PORTFOLIO / dr. sc. Igor Kardum red. prof.


dr. sc.

Igor Kardum

red. prof.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences




Journal Articles


Predicting mate retention behaviors from five-factor personality traits: A dyadic approach

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Mehić, N., Shackelford, T.

Personality and Individual Differences - 163




The relationship of gender roles and beliefs to crying in an international sample

Sharman, L. S., Dingle, G. A., Baker, M., Fischer, A. H., Gracanin, A., Kardum, I., Manley, H., Manokara, K., Pattara-Angkoon, S., Vingerhoets, A., Vanman, E. J.

Frontiers in Psychology - 10




Dark triad traits and mate retention behaviors in romantic couples: The actor–partner interdependence model

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knezevic, J., Mehić, N.

Evolutionary Psychology - 17

doi: 10.1177/1474704919887703



Assortative mating

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knezevic, J., Mehić, N.

T. K. Shackelford, V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer International Publishing.




Efekti i mehanizmi djelovanja samoefikasnosti na tjelesno zdravlje

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knezevic, J., Krapić, N.

Klinička psihologija - 11 57-86



Weight bias towards individuals and groups in young children

Kalebić Maglica, B., Kardum, I., Čulić, A.

Current Psychology





Hudek-Knezevic, J., Kardum, I.

T. K. Shackelford, V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer International Publishing.




The Croatian version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Links with higher-and lower-level personality traits and mood

Gračanin, A., Kardum, I., Gross, J. J.

International Journal of Psychology

doi: 10.1002/ijop.12624



Efekti crta ličnosti tamne trijade i emocionalne empatije na moralnu prosudbu

Rožić, A., Švegar, D., Kardum, I.

Psihologijske teme - 27 561-583

Q4 A1


Optimizam, pesimizam i tjelesno zdravlje.

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Krapić, N.

Psihologijske teme - 27 585-611

Q4 A1


Personality and mate poaching

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Mehić, N.

T. K. Shackelford, V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer International Publishing.




The effects of similarity in the dark triad traits on the relationship quality in dating couples

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević J., Mehić, N., Pilek, M.

Personality and Individual Differences - 131 38-44




Efekti kongruentnosti osobnih i organizacijskih vrijednosti na odanost organizaciji

Krapić, N., Kardum, I., Barić, S.

Psihologijske teme - 27 291-309



The effects of facial expressions and tears on the speed of sex recognition

Švegar, D., Fiamengo, N., Grundler, M., Kardum, I.

International Journal of Psychology - 53 49-57




Facial emotion recognition in violent man

Švegar, D., Horvat, K., Kardum. I.

International Journal of Psychology

doi: 10.1002/ijop.12522



Kama muta: Conceptualizing and measuring the experience often labeled being moved across 19 countries and 15 languages.

Zickfeld, J. H., Schubert, T. W., Seibt, B., Blomster, J. K., Arriaga, P., Basabe, N., ... & Fiske, A. P.


doi: 10.1037/emo0000450



Five-factor personality traits as predictors of smoking in early adolescence – implications for health education.

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Krapić, N., Kalebić Maglica, B.

Proceedins of the International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning. - 214-219



Struktura usredotočene svjesnosti i njezina povezanost s crtama ličnosti i emocionalnim reagiranjem.

Gračanin, A., Gunjača, V., Tkalčić, M., Kardum, I., Bajšanski, I. i Perak, B.

Psihologijske teme - 26 675-700

A1 Q4


Assortative mating for dark triad traits: Evidence of positive, initial, and active assortment

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Schmitt, David; Čović, Melane

Personal Relationships - 24 75-83



Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2

Schmitt, David; Alcalay, Lidia; Allik, Juri; .. .Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; ... Kardum, Igor

Psychological Topics - 26 89-137

Q4 A1


Assortative mating for psychopathy components and its effects on the relationship quality in intimate partners

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Gračanin, Asmir; Mehić, Nermina

Psychological Topics - 26 211-239

Q4 A1


Parasympathetic concomitants of habitual, spontaneous, and instructed emotional suppression.

