Research Projects
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UNIRI Class Projects
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr.Nicholas James BradshawPhD
DISC1: Its Structure, Causes of Aggregation and Relevance to Disease (DISCARD collaboration)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
ProfessorBojan PolićMD, PhD
Mehanizmi imunološkog prepoznavanja u jetri i njihova uloga u razvoju nealkoholnog steatohepatitisa
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof.Kristina Grabušićdipl. ing.
Identifikacija cirkulirajućih biomarkera neurološkog oporavka u bolesnika s ozljedom mozga
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Kristina Pilipovićdr. med.
Jednozidne ugljikove nanocjevčice u eksperimentalnoj traumatskoj ozljedi mozga
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciencesša Volarević
Znanstveni centri izvrsnosti: Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za reproduktivnu i regenerativnu medicinu ''Reproduktivna i regenerativna medicina - istraživanje novih platformi i potencijala''
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. prim. dr. sc.Stjepan Špaljdr. med. dent., mag. nov.
Okolišni čimbenici i mikrobiološke interakcije u strukturi dentalnog biofilma
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
professor, full professorVanja
Value-based methodology for integrated care supported by ICT
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Gordana Blagojević Zagoracdr. med., mag. oec.
Stanični sustav Arf GTPaza u patogenezi citomegalovirusne infekcije
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Asst. Prof.Ivan GudeljMPharm
UIP-2019-04-5692, Glikozilacija u kardiovaskularnim bolestima
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Hana Mahmutefendić Lučindipl. ing. biol.
Reorganizacija sučelja između ranih endosoma i endosomalnog reciklirajućeg odjeljka u ranoj fazi infekcije citomegalovirusom
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Professor Tihana Lenac Roviš
Imunoregulatorna uloga proteina PrPC u imunološkom antivirusnom odgovoru i otpornosti na citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate professorVanda Juranić Lisnić
MCMV altered-self MHC-I molecules and their impact on cellular immune responses
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Berislav Lisnićdipl. ing.
Patogeneza citomegalovirusne infekcije u nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Stipan JonjićMD
Jačanje kapaciteta CerVirVac-a za iistraživanja u virusnoj imunologiji i vakcionolgiji
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Stipan JonjićMD
Reprogramming of IELs at the intestinal epithelial barrier during virus infection (Virus RePro IEL)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorOlga Cvijanović PelozaMD, PhD
Usporedba reparacijskog odgovora koštanog tkiva upotrebom dentina, ksenogenog biomaterijala i autologne kosti, IP-2020-02-7875
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Čanadi Jurešić
Utvrđivanje pojavnosti, uzroka i štetnih učinaka oksidativnog stresa izazvanog uporabom fiksnih ortodontskih naprava
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Pero Lučindr. med.
Sekundarno omatanje i izlazak beta-herpesvirusa iz stanice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Eikosanoidi izvedeni iz dijete i fenotipi u sepsi
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
PhDMirna BobinacMD
Segmental lung recruitment- new modality in lung atelectasis treatment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Marijana Vičićdr. med.
Involvement of cytotoxic mechanisms mediated by granulysin and perforin in the development of alopecia areata
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Assistant professorRobert DoričićMHA, PhD
Diversity readiness: diversity competencies of health professions' students at the University of Rijeka
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Doc. dr. sc.Magda Trinajstić
Quality of life of adolescents in orthodontic treatment and their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Antun Ferenčićdr. med.
Implementation of measuring the total body weight of the deceased in the autopsy protocol of the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology of Rijeka for the objective determination of cardiac hypertrophy
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
PhDMilorad ZjalićMBiol
Involvement of p53-dependent autophagy in neonatal survival of mice that are heterozygous for the ribosomal protein L24
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Kučan BrlićPhD
Exploration of CD112R as potential immunotherapeutic target in glioblastoma multiforme
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Kavazovićmag. pharm. inv.
