. (ur.). - Paris, France : Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France , 2002. CD-ROM.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Roščić, Sandra

Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames; Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matajiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 317-324.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Finite plastic strains within nonisothermal context; Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matejiček, Franjo (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2003. 97-205.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Pressure vessel optimal design based on viscoplastic material response; Proceedings of the Workshop: Optimal Design / Zarka, Joseph (ur.). - Palaiseau : Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique , 2003.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Roščić, Sandra

Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders; Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna , 2003. 067-068.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko; Lanc, Domagoj

Optimal design of dump truck body based on finite element method; Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Čanađija, Marko

Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming processes; Conference Proceedings ICIT 2003 / Kuzman, Karl (ur.). - Celje : TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Celje , 2003. 395-398.

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005 / Dick, E. ; Vierendeels, J. ; Vandevelde, L. ; Dupre, L. ; Slodička, M. ; Van Keer, R. (ur.). - Ghent : Universiteit Gent , 2005. (CD-ROM).

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element; Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology / Topping, B.H.V. ; Mota Soares, C.A. (ur.). - Stirling : Civil-Comp , 2004. .

Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Brnić, Josip

Flexural-torsional stability analysis of thin-walled beams; Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing ICPNS'2004 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Shanghai : Harbin Institute of Technology , 2004.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Influence of temperature dependency of material properties in coupled thermoplasticity; Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Comutational Methods in Applied Sciences ans Engineering / Neittaanmaki, P. ; Rossi, T. ; Majava, K. ; Pironneau, O. (ur.). - Jyvaskyla, Finska : European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences , 2004. .

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Application of Finite Element Method in Thermomechanics; Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME / Papstel, J. ; Katalinić Branko (ur.). - Tallinn, Estonija : DAAAM International , 2004. 16-19.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

A Finite Element Model of a Carbon Nanotube for Thermally Variable Environments; Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

Čanađija, Marko; Brčić, Marino; Brnić, Josip

Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures; Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). - Zagreb : Croatian Society of Mechanics , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-953-7539-11-5).

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino

Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination; ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj

Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid; Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. CD-ROM. connections

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Coupling in Finite Strain Thermoplasticity: 2nd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing CADAM 2004 - Selected papers / Obsieger, Boris (ur.). - Rijeka : Zigo , 2005. 37-42.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Analysis of Thermal Stresses in Beams: Comparison of Finite Element and Analytical Solutions; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering &#8211 ; Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur / Kittner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn, Estonia : DAAAM Baltic , 2006. 19-24.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

A Model for Cyclic Finite Strain Thermoplasticity; Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Matejiček, Franjo (ur.). - Trogir : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku , 2006. -.

Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip

Numerical model for buckling analysis of flexibly connected beam-type structures; Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 353-360 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Large displacement analysis of spatial frames under creep regime; Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures, International Conference Proceedings 2008 / Jarmai, Karoly ; Farkas, Jozsef (ur.). - Chichester : Horwood Publishing , 2008. 229-236 (ISBN: 978-1-904275-28-2).

Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Behavior comparison of stainless steel and tool steel materials at elevated temperatures; Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 425-429 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

Brnić, Josip; Čanađija, Marko; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj; Vukelić, Goran; Brčić, Marino; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Pešić, Igor

Structural model of multi walled carbon nanotube; Proceedings of the 6th International conference of DAAAM Baltic industrial engineering / Kyttner, R. (ur.). - Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology , 2008. 419-423 (ISBN: 978-9985-59-783-5).

Brčić, Marino; Čanađija, Marko; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj; Kršćanski, Sanjin; Vukelić, Goran

Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled frames; Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing / Topping, B. H. V. ; Costa Neves, L. F. ; Barros, R. C. (ur.). - Stirlingshire, Scotland : Civil-Comp Press , 2009. CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-905088-32-4).

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Lanc, Domagoj

Properties Comparison of Two Constructural Steels: ASTM A505 and ASTM A709; The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010, Guilin, China.

Brnić, Josip

Comparison of Materials Fracture Resistance Based on J-criterion; Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Beč : DAAAM International Vienna , 2011. 1411-1412 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-83-4).