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Journal of Psychophysiology - 31 78-89



Lokus kontrole i tjelesno zdravlje

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Krapić, Nada

Klinička psihologija - 9 271-292



Eksperimentalna provjera uloge heuristika u moralnom prosuđivanju

Mehić, Nermina; Kardum, Igor

Psihologijske teme - 25 381-403

Q4 A1


Efekti i mehanizmi djelovanja čvrstoće ličnosti na zdravlje

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Krapić Nada

Psihologijske teme - 25 499-517

Q4 A1


The effects of birth order on five-factor personality traits in early adolescents.

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities - 63-72



Dark triad traits and health outcomes: An exploratory study.

Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I., Mehić, N.

Psychological Topics - 25 129-156



Concurrent and longitudinal effects of personality traits on coping styles in adolescence: The moderating role of family functioning.

Krapić, N., Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I.

The Sixth International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities, Proceedings of the Congress - 1 130-139


Why crying does and sometimes does not seem to alleviate mood: A quasi-experimental study.

Gračanin, A., Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M., Kardum, I., Zupčić, M., Šimić, M., Šantek, M.

Motivation and Emotion. - 39 953-960



Human life history dimensions in reproductive strategies are intuitive across culture

Daniel J. Kruger; Maryanne L. Fisher; De Backer Charlotte; Igor Kardum; Martin Tetaz; Sigal Tifferet

Human Ethology Bulletin - 30 109-120


Stress in adolescence: effects on development

Krapić, Nada; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences - 23 562-569


Personality and mate poaching experiences

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Schmitt, David; Grundler, Petra

Personality and Individual Differences - 75 7-12



Stres u svakodnevnom životu i temeljni afekt: provjera Dinamičkoga model afekta

Križanić, Valerija; Kardum, Igor; Knezović, Zvonimir

Društvena istraživanja - 23 469-488



The interactive effects of personality and emotional suppression on sympathetic activation

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Journal of Individual Differences - 34 193-202



Efekti anksioznosti i depresivnosti na prepoznavanje emocionalnih izraza lica( The Effects of Anxiety and Depression on the Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions )

Milovanović, Tamara; Švegar, Domagoj; Kardum, Igor

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 22 (2013), 1; 29-49


Happy Face Superiority Effect in Change Detection Paradigm

Švegar, Domagoj; Kardum, Igor; Polič, Marko

Psychological Topics (1332-0742) 22 (2013), 2; 249-269


Učestalost nekih aspekata preotimanja partnera i njihova povezanost sa socioseksualnosti( The frequency of some aspects of mate poaching and their relationships with sociosexuality )

Grundler, Petra; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja (1330-0288) 22 (2013), 1; 63-78


Osjećaj koherentnosti i tjelesno zdravlje( Sense of coherence and physical health )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knezevic, Jasna

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 21 (2012), 2; 249-271


Diagnostic accuracy of heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) and glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) in diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in patients with acute coronary syndrome

Čubranić, Zlatko; Madžar, Željko; Matijević, Sanja; Dvornik, Štefica; Fišić, Elizabeta; Tomulić, Vjekoslav; Kunišek, Juraj; Laškarin, Gordana; Kardum, Igor; Zaputović, Luka

Biochemia Medica (1330-0962) 22 (2012), 2; 225-236


The Structure of Hardiness, its Measurement Invariance across Gender and Relationships with Personality Traits and Mental Health Outcomes

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knezevic, Jasna; Krapic, Nada

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 21 (2012), 3; 487-507


Relationships between five-factor personality traits and specific health-related personality dimensions

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knezevic, Jasna

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (1697-2600) 12 (2012), 3; 373-387


Evolucijska psihologija i nasilje( Evolutionary psychology and violence )

Kardum, Igor


Crte ličnosti kao prediktori nasilja u ljubavnim vezama( Personality traits as predictors of violence in romantic relationships )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir


Hipotetski model specifičnih osobina vrhunskih sportaša u momčadskim sportskim igrama( Hypotethical model of specific characteristics of top-quality athletes in team sports games )

Trninić, Slavko; Kardum, Igor; Mlačić, Boris

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 19 (2010), 3; 463-485


Childhood and adulthood traumatic experiences in patients with psoriasis

Simonić, Edita; Kaštelan, Marija; Peternel, Sandra; Pernar, Mirjana; Brajac, Ines; Rončević-Gržeta, Ika; Kardum, Igor

Journal of dermatology (0385-2407) 37 (2010), 9; 793-800


Odnos crta ličnosti s izloženošću zlostavljanju vršnjaka kod učenika osnovne škole( The relations between personality traits and exposure to peer bullying in elementary school children )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir


Perfekcionizam, privatna svijest o sebi, negativan afekt i izbjegavanje kao odrednice prejedanja( Perfectionism, Private Self-Consciousness, Negative Affect and Avoidance as Determinants of Binge Eating )

Pokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra; Tkalčić, Mladenka; Kardum, Igor; Šajina, Šarlota; Kukić, Miljana

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 18 (2009), 1-2; 111-128


Konceptualni i metodološki problemi u ispitivanjima odnosa ličnosti i tjelesnog zdravlja( Conceptual and Methodological Problems in the Research Examininig the Relation between Personality and Physical Health )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 18 (2009), 1-2; 3-24


Five-factor personality dimension and three health-related personality constructs as predictors of health

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Croatian Medical Journal (0353-9504) 50 (2009), 4; 394-402


Odnos crta ličnosti i sposobnosti s profesionalnim interesima( Relationship Between Personality Traits, Intelligence and Vocational Interests )

Krapić, Nada; Kardum, Igor; Kristofić, Barbara

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 17 (2008), 1; 75-91


Antecedents and consequences of agentic and communal stressful life events in early adolescence

Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 17 (2008), 1; 133-153


Evolutionary Explanation of Eating Disorders

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Psihologijske teme - Psychological Topics (1332-0742) 17 (2008), 2; 247-263


Dimenzije ličnosti i religioznost kao prediktori socioseksualnosti kod žena i muškaraca( Personality traits and religiousness as predictors of sociosexuality in women and men )

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 17 (2008), 3; 505-528


Relations between dispositional expressivity and physiological changes during acute positive and negative affect

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Psihologijske teme (Psychological Topics) (1332-0742) 16 (2007), 2; 311-328


HIV-transmission knowledge, five-factor personality traits and psychopathy as determinats of risky sexual behaviors

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Review of psychology (1330-6812) 14 (2007), 2; 139-152


The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations

Schmitt, David; Allik, Juri; McCrae, Robert; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor et al.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (0022-0221) 38 (2007), 2; 173-212


Odnos dimenzija petofaktorskog modela ličnosti i emocionalnih stanja( Relations between dimensions of the five-factor model of personality and mood )

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir; Krapić, Nada

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 16 (2007), 1-2; 135-156


Sociosexuality and mate retention in romantic couples

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Gračanin, Asmir

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 15 (2006), 2; 277-296


Odnos crta ličnosti i stilova privrženosti s različitim aspektima seksualnosti kod žena i muškaraca( Relations of personality traits and attachment styles with different aspects of sexuality in men and women )

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 15 (2006), 1; 101-128


Burnout in dispositional context: The role of personality traits, social support and coping styles

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Krapić Nada; Kardum, Igor

Review of Psychology (1330-6812) 13 (2006), 2; 65-73


Primarne emocije kao modularni mehanizmi ljudskog uma( Primary emotions as modular mechanisms of the human mind )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor


The sources of stress and coping styles as mediators and moderators of the relationship between personality traits and physical symptoms