Clonal, transcriptional and functional profiling of memory CD8 T cells after infection and/or vaccination against COVID-19
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciencesžen Marijićdr. med.
Expression of Programmed Death-Ligand 1 (PD-L1) in laryngeal carcinogenesis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
PhDMarko ŠustićMD
Pathogenesis of CMV induced myocarditis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Barišić
Down syndrome and COVID-19
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Pribanić Matešić
Development of monoclonal antibody specific for SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase nsp12
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Assist. Prof.Janja TarčukovićMD, PhD, DESAIC
The role of extracellular vesicles in oxidative stress after severe traumatic brain injury
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Diana Maržićdr. med.
Correlation of laryngopharyngeal reflux and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Ines Krištofićdr. med.
Role of tumor-asociated glycoprotein-72 in endometrial carcinoma
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Doc. dr. sc. / Assistant ProfessorMarina Babić Čač
NKG2D-mediated regulation of CD4+ T lymphocyte function in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
PhDJelena Vidas HrstićDMD
Assessment of self-efficacy in dental students during endodontic treatment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Željka Minić
Olfactory deficits and reorganization of brain circuitry following spinal cord injury
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dolores Peruč
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Beta-oxidation and mitochondrial phospholipids: potential modifiers of heart failure
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Stimulative 2021
izv. prof.Kristina Grabušićdipl. ing.
Identifikacija cirkulirajućih biomarkera neurološkog oporavka u bolesnika s ozljedom mozga
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr.Nicholas James BradshawPhD
Istraživanje shizofrenije kroz ekspresiju netopivih proteina
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciencesša Volarević
Znanstveni centri izvrsnosti: Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za reproduktivnu i regenerativnu medicinu ''Reproduktivna i regenerativna medicina - istraživanje novih platformi i potencijala''
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.Antonija Jurak BegonjaPh.D.
Nucleolar control of megakaryopoiesis - NucleoMeg
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate professorIvana MunitićMD, PhD
Kontrola neurodegeneracije moduliranjem sprege između upale i proteinopatije
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Gordana Blagojević Zagoracdr. med., mag. oec.
Stanični sustav Arf GTPaza u patogenezi citomegalovirusne infekcije
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Asst. Prof.Ivan GudeljMPharm
UIP-2019-04-5692, Glikozilacija u kardiovaskularnim bolestima
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Jelenčić
Istraživanje molekularnih i funkcionalnih svojstava glavnih regulatora aktivnosti stanica NK
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
ProfessorBojan PolićMD, PhD
Mechanisms of hepatic immuno-sensing and their role in development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (IPCH-2020-10-8440)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Hana Mahmutefendić Lučindipl. ing. biol.
Reorganizacija sučelja između ranih endosoma i endosomalnog reciklirajućeg odjeljka u ranoj fazi infekcije citomegalovirusom
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Turk, endokrinolog i dijabetolog
Utjecaj šećerne bolesti tipa 2 injezinog liječenja na funkciju limfocita
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Turk, endokrinolog i dijabetolog
Study into the immuno-modulatory effects of insulin in humans and mice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. prim. dr. sc.Stjepan Špaljdr. med. dent., mag. nov.
Okolišni čimbenici i mikrobiološke interakcije u strukturi dentalnog biofilma
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Pero Lučindr. med.
Sekundarno omatanje i izlazak beta-herpesvirusa iz stanice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
professor, full professorVanja
Value-based mathodology for integrated care supported by ICT (ValueCare)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Čanadi Jurešić
Utvrđivanje pojavnosti, uzroka i štetnih učinaka oksidativnog stresa izazvanog uporabom fiksnih ortodontskih naprava
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
NK stanice u patogenezi kongenitalne infekcije citomegalovirusom
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
Biologija citomegalovirusne infekcije u mozgu tijekom razvoja i u latenciji
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Professor Tihana Lenac Roviš
Imunoregulatorna uloga proteina PrPC u imunološkom antivirusnom odgovoru i otpornosti na citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Berislav Lisnićdipl. ing.