Vukelić, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Numerical model for nonlinear stability analysis of spatial frames with semi-rigid connections; Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics / Bai, Yilong ; Wang, Jianxiang ; Fang, Daining (ur.). - Beijing : The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics & The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2012. SM14-014.

Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip; Merdanović, Edin; Munjas, Neven

FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis; Proceedings of ICPNS'2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). - Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society , 2010. .

Lanc, Domagoj; Pešić, Igor; Turkalj, Goran; Brnić, Josip

Importance of Experimental Research in the Design of Structures; Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). - Vienna : DAAAM International , 2012. 147-150 (ISBN: 978-3-901509-91-9).

Brnić, Josip; Turkalj, Goran; Vukelić, Goran

Mentorstvo doktorandima

2005. - 2011.

Numerička analiza procesa širenja pukotina; obranjena doktorka disertacija

Goran Vukelić Doktorat

Strojarstvo;Temeljne tehničke znanosti / Računarska mehanika

Datum obrane: 12.07.2011.

2007. - 2013.

Analiza uvjeta nastanka pukotina i model procjene vijeka trajanja konstrukcija; obranjena doktorka disertacija

Sanjin Kršćanski Doktorat

Strojarstvo;Temeljne tehničke znanosti / Računarska mehanika

Datum obrane: 14.10.2013.

2002. -

Numerička analiza nelinearnih izotermičkih i neizotermičkih procesa plastičnog deformiranja metala; obranjena doktorka disertacija

Marko Čanađija Doktorat

Strojarstvo;Temeljne tehničke znanosti / Računarska mehanika

Datum obrane: 2002.

2000. -

Numerička analiza stabilnost tankostjenih grednih struktura; obranjena doktorka disertacija

Goran Turkalj Doktorat

Strojarstvo;Temeljne tehničke znanosti / Računarska mehanika

Datum obrane: 2000.

1998. -

Analiza dodirnih pritisaka kod višestrukog zahvata elastičnih tijela; obranjena doktorka disertacija

Dubravka Siminiati Doktorat

Strojarstvo;Temeljne tehničke znanosti / Računarska mehanika

Datum obrane: 1998.

Uredništva časopisa


Journal of Composites Science, Editorial Board Member

2011.- 2020

Engineering Review, Glavni urednik

2005. -2020.

Brodogradnja, član International Scientific Advisory Board

1990, -2010.

Bulletin of Applied Mathematics, clan Uredničkog odbora, clan Znanstvenog odbora







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Časopis "ENERGIES",MDPI /CC/Q1/, recenzirao 2 rada




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Časopis "Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering",SCIEX/Q3, recenzirao 3 rada




Časopis "Composite Structures" /CC / Q1/ recenzirao 9 radova.


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Časopis "Crystals" /CC/Q1, recenzirao 2 znanstvena rada.


Časopis "Polymers/CC/Q1, recenzirao 2 znanstvena rada.


Časopis " ACTUATORS" /Q2/CC, recenzirao 1 rad


Čanopies "SUSTAINABILITY" /CC/Q1/, recenzirao 2rada


Časopis "APPLIED SCIENCES" /CC/Q2/ recenzirao 4 rada


Časopsis "Structural Engineering and Mechanics", /CC/ Q1/recenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "Advances in Materials Sciences and Engineering" /CC/Q4/ recenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "Vaccum", /CC/Q2/, recenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance" /CC/Q2/, recenzirao 8 radova


Časopis "Machines", /WoS, Emerging Sources Citation Index/nrecenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE",/ CC / Q1/ recenzirao 42 rada..


Časopis " Materials Transactions" , Japan/ CC/ Q3/ recenzirao 4 rada


Časopis "Materials" /CC/Q1, recenzirao 42 znanstvena rada.


Časopis "Metals"/CC/ Q1 , recenzirao 38 radova.


Časopis "Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics" / CC/Q1/, recenzirao 10 znanstvenih radova.