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Kalebić Maglica, Barbara

Review of Psychology (1330-6812) 12 (2005); 91-101


Odnos između osjećaja koherentnosti i subjektivnih zdravstvenih ishoda( Relationship between sense of coherence and subjective health outcomes )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kola, Ana

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 14 (2005), 2; 79-94


Odnos pridjevske i upitničke mjere dimenzija petofaktorskog modela ličnosti( The relation between adjective and questionnaire measures of the five factor model of personality dimensions )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 13 (2004), 1; 33-46


Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: The effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person's partner

Schmitt, David; Alcalay, Lidia; Allik, Juri; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Journal of personality and social psychology (0022-3514) 86 (2004), 4; 560-584


Povezanost Eysenckovih dimenzija ličnosti i dimenzija emocionalne kontrole s tjelesnim simptomima( Relations between Eysenck's personality dimensions, dimensions of emotional control and physical symptoms )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kalebić, Barbara

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 13 (2004); 989-1010


Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and of other pancultural constructs?

Schmitt, David; Alcalay, Lidia; Allensworth, Melisa; Hudek-Knežević Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Journal of cross-cultural psychology (0022-0221) 35 (2004), 4; 367-402


Emocije kao adaptacije: pregled evolucijskih shvaćanja emocija( Emotions as adaptations: Review of evolutionary conceptions of emotions )

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir


Evolucijski pristup u psihologiji ličnosti( Evolutionary approach in personality psychology )

Kardum, Igor


Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands

Schmitt, David; Alcalay, Lidia; Allik, Juri; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Journal of personality and social psychology (0022-3514) 85 (2003), 1; 85-104


Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions

Schmitt, David; Alcalay, Lidia; Allensworth, Melissa; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Personal relationships (1350-4126) 10 (2003), 3; 307-331


Stilovi suočavanja sa stresom kod adolescenata: konstrukcija i validacija upitnika( Coping with stress in adolescents: Construction and validation of coping inventory )

Krapić, Nada; Kardum, Igor

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 12 (2003), 5; 825-846


Emocije i raspoloženja: sličnosti, razlike i međusobni odnosi( Emotions and moods: Similarities, differences and relationships between them )

Kardum, Igor

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 11 (2002); 21-39


Odnos optimizma i pesimizma sa zdravstvenim ponašanjima kod bolesnika oboljelih od srčanoga infarkta( Relations between optimism, pessimism and health-related behaviours in patients with myocardial infarction )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kajdi, Ivanka

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 11 (2002); 39-48


Relations among social support, coping, and negative affect in hospitalized and nonhospitalized cancer patients

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Pahljina, Rosanda

Journal of psychosocial oncology (0734-7332) 20 (2002), 2; 45-63


Absolute and relative accuracy in the retrospective estimate of positive and negative mood

Kardum, Igor; Tićac Daskijević, Koraljka

European journal of psychological assessment (1015-5759) 17 (2001), 1; 69-77


Personality traits, stressful life events, and coping styles in early adolescence

Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Personality and individual differences (0191-8869) 30 (2001), 3; 503-515


Stres, imunološko funkcioniranje i zdravlje( Stress, immune functioning and health )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Psihologijske teme (1332-0742) 8-9 (2000), 1; 3-28


Efekti evaluacije i aktivacije na pamćenje afektivnih podražaja( The effects of evaluation and activation on remembering affective stimuli )

Kardum, Igor; Obrić, Suzana

Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja (1330-0288) 9 (2000), 1; 115-136


The effects of dispositional and situational coping, perceived social support and cognitive appraisal on immediate and delayed outcomes

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

European journal of psychological assessment (1015-5759) 16 (2000), 3; 190-201


Efekti percipiranog stresa i stilova suočavanja na tjelesne simptome( Effects of perceived stress and coping strategies on physical symptoms )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Lesić, Romana

Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja (1330-0288) 8 (1999), 4; 543-561


The structure of coping styles: a comparative study of Croatian sample

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Vukmirović, Žarko

European journal of personality (0890-2070) 13 (1999), 2; 149-161


Affect intensity and frequency: Their relation to mean level and variability of positive and negative affect and Eysenck's personality traits