Patogeneza citomegalovirusne infekcije u nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Stipan JonjićMD
Solving the m04 paradox: Evasion of missing-self recognition and CD8 T cell killing by MAT uORF
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Kristina Pilipovićdr. med.
Jednozidne ugljikove nanocjevčice u eksperimentalnoj traumatskoj ozljedi mozga
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorOlga Cvijanović PelozaMD, PhD
Usporedba reparacijskog odgovora koštanog tkiva upotrebom dentina, ksenogenog biomaterijala i autologne kosti, IP-2020-02-7875
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Eikosanoidi izvedeni iz dijete i fenotipi u sepsi
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Stimulative 2020
Dr.Nicholas James BradshawPhD
Istraživanje shizofrenije kroz ekspresiju netopivih proteina
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof.Luka Travendipl. ing.
Port IoT for Environmental Leverage (PIXEL)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Atenuirani β-herpesvirus sa snažnim imunomodulatornim kapacitetom kao cjepni vektor protiv SARS-CoV-2
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Clonal dynamics of memory CD8 T cell inflation
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Novi pristup razvoju cjepiva za kongenitalnu citomegalovirusnu infekciju
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
Biologija citomegalovirusne infekcije u mozgu tijekom razvoja i u latenciji
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
NK stanice u patogenezi kongenitalne infekcije citomegalovirusom
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
Dosta skrivanja CoV-2: Uspostava baze monoklonskih protutijela na SARS-Cov-2
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Šantić
Patogeneza eksperimentalne tularemije
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Jelenčić
Istraživanje molekularnih i funkcionalnih svojstava glavnih regulatora aktivnosti stanica NK
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Stipan JonjićMD
Solving the m04 paradox: Evasion of missing-self recognition and CD8 T cell killing by MAT uORF
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv.Prof.Felix WensveenDipl. Biolog
Memory manipulation; development of novel strategies to enhance the memory CD8 T cell response against COVID-19 following vaccination.
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate professorVanda Juranić Lisnić
Patogeneza citomegalovirusne infekcije u jajnicima, utjecaj na plodnost i održavanje trudnoće
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Sandra Kraljević Pavelićredovita profesorica
Centar izvrsnosti za Bioprospekting Jadranskog mora
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.Antonija Jurak BegonjaPh.D.
Nucleolar control of megakaryopoiesis - NucleoMeg
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv.Prof.Felix WensveenDipl. Biolog
Preuređivanje memorije: Manipuliranje T-staničnom memorijom u svrhu unapređenja učinkovitosti cjepiva
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv.Prof.Felix WensveenDipl. Biolog
Unravelling reciprocal regulation of the immune and endocrine systems
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciencesša Volarević
Uloga heterozigotnosti gena za ribosomski rpotein S6 u zloćudnoj preobrazbi stanica
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Pero Lučindr. med.
Sekundarno omatanje i izlazak beta-herpesvirusa iz stanice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
ProfessorBojan PolićMD, PhD
Imunosni mehanizmi u razvoju upale i metaboličkog sindroma u debljini (HRZZ, No. IP-2016-06-9306)
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Mirela Sedić
Rasvijetljavanje mehanizama rezistencije na terapiju raka debelog crijeva sa mutacijom BRAF pomoću integriranog -omics pristupa
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Ž
Blaga repetitivna traumatska ozljeda mozga: model za istraživanje neuropatologije i neuroupale posredovane s TDP-43
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Kristina Pilipovićdr. med.
Jednozidne ugljikove nanocjevčice u eksperimentalnoj traumatskoj ozljedi mozga
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate professorIvana MunitićMD, PhD
Kontrola neurodegeneracije moduliranjem sprege između upale i proteinopatije
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Assistant ProfessorMarko ŠestanDVM
Ménage à trois: Neuro-endocrino-immune regulation of metabolic homeostasis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Željka Minić
Sensory neural mechanisms of autonomic dysrefleksia
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Iva Sumanmag. sanit. ing.