Časopis "Thin Walled Structures", /CC / Q1/, recenzirao 13 radova


Časopis "Modern Physiscs Letter B", /CC/Q4/, recenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "Steel Research International", / CC / Q2 /, recenzirao 1 rad


Časopis "Mechanics of time-dependent materials" /CC/Q1/, recenzirao 2 rada


Časopis "Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal" / CC /Q1 /, recenzirao 2 rada


Časopis "Strojniški vestnik (SV) - Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JME)" /SCI /, recenzirao 3 rada.




Časopis "Construction and Building materials" / CC / Q1/, recenzirao 12 radova.


Časopis "Materials and Structures" / CC / Q1/, recenzirao 1 rad.


Časopis "Nuklear Engineering and Design" / CC /Q1/, recenzirao 1 rad.


Recenzent knjige Roberta Žigulića i Sanjina Brauta:“Kinematika“, Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci, 2012.


Časopis "Journal of Structural Engineering" / CC / Q1/, recenziaro 2 rada.


Časopis "Engineering Structures" / CC /Q1/, recenzirao 5 radova.


Časopis "Tehnički vjesnik / Technical Gazette" /SCI/Q2/, recenzirao 5 radova


Časopis "Journal of Constructional Steel Research" / CC/Q1/, recenzirao 187 znanstvenih radova.


Časopis "Materials Science and Engineering B" / CC/Q1/ , recenzirao 6 radova.


Časopis "Bulletin of Materials Science" / CC, recenzirao 1 rad.


Časopis "Materials Science and Engineering A" / CC/Q1/, recenzirao 64 rada.


Časopis " Materials and Design" / CC/Q1/, recenzirao 18 radova.


Časopis "Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology" / CC/, recenzirao 3 rada.


Časopis "Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (MMTA)" / CC/Q1/, recenzirao 16 radova.


Recenzent knjige Diane Šimić:“Teorija tankostjenih nosača otvorenog poprečnog presjeka,Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Građevinski fakultet, Zagreb, 2008.


Časopis " Journal of Testing and Evaluation" / CC/, recenzirao 3 rada.


Časopis "Finite Element in Analysis and Design (FINEL)" / CC /Q1/, recenzirao 2 rada.


Recenzent udžbenika (knjige) M. Krpana, M. Butkovića, A. Franulovića, i dr.: "Dinamika - teorija i primjena", Tehnički fakultet, 2001.


Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: “Linearna analiza konstrukcija”, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1999.


Recenzent knjige Franje Matejičeka i dr.: "Uvod u statiku", Biblioteka Tehnička mehanika, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Osijeku, Osijek, 1999.


Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: Nauka o čvrstoći I, FSB- Zagreb, 1999.


Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: "Nauka o čvrstoći II", FSB, Zagreb, 1998.


Recenzent udžbenika Ive Alfirevića: “Elastična analiza konstrukcija”, FSB – Zagreb, 1997.


Recenzent: Monographical Booklet: “Geometric Introduction to the Contiuum Deformation Analysis”, autora: Nikolae Boja & G. Brailoiu, University of Timisoara – Rumunjska, 1997.


Recenzent udžbenika Ive Alfirevića: "Viša nauka o čvrstoći", FSB-Zagreb, 1997


Međunarodne konferencije: DAAAM Estonia, ICPNS China , International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT), Slovenia; itd. , recenzirao velik broj radova


Recenzent udžbenika - skripte Željana Lozine: "Uvod u metodu konačnih elemenata", Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje (FESB), Split, 1996.


Recenzent udžbenika - skripte Željana Lozine: "Mehanika", Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje (FESB), Split, 1996.


Recenzent skripte Z. Sapunara: "Kinematika", Tehnički fakultet, 1993.


Recenzent knjige B. Štoka.: "Mehanika deformabilnih tijela", Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1993.

Javno djelovanje

Popularizacija znanosti



Članak za časopis (Travanj, 18 (1/2012), Godina 6; ISSN 1846-5951





Novi list


Administrativna djelatnost

Rukovođenje na sveučilištu

2013. -

Član Savjeta za znanost Sveučilišta

Sveučilište u Rijeci

2000. - 01.10.2018.