Kardum, Igor

Personality and individual differences (0191-8869) 26 (1999), 1; 33-47


Odnos između strategija suočavanja i raspoloženja tijekom stresne transakcije( The relation between coping strategies and moods during stressful transaction )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Martinac, Tamara

Društvena istraživanja (1330-0288) 7 (1998), 4-5; 559-579


A model of coping with conflicts between occupational and family roles: Structural analysis

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Personality and Individual Differences (0191-8869) 21 (1996), 3; 355-372


Styles of handling interpersonal conflict in various social interactions

Pokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra; Kardum, Igor; Sušanj, Zoran

Studia Psychologica (0039-3320) 38 (1996); 163-176


The predictors of job and family involvement: an exploratory study on a sample of employed women

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Sušanj, Zoran

Studia Psychologica (0039-3320) 38 (1996), 1-2; 67-77


The relationship between Eysenck's personality traits, coping styles and moods

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Personality and individual differences (0191-8869) 20 (1996), 3; 341-350


The relationship between gender, sex-role orientation, vocational interests and leisure activity prefrences

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Tkalčić, Mladenka; Kardum, Igor

Studia Psychologica (0039-3320) 37 (1995); 325-334


Mjerenje stilova rješavanja interpersonalnih konflikata u različitim socijalnim interakcijama: adaptacija i validacija skale( Measurement of styles of handling interpersonal conflict in different social interactions: adaptation and validation of the scale )

Pokrajac, Alessandra; Kardum, Igor; Sušanj, Zoran

Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju (1330-108X) 1 (1993); 107-113



Psihosocijalne odrednice tjelesnog zdravlja: I. Stres i tjelesno zdravlje

Autor knjige

Naklada Slap Jastrebarsko


Evolucija i ljudsko ponašanje

Autor knjige

Naklada Jesenski i Turk Zagreb

Invited Lectures


Evolucijska teorija i ličnost: suvremeni trendovi

Igor Kardum



Evolucijska psihologija i nasilje

Igor Kardum


Conference Presentations


Facial emotion recognition in violent men: The role of female expression of disgust in sexual coercion

Švegar, D., Horvat, K. i Kardum, I.

13th Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Pecs, Mađarska


Dark Triad traits and mate retention behaviors in romantic couples: Actor-partner interdependence model.

Mehić, N., Kardum, I. i Hudek-Knežević, J.

13th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference Ljubljana, Slovenija


The effects of family support and offspring quality on mother's mood after delivery

Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I. i Kalebić Maglica, B.

13th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference Ljubljana, Slovenija


Actor-partner interdependence modelling of the effects of sociosexuality on relationship satisfaction

Gračanin, A., Kardum, I. i Hudek-Knežević, J.

9th Alps-Adria Conference in Psychology Ljubljana, Slovenia


Similarities in sociosexuality and their effects on the relationship quality in dating couples

Gračanin, A., Kardum , I., Hudek-Knežević, J. i Mehić, N.

19th European conference on Personality Zadar, Hrvatska


Can life history strategy predict assortment in personality traits?

Gračanin, A., Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Krapić, N. i Mehić, N.

13th Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, EHBEA Pécs, Madžarska.


Five-factor personality traits as predictors of smoking in early adolescence – implications for health education

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Krapić, N. & Kalebic Maglica, B.

The International Academic Conference on Learning and E-learning Budapest, Hungary


The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Croatian adaptation and conceptual validation

Kardum, I., Gračanin, A.

International Society for Research on Emotion Conference St. Louis, SAD


The effects of emotion regulation on relationship satisfaction: Actor-partner interdependence modelling

Gračanin, A., Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J.

3rd World Conference on Personality Hanoi, Vijetnam


Actor-partner interdependence modelling of the effects of the Dark Triad traits on the relationship satisfaction

Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I., Krapić, N.