Modulation of MEK-ERK MAPK signalling pathway in CP-induced mitophagy in kidneys
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
dr. sc.Valentina Marečićmag. sanit. ing.
The role of lamA gene in long term survival of Legionella pneumophila within Acanthamoeba castellanii
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Jelena Železnjakmag. ing. biotechn.
Interaction of B7 family ligands and activating NK cell receptors
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Kavazovićmag. pharm. inv.
Characterization of memory CD8 T-cell response against COVID-19 and development of novel strategies to improve vaccine efficiency
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Christian Andrew Reynolds
Fatty acid β-oxidation and mitochondrial phospholipid composition: potential modifiers of heart failure
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
doc. dr. sc. Silvije Šeguljadr. med.
Clinical use of in vitro models in children with atopic dermatitis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Marina Letica Crepuljadr. med
Prevalence and predictors of sexual dysfunctions among veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Spitzoid melanocytic neoplasms - clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and genomic features
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Bošković, prof. reh.
Standardization and implementation of Nurse Professional Competence Scale in nursing profession in Croatia and Slovenia
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. prim. dr. sc.Tanja Batinacdr. med.
Biofilm in chronic wound – clinical implications and diagnostic possibilities
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Stanislav Peharec
Functional assessment in a patient with nonspecific low back pain in diagnosis, physical therapy and rehabilitation
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
associate professorTatjana Bogović CrnčićM.D.
The role of [99mTc]Tc-MIBI thyroid scintigraphy in diagnosis and management of amiodaron induced thyrotoxicosis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Tamara Gulićmag. biol.
Immunoregulatory mechanisms of innate immune cells in the pathogenesis of different breast cancer immunophenotypes
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof.Kristina Grabušićdipl. ing.
Extracellular vesicles as clinical markers for neuroregeneration after severe traumatic brain injury
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. prim. dr. sc.Stjepan Špaljdr. med. dent., mag. nov.
Determinants of effectiveness of treatment of altered orofacial functions and appearance
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
ProfessorRobert DomitrovićPh.D.
Interaction between drugs and phytochemicals: the role of FOXO signaling pathway
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. prim. dr. sc.Vlatka Sotošekdr. med.
Characteristics of endothelial disfunction and the role of IL-18 in ischaemic-reperfusion injury after coronary artery bypass grafting
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate ProfessorTanja Grubić KezeleMD, PhD
The quality of life in patients with autoimmune and non-autoimmune diseases of locomotor system
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Pezelj-RibarićDMD
Influence of general health on oral health
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorMiranda Muhvić UrekDMD
Orofacial disorders in patients with autoimune and chronic inflammatory diseases
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Doc. dr. sc.Višnja Katićdr. med. dent., specijalist ortodoncije
Craniodentofacial biometry– 2D and 3D technology in identification, diagnostics and treatment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Mirela Sedić
Molecular features associated with BRAFV600E-mutated versus wild type BRAF colorectal cancer
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Prpić
The role of cytotoxicity mediated by granulysin and perforin-2 in the development of psoriasis and lichen planus
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Pero Lučindr. med.
Cytomegalovirus assambly compartment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
ProfessorBojan PolićMD, PhD
The role of innate immune cells in development of non-alcocholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) and liver fibrosis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Ksenija Baždarićdipl. psih.-prof.
Knowledge, attitudes and use of open science tools in biomedicine
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanjuToni Valković
Role of angiogenesis and other factors of microenvironment in progression and prognosis of plasma cell dyscrasia
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
prof. dr. sc.Viktor Peršićdr. med.
Physical activity and risk factors in secondary and tertiary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Gordana Laš
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Damir Miletićdr. med.
Prognostic value of magnetic resonance in therapy of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and patients with Crohn's disease
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Dijana Deteldr. med.