Voditelj Laboratorija za ispitivanje čvrstoće konstrukcija

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

2000. - 01.10.2018.

Predstojnik Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

2000. - 2002.

Viditelj poslijediplomskog studija

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

1999. - 2000.


Sveučilište u Rijeci

1998. - 1999.

Prorektor za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju

Sveučilište u Rijeci

1994. - 1998.

Član Senata Sveučilišta

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

1994. -


Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

1993. - 1994.

Voditelj studija strojarstva

Sveučilište u Rijeci -Tehnički fakultetS

1993. -

Prodekan za nastavu

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

Rukovođenje u državnoj upravi

2013. - 2017.


Područno znanstveno vijeće za tehničke znanosti

2009. - 2013.


Područno znanstveno vijeće za tehničke znanosti

2009. - 2013.


Nacionalno vijeće za znanost Republike Hrvatske

2005. - 2009.


Područno znanstveno vijeće za tehničke znanosti

2005. - 2009.


Nacionalno vijeće za znanost Republike Hrvatske

Povjerenstva na sveučilištu

2013. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva za ocjenu i obranu dok. rada za : dr.sc. Pešić Igor

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakulte

2013. -

Mentor: doktorski rad; Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: znanstveni suradnik, doc., član Povjer. ocjena i obrana dok. rada: Doc. dr. sc. S. Kršćanski

Sveučilište u Rijeci - tehnički fakultet

2012. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva: Izbor u zvanje docent i izv. prof. : Izv. prof. dr. sc. Furio Traven

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Filozofski fakultet

2012. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva: obrana doktorskog rada, izbor u zvanje docent- za : Doc. dr. sc. M. Brčić

Sveučilište u Rijeci - tehnički fakultet

2011. -

Mentor: doktorski rad; Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: docent, izv. prof.; član Povjer. ocjena i obrana dok. rada-za: Izv. prof. dr. sc. G. Vukelić

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

2006. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: docent, izv. prof., Povjer. obrana dok. rada: Prof. dr. sc. S. Braut

Sveučilište u Rijeci - tehnički fakultet

2005. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva: izbor u zvanje red. prof.: Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Vlahinić

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Pomorski fakultet

2002. -

Predsjednik Povjerenstva: obrana dokt. rada, izbori u znanstveno-nastavna zvanja docent, redoviti profesor : Prof. dr. sc. Roberto Žigulić

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

2000. -

Mentor: magistarski rad; Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: docent, izv. prof., red. prof., ; član Povjer. obrana mag. i dok. rada- za: Prof. dr. sc. D. Lanc

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

1997. -

Mentor: magistarski i doktorski rad; Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: docent, izv. prof., redoviti prof., red. prof. trajno zbanje; član Povjer. obrana mag. i dok. rada-za: Prof. dr. sc. M. Čanađija .

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

1993. -

Mentor: magistarski i doktorski rad; Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izbor: docent, izv. prof., redoviti prof., red. prof. trajno zvanje, član Povjer. ocjena i obrana mag. i dok. rada- za: Prof. dr. sc. G. Turkalj

Sveučilište u Rijeci - Tehnički fakultet

Povjerenstva izvan sveučilišta

2013. -

Član Povjerenstva za izbor Prof. dr. sc. Franje Matejička za red. člana Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske

Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske

2011. -

Član Povjerenstva za ocjenu i obranu dok. rada: . Vedrana Cvitanić

Sveučilište u Splitu, FESB

2011. -

Član Povjerenstva za ocjenu  i obranu dok. rada: Srđan Podrug

Sveučilište u Splizu, FESB

2010. -

Član Povjerenstva: izbor u zvanje red. prof. : Prof. dr. sc. Dražan Kozak

Sveučilište Josip Jurja Štrosmayera U Osijeku

2010. -

Član Povjerenstva: izbor u zvanje red. prof. : Prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović - Opara

Sveučilište u Splitu

2004. -

član Povjerenstva za izradu pravila o projektiranju trupa i opreme broda

Hrvatski Registar Brodova


Znanstveni projekti

01.12.2019. - 30.11.2023.

Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija

Suradnik na projektu, voditelj prof. dr. sc. D. Lanc

HRZZ (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost) 760.000 kn

05.04.2018. - 05.04.2021.

Istraživanje, analiza I modeliranje ponašanja konstrukcijskih elemenata pri sobnoj i povišenim temperaturama

Glavi istraživač (voditelj projekta)

Sveučilište u Rijeci (UNIRI) 46.000 kn


Analiza oštećenja materijala u morskom okolišu

Suradnik na projektu, voditelj projekta izv. prof. dr. sc. G. Vukelić

Sveučilište u Rijeci (UNIRI)


Assessment of structural behaviour in limit state operating conditions

Voditelj projekta

HRZZ (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost) ~ 980.000 kn


Numerička analiza odziva konstrukcija i eksperimentalna istraživanja svojstava materijala

Glavni istraživač (voditelj projekta)

Sveučilište u Rijeci (UNIRI)

2014. - 2015.

Influence of Heat Affected Zone of electron beam welded steel casting GX4CrNi13-4 on the fatigue strength; CROATIA - AUSTRIA

Voditelj / Hrvatska strana


2014. - 2015.

Material properties, creep behavior, fracture toughness and microstructure of metal alloys -experimental investigations and numerical simulations; CROATIA - CHINA

Voditelj / Hrvatska strana



Analysis of conditions for control of metal forming processes; CROATIA - SLOVENIA

Voditelj / Hrvatska strana



Metal alloys behavior at different environmental conditions-testing and numerical simulations; CROATIA - CHINA

Voditelj / Hrvatska strana



Numerička analiza odziva konstrukcija za određena područja eksploatacije

Glavni istraživač



Konačnoelementni modeli za analizu stabilnosti grednih struktura

Član istraživačkog tima, Glavni istraživač prof. dr. sc. G. Turkalj



Numerička analiza nelinearnih problema u projektiranju i proizvodnji

Glavni istraživač



Numerička optimizacija u projektiranju i proizvodnji

Glavni istraživač



Strukturalne analize objekata za optimalnu iskoristivost

Glavni istraživač



Vibracije turbinskih lopatica s visokim statičkim naprezanjima

Član istraživačkog tima, Glavni istraživač prof. dr. sc. M. Butković


Stručni projekti


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnje br. 70016 i 30719

MID "3Maj"


Static testing of injector-holder fixing bracket

Cimos R&D


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnje br. 30713 i 30159

MID "3Maj".


Eksperimentalno određivanja mehaničkih svojstava materijala na povišenim temperaturama. Materijal 16Mo3 / 403 oC, P235GHTV2 / 267 oC

Đuro Đaković - Termoenergetska postrojenja d.o.o., Sl. Brod


Vlačni test kružnih epruveta izrađenih od bronce G-Cu Sn 5 Zn Pb

Somet d.o.o, Rijeka


Vlačni test plosnatih epruveta izrađenih od materijala: čelik kvaliteta CR-A

Brodogradilište Kraljevica, d.d., Kraljevica,


Ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće čeličnih lanaca

Kovinotokarska radionica Pehlin-Mihovilići


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 111

MID "3Maj"


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 697

MID "3Maj"


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnje br. 690 i 695

MID “3. Maj"


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 690

MID “3. Maj”


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnju br. 686

MID “3. Maj”


Analiza i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće uzoraka GJL-250 košuljica brodskih motora za gradnje br. 691 i 692

MID “3. Maj


Proračun ekvivalentnih i glavnih deformacija, ekvivalentnih i glavnih naprezanja na bloku motora 6RTA48T-B

Brodogradilište «3. maj» – Tvornica motora i dizalica


Preliminarna provjera čvrstoće nosive cijevi i ležaja osovine kormila

Becker Marine Systems, Hamburg/Rijeka 2003


Mjerenje i analiza sile istiskivanja kapljice farmaceutske otopine iz plastične bočice

Jadranski galenski laboratorij, Rijeka

Projekti u znanosti - Voditelj projekta

Potpore 2014/2016

Projekti u znanosti - Suradnik na projektu