International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conference Firenca, Italija


Efekti sličnosti u crtama ličnosti na zaštitna zdravstvena ponašanja heteroseksualnih parova

Mehić, Nermina; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

26. Godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa Opatija, Hrvatska


Dark Triad traits and assortative mating in mate retention: Variable- and couple-centered approach

Mehić, Nermina; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Korman, Mihaela

12th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference Rijeka, Croatia


The „mere proximity effect” in the context of anti-fat prejudices among children

Kalebić Maglica, Barbara; Kardum, Igor; Čulić, Ana

12th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference Rijeka, Croatia


Longitudinal stability of coping styles in adolescence

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Krapić, Nada; Kardum, Igor

12th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference Rijeka, Croatia


The effects of birth order on five-factor personality traits in early adolescents

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

The International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities Prague, Czech Republic


Efekti crta tamne trijade, dobi i stresa na sindrom izgaranja na poslu kod srednjoškolskih nastavnika

Bradić, Sanja; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

26. Godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa Opatija, Hrvatska


Efekti crta ličnosti tamne trijade i njihove sličnosti među partnerima na procjenu kvalitete ljubavne veze.

Mehić, N., Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Čović. M.

20. Dani psihologije. Zadar, Hrvatska.


Personality and contacts with the obese as predictors of attitudes and beliefs about obese persons.

Kalebić Maglica, B., Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I., Krapić, N.

18 th European Conference in Personality Timisoara, Romania.


Concurrent and longitudinal effects of personality traits on coping styles in adolescence: The moderating role of family functioning.

Krapić, N., Hudek-Knežević, J., Kardum, I.

The Sixth International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities. Vienna, Austria.


Odnos crta ličnosti tamne trijade sa subjektivnim i objektivnim indikatorima zdravlja.

Kardum, I., Hudek-Knežević, J., Mehić, N.

23. Godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa. Šibenik, Hrvatska.


Five-factor personality traits as predictors of the onset and the frequency of smoking in primary and secondary school children

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Kalebić Maglica, Barbara; Krapić, Nada

Youth mental health: From continuity of psychopathology to continuity of care Venice, Italy


Why crying does and sometimes does not seem to alleviate mood: A quasi-experimental study

Gračanin, Asmir; Vingerhoets, Ad; Kardum, Igor; Zupčić, Marina; Šantek, Maja; Šimić, Mia.

Consortium of European Research on Emotion Conference Berlin, Germany


Efekti izraza lica na točnost i brzinu određivanja spola modela

Fiamengo, Nadalia; Švegar, Domagoj; Kardum, Igor

XIX. Dani psihologije u Zadru Zadar

Izloženost i reaktivnost na stresne događaje kao medijatori i/ili moderatori efekata ličnosti na ishode( Exposure and reactivity to stressful events as mediators and/or moderators of the effects of personality on outcomes )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Emocije u kontekstu evolucijske psihologije( Emotions in the context of evolutionary psychology )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor

Odnos između emocionalne kontrole, stresnih događaja i tjelesnih simptoma u ranoj adolescenciji( Relationship between emotional control, stressful events and physical symptoms in early adolescents )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Juretić, Jasminka; Kalebić, Barbara

Burnout in nurses: The role of personality traits, social support and coping styles

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Krapić, Nada; Kardum, Igor

Odnos dimenzija petofaktorskog modela ličnosti i stilova privrženosti s različitim aspektima seksualnosti( Relations of five-factor personality traits and attachment styles with different aspects of sexuality )

Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Dimenzije ličnosti i znanje o prenošenju HIV-a kao prediktori rizičnih seksualnih ponašanja( Personality traits and HIV-transmission knowledge as predictors of risky sexual behaviors )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Meta-constructs of personality-coping in prediction of different aspects of subjective health