The role of recently discovered proteases in colorectal cancer development and progression
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Mršić-Pelčić
Molecular mechanisms of ischemic brain damage and neuroprotection
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Turk, endokrinolog i dijabetolog
Direct impact of hypoglycaemia on heart rhythm in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Igor Prpićdr. med.
Long term outcome of children prenatally exposed to methyl-mercury: genetic and environmental influence
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
prof. dr. sc.Tamara Brautdr. med.
Molecular biomarkers of cancerogenesis in laryngeal squamous epithelial lesions
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Šantić
Francisella-the molecular mechanisms of adaptation on amoeba cells
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
full professorSaša OstojićM.D., PhD
Genetic and epigenetic factors in the etiology of recurrent spontaneous abortion and spontaneous preterm birth
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Sandra Kraljević Pavelićredovita profesorica
Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from marine organisms of the Adriatic sea and evaluation of their biological potential in vitro
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Jurišić-Erž, prim.
Continuous glucose monitoring in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus - impact on the development of disease complications and quality of life
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Nada Starčević Čizmarević
Farmacogenetics of multiple sclerosis: response to disease-modifying therapy
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate ProfessorAleksandar BulogMaster of Sanitary Engineering
Biological monitoring of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons influence (BTEX) on the population health of Primorsko-Goranska County
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Bruminiprof. fizike i kemije
The role of lung and respiratory tract ultrasound with special reference to detection of the B line ("comet-tail ultrasound artefact ") in the assessment of adequate ventilation and hemodynamic status in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv.Prof.Felix WensveenDipl. Biolog
The role of insulin in NK cell function
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.Davor ŠtimacMD, PhD
Correlation between the development and degree of liver and pancreas damage in patients suffering from alcohol addiction
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Application of Balanced Crystalloid Solutions in the Early Phase of Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorDalibor Broznićmag. env. pub. health
Development of new analytical methods in the analysis of the imidacloprid residues and its degradation products in the olive orchard soils of Primorsko-goranska County
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Morphological and functional research of the iliopsoas muscle and deep back muscles in patients with low back pain and rabbit
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.dr.scĐuro JosićProfessor in Retirement
High-throughput analysis of glycosylation of plasma, serum and cell
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Tatjana Kehlerdr. med.
Evaluation of endothelial dysfunction in patients with spondyloarthritis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
M.D.Ph.D.Anđelka Radojčić
Extracellular vesicles in human follicular fluid: content and role in oocyte maturation and embryo quality
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Krmpotićdr. med.
Mouse cytomegalovirus evasion of NCR1 mediated immune control
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Opportunistic Premise Plumbing Pathogens: New Challenge for Water Treatment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Đorđević
The prognostic significance of Survivin and Crypto-1 in the microenvironment of prostate cancer
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Hana Mahmutefendić Lučindipl. ing. biol.
Rab10 in the biogenesis of endosomal recycling compartment
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
prof. dr. sc.Gordana Zamolodr. med.
Regulation of PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in malignant melanoma
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Hrvoje
Neuroprotective role of progesterone receptors
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.Antonija Jurak BegonjaPh.D.
Identification of new Vps34 interactacting partners in megakaryopoiesis
Biomedical and Biotechnical SciencesĐurđica Cekinović
Role of NK cells in control of urinary infections in adults
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Assist. Prof.Teodora Zaninović JurjevićMD PhD
Early detection of chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof.Luka Travendipl. ing.
Population exposure to traditional and emerging contaminants due to the consumption of seafood and the characterization of the related health risks
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Zoričić
The expression of the proinflammatory and fibrotic cytokines during osteoartrhritis and carpal tunnel syndrom
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
doc.prim.dr.scVladimira Vuletić
Genetic epidemiology of Parkinson's disease in Croatia
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
izv. prof. dr. sc.Kristina Pilipovićdr. med.
Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in traumatic brain injury: the role of TAR DNA-binding protein 43
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Asst ProfPetra DolenecPhD
Pathophysiology and neuroprotective therapy in the model of traumatic brain injury in the rat
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Stipan JonjićMD
Depichering immunoregulatory potential of soluble PVR
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciencesša Volarević
Molecular characterisation of the pathological phenotype of RPL24-heterozygous mice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate professorIvana MunitićMD, PhD
Generation and molecular characterization of in vitro and in vivo models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Josip Španjoldr. med.
The influence of topically applied bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP-7) on renal parenchima regeneration
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Bubonja Š
Prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis B surface antigen mutants
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Mrakovčić-Šutić
Cross-talk between innate immune cells and enzymes matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in professional sport, tissue remodeling and angiogenesis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorTomislav RukavinaMD, PhD
Improvment of the control of polypharmacy and adherence to the prescribed therapy of chronic diseases by using information-communication technologies
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof. dr. sc.Gordana Blagojević Zagoracdr. med., mag. oec.
Arf GTPases in the regulation of endosomal trafficking during the cytomegalovirus infection
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Vranekovićprof.biol.i kem.
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Professor Tihana Lenac Roviš
The role of PrPC in the immune system upon exposure to viruses
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Dr. sc.Berislav Lisnićdipl. ing.
Transcriptomic analysis of microglia following cytomegalovirus infection
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Jelenčić
The role of antiviral NK cells in the development of diabetic nephropathy
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Ita HadžisejdićMD
Clinical significance of low level JAK2 V617F mutation in peripheral blood: effect on phenotype and prognosis
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Buretić-Tomljanovićdipl.inž.
Genetic and biochemical markers of the membrane phospholipid and fatty acid metabolism as predictors of treatment response to antipsychotic therapy in patients with psychotic episodes
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
associate professorSlaven Jurkovićmedical physics expert
Feasibility of introducing synthesized 2D mammography combined with tomosynthesis for national breast cancer screening programme
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Mladinić Pejatović
Identification of key molecules controlling Heat Shock Proteins-mediated neuroprotection and neuroregeneration after in vitro opossum spinal cord injury
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Avirović
Predictive and prognostic role of immune system cells, PD-1, PDL-1 and heat shock proteins in patients with triple negative, HER-2 positive and neoadjuvantly treated breast cancer
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Markićdr. med.
NK cells, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and cell cytotoxicity in renal cell cancer
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Sanja Klobučardr. med.
Inflammatory potential of diet in obesity and associated metabolic complications
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Š
Role of biomarkers in early prediction of preeclampsia
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
profMaja AbramMD
Bacterial pathogenesis – from research to clinics
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. prof. dr. sc.Mladenka Malenicadipl. ing. bioteh.
Implementation of protocols on the University of Rijeka for nanotechnological methods: atomic-force and scaning electron microscopy for vizualization and characterization of exosomes
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorOlga Cvijanović PelozaMD, PhD
Reparation and immune response of bone tissue after applying new biomaterial and immune response of soft tissue on Jason® membrane in rat
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorGordana Starčević KlasanMD
Prevalence of low back pain and impact on the quality of life of women after child delivery
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Assistant professorIrena Seili-BekafigoMD, PhD
The role of the polymorphism of thrombophilic genes (factor V G1961A (factor V Leiden), prothrombin G20210A, MTHFR C677T and PAI-1 4G / 5G) in adverse pregnancy outcome and influence on morphology of patohistological changes in placenta and child development
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Full ProfessorDarija Vukić LušićMaster of Environmental Public Health
Adjustment to the new EU Directive on bathing water quality
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Associate Professor Ilija Brizićmag. ing. biotechn.
The role of brain-resident CD4+ T cells in congenitally infected mice
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Izv. Matušan Ilijašspec. patolog
Personalized therapy of oncology patients using digitization of pathological laboratory diagnostic processing
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences
Prof.dr.scMiljenko Kovačević
Apoptotic cell death in vascular disease
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences Milić
Iron metabolism genes in the etiopathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Biomedical and Biotechnical Sciences