Journal Articles
Numerical Model for a Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Beams with Composite Cross-Sections
Banić, Damjan; Turkalj, Goran; Kvaternik Simonetti, Sandra; Lanc, Domagoj
Journal of Composites Science - 6
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled closed section FG beam-type structures
Kvaternik Simonetti, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj
Thin-Walled Structures - 181
Bimetallic Thin-Walled Box Beam Thermal Buckling Response
Kvaternik Simonetti, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj
Materials - 15 7537
Comparison of classical and refined beam models applied on isotropic and FG thin-walled beams in nonlinear buckling response
Kvaternik, Sandra; Filippi, Matteo; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Carrera, Erasmo
Composite Structures - 229
Analysis of flexure, torsion and buckling of thin-walled frames with a focus on the joint warping behaviour
Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Lanc, Domagoj.
Transactions of FAMENA - 41 1-10
Creep analysis of elastic beams under constant torque
Banić, Damjan; Lanc, Domagoj; Kvaternik, Sandra
Machines. Technologies. Materials - 11 229-232
Finite element analysis of torsional-flexural behaviour of thin-walled frame considering joint warping conditions
Kvaternik, Sandra; Turkalj, Goran; Banić, Damjan
Trans&Motauto World - 5 181-183
Conference Presentations
20.9.2023. - 23.9.2023.
Beam model for thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams
Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
3rd International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering Napulj, Italija
20.9.2023. - 23.9.2023.
Shear deformable beam model for stability analysis of laminated beam-type structures
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
3rd International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering Napulj, Italija
28.8.2023. - 31.8.2023.
A beam model for the buckling of functionally graded open section beams under thermal loads
Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
17th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Proceedings Pecs, Mađarska
28.8.2023. - 31.8.2023.
Shear deformable beam model for buckling analysis of laminated beam-type structures
Turkalj, G., Banić, D., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
17th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Proceedings Pecs, Mađarska
28.9.2022. - 30.9.2022.
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled FG closed section beams
Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
10th International Congress of Croatian society of mechanics ICCSM 2022 Pula, Hrvatska
28.9.2022. - 30.9.2022.
Stability analysis of composite beam-type structures including shear deformation effects
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
10th International Congress of Croatian society of mechanics ICCSM 2022 Pula, Hrvatska
30.8.2022. - 02.9.2022.
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded closed section beams
Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
2nd International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering Rimini, Italija
30.8.2022. - 02.9.2022.
Stability analysis of beam-type structures with composite cross-section considering coupled shear deformation effects
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
2nd International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering Rimini, Italija
22.8.2022. - 25.8.2022.
Beam model for thermal buckling of thin-walled functionally graded box-beam
Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
14th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology CST Montpellier, Francuska
22.8.2022. - 25.8.2022.
Shear deformable beam model for stability analysis of beam-type structures with composite thin-walled cross sections
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
14th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology CST Montpellier, Francuska
19.7.2022. - 21.7.2022.
FG model for global buckling analysis of composite beams
Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.; Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
25th International Conference on Composites of Structures ICCS25 Porto, Portugal
16.9.2021. - 17.9.2021.
Nelinearna analiza stabilnosti grednih konstrukcija s kompozitnim poprečnim presjekom
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
11. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Rijeka, Hrvatska
16.9.2021. - 17.9.2021.
Gredni model za numeričku analizu toplinskog izvijanja FG grednih nosača
3. Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G.
11. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Rijeka, Hrvatska
01.9.2021. - 03.9.2021.
FG model for global buckling analysis of composite beams
Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
25th International Conference on Composites of Structures ICCS25 Porto, Portugal
01.10.2020. - 02.10.2020.
Posmično deformabilni gredni model za analizu stabilnosti tankostjenih grednih konstrukcija s kompozitnim poprečnim presjekom
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik Simonetti, S.
10. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska
01.10.2020. - 02.10.2020.
Konačnoelementni model za analizu toplinskog izvijanja tankostijenih zatvorenih FG greda
Kvaternik SImonetti, S., Zlatić, M., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G.
10. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Slavonski Brod
11.7.2019. - 12.7.2019.
Gredni element za analizu toplinskog uzvijanja tankostjenih otvorenih FG greda
Kvaternik, S, Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
9. susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku Zagreb, Hrvatska
01.7.2019. - 04.7.2019.
Beam model for thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams
Kvaternik, S., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Banić, D.
5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019 Lisabon, Portugal
01.7.2019. - 04.7.2019.
Shear deformable beam model for stability analysis of beam type structures with composite cross sections
Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kvaternik, S.
5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHCOMP 2019 Lisabon, Portugal
24.7.2018. - 27.7.2018.
Buckling analysis of thermally loaded FG box beams
Lanc, D, Turkalj, G., Kvaternik S., Pešić, I.
8th International Conferences on Thin Walled Structures (ICTWS 2018) Lisabon, Portugal
9.7.2018. - 12.7.2018.
Finite element analysis of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams exposed to thermal loading
Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Banić, D., Kvaternik, S.
4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites MECHOMP2018 Madrid, Španjolska
Numerical buckling analysis of thin-walled frames with joint effect
Kvaternik, S., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.
1st My First Conference 2017 Rijeka, Hrvatska
04.7.2017. - 07.7.2017.
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded box beams
Lanc, D, Turkalj, G., Kvaternik S.
3rd International Conference on Mechanics of composites Bologna, Italija
Research Projects - Project Member/Project Researcher
Red.prof.dr.sc.Domagoj Lancdipl.ing.
Numerical modeling of FG composite beam type structures
Technical sciences