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Odnos dispozicijske ekspresivnosti i fizioloških promjena tokom akutnog pozitivnog i negativnog afekta( The relationship between dispositional expressivity and physiological changes during acute positive and negative affect )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Petofaktorski model ličnosti kao okvir za istraživanje odnosa između ličnosti i zdravlja( Five-factor model of personality as a framework for research in personality-health relationships )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Crte ličnosti i emocionalna kontrola kod učenika osnovnih škola izloženih zlostavljanju vršnjaka( Personality traits and emotional control in elementary school children exposed to peer bullying )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir

Osobine petofaktorskoga modela i konstrukti ličnosti višega reda vezani uz zdravlje kao prediktori zdravstvenih pokazatelja( Five-factor personality traits and three higher-order personality constructs as predictors of health outcomes )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

The effects of personality traits and suppression of positive emotion on physiological changes

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Efekti crta ličnosti i emocionalne supresije na fiziološke promjene( Effects of personality traits and emotional suppression on physiological changes )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Odnos pozitivnog i negativnog raspoloženja s autonomnom kontrolom srčane aktivnosti( Relationship of positive and negative mood with autonomous control of heart acitivity )

Tončić, Marko; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir

Uparivanje po sličnosti u socioseksualnosti( Assortative mating in sociosexuality )

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Gračanin, Asmir

The moderating role of the emotional valence on the relationship between big five personality dimensions and parasympathetic activity

Gračanin, Asmir; Tončić, Marko; Kardum, Igor

Odnos između emocionalne kontrole, percepcije stresa i sagorijevanja na poslu kod medicinskih sestara( Relationship between emotional control, perceived stress and burnout in hospital nurses )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Krapić, Nada

Petofaktorski model ličnosti, stres, suočavanje i tjelesni simptomi u ranoj adolescenciji( Five-factor personality model, stress, coping and physical symptoms in early adolescence )

Kalebic Maglica, Barbara; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor

Big-five personality traits and religiosity as predictors of sociosexuality in men and women

Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Gračanin, Asmir

Promjene u aktivaciji parasimpatikusa pri doživljavanju i iskazivanju pozitivnog i negativnog afekta( Changes in parasymphatetic activation during experiencing and expressing positive and negative affect )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Crte ličnosti kao prediktori nasilja u ljubavnim vezama( Personality Traits as Predictors of Violence in Romantic Relationships )

Hudek-Knežević, Jasna; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir

Odnos raspoloženja i autonomne kontrole srčane aktivnosti( Relationship between Mood and Autonomic Control of Heart Activity )

Tončić, Marko; Kardum, Igor; Gračanin, Asmir

Traits of Anxiety, Angry Hostility and Depression Predict Parasympathetic Activity during Negative but not Positive Emotion

Gračanin, Asmir; Musek, Janek; Kardum, Igor

Efekti emocionalne supresije i ponovne kognitivne procjene na aktivaciju simpatikusa( The Effects of Emotional Suppression and Reappraisal on Sympathetic Activation )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Vehovec, Tea; Babić, Tanja; Cek, Maša

Odnos između spontane emocionalne supresije i simpatičke aktivacije( Relationship between Spontaneous Emotional Suppression and Sympathetic Activation )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Babić, Tanja; Cek, Maša; Vehovec, Tea

Odnosi između crta ličnosti, strategija regulacije emocija i aktivacije parasimpatikusa( Relations between Personality Traits, Emotion-Regulation Strategies and Parasympathetic Activation )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor

Promjene u vagalnoj aktivnosti pri supresiji emocija( Changes in Vagal Activation during Emotional Suppression )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor

Efekti anksioznosti i depresivnosti na prepoznavanje emocionalnih izraza lica( The Effects of Anxiety and Depression on the Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions )

Milovanović, Tamara; Švegar, Domagoj; Kardum, Igor

Učestalost nekih aspekata preotimanja partnera i njihova povezanost sa socioseksualnosti( The frequency of some aspects of mate poaching and their relationships with sociosexuality )

Grundler, Petra; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

(S)ličnost i redoslijed rođenja: Analiza između i unutar obitelji( Personality and birth order: Analysis between and within families )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Hudek-Knežević, Jasna

Mjere spontane emocionalne regulacije i aktivacija simpatikusa( Measures of spontaneous emotion regulation and sympathetic activation )

Gračanin, Asmir; Kardum, Igor; Cek, Maša; Vehovec, Tea; Babić, Tanja

Happy face superiority effect in cognitive processing

Švegar, Domagoj; Kardum, Igor

Mentoring doctoral students

2009. - 2010.

Change detection of facial emotional expressions

Domagoj Švegar

Doktorski studij na Odsjeku za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani

Date of degree: 28. 10. 2010.

Organisation of Conferences and Symposia

2008. -

4th European Conference on Positive Psychology

Opatija Član organizacijskog odbora

2004. -

12. godišnja konferencije hrvatskih psihologa "Psiholog i zajednica"

Opatija Član programskog odbora

1996. -

4. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa

Opatija Član organizacijskog odbora

1994. -

Upotreba elektroničkih računala u psihologiji

Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci Član organizacijskog odbora

Journal Editor

2013. -

Glavni urednik tematskog broja časopisa "Psychological Topics" pod nazivom "Emotions: Evolution, Physiology and Expression"

2009. -

Član savjeta časopisa "Klinička psihologija"

2009. -

Glavni urednik tematskog broja časopisa "Društvena istraživanja" pod nazivom "Biopsihosocijalni pristup tjelesnom zdravlju"

2006. -

Glavni urednik tematskog broja časopisa "Psychological Topics" pod nazivom "Evolutionary Psychology"

1997. - 2000.

Član uredništva časopisa "Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju"

1994. - 1996.

Glavni urednik časopisa "Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju"

1992. -

Član uredništva časopisa "Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju"

Peer Reviews


Buss, D.M. (2012). Evolucijska psihologija – Nova znanost o umu. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.


Reeve, J. (2010). Razumijevanje motivacije i emocija. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.


Pervin, L., Cervone, J. (2008). Psihologija ličnosti: teorije i istraživanja. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.


Larsen, R.J., Buss, D.M. (2008). Psihologija ličnosti. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.


Bio sam recenzent različitih programa i projekata koje financira «Hrvatska zaklada za znanost"


Recenzirao sam nekoliko preddiplomskih i diplomskih studijskih programa psihologije (studije psihologije na Hrvatskim studijima, Filozofskom fakultetu u Osijeku i Sveučilištu u Zadru).


Bio sam član Prosudbene skupine Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta za evaluaciju projekata iz područja psihologije te recenzent znanstvenih projekata iz područja psihologije i srodnih znanosti predloženih Ministarstvu znanosti, prosvjete i sporta.


Recenzirao sam nekoliko desetaka znanstvenih radova u zbornicima te domaćim i inozemnim časopisima (Psihologijske teme, Društvena istraživanja, Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, Sociologija i prostor, Klinička psihologija, Review of Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Cognition and Emotion).


Research Projects

2010. - 2012.

Educa Human Resources Feedback Tool for Employees, Organisational Scanning and Further Organisational Improvement



2007. - 2013.

Osobine ličnosti, emocionalni i socijalni procesi kao odrednice zdravlja



2007. - 2013.

Dijagnostika specifičnih psihosocijalnih obilježja sportaša u sportskim igrama



2002. -

International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP)


2000. - 2006.

Efekti emocionalnog funkcioniranja na zdravlje



1996. - 1998.

The influence of family climate and personality traits on coping styles and psychological adaptation of school children


RSS Prag

1991. - 1996.

Samopoimanje, emocionalnost i aktualizacija ljudskih potencijala

znanstveni novak, suradnik


1990. - 1991.

Psihosocijalni aspekti čovjekove efikasnosti

znanstveni novak


Research Projects - Project Leader/Principal Investigato

Project subsidies 2014/2016

Research Projects - Project Member/Project Researcher

Project subsidies 2017 - young researchers